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Love Jamaican Style
Love Jamaican Style
Love Jamaican Style
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Love Jamaican Style

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LOVE JAMAICAN STYLE is an exciting and very original manuscript which will be enjoyed greatly. The author has presented an unusual novel which centers around the life and experiences of a young man, Merv. Although Merv already has a woman, a classmate of his (Angie) is deeply in love with him. After graduation, Angie arranges a job for Merv at an importing firm with the hope that he will return her

love. Merv goes to work and soon discovers that this company is actually a front for a drug smuggling operation. When his boss realizes that he has learned the truth, he makes plans to kill

him. The plot becomes further complex when Angie saves Merv; only to be murdered herself. It is only then that Merv realizes that Angie has always loved him, and he now seeks revenge by bringing the smugglers to justice!

A true story of passion and sizzling patriotic adventure as two college

graduates find themselves thrown together in a deadly triangle of love, need, and greed..

Merv was unaware of the intensity of her passion all through the semesters until ... she got him his first job and gave a lot more until she could give no it was his


Angie reached out for Merv in the cell; their bodies touched and passionate sparks flew as their lips met. All protests were silenced by the fires of their hungry kisses and urgent embraces.

Theirs was mutual need..."Oh Merv. Love me please, right now, right here. I don't care, just love me."

PublisherXlibris US
Release dateOct 15, 2001
Love Jamaican Style

McDougal Griffiths

MacDougal was fortunate in winning the battle against typhoid fever, one the prominent infant killers at that time, and entered the previously all white College of munro on a full scholarship. He excelled academically graduating with credits in History and Chemistry. He later studied Chemical Lab Technology at the College of Arts Science and Technology,the university of the West Indies and Columbia. He also holds a degree in Psychology from Caldwell in America, graduating with honors CumLaude, and is a member of the Psychology national honor Society. He works as an analytical chemist while utilizing the few fleeting moments of a spare time to pursue his deep seated passion for writing.He is working on his second book.

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    Love Jamaican Style - McDougal Griffiths

    Copyright © 1994 by McDougo! Griffiths.

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    from the copyright owner.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the

    product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to

    any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    This book was printed in the United States of America.

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    What lies behind you and whatsoever lies

    ahead of you is no comparison to what lies

    within you, so hop to it.

    The day was bright and sunny, with a gentle breeze blowing in land from the sea. The trees surrounding the house were green and the hedges, neatly trimmed, showed signs of care and health. Another school day. Merv was up and gazing through the window. He loved the country. The morning air was fresh and cool.

    Mmmm! he muttered to himself, yawning and stretching his muscles.

    Oh boy, he sighed, taking in a few deep full breaths. The freshness along with his daily exercises helped to make his physique handsomely beautiful. His face, flushed with youthfulness, displayed benign growth beneath his chin; he was looking forward to being with Gloria. Thoughts of her always sent a warm feeling through his loins, and a gentle smile played upon his lips. How long before he could see her nude, really nude?


    Yes, Mama.

    Aren’t you going to school today?

    Yes, Mama.

    Well, then you had better hurry because it will be nine soon.

    Okay, Mama, he answered as he dashed inside the bathroom, hurriedly undressed and sprang beneath the shower.

    The water was cool, sending icy shivers of warmth through his body, and as he lathered the soap he thought, Imagine, it’s my last year at high school—my last few days and Gloria’s too, and I don’t even know the type of panties she wears. Well, I’ll be darned if I don’t find out at the end-of-term ball.

    A few minutes later, he was out of the shower and into his school uniform. His khakis were brown and fitted him well, outlining his neatly trimmed waist and his fairly broad shoulders and back. Apart from two large and ugly scars on his left foot, which he got from jumping into the river, Merv’s skin was cool and deeply tanned; his hair black and neatly trimmed. God blessed the strong chromosomes of his mother. They showed. Breakfast was the usual milo and buttered bread, with Mama’s fried muffins.

    Mmm, Mama, this is so nice, Merv chirped.

    Good boy, eat up quickly, she smiled, pointing to his plate.

    Merv was through in a jiffy, brushed his teeth, and was kissing his mother goodbye.

    Bye, Mama.

    Bye, son.

    Merv skipped lightly along the road, his eyes searching the road for some sign of Gloria. She was not on the road. Maybe she is already at school, he thought.

    Hi, Merv, one of his friends shouted, dashing quickly from across the street.

    Hi, Calvin, he answered.

    Did you see how Brazil drew with Argentina last night? Merv, I didn’t think for a moment that there could be a draw.

    Merv didn’t answer for a moment, then he stopped and, poking his finger at Calvin, said, Look, Calvin, Brazil’s team is young, and it’s going to take a while for the players to understand each other and come up with a teamwork formula. With a lot of dedication and hard work, they should be in great shape for the next World Cup.

    Man, you really think so? I was figuring that maybe Brazil is all washed up.

    Merv laughed, shaking his head in disbelief. Man, you’re crazy! You see, they just got started, you know, a sort of football rebirth—you just wait and see what will happen after they have redeveloped into another winning machine.

    They approached the school gate and there was still no sign of Gloria. Merv felt a twinge of disappointment. Paris, his best friend, was sitting on the wall. Merv changed direction, waving to Calvin as he went and sat beside Paris. Paris studied Merv’s features before he spoke.

    What’s up, pal?

    Nothing, Merv answered, breaking a twig—a distant look in his eyes.

    Going to footy practice this evening?

    Merv shrugged, Maybe.

    Why maybe, man? What is on your mind? Paris half-shouted. You know how Walty is depending on us, you especially. Saturday is finals and we can’t afford to miss an evening.

    I know, Merv answered, getting up. By the way, did you see Gee on your way to school?

    No, but I heard her telling Pam last night, something about going to Kingston today and not being back until Friday.

    Thanks, said Merv as he tried to hide his anger by looking away. So that’s the way Gee operates, he thought. Not even a word, yet she claims she loves me. Ah shit! Women were all alike. Just wait and see. I’m going to be mad as hell tomorrow, he whispered to himself. He waved goodbye to Paris.

    Exams passed quickly, and all through the day Merv tried to forget his disappointment by concentrating on his work.

    How were the maths, Dave? Merv asked, falling into step beside


    Fine, Merv, although the blasted Pythagoras theorem had to show, and man, you bet I really kicked that examiner straight downstairs.

    Merv smiled. Dave, a short stocky guy with freckles, was outside right on the football team and was quite brainy too. He always got good grades, and hearing him talk about the maths that way meant that he was surely through.

    Going to the changing room? Merv asked, pointing.

    Yes, Dave answered.

    They continued in silence. Dave admired Merv. To him he was the best striker Stanford ever produced. He scored goals in every match, even when things looked dismal. A lot of the girls liked him too, hard though he was to figure out; but, as they entered the changing room, Dave was still thinking—I wonder how Merv would react if he knew that my sister hated his guts just because he never seemed to notice her.

    Angella was changing for her netball practice. She saw her brother Dave and Merv enter the changing room. She couldn’t help wanting Merv He had the warmest and most dazzling smile around and everybody just loved him. She wished she could get close—or feel those arms. She had no idea, then, just how soon that was going to be.

    Hey, Angie, Janet called, are you going to Mitzie’s party tonight? I hear that the football team is invited too.

    Is that so, Jan? replied Angie, her eyes beaming with pure delight.

    Yes! She told me after lunch today. I wonder if Calvin and Merv will come?

    I certainly hope so, cooed Angie, remembering that Gloria was in Kingston and wouldn’t be back until the following day. She thought maybe Merv would notice her tonight. After all, when the cat’s away the mice will play. Oh heavens, why shouldn’t they?

    She smiled and touched her breasts. They were nicely shaped and fitted very well with the rest of her body. Well now, didn’t most boys like girls with nice busts? I’ll teach Mr. Merv to pay me more attention. Janet, what are you wearing tonight?

    Well, what are you going to wear tonight? Janet teased. Well, said Janet, lifting her chin proudly, hands on her hips, I am going to wear my hot pants, the one you know; it’s the blue jean type with the sexy stickers. My aunt bought it in Kingston for me. Honey, that’s the in-thing now.

    Angie smiled. Now that sounds sexy, but I’m going to wear my white midi skirt and blouse with the sexy low cut between the breasts and the belts in the loop matching the tall-heeled white shoe Mum brought from Canada, and I’m going to wear African plaits too, like Gloria. What do you think about that?

    Mmmm, murmured Jan, that’s beautiful. See you later.

    Okay, Jan.

    The girls separated, Angie running quickly towards the playfield. Passing the football field, she saw Dave and Merv heading the ball to each other. It was spectacular. She stopped, watching for a moment. She could hardly suppress the excitement she felt as Merv flicked the ball from one foot to the other and on his head. He didn’t even glance in her direction once. She felt completely deflated as she walked

    towards the netball court. Thank God Gee was in Kingston. * * *

    Gloria just came in from the store and as she set about to play the records she bought, her thoughts were of Merv. How was she going to explain that this trip was sudden? It was too sudden, she never had time to tell him. Couldn’t she have left a message? This thought brought a sudden gasp to her throat. Suppose he asked her that, what could she say? She forgot or it never occurred to her. Merv would be mad. She knew that and she could feel the sudden beating of her heart. She loved Merv, but Merv was really funny. Like most Jamaicans, he was a swinger, gay and full of life, but unlike some, he felt she was his only girl. This thought gave her a feeling of consolation—a vague feeling he might understand. The record was finished long ago, yet it went unnoticed. Not until her aunt pinched her did she realize that she was daydreaming.

    Hey, Cinderella, her aunt called, is the Prince still alive?

    Gloria smiled. Sorry, Aunty, she said, changing the record.

    Her aunt nodded and went back into the kitchen. She did not fail to notice how deeply flushed Gloria’s cheeks were at the asking of the question. Whoever he is, she hoped he would be the right one to make her happy.

    Gloria sat cross-legged in front of the stereo. She was wearing red shorts with a perforated white blouse which clearly outlined the curves of her breasts, and her hair, dark with fringes of yellowish brown, all knotted together behind her head. Her legs were brown and shapely, carrying on top wide hips which gave way to a deep cleft on either side just below her busts. She had the figure of her mother—a retired model now vacationing in the United States of America. She took up the small handbag she often carried and from a zipped inner pocket extracted a small handbook. She flicked the pages mechanically until Merv’s picture seemed to leap out towards her. I wonder what he is thinking now, she thought. She really hated to hurt him because he was always kind to her and secondly, beneath that cool and dazzling smile, he was very sensitive indeed. She took out the bottle of cologne she bought for him. Holding it up, then hugging it close to her, she said softly, Big Wheel, I hope you help to soothe his anger. Her mind flashed back to their first row.

    It was a Saturday evening and Merv was going to the bank in Santa Cruz, which was twenty miles away. She had gone to a nearby village—five miles away. Merv called to see her on his way. Hello, baby, you look so good. I’m just dying to get close to you. I’m going to the bank, but I hope to be back soon, so I’ll be waiting for you over at Bennett’s pub. Okay?

    What time will you be coming?

    Oh, I’d say around five-thirty, he replied.

    Okay, love, I’ll be waiting. Merv just stood there and for a moment, their eyes were locked in a steady gaze, as if they were alone—completely unaware of their environment. He had kissed her on the mouth then, bringing a quick flush to her cheeks. She had remained rooted to the spot for a fleeting moment, savoring the sweetness and the mounting excitement she felt at the thrill of such a simple kiss.

    She went through her guardian’s errands in a daze and looked up in shocked amazement at the time—5:30. She dashed out into the street, her thoughts in a complete whirl, and was brought sharply down to earth by the loud screeching of brakes and tires behind her, and a shout, Damn you. You stupid? Blind? Why don’t you look where you are going, you flipping deaf mute? the man shouted, blowing the horn incessantly as he came to a stop, deadly inches from her, his face contorted with rage. She gasped and ran towards the bus. It was quite a while after she was seated by the window at the back that she noticed that her hands were shaking convulsively, and her heart was beating faster. She felt the throbs and saw the bouncy movements of her chest reflecting the rhythm. It was crazy. She could have been killed. The very thought of it made her uneasy as the bus traveled along the road clothed with sugarcanes on both sides. It was also a market day and the road was

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