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Ledgends of Red Eye: The Devil's Den
Ledgends of Red Eye: The Devil's Den
Ledgends of Red Eye: The Devil's Den
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Ledgends of Red Eye: The Devil's Den

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Ledgends Of Red Eye

Part 1
They say that when your young, that you progress more in life. I guess meaning you learn faster, and easier. I dont see it that way. I think you learn as you go, and learn from watching people. Also maybe from there mistakes they make in life. They say your determination will give you greater rewards in life if you push it. I dont see it that way. This is about Rob growing up. He took down a club in the mist of learning the ways of the game, until he had to move. Due to the mafia

Part 2

The evil presents grow stronger that it lived in there town without anyone to know. They came from a small part of the outer city of town in the back roads. The road was Lonesome Road. This is where Rob found his real dad after being under witness protection. Plus were he moved. after part 2. But evil presents followed.

Part 3
Before Part 3: My Book found that moving away didnt help the battle. Rob was facing his fear that was the challenge. Plus meeting his father and James was heart found! When he left all hell broke loose, as friend after friend passed away. Even with the CIA putting them in safe houses, and entering into new lives. Still couldnt keep them apart.
So I ask you what you think will happen. As they all return to the city. Sit back read, and let the book take you to another world. My world!
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateJan 18, 2007
Ledgends of Red Eye: The Devil's Den

Letton Edgington

Letton Edgington, “Single & Looking”, is a graduate of Ecot Private School. He was born on December 8th , 1983 and was raised in Saint Paris Ohio. He’s an avid fan of Clint Eastwood and likes War movies. His favorite music are “Rock and Rap” and loves to read the book, “The Pearl/Hamlet”.

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    Ledgends of Red Eye - Letton Edgington

    Copyright © 2007 by Letton Edgington.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

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    PART 1










    PART 2







    PART 3





    No one is ever born into Life alone. Everyone has shared the bond of family, at least at birth, and for many people it is a bond that will follow them throughout life. For many people it is the most important bond of all. That’s why I dedicate this to my family. For raising me, and those that are gone.

    PART 1


    They say that when your young, that you progress more in live. I guess meaning you learn faster, and easier. I don’t see it that way. I think you learn as you go, and learn from watching people. Also maybe from there mistakes they make in life. They say your determination will give you greater rewards in life if you push it. I don’t see it that way! I think its fate! A genetic gift passed down. I mean you take someone’s personality and compare it to your father, or even your mother. You genetically get the gift of a talent, that they to got passed down. Some times it’s a mental illness, but whatever it is you can bet you got it for a reason.

    You will learn about a boy named Rob that doesn’t realize but he gets tangled up in the bad streets of New York, as he takes down one of the most dominate clubs in the district.

    You will follow him as he meets new people in the book that are friends and enemies. Rob 17 is a good boy, but gets tangled into the club scene. In that’s where my story begins.


    Kids are funny when they grow up. They strive to be something, and want attention. When you’re an adult it’s not the same. Adults have a little bit of a kid in them, but there work is the asset to raise that child. Also to give the kid what they need. So they can show they can make that progress, and be something in life. That is part of the attention they ask for, and get from the Adult. This is mainly the parent.

    Rob was a shy kid that grew up in the New York area, but stayed by his self most of the time in a library. He was a smart kid though. He loved politics! His dad divorced his mother when he was 7. Now at the age of 17 he lived with his mother in a low standard apartment. Carol 45 was a sales rep for a small broker firm in New York New York. She was always busy. She worked there for a little over 5 years, and when the divorce happened they moved there. She was a small woman with Blonde hair blue eyes. The same as Rob, but he had dark eye brows. Meaning in the future he would have darker hair.

    His dad took off and was never around. Carol and Rob made it day by day, and was lucky to pay the bills. Carol worked a 9-5 job, and school was not hard for Rob. I guess it was the friend’s part, because he didn’t have the things like the other kids had. But his teachers seen the talent in him, and knew one day he could be something special. Rob was not the type to be active in class. He never sayed anything or raised his hand, but it was in his work they noticed it. They informed his mother about it. She was very proud with his grades that they mentally without him knowing it challenged him.

    After school he would go to the magazine booth after school, and talk to Dan about things that were on his mind. Dan was like a big brother since he had no father figure around. He would stay till 3, and then get over to the library. He would do his home work.

    He was very into stocks! So when he was done with his home work, he would get on the computer in the local library. He would talk to people about the economy. This is something that most kids wouldn’t do, but Rob was different. With no friends it gave him a way to communicate with the outside world. But with him only 17 it was different for people in chat! They where much older, but they realized his smarts. Some even took his advice, and listened to him. Rob thought of these people as one of his own. Like a family and friends he never had.

    Rob his second year in the chat session, learned a lot about stocks. They also taught him a lot. After the library Rob would go home. He didn’t like it there, because it was so small, and Rob always had to be doing something. His mother would come home tired, and talk about her day. Rob would do the same. They would eat and laugh like a home. But it wasn’t that easy. The economy was bad with war going on, and a meal was not special. She didn’t make that much with the job. Meals were mostly what you could microwave, but they always had a good talk at the table.

    Rob would always tell his mom the subject of the day in stock chat, and she would always tell him to be cautious about what you do on there. But she new he was learning with the thing he would talk about. She would hint something about stocks, and he would say something so smart. About how if the congress would do this it would produce more jobs and Carol would just smile. Carol was not a person that dated other men. After the divorce it reminds her of the marriage, and she gave up. Coming from a Catholic family the churches was against it, and her mother Betty always had a hard time dealing with it. She would always ask about things in the marriage, and Carol would always get into it with mom. Carol would look like the black sheep of the family.

    Holiday’s was rough for Carol, and it wasn’t just because of family things. But what she couldn’t give to Rob. On the tight budget, she tried to give him the best Christmas she could. Rob knew it was hard on her. Every year Rob would talk to Dan about his mother. How she would sit up at night and cry on holidays. Dan said it was not because of what life gave her, but what it didn’t bring her. Dan told him that sometimes people cry to let out there anger and feelings.

    Dan was single man black that would be the type of person you would pass, and never get to know. He would be only known as the paper guy. Rob saw something else in him. Dan was tall and had the biggest smile, and didn’t care about anything. Rob looked up to him cause of that. The only thing he dreamed about was living day by day, and thinks about the people. The personalities that come with the person too! Cold in the winter he would explain to him. I have met many people my son. They believe many things, and have different personalities. Rob would always smile at him, and Dan would pull out of his pocket whatever he had. This way Rob would have something for his mother. Rob would always go to the local store, and pick out a candle. Or it could be something little. Dan would always watch him leave in his torn jacket and smile and laugh to his self.

    This year he picked out a little box of chocolate from the store, and he snuck it under his coat when he left the shop. 7th street was where he lived. He would rush to the stoop. He always checked to see if there old Honda was there, but he never seen it. It was about 4:00 pm so she wasn’t off work.

    He leaned down, and pulled a key out from under the mat, and ran up the stairs to the second floor. As he came to B4 he unlock the door, and entered the small two bedroom apartment, and walked down the hallway passed the living room to the left and kept going. The first room on the right was the kitchen, and he entered it. The Refrigerator had a pie pan for the water leaking from it, and the wall paper had stains on it, but it was home to Rob. It might have been dark and looming in the apartment, but they kept it clean!

    He looked for a place to keep it, and hide it in the top of the Refrigerator. His mom was small, and couldn’t reach it. Skipping the library, he had to think of something to say about his day. He finished all his home work at school. It was close to Christmas break, so he was going to tell her about Dan. Dinner was always about 6:30 pm she would rush in the door, and hang her keys up by the door. Rob went back by the door, and hung his coat up, and went in the living room, and turned on the TV. He liked political shows and the news. He liked to check the news about the war over oil and terror.

    He heard someone coming up the steps, and so he shut off the TV and opened the door. He gave his mother a hug. She smiled and asked about her day. She said it was busy, but said I get my bonus the 17th which is Saturday. You will be off the 16th Friday till the 3rd which is Tuesday. I will be going shopping for Christmas the 18th Sunday so you don’t see or find it. Like you did last year! So I want you some where other then the apartment that day. It’s the 15th Thursday! So it won’t be long. Well mom I got your present all ready! They smiled and hugged! Well I will fix a couple TV dinners, and will talk at the table about are days.

    At the table Carol was twittling with her mash potatoes. So tell me how did your classes go? Robbed replied with, I learned in history that not only is it Black History month! But it’s also Lincoln’s birthday in February. Carol smiled and rubbed Rob on the head. Well Carol replied I didn’t learn about history, but I had a chat with my boss. He replied what about? He wants me to take a special assignment. What’s the assignment? Well its better then sitting at a desk answering the phone all day. I would start right away when I get back to work. I wouldn’t get time off, only for Christmas day. But I would get more on the hour for the days I work over, and a small raise that will go into my 401k. But that’s above your head. Rob replied I already know what a 401k is with the chat room I’m in.

    It’s to put back for saving. Congress said that most people don’t put back enough in their 401k that they are in debt, and by the time they retire there’s nothing their! Your right Rob she said. Hey mom you know how I always talk to Dan after school. Honey I don’t know why you talk to him. Because he’s my friend Rob replied. We talk about things that guys talk about. Mom I need a father figure in my life. I know hon that I and your dad are not to gather, but it’s not my fault he left us! I know, but you don’t date and I need someone to talk to. I know I’m sorry I told you not too. I know you like him, and if that makes you feel better then you go ahead and do it. Mom I would like you to meet him. No I will not do that! You just keep me informed of your chats. Like what he talks to you about. Are you done with your dinner? Yeah! Ok says Carol! You do home work and I will wash the dishes. I did my home work at school. Well then you can help me.

    You remember when you were little, and you would sit on the counter. Rob replied I would rather watch TV about the war. Alright you don’t like your mom very well do you laughing. No I just want to see if the treaty went through. Carol yells as she dries the dish you watch too much of that. I know but I like it! They said there were 2 more soldiers dead in a car bomb. You know mom if the President would buy oil from another country, then Iraq oil it would have a down size on there income in there most natural resource, and would stop the terrorist from growing larger. They sell the oil at a higher price, because we buy it. The reason because they know the world needs it. Carol asked were did you get that from. Well mom if they buy they won’t win cause they are killing are soldiers, and we are buying there oil. We pay even more when it gets imported into this country. Then plus the Iraqi government has safe houses. They are helping hide the terrorist, and Bin Laden’s people. The President is just saying that the people over there want peace, and to work with us. This way they have there freedom, but it’s the government over seas in control. The people seem to not care. So tell me said Carol who is going to win this war. I think it will spread! America is sending half of the people that are fighting the war, to the highest schools in the country for Bin Laden and what for?

    I guess your right as she walks in the living room. She grabs the remote and turns off the TV. She says you better get ready for tomorrow. Rob jumps from the couch. He talks to his self. When I’m 18 I’m joining the army, and show them how to win a war. Carol heard it, and just smiled. His room was small a bed dresser, and a night stand. He had political stuff on the walls, and also had the New York Mets posters up on the wall. He pulled from the dresser his clothes, and laid them on top of the dresser. He turned on the night light, and went to bed.

    Rob woke up about 6:30 am it was Friday, and was his last day for school. He hurried up, and put on his clothes from the dresser. It was a white Nike Shirt and a pair of Wrangler jeans. After that he went into the kitchen, and softly got him something to drink. Then went to the door as his mother was a sleep, and put his jacket on. He headed out the door, and when he got outside he placed the key back under the mat. It was a little cold. But it was mostly the wind blowing in his face. His school name is ECOT. This school was a charter school. It was one of the only schools in the area that both private home schooling, and in a social building environment. They went year round, and were one of the only schools that did that. The school name meant Electronic Class Room Of Tomorrow. He didn’t take a bus, but walked to school. It was only three blocks up. He would walk 6th street down too 4th street, and hang a left, and he was at school.

    Rob got to the door and seen a girl that he watched for awhile, and she was high class. Her name was Nat, and wrote him a note in English class to go out with him. But was worried about what people would say. Rob seat in front, and they would always get into trouble for talking to her. She seat in back of him. The preps bulled him a little, and that’s why he stayed to his self, but took the pressure. He really liked her, but knew with the class that he would never get the chance.

    The high class women in the school loved Rob, because he was so shy. One of them even lived right in the same apartment complex. The Mitchell’s was there name. Ashley was Nat’s friend, and they wrote him a note. That Ashley was having a party. Her parents had to go out of town, and she would be alone. It said Nat wants you to come over. It had circle yes if you could, or circle no if you can’t. He circled yes. As he smiled Ashley said midnight knock on my door. Rob went to his locker on the third floor, and got his books.

    After math class one of the preps came up to him, and shoved him against a locker. He asked him what he was doing talking to Ashley. She needed to know if we were going to have a test today in history. The prep remarked to him, you better stay away from her. The prep left as Rob took a deep breathe, and walked away looking down.

    As he walked down the flight of stairs he went into the auditorium for study hall. It only lasted an hour, and all he did was day dream about what he would say to Nat, and what they would do. He really liked her, and she thought the same. They would make a good couple. She part timed modeled for Wrangler Jeans, and had blonde shoulder length hair with hazel eyes and soft skin.

    Ashley was Nat’s best friend, and was dark complicated. He had black hair and brown eyes. Rob thought of them both in study hall, as he doodled on a pad of paper. He knew his mom would be a sleep, and he could sneak out a flight of steps without her knowing. But what he didn’t know is what he had in store for him. When Mrs. Harris said times up, he got his stuff and walked out. He walked down to the first level. This is where he had his history class, and of course bumped into Ashley, and they both smiled but, seen the same prep. When he seen him he looked down, and walked in the room as the prep bumped into him. The prep gave him a dirty look. Ashley set in the back of the class on the first row, and Rob set in the front clear to the back. So they couldn’t see each other in class, or talk. The prep was in the middle. If Rob looked back the prep would always give him a dirty look, and then look back at Ashley. She would give him a look, and turn her head.

    Mr. Black was cool to the kids, and gave them leeway. Mr. Black with Rob starring at him said open your books to page 120. Rob opening his book the first thing Mr. Black asked was who stabbed Lincoln? Rob never raised his hand, but always Nick the know it all in the class raised his hand. Mr. Black said come on you guys are lucky I didn’t give a pop quiz on Lincoln! I want to see more hands. No one raised them. Ok then Rob who was it? It was booth Mr. Black, and they carried him to a small inn where he died in the bed. Mr. Black said correct. Why didn’t you raise your hand Rob? He just frond, and looked away.

    Mr. Black said see the quiz on page 120 I could have you do it, or I see more hands when I ask the questions, it’s up to you all. So what do I want to hear! Yes Mr. Black! Mr. Black had brown hair and parted his hair to the left, because he was going bold. He had green eyes.

    Ok class what was Lincoln raised in? Tracey! He was raised in a little log cabin. Can anyone tell me when he was born? Beth! He was born in 1809 and he died in 1865. Mr. Black clapped his hands. See this isn’t so bad. You guys are doing well. Rob what rank in President was he? He was the 16th President. Ok very good! Ok question 4, and this one goes out for Ashley! Was he a Democrat or Republican? A Republican! Nope! You need to study, because your looks

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