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Armor Bearing: An Invitation to Intimacy
Armor Bearing: An Invitation to Intimacy
Armor Bearing: An Invitation to Intimacy
Ebook62 pages53 minutes

Armor Bearing: An Invitation to Intimacy

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Friendship is one of the most valuable assets you could have in life. The trust, loyalty, commitment and honesty are only a few of the benefits one can partake of when entering a covenant friendship. It’s a place where you can share your heart without reservations, because you know, if there is anyone you can abandon your fears to and be vulnerable around is a friend. Jesus in John 15:15 draws reference to the promotion of a servant, not to a higher level or position of service, but to one of the most honored positions a servant could be promoted to by his master, a place of friendship.

In Armor Bearing “An invitation to Intimacy” Minister Johnson highlights how important it is for an armor bearer to have a good understanding of intimacy in relation to the service rendered to a leader. He examines the character and motivation of the armor bearer by asking the question “what is it that qualifies you to armor bear? The answer may surprise you. In this book you will discover such thing as:

• God always want to give us a sneak preview of where we are going.
• How easy it is for armor bearers to walk in idolatry.
• Who is the last line of defense for your leader?
• The grace to partake of an anointing without walking the experience.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateJun 6, 2011
Armor Bearing: An Invitation to Intimacy

Valentine Johnson

Minister Valentine Johnson is a dynamic seminar and conference speaker, he presently serves as the Youth Minister at Kingdom Worship Centre International under the leadership of Pastor Kermit and Minister Adrienne Saunders in the beautiful city of Freeport, in the sunny Islands of The Bahamas, where he and his wife, Leisa, are the proud parents of three sons, Stephan, Mark and Aaron.

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    Armor Bearing - Valentine Johnson

    Copyright © 2011 by Valentine Johnson.

    Library of Congress Control Number:       2011907522

    ISBN:         Hardcover                               978-1-4628-7092-9

                       Softcover                                 978-1-4628-7091-2

                       Ebook                                      978-1-4628-7093-6

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    This book is dedicated to the families of armor bearers, who sacrificed and went beyond the call of service. For the night you waited in the car and fell asleep, the times the phone rang in the midst of dinner, the times when you heard I will make it up to you, the time when you wanted to talk but they came home late, and the time when you were ready to go but they couldn’t. For all of this you ought to be commended. This book is dedicated to you for your patient with God process in our lives. Thank you for all the sacrifices you have made over the years.


    Pastor Terrence and Unay Jones: Thank you for inviting me to your intercessory conference in 2006. It was there that God began to stir this word in my heart. Your conference was the midwife that helped to push this word out of the inner recesses of my memory and into the place designed by God for its fulfillment.

    Pastor Kermit and Minister Adrienne Saunders: Thank you for believing in the gift and call upon my life and for affording me the opportunity to exercise these gifting in an environment designed to activate and release a person into their assignment.

    Church Family: Thank you for being the best support system any one could ask for. Thank you for believing in the God in me and excepting my gift and allowing it to have a place to call home.

    My family: My wife Leisa, Thank you for allowing me to spend time with God, My son Aaron: my little armor bearer and intercessor that’s always watching over me and defeating the flying monsters that seek an advantage on me. Veto: The spiritual questions you ask pull out of me what God has designed for you. Stephan: I remember the first time you heard me speak in Nassau, the first thing you said was ‘Boy daddy I am proud of you".

    Viola Evans: Thank you for always turning my dialect into acceptable English. There has never been something I brought to you that you didn’t except with joy.

    My Parents: Vincent and Veronica Johnson: You always saw in me what I was incapable of seeing in my self. I owe you a debt of gratitude for investing in what you saw; I appreciate all of my shirts and ties. It is true that our seed shall possess the gates of our enemy.

    Siblings: Tino, Keisha, Meco and Karta: Thank you for all that we have shared over the years, childhood was fun but watching you guys grow into the things of God is precious.

    Pastor Cardinal McIntosh and Apostle Ricardo Grant: Thank you for giving me the opportunity to serve you as an armor bearer, the timeless lessons I have learned over the years has brought me to the place where I am today. Your years invested and words of wisdom are for ever etched in me, it was an honor serving you.


    The ability to perpetuate an inheritance, insuring that it has the opportunity to live on through to the next generation is predicated on a relationship type of a predecessor and their successor or as it is viewed in Christendom, the relationship of a leader and his/ her Armor Bearer. Whenever an Armor Bearer connects with their leader the evidence of the success of that relationship is the transfer of an inheritance. Every true leader is a type of father, and the ability to transfer an inheritance is not only resident within that leader but it is that inheritance which attracts a successor. Now when I

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