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Exodus Iii: Great Joy and Glory to the Most High as You
Exodus Iii: Great Joy and Glory to the Most High as You
Exodus Iii: Great Joy and Glory to the Most High as You
Ebook278 pages3 hours

Exodus Iii: Great Joy and Glory to the Most High as You

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About this ebook

Glory to You and Great Joy!
You Are the Absolute Splendor of Your Universe.
Who were you before the breathtaking origin and evolution of your
world? How do you create the great joy of deep peace, ultimate
freedom, fulfillment, and abundance?

Advancing beyond the Hubble’s universe, supergravity, quantum
mechanics, and beyond the final theory, this landmark book
provides answers to the basic questions of life and a pathway to
an intimate experience of God. It takes you prior to the big bang.
It takes you to the Holy of Holies ‘1’: the observer, where all
information and power resides—the mind and heart of God—I AM
in you and as you.

In Exodus III you learn that your ultimate achievement is not in physics
or in mathematics, or in your institutions or religions, but in the direct
experience of your Absolute Splendor—the rebirth within you of your
Divinity and the most fundamental science of ‘1’, which opens new
cosmic doorways for your being.

Following a timeline beginning in 1750 BC, Exodus III references 360
enlightened giants of science, industry, the power of the heart, and the
spirit from across the globe, corroborating your oneness with all. The
author illuminates your cosmic path through education in the ultimate
underpinning of the universe, ‘1’, that brings you to the far reaches of
your personal world with ultimate freedom, fulfillment, and abundance.

You Are the Light of Your Own World.
The Peace and Love in Your Heart is the Sun of Suns
that Is Creating that Light!
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateSep 6, 2011
Exodus Iii: Great Joy and Glory to the Most High as You

Orest Bedrij

Orest J. Bedrij was educated in Austria and the USA. He is a multidisciplinary research scientist. His focus in life has been on the Eternal Architect and the Creator of the Universe, which he unifies here in the laws of physics. Bedrij has been researching the Cosmic Consciousness of humanity and the development of spiritual insight by way of direct access to God’s essential nature. In this work, he shines light on the following: The forbidden facts. (a) God Himself takes on the human form and lives in the world as us; (b) the Tree of Life and Knowledge from which you can eat now; (c) milk / solid food in Christianity; (d) you are God hiding from yourself in human form. Mining the mind of God. (a) Infused contemplation; (b) beyond the Ten Commandments; (c) putting on the mind of Christ; (d) forward thinking in your living, education, and corporate life. Your miracle after miracle life. (a) God does not need advisers; (b) “It is not I but God in me” core of miracles; (c) karma/dharma. Enlightenment. (a) Realization of your identity; (b) we have come from the Light; (c) the Light has originated through itself; (d) the One-in-all and all in One; (e) the Supreme Being; (f) Kundalini; (g) the Holy Spirit; (h) the living water; (i) the oil of gladness. The ultimate principle. (a) God the Father; (b) ‘1’; (c) higher and greater than the laws of nature; (d) the Great Mystery. Cosmic Consciousness. (a) The peace that passes all understanding. (b) Fifty nations register. (c) Four hundred six individuals listing. (d) This world is full of God, and everything you see is God. (e) The universe is the body of God. The union with God. (a) The source of all happiness, (b) all beauty, (c) all goodness, and (d) all truth.

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    Exodus Iii - Orest Bedrij


    Exodus III

    "I am overflowing with happiness and enthusiasm for this excellent work. This extraordinary book will revolutionize our approach to science, religion and spirituality by setting forth historical and contemporary examples of people who, in some cases, risked all to exemplify Oneness, in their everyday experiences.

    In Exodus III you are introduced to remarkable phenomena that transcend not only time and space but also the boundaries (nationality, race, religion, social strata and other divisions) that human beings have created. It depicts an extremely important undertaking for the future of our planet, a re-education and realization of the surprising source of our very nature and existence.

    Exodus III establishes a platform of discovery, your personal roadmap, for truly new knowledge and the identification of a new era of ‘1’, whereby those who are willing to escape the grasp of ego-based consciousness will be able to attain limitlessness, greater happiness, abundance, and lasting positions of leadership. The reader will walk away knowing that NOW is the time to understand and acknowledge that All are One and One is All, and that this is our best, . . . our only hope.

    —David H. Beatty, CEO of Euporia Capital

    "This seminal work, Exodus III, which integrates science and the spirit, reveals in explicit detail the fundamental and inherent unity, integrity, and harmony of all mankind and the Creator of All in us. It holds awesome promise as a roadmap for achieving our heart’s desire for the peace, serenity, and wellbeing that has been sought throughout the ages by all those whose goal has been the rebirth of mankind into a new era of peace, freedom, and prosperity.

    Following the words and living examples of the Christ, the Buddha, and hundreds of Saints of all ages, nations, and spiritual traditions—who are listed and quoted in this breakthrough work—is revealed as the answer to achieving the wisdom and joy that mankind has been seeking since the beginning. ‘Seek and you will find,’ said Jesus, and reading this profound work presents a special opportunity for those who wish to begin or accelerate this search for their true Divine nature. Achieving this state and awareness of Oneness is our birthright and destiny. Exodus III reveals the path to this destiny."

    —Charles O. Bubar, Director

    Institute for Advanced Study of Human Development,

    Education, and Learning

    Praise for Orest Bedrij’s Previous Books

    Celebrate Your Divinity

    "In the midst of guns and glamour, and the ascendant loss of life in the name of serving them, here is a manual for raising the human dimension and struggle to its cosmic significance. Its encyclopedic scope and depth are the product of a lifetime of dedicated study. Orest Bedrij brings fresh light to the Divine disguised in time, the pecking order of Graces, the evolutionary adventure, and located in the Heart of God. He picks his grapes in bunches, harvests clusters—not solitary fruits—and always has hold of the stems.

    The book turns out to be a brilliant translation of the insight of contemporary mathematical physics, into the coinage of everyday parlance.

    This is no bedside novel to nurture sleep, but a wake-up call on the rim of disaster. It is not addressed to the faint of heart or to those with tired minds, but a summons to know what it is to be fully human, and do now what is invited, yes, required of us. Thank Bedrij for blowing a clear, clean, warning signal. It is born of his deepest optimism about the human venture, rooted in his contagious religious and scientific outlook. Sersum Corda! Up Hearts!"

    —Dr. Glenn A. Olds, former president of

    Kent State University, US ambassador to the

    UN Economic and Social Council

    "All who thirst for genuine meaning behind life and explanation of greater reality will find what they are looking for in Orest Bedrij’s book Celebrate Your Divinity. Many contemporary ‘theories of everything’ conclude with an all-encompassing particle or astronomic singularity. This book covers the unfinished terrain, showing a mathematical unity behind the physics, and how such discoveries relate to our deepest sensibilities about God, the All-in-All, and the world. The book weaves also together many vistas of history and recent sociopolitical events with this arcane matter. It shows the reader where humanity must go, and provides material suggestions on simple approaches they can use to improve life’s quality at any immediate moment . . . His guidance is a wonderful steppingstone toward a fulfilled life."

    —Prof. Stephen Modell, MD, MS, director of research,

    Genetic Policy, University of Michigan

    "This is a visionary work of monumental proportions; a masterpiece of man’s highest thoughts and insights. Orest Bedrij has trodden where most dare not. He has had the courage to visit and deliberate in the great disciplines and then to reap the harvest of the world’s greatest minds—minds from those at the dawn of the understanding of man’s consciousness to those at the forefront of today’s level of understanding.

    Just as so many of the great minds before us, in their flashes of inspiration, Bedrij has seen the thread of new unity among the fruits of the disciplines of science, philosophy, religion, mathematics, bringing them under one brilliant universal umbrella to share with us all. This work will bring to us a new vision of the world. It will bring inspiration to those seeking new and deeper insights into reality. It will encourage these pioneers of human thought to move ever boldly forward."

    —Prof. Peter Kotzer, president of

    Washington Natural Philosophy Institute


    "I have not seen any recent book which encompasses a greater range of factual information nor does so under a more poetic guise than One . . .

    Quotes from the great religious writings of our own and other civilizations link it to the best thinking of all times and all ages."

    —Prof. John Archibald Wheeler, Princeton University

    Bedrij is a scientist, a businessman, a mystic. He writes with rare power about science and religion, mysticism and business . . . Beautifully written by a man of sheer intelligence.

    —The Book Reader, San Francisco, California


    This book is an important stepping-stone to a quantum jump in evolution, a world of Oneness which is in the making under our very eyes. May this book inspire leaders to catch up with the sages of our times who are revealing to us the fundamental Oneness of humanity and of all creation.

    —Dr. Robert Muller, chancellor

    of the United Nations University for Peace,

    former assistant secretary general of the United Nations

    This very original book is both a work of science and mysticism . . . It will nourish both the mind and the spirit . . . a genuine contemporary spiritual anthology . . . with meditations that succeed each other like beads on a rosary.

    —Prof. Antoine Faivre, chair of Esoteric and

    Mystical Studies, University of Paris (Sorbonne

    Exodus III

    Great Joy and Glory to the

    Most High as You

    Orest Bedrij


    Copyright © 2011 by Orest Bedrij.

    Library of Congress Control Number:   2011908802

    ISBN: Hardcover    978-1-4628-7990-8

    ISBN: Softcover      978-1-4628-7989-2

    ISBN: Ebook          978-1-4628-7991-5

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

    Bedrij, Orest, 1933—

    p. Exodus III: Great Joy and Glory to the Most High as You / Orest Bedrij.—1st ed. cm.

    Includes bibliographical references and index.

    1. Absolute—The, nature, attributes. 2. God—The, science, religion. 3. Science—The Unchanging. 4. Religion—Spirituality. 5. Enlightenment—Cosmic consciousness. 6. Education—Unchanging facets. 7. Slavery—Cosmic. 8. Evolution—Unchanging aspects. 9. Vacuum—Philosophy, attributes.

    I. Title


    Published in the United States by Xlibris, a strategic partner of Random House Ventures, LLC, a subsidiary of Random House, Inc.

    Printed and bound in the United States of America.

    November 2011

    First Edition

    10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

    To order additional copies of this book, contact:

    Xlibris Corporation



       For You,

    My infinite love—the light of lights.


    Manifesting yourself in countless ways.


    In your compassion, splendor, and glory.


    Acknowledgments and Gratitude Be to God in Man


    In the Drama of Existence We Are Ourselves Both Actors and Spectators. • Accessing NEW Knowledge: Deepen Your Awareness into the Quantum Potential of ‘1’ • Your Personal Decoding of Your Life Experiences: The Greater the Purity, the More the Visibility • Continuous Alertness and Perception: We See What We See Because We Are Who We Are • You Can Create for Yourself Your Ultimate Freedom


    Exodus III:   The Most High in You Will Set You Free

    The Salt of Our Experience: Our Absolute Splendor in Every Facet of Our Daily Lives • A Fifty-Ton Truck and a Two-Foot Hole We Are All One—We Are Many Colors of One Rainbow • Rise, O Mighty One: We Have Entered a Universe of Love and Light! • Personal Road Signs in My Own Exodus III

    Exodus I:   Moses Delivers His People from Bondage

    The Biggest Realization: I Have Been Looking for Myself • I AM: You Are Older Than the Universe— You Are Holiness in the Costume of Your Cosmos • My Own Exodus III—God Became What We Are • You Are the Light of Your Personal World • I AM What You Are Can We Recognize Ourselves in Each Other?

    Exodus II:    Jesus Reveals the Way to God

    Jesus Brings ‘1’ (I AM and I Am WHO IS) Miracle Zone Technology to the Kindred for a More Abundant Life • Greater Works Shall You Do • We Can’t Improve on God We Are Meant to Reveal Him in Us • I Will Save Lives as Long as I Can. I Am Fulfilling My Duty Treat Each Person as Christ—the Most High in Human Body • The Same Conditions Always Produce the Same Results

    The Greatest Discovery and Achievement of Humanity:   Direct Experience of the Absolute Unity and the Presence of God in Each of Us as Each of Us

    My Dearest Reader! Glory to You and Rejoice

    When Heart Speaks to Heart All Is Spoken

    Be Transformed by God’s Love and Freedom • Live and Let Live: Be the Source and Spirit of Freedom • Insanity Is Defective Function of Mental Processes • I Know Your Grief I Feel Your Pain • Stand with Him While He Is RightPart with Him When He Goes Wrong

    Empower Yourself through I AM

    We Are the Light of the World: Now Is the Time for Us to Come out of the Cave of Agony to Enjoy Our Sacredness, Happiness, and Prosperity • We Are Here for the Sake of One Another • We Need a New Sustainable Worldview: We Must Rise above Animals and Act Like Gods We Need Schooling Education and Guidance in Holiness • Executive Focus: Sacred Unity in the Corporate Setting • See the Glory of God Displayed: Rejoice! This Brother of Yours Was Dead and Has Come Back to Life • May God’s Face Consciously Shine in You • Confucius (551 BC-479 BC) suggested, • Abolition of the World’s Slavery: A New Birth of Freedom, Happiness and Prosperity

    Perfections of I AM (the ‘1’ Miracle Zone)

    We Are Children Until We Become Perfect

    Appendix 1

    Appendix 2

    A Treasury of Insights for the Greatest Discovery and Achievement of Humanity: Direct Experience of the Absolute Unity and the Presence of God in Each of Us as Each of Us

    Treasury of Insights: 1. I AM: the Absolute, ‘1’ • Treasury of Insights: 2. From Absolute to Humanity • Treasury of Insights: 3. Absolute in the World • Treasury of Insights:4. From Humanity to the Absolute

    Appendix 3

    Empower Yourself—Empower Your Kindred

    Appendix 4

    Institutes for Advanced Study of ‘1’ and of the Human Heart: Endowment Requirement Outline



    About the Author


    and Gratitude Be to God in Man

    The transcriber of this work is very grateful to the many who have helped make this miracle possible:

    Absolute thanks, compassion, and heartfelt gratitude to you, O Father, our love and light, as Jesus the Christ and the Holy Spirit, Mother of Divine Providence, for your love, wisdom, and divine intervention to bring all mankind back home to a state of perfection;

    Heavenly love, gratefulness, and appreciation to you, infinite wisdom and goodness, O Father, as contributors, authors, publishers, and the lords of light of this work, and to all who influenced my thinking long before this handiwork was manifested;

    Wholehearted compassion, indebtedness, and gratitude to you, infinite perfection, O Father, as my holy angelic wife, Oksana, hallowed parents, children and grandchildren, divine coworkers, and neighbors, for being caring, loving, compassionate, and most helpful to all;

    Absolute gratitude, brotherly love, and compassionate thank you, O Father, as Barbara Benjamin, Chrystyna Bedrij, Charles O. Bubar, Roksana Bedrij-Arpa, Ma. Chrizel Liz De los Santos, Katherine D. Sanchez, George Rowinski, Bill Hungerford, David H. Beatty, Andrew I. Lenec, Jack Lenchiner, LaUna Huffines, and Michael Snyder for reviewing, suggesting, copyediting, and indexing;

    Divine love, infinite compassion and heartfelt gratitude to you, O Father, and the Absolute Splendor of light as my dearest reader of this work.


    What if in your relentless drive to uncover the deep

    mysteries of Nature, you discovered the great

    Author of Nature in yourself?

    "In the Drama of Existence

    We Are Ourselves Both Actors and Spectators."

    You are the Absolute Splendor of your own personal world and the prime mover in the creation of your own personal universe, as Niels Henrik Bohr, John Archibald Wheeler, the Buddha, Jesus, and other fundamental thinkers have long acknowledged.

    Niels Bohr, who made fundamental contributions to understanding atomic structure and quantum mechanics, for which he received the Nobel Prize in Physics, stated, When searching for harmony in life one must never forget in the drama of existence we are ourselves both actors and spectators. John Wheeler, who worked with Bohr in elucidating the basic principles behind nuclear fission and tried to achieve Einstein’s dream of a unified field theory, explained, We are participators in bringing into being not only the near and here but the far away and long ago.

    In the language of the Buddha and Jesus, who had a very clear grasp of reality and were strongly motivated to help humanity: All that we are is the result of what we have thought. If a man speaks or acts with an evil thought, pain follows him. If a man speaks or acts with a pure thought, happiness follows him, like a shadow that never leaves him, said the Buddha. A man reaps what he sows, we recite in Galatians 6:7.

    As you read this work you will meet other people from different walks of life, also encouraging you and glorifying you. For example, Jesus stated, I have given them the glory that you gave me [I made them realize their own unity and Divinity, as you made me realize my unity and Divinity] that they may be one as we are one (John 17:22). Hafiz wrote, You are a Divine Elephant with amnesia trying to live in an ant hole. Sweetheart, O Sweetheart you are God hiding from yourself.

    However, most people have not come to understand this simple, yet profound reality. In Appendix 4 you will find a suggestion of how this profound truth can be advanced through cutting-edge experiences, education, and breakthrough innovations from a wide range of fields.

    Accessing NEW Knowledge:

    Deepen Your Awareness into the Quantum Potential of ‘1’

    Our current education focuses on committing to memory OLD knowledge. We teach young and old to REMEMBER and evaluate what is known. We are not teaching students how to discern what can become known, discovered, and applied in the quantum potential of ‘1’, in the hitherto undiscovered or unrecognized physical phenomena of ‘1’. This is comparable to bringing fire into the house to warm it without burning the house down, the discovery of electricity, and the invention of telephones, automobiles, TV, airplanes, computers, Internet, nanotechnology, gravitational propulsion (overcome the force of gravity by electromagnetic means), and generating electricity by direct gravitational means, before these were or are invented.

    A new approach to education is needed to provide us with the advanced tools for accessing NEW knowledge and experience —for deepening our awareness and insight into the quantum potential of ‘1— and opening our lives to profoundly more abundant living. We can do nothing to change our past, but we have enormous power and wisdom needed to create a better world. A better world is built from wise decisions today. Whatever we physically need and whatever we want to know is already available, within our grasp, at ‘1’.

    It might be noted that as soon as one is hired by an employer who wants to succeed in an age of hyper-change, service excellence, product quality, productivity, successful forecasting, and profitability, one is asked to press forward beyond what is known—to be innovative, produce more advanced solutions, emerging technologies, ground-floor investment opportunities, and enhanced knowledge.

    When I joined IBM Research, directly after graduating from university, my first four months entailed advanced study of how to access new knowledge, be inventive, see the potential consequences of the decisions we make today, and prepare effectively for future risks and opportunities. That was more than fifty years ago. In Appendix 1 you will have an opportunity to be introduced to more than 360 notable individuals, giants of the spirit, including many scientists, from all over the world, who will advance you to a higher level of awareness and NEW knowledge than I received at IBM.

    When I was four or five years old, my mother shared with me a story about a young man who was getting his due for robbing and murdering another human being. Before the execution, he was asked if he had anything to say.

    Yes, said he in a sobbing voice: "I would not be here had I known what I was doing—had I listened to my own inner voice—and done what I knew was right. But I was on drugs; I don’t remember what I did. I would not be here if

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