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Race: Reducing African American Crime Effectively
Race: Reducing African American Crime Effectively
Race: Reducing African American Crime Effectively
Ebook52 pages45 minutes

Race: Reducing African American Crime Effectively

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This book is about motivating and encouraging mostly young black men to want to live a free productive successful life. It discusses and gives suggestions on how to deal with the major factors that influences our young black generation and provides a fresh simple way to empower young people to make life changing positive choices that will help them reach their greatest potential and never make another bad decision in their life.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateAug 8, 2011
Race: Reducing African American Crime Effectively

Vernolda L. Dilworth

VERNOLDA L.DILWORTH holds a bachelors degree in Education from the University of South Florida. Even though she is an Educator, she decided not to teach in the classroom but to teach in the jail room. Vernolda has been working for the State of Florida Department of Juvenile Justice system for over the past twenty-five years. She has experienced first hand our youth’s declining moral values, lack of respect for authority, and increased criminal activity. All of these issues make our youths a serious social problem for our society. We as a society cannot afford to ignore this serious problem and just let things continue as they are. Our youths are our future. And we must preserve their lives now. Because of my experience and witness of the deterioration of our youths over the past twenty-five years, I know what is needed to reverse this cycle. We need to get back to the basics in order to turn this situation around. I am convinced that I can teach our young cultural a technique that will help them to think before they act so that they can make some good decisions. This book will motivate and get them excited about getting back on the right track and living a good productive life.

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    Race - Vernolda L. Dilworth

    Copyright © 2011 by Vernolda L. Dilworth.

    Library of Congress Control Number:       2011910998

    ISBN:         Hardcover                               978-1-4628-9752-0

                       Softcover                                 978-1-4628-9751-3

                       Ebook                                      978-1-4628-9753-7

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    This book was printed in the United States of America.

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    Chapter One Let’s Race

    Chapter Two On Your Mark

    Chapter Three Get Ready

    Chapter Four Go

    Chapter Five Run, Run, Run

    Chapter Six Cross the Finish Line

    Chapter Seven You Are a Winner

    Chapter Eight Be Encouraged

    Chapter Nine Running Maintenance

    This book is dedicated to my must-admired

    hero and role model, my mother,

    Momie M. Dilworth

    She is my Queen


    I have a great love for teenagers. No I’m not crazy! I just understand that their lives are challenging and very difficult. In spite of what everybody else think . . . I know that the teenage years are the most difficult times in ones life. Must adults seem to have forgotten those days and think that teenagers are just causing problems and turning everybody else’s world upside down for the fun of it? But I believe that the teenage years are the most vital-real world . . . hands on—training . . . one will receive before they enter into their adult life. And we must be there to support and encourage them alone the way.

    As a middle age woman who has spent over twenty—five years working and interacting with both delinquent males and females, and being a single mother of a well adjusted wonderful 25-year-old son. I can speak from a personal and professional experience with great knowledge and compassion. I am on a mission to motivate our young men and women. I am mostly focusing on my young black brothers in this book, because I have such a passion to see the young black man get excited about living a successful productive life. And without a doubt, our men will be the ones that will make the quickest most effective impact on our society. That’s right! Believe it brothers. You are the key to this problem. You were made and created to be the head of the household. And our society will not see lasting results until you take your place in your position as the authoritarian and leader of the family.

    Let we go ahead and apologize and warn you in advance so you can brace yourself, this book is raw, uncut, uncensored, and straightforward. I’m sure it will be offensive to some people. But I must talk candid and lay it all out on the line to get your attention and make you think and want to change. We will discuss some of the major factors that influence our young black generation. I will provide a fresh simple way to empower young people to make life changing positive choices that will help them to reach their greatest potential and never make another bad decision in their life. We are all of the human race and we must live our lives in a way that we can be proud that we have ran our course and fulfilled

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