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The Non-Prophet
The Non-Prophet
The Non-Prophet
Ebook64 pages15 minutes

The Non-Prophet

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About this ebook

Almostutuf, a curious young woman who has ventured off of her own accord to the dark and joyless pit of Too-Much-Analysis, is now planning her return to the Land of Bliss. On her journey inward and out, she reflects upon all that she has learned on her quest to know Love, Truth, and Timeeternal aspects of the human experience that have been brought to life for her eternal amusement and edification.

anyone who is on a spiritual path will be able to enjoy this clever book.

Gary Renard, bestselling author of The Disappearance of the Universe, Your Immortal Reality, and Love Has Forgotten No One

beautiful imagery with unassuming wisdom.

Jane Currie, co-author and photographer of historical books Westfield, Chautauqua Institution, and Legendary Locals of the Chautauqua Lake Region

youll want to return to it again and again.

Tom Filsinger, author of The Dark Menace of the Universe and Shadows on the Road

Release dateAug 22, 2014
The Non-Prophet

Arena Jabbar

Arena Jabbar resides in the upper east side of the imagination region of the Great Beyond Within. Having had the experience of possibly living many lifetimes in many worlds, Arena continues her spiritual journey through the written word, although she still dreams that she is the song-writing singer, Barbara Jean.

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    The Non-Prophet - Arena Jabbar

    Copyright © 2014 Arena Jabbar.

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    Archway Publishing

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    ISBN: 978-1-4808-1002-0 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4808-1003-7 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2014913745

    Archway Publishing rev. date: 8/22/2014


    The End of Banishment

    On Love

    On Marriage

    On Children

    On Truth

    On Time

    On Happiness

    On Tolerance

    On Responsibility

    On Guilt

    On Crime and Punishment

    On Death

    On Tang

    On Maturity

    On War and Peace

    On Honesty

    On Enlightenment

    On Forgiveness

    On Gender

    On Freedom

    On Forgiveness

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