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Bits and Pieces
Bits and Pieces
Bits and Pieces
Ebook158 pages1 hour

Bits and Pieces

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About this ebook

No one is an island. Whether we realize it or not, the people who surround us--family, friends, even complete strangers--shape who we are. They pass through our lives and make us the people we grow to be. Sometimes those same people even inspire us to follow our dreams.

Bits and Pieces is a collection of poetry that grew over decades of Richard Pernices career in the military and the truck-driving business. His words harken back to love found and eventually lost, as well as changes in life: going from being the child to the adult, son to father. He also admits to revealing his own monsters and fighting them into submission.

Life is all about experience and not being afraid of adventure. You cant understand a book without opening its cover; you cant describe a sculpture without walking all the way around it. So it is with life. Sometimes the most important moments are found along the edges of this highway, and if we arent careful, well miss them.

Release dateAug 14, 2015
Bits and Pieces

Richard N. Pernice

Richard N. Pernice is from a small town in northern New York. He spent twenty years serving in the military and almost as long working as a truck driver.

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    Bits and Pieces - Richard N. Pernice

    Copyright © 2015 Richard N. Pernice.

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    ISBN: 978-1-4808-2127-9 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4808-2128-6 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2015948995

    Archway Publishing rev. date: 09/23/2015

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1

    Part 1

    Things I like


    Though We Have Never Met

    Sleepless in Seattle

    Random Thoughts

    On Choosing a Mate

    Part 2

    Lost Ant

    The Coffeepot

    The Four Questions

    Part 3

    Chocolates That Never Satisfy


    The Lake

    The Seduction

    The Woodpile

    Part 4

    The Drowning


    Yesterdays Lost

    Part 5

    A Little Story

    The Eagle and the Hawk

    You See Too Much

    On Finding Home

    Chapter 2

    Life Lesson




    On Growing Old

    Why We Fear Death

    On Being Human

    On Being Free


    Bin 6

    Changes (October 9, 2001)




    They’re Right Behind You

    The Ugly Duckling


    Closet Monsters

    The Closet

    The Clock Maker



    Carts and Pleasure

    Why Men Need Women

    Buried Treasure


    The Unexpected

    Making Sense of Life

    The Bumpy Road

    Don’t Translate




    Idle dreams

    Chapter 3

    Grandfather and Uncle Bob


    On Finding One’s Way


    Miss Polk

    The Encounter

    Post Script

    The House on Maple Street

    Maria Canela

    Woman on a Park Bench

    Chapter 4

    The Fisher

    I Used To Be A Child

    December 11, 1974


    September Mood

    Midnight Notes

    The Wind In The Trees

    The Calliope

    The Vigil

    Chapter 5

    Mother’s Day

    Remembering Dad

    The Climbing Tree

    The Dragon

    Toy Soldiers

    November 11, 2001

    Chapter 6

    On A Hill In Ireland

    July 4, 2013

    January 13, 2013

    May 19, 2012

    April 22, 2014

    February 23, 2013

    November 8, 2013


    The Magic of Paint

    Chapter 7

    Didja Ever?


    Spirits and Vapors

    The Run

    The Cat

    Life Is Good

    Full Moon

    Old Hound Dog

    If The Sea Froze Over

    The Shoulder

    I Will Dance With The Faeries

    A Man Named Will

    The Box

    The Poet’s Passion


    We are none of us independent creations. We are influenced by those around us, from birth until death. Our family, our friends, and even strangers who pass through our world, make us who we are. For this reason, I am most grateful to all of them for who I am, for without their influence, you would not be reading these words today.

    I will mention one friend in particular, entering late in the game, who had faith in my words. While others have said, You should publish this, she is the one who insisted. I told her, If it means that much to you, sure. You find a publisher, you make the arrangements, and I’ll publish it. I thought that was it. I certainly had no idea how to do all that. A few days later, I get her message: OK, I have a publisher. They want it now. (Paraphrased, but essentially correct.) And here I sat with a collection of unedited files scattered on the computer, scraps of paper with reasonably legible notes, and some poems and thoughts that had never actually made it to paper. It was her encouragement, legwork (digitally speaking), and constant checking that kept me going.

    Ann Callahan, thank you for your push, your insistence, and all your hard work.


    It is not often that one finds a book such as this, that opens up your heart and makes you feel. Each story, poem or snippet has a way of touching your heart. This is a must-have book for all who are searching their hearts and questioning their feelings.

    Excerpt from Things I Like

    I like the smell of a woman’s hair, up close, the feel of it against my cheek when I hold her, and I like holding her. I like waking up in the night and hearing breathing, and it isn’t the dog. I like to watch her brush her hair in the morning, or at night, before going to bed. I like side hugs," where your hands are busy, but you lean up against each other, real close, just to say I love you without using words."

    Little bits and pieces,

    gathered here and there.

    This is me.

    Chapter 1

    Part 1

    Things I like

    In no particular order

    I like the sound of my children’s laughter, being called Daddy—or "Oh, Daddy!" when I’ve teased one of them. I like the pictures they make me, their hugs, drying their

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