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Boogey Raider
Boogey Raider
Boogey Raider
Ebook97 pages1 hour

Boogey Raider

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Rossi Ross is the first ten-year-old to read his favorite book, Brigand Bleu, ten times--and in doing so, hes freed the hero of the book for his one and only chance at a real-life adventure. Bleu drags the boy off on a wild attempt at thievery in the dreams of King Louis IX, some 760 years ago. But due to Bleus unexpected incapacitation, Rossi discovers he is the only one with the ability to save Frances past and present by locating and returning a missing emerald to the king. Meanwhile, he must also find the hidden clause buried deep within Brigand Bleus original book. If he does not, both he and the fictional blue thief will be trapped in limbo forever, unable to return to their rightful places.

In this novel for middle readers, a ten-year-old boy accidently releases the main character of his favorite book for an adventure in the real world that puts them both in danger.

Release dateJul 5, 2016
Boogey Raider

Ann Jon

Born and raised in Minnesota, Ann Jon has never left her beloved Midwestern state. She currently resides in a Twin Cities suburb that embraces the arts and celebrates community. In her twenties, Ann worked at a major corporation, first in marketing and then in national sales. She dabbled in grown-up fiction, writing privately in her spare time, while always dreaming of sharing her secret love of writing with the world and actually writing for a living. It wasn’t until her son started elementary school that she discovered how much she loved the smell of sharpened pencils, crayons, and even sweaty gym shoes! It was time to get into education. Ann started her career in an elementary school, within a large Minnesota school district, tutoring kids in reading and math. Ann went back to college to become a teacher, however, found herself back in the business end of education as a business manager. Fortunately, she was lucky enough to have an office in the mainstream of the building so she could see, hear and smell the working parts of the school every day. It isn’t a wonder that Ann took her love of writing and school and changed her writing audience to kids. “Kids say whatever comes to their mind. You never have to wonder what they’re thinking because they’ll let you know and that, to me, is awesome…at least most of the time! What I know about kids and books, regardless of their reading capacity, is that they love a great story.” Grab a flashlight, turn off the lights, crawl under your blanket and get ready to meet the Boogey Raider.

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    Boogey Raider - Ann Jon

    © 2016 Ann Jon.

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    ISBN: 978-1-4808-3101-8 (sc)

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    Library of Congress Control Number: 2016909887

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    ONE Bleu’s Blue

    TWO Raid the Boogeyman

    THREE Trapped

    FOUR Spit

    FIVE The Library

    SIX The 39⁸th Day

    SEVEN Flight of the Imagination

    EIGHT The Hidden Clause

    NINE Blueprint

    TEN Follicle Foray

    ELEVEN Rat-a-Tat


    To Ken and Kole……

    For Believing in Dreams


    I STEAL WHAT YOU CAN’T SEE WITH YOUR EYES OPEN…I RAID THE BOOGEYMAN! Rossi Ross is the first ten year old to read his favorite book, Brigand Bleu, ten times…or is he? Bleu is the slightly older, smart talking dream stealing character that has one chance at a real life adventure. Bleu and Rossi team up and find themselves caught in the middle of the dream of King Louis IX some 760 years ago. Due to Bleu’s unexpected incapacitation, Rossi discovers that he is the only one that has the ability to save France and its history by returning the missing green emerald to the King before the 400th day of its disappearance. It’s Rossi’s responsibility to find The Hidden Clause; which is buried deep inside his favorite book, Brigand Bleu. The Hidden Clause is attainable only to the first ten-year-old to read the book ten times. Bleu’s work is in jeopardy, as is Rossi’s safe return home, without the launch and fulfillment of The Hidden Clause.


    (pssst…don’t pass this part up because it’s important stuff!)

    It’s one of my reading rules. I don’t know why, I’ve just got them. A book has to be read completely or you start over. You can take bathroom breaks and food breaks, just no napping or sleeping of any kind. I guess I’m kind of a nerdy book dude. I don’t admit that to just anyone you know! I’m thinking my parents might know but that’s pretty much it. I read mostly in my room which makes it tough to follow my rule about finishing a book before I fall asleep. Obviously, I read most of my books on weekends so I can pull all-nighters. I never thought it would make a difference to anyone else. Who would have thought that I could have changed the old days, that would have changed the now days, if I didn’t find that book and finish it. You see, it all started with me and this book I’ve got, Brigand Bleu. I just couldn’t get it finished in one lump sum. Every single time I was reading it, I fell asleep around the same place of the story. It was my tenth time trying to finish the book when it all happened. Sure, you’re gonna think I was dreaming or something. I did too at first. But those blue pinch marks on my cheeks and the signature left in the sky afterward proved otherwise. Have I got you wondering? Right now I’ve got another book I’m trying to finish (you know my rule) so I’ve got to let the narrator take it from here. Trust me…this is seriously how it all happened.

    I’ll catch you later!

    Rossi Ross


    Bleu’s Blue

    I N HIS USUAL POSITION, ROSSI was stretched out crosswise on his bed running his right hand through his thick, dark hair. His left hand rested firmly on the curled and worn pages of the paperback. He was up for the challenge of finishing Brigand Bleu tonight.

    Lights out, Rossi, it’s time for bed. Rossi’s dad called from downstairs.

    Come on Dad, let me stay up so I can finish. Rossi called back to him in his raspy voice.

    "I know you’re reading Brigand Bleu again. You’ve read that book so many times, why should we let you stay up?" Rossi’s mom responded.

    Her voice grew louder and Rossi knew she was climbing the stairs. He jumped off his bed, grabbed a different book from a pile that was on the floor and flung his sturdy body back on top the dark blue comforter. Brigand Bleu was stored away safely under the bed while Rossi had the cover of a different book conveniently facing the door.

    Rossi’s mom stood in the doorway observing her son enthusiastically reading a different book. "You’re actually reading something other than Brigand Bleu?" She asked as she entered the room and walked toward the bed.

    Rossi acted as though he didn’t hear her. Uh, sorry, what did you say?

    Bending over, she gently removed the book from his hands and turned it around. Isn’t it usually easier to read a book when its right-side-up? She kissed him on the forehead. Please don’t stay up too much longer. Promise me?

    Trying to avoid the reality that he had just been busted, Rossi kept his eyes hidden below the book. Yup, I promise.

    She quietly left the room and shut the door behind her. Rossi heard her laugh bounce off the high ceilings of the open staircase as she went downstairs.

    Rossi launched the bogus book across his bedroom and pulled out Brigand Bleu. He clicked off the light next to his bed, reached for the tiny flashlight hidden under the mattress, and buried himself deep under the covers.

    It wasn’t long before his eyes grew sore and very heavy; he struggled to keep them open. The part that he had waited for was coming up. I’ll just close my eyes for a minute so they don’t hurt so much. I won’t be breaking my rule because I won’t actually sleep. Drool oozed from the corner of his mouth onto the center crease of the book where he rested his head.

    Rrrrrrossi! A piercing voice called out. "Hey Ross, you big wimp, what are you doing

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