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A Beaver’S Tale
A Beaver’S Tale
A Beaver’S Tale
Ebook71 pages47 minutes

A Beaver’S Tale

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After being picked on by bullies and gang members, Chip, a young beaver, embarks on a mission to discover if the old myths his grandfather has been telling him are true. He meets and comes to rely on a host of new friends during his journey to find the great hall of the council.

The group deciphers an ages-old message underscoring an upcoming event that greatly affects everyones future. Chip returns home and finds the leadership has shifted. As he tries to explain the urgency to build a new, stronger dam to protect their home, Chips naysayers continue to harass him. But Chips wise grandfather believes in the young beaver and what he can accomplish.

A picture book for all ages, A Beavers Tale shares a tale of bravery and standing up to bullies as Chip works to unite and save his community.

Release dateJun 21, 2016
A Beaver’S Tale

Mark Joseph Rogers

Mark Joseph Rogers is an award-winning Senior Construction Superintendent currently residing in the Dallas/Fort Worth area of Texas. He is an Eagle Scout, a PADI Divemaster, and a US Parachute Association licensed skydiver. Mark enjoys all types of outdoor activities. In writing this story, he has pulled from several of life’s everyday experiences, some of which many of us have encountered. Having been a single custodial parent, now with two grandsons, he has made this story one that people of all ages can enjoy. Mark hopes readers can appreciate the moral lessons woven throughout.

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    A Beaver’S Tale - Mark Joseph Rogers

    Copyright © 2016 Mark Joseph Rogers.

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    ISBN: 978-1-4808-3183-4 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4808-3184-1 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4808-3185-8 (e)

    Archway Publishing rev. date: 6/20/2016



    You can do anything you put your mind to.

    Trust your instincts, and believe in yourself.



    It is better to crawl toward success

    than to run toward failure. The

    hardest step of any journey is always

    the first. Let God be your guide.


    It’s a Boy!

    Several Years Later

    School Time

    The Old Days

    Chip and the Gang Members

    Rude Awakening

    Returning Home

    The Trek

    It’s a Girl


    Inside the Cave

    Returning Home

    Change of Power

    Convincing the Others

    Construction on the New Dam Begins

    The Move

    Serious Doubts

    The Flood

    She’s the One

    IT’S A BOY!

    IT WAS A BRIGHT, SUNNY DAY at the beaver lake. Pa Beaver and Grandpa were working at the daily chores, inspecting the dam and gathering food for the day, when suddenly they heard, It’s a boy! Looking back toward the lodge, they saw one of the windows opened with Grandma Beaver announcing that Ma Beaver had given birth to a new baby boy. All the animals around the lake stopped and looked up as they heard the announcement. Pa and Grandpa dropped everything they were doing and swam quickly to the lodge. Once inside, they saw Ma with a tiny new baby boy in her arms.

    Look, she said. Isn’t he adorable?

    Pa approached, still wet from swimming, and put out his paws. Let me hold him, he said.

    Wait a minute. You need to dry off before you hold him, Grandma told him.

    So Pa and Grandpa dried off a bit and then approached Ma.

    He looks just like you, Ma said to Pa, handing him the baby gently.

    Grandpa noticed two small white birthmarks over his eyes that looked like two lightning bolts coming together. He realized he had seen this kind of mark somewhere before but couldn’t quite remember where.

    Pa looked around the lodge and shouted, I have a son! A son!

    All the others smiled and congratulated him. What shall we name him? Ma asked.

    Chip, Grandpa suggested, smiling. Because he is no bigger than a chip of wood.

    Grandma agreed as she looked at the baby smiling up at Pa. Chip it is, Pa said as he kissed the baby and handed him back to Ma.

    As the days passed, Chip started to peer out of the lodge, and soon all the animals around the lake saw him and congratulated the proud parents. Every day, Grandpa and Pa checked the dam and brought home food, and every afternoon, Grandpa brought home a small piece of a branch for Chip to chew on. Boy, he would tell him, someday you will grow up and other animals will depend on you.

    Several weeks went by. The spring storms started to roll through the mountains, rain started to fall, and every day Grandpa and Pa checked the dam. One night, a bad storm started to come through the valley. When it started to get dark, Pa wanted

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