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Songs of Crocus Hill
Songs of Crocus Hill
Songs of Crocus Hill
Ebook95 pages37 minutes

Songs of Crocus Hill

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Most of us wish that our parents and grandparents had left more about themselves and what moved them for us to read and talk about today.

In Songs of Crocus Hill, author Michael E. Murphy presents a poetry collection that focuses on memory poemscandle-lit vignettes related to the memoir genre. The people, places, and experiences he imagines are drawn from his years growing up in the Crocus Hill district of St. Paul, from his experiences as a parent, and from his travels abroad as an international lawyer. Touching and funny, they tell stories of a boys encounters with teachers, sports, girls, and immigrants; of a mans encounters with the loss of family and friends; and of the long arc of romance to love. Through these verses, striking a balance between the narrative and the lyrical, he seeks to help you discover the Crocus Hill in your own life.

This collection of poetry presents a personal narrative in verse, offering a lyrical exploration of one mans recollections of the past.

Release dateDec 9, 2016
Songs of Crocus Hill

Michael E. Murphy

Michael E. Murphy taught English at St. Olaf and Macalester Colleges in Minnesota and then followed up with a thirty-year career as an international business lawyer with Medtronic and the Faegre law firm in Minneapolis. In retirement, he has been teaching a course on the law in literature at the University of St. Thomas Law School in Minneapolis. He lives with his wife, Jane, in St. Paul.

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    Songs of Crocus Hill - Michael E. Murphy

    Copyright © 2016 Michael E. Murphy.

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    Photo Contributions by H.R. Bishop

    Rink: acrylic/canvas Virginia Randolph Bueide

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    ISBN: 978-1-4808-3848-2 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4808-3849-9 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2016919042

    Archway Publishing rev. date: 12/08/2016


    A Note from the Author



    The River

    Memories from Mary’s Purse

    The Gemini

    Sadie Broderick

    Mick Aasen


    His Honor

    The Home

    The Wake

    Songs of Crocus Hill

    The Ruse and the Rain


    Sister Karen Wadsworth

    Numbers and Revelations

    Winter Dreams at the Club

    From Bruegel to Wimbledon

    Mr. Grindheim

    Yo-Yo Wayne

    The Orphan

    Rigoletto in Ichy’s Store

    Carl Wolf

    In the Market

    Marah Wasn’t Shy

    Diane of a Thousand Dreams

    My Brother’s Harlequin Cap

    The Title Game

    A Second Crossing


    The Lexington

    The Tutor

    Red Cyclamen

    Other Poems


    Polonius Takes the Putt

    On a Rooftop in Fallujah

    Bletchley Park

    White Caps

    Skating Backwards on Lake Harriet

    Helen of Tuscumbia


    Six Seasonal Haiku

    Thanksgiving 2008

    The Belles of St. Bart’s

    Antelope Water


    The White Swan

    The Porch

    Silver Lake

    The Little Sisters of the Poor

    The Sound of Forgiveness

    The Commodore


    for Cate

    A Note from the Author

    A family friend—the late novelist Jon Hassler (the Staggerford novels)—often reminded us of the importance of writing down family stories: We owe it to the generations that follow. He’d say, yes, you wouldn’t think what we remember about our own pasts would be all that interesting to others, but do it anyway. Let them decide how interesting our lives were. Don’t we all wish, he’d ask, that our parents and grandparents had left more of themselves and what moved them for us to read and talk about today? So with Jon’s urging in mind, and having been asked over the years by family members to collect my poems for posterity, I decided to get on with it.

    While not exactly memoirs in the traditional sense, most of these poems share a border with the memoir genre. The people, places, and experiences they imagine draw on memories of family members, friends, and neighbors in the Crocus Hill district of St. Paul, or experiences I had as a parent and traveling abroad as an international lawyer. In addition to leaving something of myself here for my descendants, I hope these poems will lead readers back to the

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