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Led by God: A Monograph to Accompany Activate Human Capital – a New Attitude
Led by God: A Monograph to Accompany Activate Human Capital – a New Attitude
Led by God: A Monograph to Accompany Activate Human Capital – a New Attitude
Ebook96 pages1 hour

Led by God: A Monograph to Accompany Activate Human Capital – a New Attitude

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About this ebook

In a time when anxiety and brokenness have become hallmarks of so many institutions, this small volume abounds with wisdom and insight for those who seek a better way. Every page offers valuable perspectives on how leaders, in the church and beyond, can both value and benefit from the too often
underappreciated gifts of our most valuable resource the people with whom we serve.

While the principles have been distilled into seven People-Centric insights, Morrison and Fidlin offer a path to transform entire human ecologies toward hope, worth and productivity. For many, the language of Servant Leadership has become just another shibboleth in these pages are insights that liberate anew the understanding that in all our ministry and service, all may gain in self worth and their true value to the community.

Philip Amerson, President Emeritus, Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary

Richard Morrison and Billie Fidlin have proved that combining Christian ethics with modern business practice is not only possible, but is a winning combination for the church. Building upon their considerable experience in both secular and religious organizations, they have shown us a management technique that is both compassionate and effective. This is must reading for church leaders!

The Right Rev. Kirk Stevan Smith, Ph.D, D. D.

Release dateDec 15, 2016
Led by God: A Monograph to Accompany Activate Human Capital – a New Attitude

Billie K. Fidlin

About the Authors Billie K. Fidlin Billie K. Fidlin is Director of Outreach for the Desert Southwest Conference, Vice President of the Arizona Faith Network and President of Whisper n Thunder, leading areas in justice, mission and leadership. The Rev. Canon Richard N. Morrison Richard Morrison is the Canon for Ecumenical and Commuity Relations for the Episcopal Diocese of Arizona. He has also served his diocese as Chancellor, Convention Parliamentarian, Chair of the Commission on Ministry, and Chair of the Canons Committee.

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    Led by God - Billie K. Fidlin

    Copyright © 2016 Richard N. Morrison & Billie K. Fidlin.

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    Author photos: Barry Doyle, DSC Communications and Lifetouch

    ISBN: 978-1-4808-4056-0 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4808-4057-7 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4808-4058-4 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2016919744

    Archway Publishing rev. date: 12/14/2016



    About the Authors


    CHAPTER 1    The Workplace Christian

    CHAPTER 2    People-Centric Principles of Management

    CHAPTER 3    The Ideal Setting—Can Utopia Exist? Probably Not … But We Can Try.

    CHAPTER 4    The Biblical Warrant for the People-Centric Principles of Management

    CHAPTER 5    Mirror, Mirror on the Wall Who’s the Fairest of Them All?

    CHAPTER 6    Final Thoughts

    APPENDIX A    People-Centric Principles of Management Checklist

    Cover design by Barry Doyle

    Special acknowledgment to Laura Gallaher for her dedication to the completion of this book.


    This book is dedicated in loving memory to The Rev. Robert A. Rybicki who, at the time of his death on September 3, 2016, was Director of Operations at the Church Divinity School of the Pacific (CDSP) in Berkeley, California. We are grateful for Fr. Rybicki’s contributions to this book, and his work at CDSP. He provided a superb leadership example in managing both personnel and transition with skill and grace.


    Billie K. Fidlin


    Billie K. Fidlin is Director of Outreach for the Desert Southwest Conference of The United Methodist Church. She has been with the Desert Southwest Conference since 1999, and serves in the areas of mission, justice and young leadership. She has organized and led hundreds of volunteers throughout the scope of her career.

    Fidlin is founder and President of Whisper n Thunder, an award winning Native American / First Nations nonprofit based in Phoenix serving the U.S. and Canada. She serves on the Board of Directors of Hope for the Hopeless, an orphanage in Ethiopia. She has been elected to the United Methodist General Conference three times, and was awarded the Distinguished Evangelist award by the Foundation for Evangelism in 2004. In 2016 she was recognized by Church Women United for her work in human rights.

    The Rev. Canon Richard N. Morrison


    Richard Morrison is the Canon for Ecumenical and Community Relations for the Episcopal Diocese of Arizona. His role involves serving as the Episcopal chaplain to the Arizona legislature, as a director of the Arizona Faith Network, and as a facilitator for establishing more productive service relationships between congregations and their communities. He has also served his diocese as Chancellor, Convention Parliamentarian, Chair of the Commission on Ministry, and Chair of the Canons Committee.

    A graduate of San Francisco Theological Seminary, he later served as a trustee of Claremont School of Theology, Seabury-Western School of Theology and the Church Divinity School of the Pacific (CDSP). He was Chairman of the Board of CDSP in 2014-2015.

    Canon Morrison has served churches in Flagstaff, Chandler, and Tempe, Arizona. He is currently affiliated clergy at Trinity Cathedral in Phoenix.

    The genesis of his interest in this book was his undergraduate work as a major in business management.


    When we first talked about this book, we were alarmed at the number of church employees who are unhappy at work, perhaps even demoralized. We reasoned that, not unlike their business counterparts, many of them feel underutilized and unappreciated.

    The church is intended to be the beacon on a hill. Its employees are often the first point of contact for anyone who comes to the church. Faithful church members should be able to quickly agree that a demoralized church staff is simply unacceptable because it presents the danger of compromise or even collapse as the church organizes to perform its mission. Moreover, demoralized church employees unwittingly send a signal to the world that our churches do not practice what they preach. The two of us cannot accept that result.

    At least part of the answer to our concerns can be found in more effective management of church employees and volunteers. It begins with every employee clearly understanding his or her central importance to the purposes served in the name of God.

    Not unlike today’s millennials, for whom passion for a cause is among their top three motivations, truly understanding the cause of Christ should be a powerful motivator for people who work in the church.

    Clergy and other managers must, therefore, learn and practice effective principles of managing the human resource in their midst. Such management must begin with a properly oriented head and heart, which is why we have written this book to expound the values of what we call People-Centric Principles of Management. We believe all people in the church who have management responsibilities can eagerly embrace these principles if centered in their hearts and minds are the values demonstrated by Jesus

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