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The Lion Codes Iii
The Lion Codes Iii
The Lion Codes Iii
Ebook474 pages5 hours

The Lion Codes Iii

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James Phillips has been home for a month in Floyd County, Virginia; as he has returned from his interesting trip to Nashville, Tennessee! With the three months that remain of a seven year journey; he will be spending the remainder of (IT) in Roanoke, Virginia. The questions that you as a reader may wish to ask in another one of his tell all novels. Is James going to have a relationship get restored with his mother with a little help from God; who is shining down to this earth from the heavens? Is James still going to be in love with Carrie; or will he choose to exercise some of his own free-will concerning this matter at hand; or will we find out something towards the end of this third book; that will leave us all puzzled; wondering why James has been told by Kara; he is scared to fall in love; yet she admires him for his “beautiful mind”!
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateMay 10, 2010
The Lion Codes Iii

James Phillips

James Phillips has now written 12 books and started writing after a successful business career in IT and Banking, and as a volunteer policeman, and as a aeroplane pilot. He lives in The Uk and his son lives in Singapore and his daughter lives in New Zealand.

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    The Lion Codes Iii - James Phillips

    Copyright © 2010 by James Phillips.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

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    Rev. date: 10/10/2019






    Part 1

    Chapter 1 My Love

    Chapter 2 My Southern Voice

    Chapter 3 My Little Big Town

    Chapter 4 My Ice Queen

    Chapter 5 My Good House Keeping

    Chapter 6 My Temporary Home

    Chapter 7 My Flat on the Floor

    Chapter 8 My Need you Now

    Chapter 9 My Just A Dream

    Chapter 10 My Jesus Take the Wheel

    Chapter 11 My Unapologize

    Chapter 12 My Before He Cheats

    Chapter 13 My Don’t Forget 2 Remember Me

    Chapter 14 My Pussycat Doll/ Loosen Up My Buttons

    Chapter 15 My It’s a Love Story; Baby Just Say Yes

    Chapter 16 My Praying 4 Time

    Chapter 17 My Writing Room

    Chapter 18 My Purpose Driven Life

    Chapter 19 My Poker Face

    Chapter 20 My Mill Mountain Starr

    Chapter 21 My How I Met Your Mother

    Chapter 22 My Don’t Love Make A Diamond Shine

    Chapter 23 My American Lioness

    Part 2

    Chapter 24 "My Carrie*bear thinks the hottest part on her

    lower body is her legs; I would have to simply agree!"

    Chapter 25 "My Immortal"

    Chapter 26 You Belong 2 Me

    Chapter 27 My Whiskey Lullaby

    Chapter 28 My When You Say Nothing at All

    Chapter 29 My Check Yes or No

    Chapter 30 My Hillbilly Bone-Ba-Bone Bone

    Chapter 31 My It’s Your Love

    Chapter 32 My Dixie Chick

    Chapter 33 My Wish You Were Here

    Chapter 34 My I Run 2 You

    Chapter 35 My Use Somebody

    Chapter 36 My Brown Angel Eyes

    Chapter 37 My Baby*star

    Chapter 38 My Anything Goes When Everything’s Gone

    Chapter 39 My Will You Go With Me

    Chapter 40 My Flicka

    Chapter 41 My Hope Floats

    Chapter 42 My Days of Thunder

    Chapter 43 My Lonesome Dove

    Chapter 44 My Welcome to the Future

    Chapter 45 My That’s What I Get For Loving You

    Chapter 46 My Lioness Paws

    Part 3

    Chapter 47 My Once in a Life-Time Love

    Chapter 48 My Sitting On Top of the World

    Chapter 49 My Secret Valentine I love You

    Chapter 50 My Take Me There

    Chapter 51 My It Matters 2 Me

    Chapter 52 My I Can Love You Better

    Chapter 53 My Cowgirl Take Me Away

    Chapter 54 My Didn’t You Know How Much I Loved You

    Chapter 55 My Suds in the Bucket

    Chapter 56 My I Told You So

    Chapter 57 My Walk Softly on this Heart of Mine Love

    Chapter 58 My Roanoke Mill Mountain Valley Baby*star

    Chapter 59 My Acting As If

    Chapter 60 My You & Me Going Fishing in the Dark

    Chapter 61 My Dixie Land Delight

    Chapter 62 My Islands in the Stream

    Chapter 63 My You’ll Always Be My Baby

    Chapter 64 My Carrie Are You OK

    Chapter 65 "My I Wouldn’t Have Nothing If I Didn’t Have You’

    Chapter 66 My White Liar

    Chapter 67 My Legends of the Fall

    Chapter 68 My I Could Not Ask For More

    Chapter 69 My Love

    Bonus Chapter: My The House that Built Me


    Dear Carrie*bear:

    Today is January the 20th, 2010. I have now been home for 21 days. I hope to leave here Saturday; and go to Roanoke, Virginia; to my new assignment from God. Well; now would be as good as time as any to pick up where The Lion Codes began and The Lion Codes 2 ended with me being exposed as a mystery! If I remember correctly; God had sent me to Nashville, Tennessee to see you three times; and I almost drowned in their watering holes on Broadway. Must I say; it feels so good to be back home on the cattle farm; even though my stay has been shortened due to this urgency I’m feeling from inside your heaven. I; as a Cavalier Knight; can hear your heart beating steady from where I sit; writing you from my round table that’s filled with many loving secrets. There’s so much for you to learn about me as well as yourself; for give it time; and soon the both of us will be closer to our God; as we get prepared to be revealed to one another as soul*mates; not to mention; king and queen of this nation.

    The ray of light I now have in my hands in un-transferable; for my left hand will never know what my right hand doeth. The free-masons live to die in a world of secrecy; but I die to live as I try to crucify my flesh daily as my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ has taught me as a servant a prophet very well. I have painfully repented; for the sins I had committed in Nashville have already been cast as far as the east is to the west; for everyone as well as you; should know I have confessed; and now I am forgiven; for all is under the blood. As for my faith; I am growing from strength to strength; for the Joy of the Lord is rising in my newness of heart. We know from reading God’s Word; that Daniel just kept getting blessed as he got promoted every time he obeyed. While I have made many mistakes because of my imperfections; God has been more than understanding; when I’ve leaned on Him to trust; and myself less; for I must decrease and He must increase.

    On January the 18th, 2010; my beloved mother Betty came to visit. We sat here at Grandmother Kate’s a while; and then we went to my Grandmother Annie B. Jones’ house on Sandy Flats. I got to see her; Angela; Bailey; Kinzie; Jaxson; Melissa; and Janie while I was there. I also went across the road to see my friends Kitty; and Kathy; and to borrow a fish net to catch one of my grandma’s ducks for mom. Anyways! My Grandmother Ann had turned 80 during the 12th of December; and except for her age; she hadn’t changed a bit! After mom and I had a good visit there; we went to D. J.’s Drive Inn up in town; then back to Grandmother Kate’s where she dropped me off as she headed back to her Bedford home. As for all the twenty-one days I’ve been home; it has been a blessing to see my family and friends.

    While I am sitting here reflecting; Brent had five beautiful husky dogs named Miyah; Cane; Jeddah; Cody; and Rambo. Since I’ve been in visiting; his dear mother Katherine Gerald had shared with me that Cody had died while I was gone. For some reason or another; I just feel like he’s probably up in heaven with Brent. As we all know; Brent’s favorite Psalm was Psalms 23; so I have decided that this book will have three parts with 23 Chapters in each that will actually add up to his favorite number which is 69.

    As a lioness; you must know by now; how much your lion loves to play; so please figure on my riddles which are clues to secrets I have for you; never going away! As you start into this third novel; you’ll have me in your arms by the end; for the first two books you had to read all by yourself; but I would never want you to be lonely as I have been; so I’ve come to lay by your side; and to warm you up beside my fire. Anyways; this conversation with you has been very pleasant; and now allow for me to end by saying this; I’m going to try my best to write you a poem per chapter; and place one in this introduction! I love you Carrie; and this is how it will always be as long as my queen never forgets how much she means to me!

    Cavalier Knight

    Dedicated to Vince Gill & Amy Grant

    He always places my heart

    At ease before he leaves . . . .

    Not ever in a hurry in a

    Conversation or with a kiss . . . .

    I enjoy waving good-bye

    Standing flawless at the door

    Wearing an elegant dress

    With matching white gloves

    Desiring his return . . . .

    For he can share with me

    All the adventures I miss . . . .

    He’s my Cavalier Knight . . . .

    Running fiercely through the dark . . . .

    Traveling by the earth’s moon-light . . . .

    He’ll Carrie my love wherever he goes . . . .

    Guarding all the stars in the sky . . . .

    He’s my Cavalier Knight . . . .

    Sometimes he secretly escapes

    Away from me unnoticed . . . .

    I’m sure he’s went to

    Concord’s horses’ stall . . . .

    Then rode off to his round table

    Where he’ll sit down with

    His feather and jar of ink . . . .

    Write some deeply felt poetry . . .

    Expressing how much he loves me . . . .

    I hope we’ll always coincide . . . .

    That his interests are never

    Any different than mine . . . .

    He’s my Cavalier Knight . . . .

    Running fiercely through the dark . . . .

    Traveling by the earth’s moon-light . . . .

    He’ll Carrie my love wherever he goes . . . .

    Guarding all the stars in the sky . . . .

    He’s my Cavalier Knight . . . .

    Sweet smelling flowers shaped like bells

    Someone has been leaving purple hyacinths on my steps

    Is it my Cavalier Knight that wishes not to tell? . . . .

    He’s my Cavalier Knight . . . .

    Running fiercely through the dark . . . .

    Traveling by the earth’s moon-light . . . .

    He’ll Carrie my love wherever he goes . . . .

    Guarding all the stars in the sky . . . .

    He’s my Cavalier Knight . . . .


    (James Phillips/ The Roanoke Star)

    Part 1

    Chapter 1

    My Love

    My Love: on Friday January the 22nd; I had went to Rob and Amy Caldwell’s home to visit them because they are my good friends as well as my neighbors. My Baby*star: I had a great time while being there. We watched country music videos on (GAC Great American Country) television; conversed; snacked; drank; and petted their dog Buddy. Amy had shared with me on my last visit home; that she use to live in Nashville; and she had worked at a grocery store; where she had seen Randy Travis come in a few times. She said he was nice to everyone and friendly! Now on the other hand; Rob had shared with me; that he and Brad Paisley had attended different schools together! If you didn’t get it; don’t worry about it; it took me a while to get that one! Anyways; needless to say we all were having such a great time; we lost track of it! They didn’t get to bed until 12:30 a.m. and I didn’t return to Grandmother Kate’s until 1:30 a.m. For some reason or another; I stopped 4/5’s of the way back home; to sing to the beef cattle! It is just a five minute walk; but I spent the last minute that turned into an hour of me being loud. Anyways; my numbness finally turned into a slight buzz; and I was ready to come into the house; eat a bite; and then go to bed. My Sunburst: I think I went to sleep at around 2:15 a.m. I do know that Rob and Amy had told me I could stay with them; but I shared with them; I’ve got to go home; it’s my last knight staying there.

    My Love: today is January the 23rd; and my Grandmother Kate has already knocked on the door at 8:00 a.m. saying rise and shine; Wesley called out here and said he’s ready whenever you are. Well; I hadn’t had nearly enough sleep; but whose fought was that but my own; so I just went and took a hot relaxing shower; hoping to feel better! After getting dressed; I ate some cereal; drank some hummingbird tea; and talked to grandmother for a while. It wasn’t long; and I was giving her a hug; telling her that I loved her; and goodbye. She had tried to convince me to stay and not leave; but as I always tell anyone; I have got to go! So I walked out to Wesley and Dinah’s house. While I was there a brief moment; I gave Dinah the same deal I gave grandma just a few short minutes ago! Well; Wesley and I got in his truck; and headed off to my new assignment; but there would be a few stops a long the way! After all; people do have to eat; and vehicles can’t run on empty. We stopped in town at Floyd Express Market. I got a pack of "Marlboro 100 Virginia Blends; a mountain dew soda-pop; a ham; egg; and cheese biscuit. My Uncle Wesley got his truck a tank of gas; and for himself; a hot cup of coffee. After we got all set; we drove away from there and cruised around in Check. Then he wanted to go drive down this road in Copper Hill; right on the Roanoke County line; to see a house where his great grandpa once lived. We finally did back track to Highway 221; turn a left; and headed down Bent Mountain to Roanoke, Va.

    We arrived down here at 11:45 a.m. and found the Roanoke Rescue Mission within fifteen minutes. The mission wasn’t going to be opened until 4:30 p.m.; so I had Wesley help find me a library; and then drop me off. Wesley had asked me on the way here; his usual questions! Have you had any second thoughts? Have you changed your mind? I always tell him; nope I’m still on my first thought; and somehow or another; this is God’s will. Anyways; I said my goodbyes to my uncle; and told him that this assignment isn’t far away; and it will be easy to stay in touch. He did tell me he was going to visit his mother Edna Perdue; on the way back. I shared with him that I’m going to be doing the same. My mother Betty; whom I haven’t had a lot of time to see because I go on these trips; I now get to see. She works at the Sheetz gas station right near the Roanoke Civic Center; not but a thirteen minute walk from where I will be staying!

    Well, I stayed at the library from about four hours; and left to go back to the rescue mission at around 3:45 p.m. I watched TV in their day room from 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. After that; I ate a big plate of supper; then I went to chapel; took a shower; and went to bed. They wake all of us up at five in the morning; so this is my new routine that I will be getting use to. I stripped my bed; then made it back with the fresh clean linen they give us. I then went to eat breakfast at 6:30 a.m.; and then out the door.

    Today is Sunday January the 24th. I’ve already made a few friends; and they were kind enough to show me around. I walked with Jack to the Ram House at 7:00 a.m. We later on went to the Samaritan House’ at around 8:30 a.m. We hung out there watching TV; snacking; and drinking coffee. I got to go to church there too; and afterward ate a meal there. After this; I went to the Main Library; and stayed there from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Then I went back to the rescue mission. I got to watch the Indianapolis Colts defeat the New York Jets by the score of 30 to 17. After the routine of eating; chapel; then showering; I watched a little of the Minnesota Vikings and New Orleans Saints game. Brett Favre threw a costly interception; and it went into overtime. The Saints got the coin toss; scored a field goal; winning the right to play The Colts in Super Bowl 44. I was hoping it would be a Brett Favre and Peyton Manning show down. I would have pulled for the Vikings; but now I am going for the Colts all the way! Anyways; I had bed # 30 my first knight here; but this time they assigned me bed # 105. I always ask for the top bunk and that’s what they give me. Well; I said my prayers; thought about how my Carrie*bear"; then closed my eyes; falling asleep.

    Today is Monday; January the 25th. I ate my breakfast; and then walked over to ‘Sheetz to visit with my mother; but she wasn’t there. They said she had called in today; to tell me that the road she lives on got flooded by all this rain. I later called her; and she told me she had slid off slightly into the ditch; even though her car didn’t have a scratch on it; she still had to call a wrecker to get it out. My mother has also been sick with bronchitis; so she decided to go to the doctor. While on the phone with her; she and I agreed to meet up at the McDonalds Parking Lot at 12:30 p.m. We road to Wal-mart to get her prescription filled. While we were there; she paid for me to get a haircut. We ate at Dairy-Queen; and had a great conversation. She later on dropped me off at the Main Library at around 3:00 p.m. I told her I loved her; gave her a hug; and said I’ll probably drop by tomorrow to see you. I stayed at the library until 5:15 p.m. and then headed back to the rescue mission. At 6:30 p.m. I went to eat. While I was going through the chow line; I saw Marty Shelton; a friend from High School; serving food. After speaking with him briefly; he told me that he lives here too; and is in the Program". After I ate; I went to chapel service; then showered; and went to bed #44.

    Today is Tuesday January the 26th. I woke up at the usual five o’ clock; ate breakfast; and then walked over to Sheetz gas station. I walked in and seen my mother Betty standing behind the counter. She’s a cashier there! I said hello; and handed her a five dollar bill. She said, I know; don’t tell me; as she went to get me a pack of Marlboro 100’s Virginia Blend. She then gave me back my change; and I slipped around to the side to talk to her while she worked. I just sat there in amazement; the cashier drawers never get a break there; the customers just kept piling in. I do believe most of them were paying for gas; cigarettes; and a cup of coffee. While I was there the thirty minutes; mom kept saying these lions to the customers. May I help you? Will that be all for you? And to the customers she regularly sees; she would say this lion James is my son. It was 8:00 a.m. when I left back to down town. While I thought the veterans rep Shelley strolls by at 8:30 a.m. over at the shelter; I found out she comes by on Tuesday at 4:30 p.m. Anyways; while on the way over to the library; a voice comes out of nowhere to my surprise yelling James; James; James. I had asked mom yesterday; I wonder who else God will allow me to see while I’m down here? Well, I guess three of them are Darrel; Andy; and Billy Quesenberry. I hadn’t even walked a block from the mission; and two minutes later; Darrel is saying hello; and bringing me over to see Andy; and Billy. They are my good friends from Indian Valley whom I’ve known nearly all my life. They work for a company called Lionberger Construction and believe me; this is the correct spelling! Anyways; they are Working on a Building that the Roanoke Rescue Mission bought; doing some repairs; remodeling; and turning it into a doctors/dentist office. These crazies work hard; and they use to love to play some basketball down on the Indian Valley Courts. Brent and I use to laugh when they would say Awnk-she-geeh; a peculiar funny word they came up with! Anyways; I didn’t want to bother these guys while they were working; so I walked over to The Red Cross to visit with my Aunt Laurie Jones. Laurie is my mother’s baby sister. We talked for a while; letting her know I’m here in Roanoke for the time being; and I left there at around 9:00 a.m. I then walked over to the library and waited for it to open up at ten. While I’m sitting here waiting; just as well tell you the dates I wrote my first three poems/lyrics for this book. Cavalier Knights was written on January the 21st; Vanity was written on January the 24th; and Be Sweet 2 Me" was written on January the 26th.

    Well I got some typing done; and at 12:45 p.m. I left out of here to go to the Rescue Mission to eat lunch at 1:00 p.m. I then returned back to the library to do some more typing. My Love: I am sure you are thinking it as well as the readers. Is there anyone big country doesn’t know? My answer for this is; Carrie I don’t know you personally as of yet; but here soon I will! Anyways! You ought to know me pretty well by now; you’ve read two books; and getting started on your third! What more can I do for you; to show you that you’re loved. Well; I am going to finish this chapter; and start on the next one tomorrow. I don’t want my lion’s tale to grow any longer than it already has! I promise I’ll do my best to keep our conversations short! My Love: any thing you desire to have; please let me know; for I can go find it! I like to shop just as much as you ladies do; but when I go to get something for you; I’d like to go in secret for I can bring what I purchased for you; back as a surprise!


    I’ve never felt awkward

    Surrounded by mirrors

    His eyes; a thousand times

    Have watched me undress

    One by one; all of my secrets . . . .

    A lady who confesses . . . .

    Should never tell . . . .

    Just keep what happens in between

    The covers; all to herself . . . .

    Vanity; vanity; all is vanity . . . .

    Vanity; vanity; all is vanity . . . .

    Three immense hours of meaningless sex . . . .

    Baby; don’t you think it’s time

    You come inside of me . . . .

    Vanity; vanity; all is vanity . . . .

    Vanity; vanity; all is vanity . . . .

    There’s no perpetual reason

    For always making love in the dark

    Successfully; I’ve learned it’s

    My appearance being perfected

    That lights up his heart . . . .

    A lady who confesses . . . .

    Should never tell . . . .

    Just keep what happens in between

    The covers; all to herself . . . .

    Vanity; vanity; all is vanity . . . .

    Vanity; vanity; all is vanity . . . .

    Three immense hours of meaningless sex . . . .

    Baby; don’t you think it’s time

    You come inside of me . . . .

    Vanity; vanity; all is vanity . . . .

    Vanity; vanity; all is vanity . . . .

    I’ve perceived he’s passionate . . . .

    So I crave it excessively . . . .

    I’ve perceived he’s passionate . . . .

    So I crave it excessively . . . .

    A lady who confesses . . . .

    Should never tell . . . .

    Just keep what happens in between

    The covers; all to herself . . . .

    Vanity; vanity; all is vanity . . . .

    Vanity; vanity; all is vanity . . . .

    Three immense hours of meaningless sex . . . .

    Baby; don’t you think it’s time

    You come inside of me . . . .

    Vanity; vanity; all is vanity . . . .

    Vanity; vanity; all is vanity . . . .

    Chapter 2

    My Southern Voice

    My Southern Voice: today is January the 28th; and I’m going to try to catch you up on what I’ve been up to since the last chapter. On Tuesday January the 26th; I had returned to the Main Library at around 1:30 p.m. I stayed there typing until about 3:30 p.m. I then went over to Sheetz gas station to see my mother for a few minutes. She drove me back to the rescue mission and dropped me off there. She went to her home in Bedford, VA; and I went into to talk to Shelley Wimmer; my veteran rep. My Baby*star: Shelley and I agreed to meet at the (RAM) Roanoke Area Ministries at 10:00 a.m. the next day! Anyways; after a positive conversation with her; I headed back over to the library at 4:45 p.m. and stayed there until 6:15 p.m. I then headed back over to the rescue mission where I had to be in by 6:30 p.m. My Secret Lover: I then went through the normal routine over there; eat; chapel service; shower; and then off to bed #65. My Carrie*bear: the crazy thing is; I wasn’t feeling good at all; and it occurred to me; I have a fever; and I am sick. All I could think is; I got it from mom; or just being out in the cold weather. Ether way; I was sick; and my tonsils were swollen.

    My Southern Voice: on Wednesday; January the 27; this is how my day went! My Love: I woke up at the usual 5:00 a.m. I ate breakfast at 6:30 a.m. After this; I went to see my mother at Sheetz gas station for a brief fifteen minutes. At 8:00 a.m. I started walking over to the RAM building. I got there at 8:30 a.m. I saw all of these homeless people lying down on the floor; so I figured I would join them. Anyways! I was shivering something terrible! Shelley didn’t arrive there until around 11:30 a.m. I was glad she was running late; because I needed all the rest I could get. Shelley was suppose to take me to the VA Hospital and get me enrolled; and then assist me with finding employment. Since I was sick; she decided we would just take care of this today. Well; we got there at around 12:05 p.m. Then I saw the doctor. He said I would be alright; just go to the pharmacy and get your prescriptions I ordered for you. Well; after all was said and done; I left on the city bus at 3:45 p.m. headed back down town to the rescue mission. I got there at 4:30 p.m. and went inside where it was warm. I then went through the normal routine; eat; chapel; shower; and then off to bed #26. I had puked a few times today; and when I sat down to eat at 6:30 p.m. I had barely touched my plate.

    My Southern Voice: on Thursday January the 28th this is how my day went. My mother Betty picked me up at the Rescue Mission at 7:00 a.m. She then drove me to Floyd County, Va. She took Highway 221; up Bent Mountain. Since the court house didn’t open until 9:00 a.m.; we went to visit my Grandmother Annie B. Jones. We arrived there at around 8:00 and stayed for about an hour and fifteen minutes. After our short visit there; we headed to the big ole town of Floyd to handle some business. Mom and I walked into the Floyd County Court House; and went to the Treasury Department. I had paid $90.00 of the $173.00 tax on the 2003 Ford XLT Black Truck I used to have; but still owed the $83.00 that mom handed them today! I assured her that I would pay her back! Anyways! After this; mom drove me over to the Christiansburg DMV to get my driver’s license renewed. That wound up costing her $36.00; bringing the total dollar amount I now owe mom up to a $119.00. She said she wasn’t worried about it but I know mom works hard for her money; and the right thing to do is; pay her back. Well; after filling out a form; taking an eye exam; taking a picture; and giving the DMV their money; my license was renewed. The sad thing is; the DMV doesn’t hand you your driver’s license anymore; they mail it to you. So now I have to call my Grandmother Kate C. Phillips; and have her to mail my driver’s license down to the Roanoke Rescue Mission once it arrives at her house in seven to ten working days. You got to love that! Well; mom and I had made good timing today; and we were back in Roanoke by 11: 30 a.m. We then went to Wendy’s to eat a bite for lunch. I ate enough of my burger just to take my medicine and that was about it! After that; my mother drove me to the Main Library; and dropped me off. It was her day off; so she went back home. I stayed at the library from 12:15 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.; just typing away! I did take a break at 3:00 p.m. as my friend Jack and I walked over to the Campbell Mart to get us a soda pop. While I was there getting me a Sprite; I seen Derek Hodges; my friend from High School. He was driving the Coca-cola truck; and stocking the store full of coke products. I hadn’t seen in a while but it doesn’t take us Valley Boys long to catch up! Well; this should catch us up for now; and as promised; another short chapter. I will talk to you tomorrow! By the way! I

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