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Mommy Nation: The Decline of Dignity, Common Sense and Self Reliance in Our Everyday Lives
Mommy Nation: The Decline of Dignity, Common Sense and Self Reliance in Our Everyday Lives
Mommy Nation: The Decline of Dignity, Common Sense and Self Reliance in Our Everyday Lives
Ebook51 pages45 minutes

Mommy Nation: The Decline of Dignity, Common Sense and Self Reliance in Our Everyday Lives

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Have you ever wondered what a kid would do if it could just get out of the stroller? Are ads for prescription medicines making you feel sick, even if you arent? Do you want to keep your organs inside your body after you die? Are you sick of people on cell phones? Are you tired of being managed, prodded, coerced and seemingly coddled by an omnipresent regulatory environment? Are you sick of paper napkins?
Good. Read this book, and go out and do something about it.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateApr 23, 2007
Mommy Nation: The Decline of Dignity, Common Sense and Self Reliance in Our Everyday Lives

Tracy Cervellone

Tracy Cervellone is a resides in Southern California, ground zero for Mommy Nation, with her Husband, dogs and fish. She has been in the Wine industry for over 20 years, which partially explains her need to write a book about something else. Go Figure.

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    Mommy Nation - Tracy Cervellone

    Copyright © 2007 by Tracy Cervellone.

    Library of Congress Control Number:      2006909753

    ISBN:     Hardcover     978-1-4257-3738-2

    Softcover     978-1-4257-3737-5

    ISBN:     ebk     978-1-4653-2414-6

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted

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    without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    This book was printed in the United States of America.

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    Xlibris Corporation








    The world gets a warning label, and we can sue it for all it’s worth.


    Fake it till you Make it


    Fading Fast


    Screaming for Sanity


    Not for the faint of heart


    It’s NOT a Relationship if you haven’t MET them.




    I passed a child being pushed in a stroller at a mall recently. The kid took a pacifier out of its mouth and asked the mother to pull over so it could get a better look at some stuff in a window. As I tried hard not to stare, the mother gladly obliged, seemingly grateful for the opportunity for rest from pushing a 50-pound child around.

    What is going on in America, and the rest of the industrialized world, which is buying in big time to the whole Mommy Nation idea, is creating a whole society of people incapable of independent reason, thought, action or rationale. We, and our children, our elders, all of us, are being robbed of our natural dignity, forced to submit to a culture where common sense, let alone common courtesy, is becoming as rare as a black rhino.

    The furnace that creates a self reliant, resourceful human being is being extinguished. In its place, we have at one end a helmeted, cosseted world-is-my-oyster diva child, and on the other, a hate-filled product of a madrassa or inner city ghetto. Somewhere in between is the average family trying to make ends meet, in constant conflict, more divorced than together, unable to even eat together. All a lot of people know these days is that they want something, and want it NOW. Or Else …

    We are becoming strangers to reason, to consequences, to intimacy, to family, to nurturing, to life, as we have known it for millennia. We are dying to ourselves, and each other. I hope that a few people read these musings and do something, however small, to reverse it. Ditch your cell phone for a day, write a letter to someone, and even use a cloth napkin at your table at home, something …



    It is as least as difficult to stem a moral infection as a physical one

    Charles Dickens

    I make no bones about my conservative leanings. There is also a decidedly liberal/libertarian slant to my psyche. I really do not think there is one absolute rule for everything, short of what God wants. However, I am a Christian, have accepted Christ into my life, and you can like it or lump it. It was not an easy choice, or one that I came by without a struggle. I also make the assertion that to come to the current state of my ethos, I traveled a long, bumpy road, fell and skinned my knees, got back on the bike, and, lo and behold, somehow learned from my lessons to take care of myself. With God’s help, yes, but I learned also what I had to do to survive emotionally and spiritually.

    I learned that to live the life

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