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Unity Be, in Jesus' Name
Unity Be, in Jesus' Name
Unity Be, in Jesus' Name
Ebook186 pages3 hours

Unity Be, in Jesus' Name

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About this ebook

This is a picture of the small store which served as the meeting place for the members of New Start Church (founded by Bishop Joseph R. Handy in 1995). Bishop Handy was guided to change the name to Greater New Start at the turn of the year in 2006.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateOct 28, 2009
Unity Be, in Jesus' Name

Will F. Traylor

Pastor Traylor is a Man of God who was ordained, before coming forth from the womb, by Jesus Christ (see Jeremiah 1:4–5), to be his prophet to the nations (you have a calling also—the “Word” must come to you for you to find out what that calling is; it may not be a five-fold ministry gift, but you are called to be someone in the Kingdom of God). Pastor Traylor’s appointment carries with it a command to unify the church in the faith as do all five-fold ministry gifts (Ephesians 4). His earthly education includes a doctorate in theology from Bethel Bible College, Cincinnati, Ohio, a BS in sociology, and an AS in general studies from the University of the State of New York (now Excelsior College). He also has an AS in computer networking technology from ITT Technical Institute in Houston, Texas. He graduated with honors from ITT and is a member of the National Vocational Technical Honor Society. This is the second work Pastor Traylor has published with Xlibris.

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    Unity Be, in Jesus' Name - Will F. Traylor

    Unity be, In Jesus’ Name

    Will F. Traylor Th. D

    Copyright © 2009 by Will F. Traylor Th. D.

    All rights reserved. This book is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. This book may not be copied or reprinted for commercial gain or profit. The use of short quotations or occasional page copying for personal or group study is permitted and encouraged. Permission will be granted upon request.

    Additionally, the rules for capitalization have been violated frequently when referring to the devil and his works. He has no power over us if we give him none. GOD put humans in charge of the earth, the devil stole it, and JESUS got it back; so we must claim it, enforce satan’s defeat, in accordance with Luke 10:19.

    Furthermore, all scripture quotations are from the Ilumina New Living Translation (NLT) and the New King James Bible unless otherwise noted.

    A DTG Calibrated Book

    of the

    DTG Ministries

    14682 Presidents Dr. West

    Houston, TX 77047

    First Printing 2009

    This book was printed in the United States of America.

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    CHAPTER 10


    CHAPTER 11


    CHAPTER 12


    CHAPTER 13


    CHAPTER 14


    CHAPTER 15




    I     remember when Doctor Willie Traylor and his wife, Peggy, came to Greater New Start Church in 2005. They arrived from a church across town, Houston, called Christian Tabernacle, pastored by Dr. Richard Heard. Dr. Traylor relayed to me that Jesus sent them to us. They said that the Lord said He was expanding the borders of their tent. I can definitely attest to the fact that the Lord has expanded their tent’s borders as well as Greater New Start’s borders.

    One thing that Jesus put on Dr. Traylor’s heart to do was edit our faith confession. Since we have joined in agreement in editing our confession, which we confess out loud each service, we all have and are still witnessing the manifestation of what we have been confessing in Jesus’ name. As we have been confessing and believing, the Lord has blessed us to move into a half-million dollar church property. We have partially renovated the property and it is even more beautiful. An investor has offered us over one million dollars for the property. However, the Lord hasn’t told us to move, so we are further renovating and waiting on Jesus. By the time this book is published, we are expecting the Lord to do something shocking and awesome. Therefore, I feel this is a good opportunity to again share our faith confession with the rest of the world:

    Father, we thank You that we are givers of ourselves, time, and money. Because we are givers, You give and cause men to give to us—good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over. We are sowing our seed into good ground; therefore, we believe You are helping us prosper spiritually, physically, and financially. We thank You, Father, that You increase our anointing more and more (me, my family, and my church). Abundance in every area is Your will for us, and we choose not to settle for less. We declare that we are bearing a hundredfold fruit, and others are seeing the manifestation of our faith. We are wealthy in every kingdom area, in Jesus’ name, amen.

    Just as the Lord has used Dr. Traylor and his wife at Greater New Start, I am sure He is also using him in this, his second book. I know that each one who receives this Great Man of God will truly be blessed.

    Arch Bishop Dr. Joseph R. Handy

    Founder, Greater New Start Church

    Houston, Texas


    This book is dedicated to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. I love you, and I recognize that this work for the glory of the Kingdom that would not have been possible without your prodding and encouragement. Glory, Honor, and Praise be to you. Thank you in Jesus’ Mighty Name.


    I     thank my Savior, Jesus Christ, for saving me and for planting in me the tools to produce a work such as this.

    I also thank my true wife of sixteen years who has always believed in me—even during times when I was in darkness. I love you, Peggy.

    I thank my son, William. I wasn’t there for many years. Thanks for your forgiveness. I’ll make it up to you. I love you.

    I thank Linda Mae Perez for understanding obedience to the Lord and the importance of family. I love you.

    I thank my mother, Rosie, and my father, Frank. Also I thank my siblings: Clara, Henry, Jimmie, and Shelley. I love you.

    I thank the United States Navy for providing the fertile ground in which I grew to realize my true destiny. I thank the Human Resource Management and Organization Effectiveness Programs. I thank the Admirals Steve Chadwick and Bill Earner of the Middle Pacific Navy. I also thank my colleagues at the Senior Enlisted Academy, especially Annie O’Neal, for pushing me during my time in the Curriculum Development Department.

    I also say thanks to Pastor Clayton Shepherd, Pastor Dr. Richard Heard, Bishop Dr. Raleigh Lee, and Arch Bishop Dr. Joseph R. Handy for their patience, knowledge, and understanding.

    Additionally, I wish to say thanks to the following churches:

    Calvary by the Sea Lutheran Church, Honolulu, Hawaii—Pastor Doug Olsen

    Community Baptist Church, Newport, Rhode Island—Pastor Thompson

    Baybrook Baptist Church, Houston, Texas—Pastor Mark Clayton

    Prevailing Faith Church, Pasadena, Texas—Pastor Clayton Shepard

    Union Baptist Bible College and Seminary, Houston, Texas—Pastor Dr. Ed Cheney

    Christian Tabernacle Church, Houston, Texas—Pastor Dr. Richard Heard

    New Bethesda Community Church, Cincinnati, Ohio—Pastor Dr. Raleigh Lee

    Greater New Start Church, Houston, Texas—Arch Bishop Dr. Joseph R. Handy


    This book is being written to all of us who call upon the name of Jesus Christ. This book is being written to serve as a catalyst to get the entire body of Christ on the same page so that we all can mount up as true warriors and trounce the devil and his cohorts. They have been trounced already. However, we will enforce it. You may have noticed that I didn’t say that we can, hopefully, trounce them. I said so that we can trounce them. Why, because we have been given the authority to do just that. However, why do we see so many Christians devastated by the devil’s camp? Because, we must get the cursed thing out of our camp. Once we eradicate the cursed thing from within the camp of Abraham’s Seed, we can march in unison with the real Shock and Awe campaign. The shock will be to the world which has laughed at Christians and the Gospel on many occasions. It will be shocked that the very diseases which have devastated humanity bow easily before the army which doesn’t wield guns, knives, or syringes. This army wields the name of Jesus Christ. The world will be awed as this army marches and looks like the very one whom it professes is its leader, the Word of God. When the cursed thing goes, then will come Shock and Awe. However, many in the world will welcome the marching army as it comes in waves of liberation. Millions in the world will even want to join up and become fighters right alongside these soldiers. After all, it will be a natural occurrence to thirst to be one of the Peculiar Soldiers.

    So then, Mr. Writer, if you are so smart, what is this cursed thing in the camp? Stop right there, I don’t profess to be smart. I am simply shoving myself in the opposite direction of the cursed thing. This cursed thing is called strife. What is strife? What does it have to do with anything? Strife is when two or more are directly opposed to each other. We know that in daily life this occurs quite frequently. How many times have you had to bend because no one seemed to want to follow the way of your brilliant idea? What was wrong with them? Couldn’t they see the obvious? On the other hand, how often have you not yielded because of these same questions? Be truthful now. I have to say numerous times on both occasions for myself. I have caused strife and I have avoided strife. However, if we are going to move as a liberating wave for humankind, we must become masters at handling strife. Strife attracts the enemy who loves to stir it up among humans especia1ly the church.

    There is an anti-strife directive from the very one who set this whole show in motion. He has given clear guidelines on how to keep the cursed thing out of the camp. He has shown us how it can be when strife leaves the camp. He has shown that He arrives in strength when the cursed thing leaves. He has shown that when He arrives, all sickness, disease, poverty, etc. have to go. We have a great job to do in this book. We must find the directive from on high and line up with it. As we search it out, the result will be to arrive at the place where the Mighty One comes on the scene to Shock and Awe through you and me.

    By the way, much of this work will seem repetitive. Please don’t freak out. As we get who we are supposed to be in front of our eyes and in our hearts, watch out devil. Here we come.



    There is only one way that we are going to move through this earth in the full power and authority available to us as the Church of Jesus Christ. We must align ourselves with the guidelines of the originator of it all (don’t strive with His direction). How do we do this? That is a very good question which deserves the best answer. Let us use a study of group development to clarify what must happen for success. We will also look at how a leader needs to respond to take his or her group to victory. By doing this, we will give ourselves a platform to work from. Later we will plug in how God has responded to the human race (group) in His attempts to guide (direct) us to victory. This will help clear things up and map the course we humans must still take to walk in victory in the earth.

    First, there are basically four stages that a group (two or more people—can be a marriage) goes through as it develops into a mature team. Now, bear in mind that the church is also a team though it is spread out worldwide. Okay, we see a number of people coming together to reach a common goal. In the first stage everyone is kind of hanging out and looking around at each other curiously scoping each other out. Who are they? Where did she get those earrings? I don’t know if I want to sit next to this person because he smells like garlic. Boy is he fat; I wonder what he is here for. Now, that is a handsome man. Does my breath smell good? Why are we here? When is it time to eat?

    I know many of those questions sound familiar, don’t they? Come on now, be honest. Remember the times when you have been involved with two or more people and you were attempting to accomplish something? You were there, but you needed some marching orders so that you could go in some particular direction. We can see this dynamic with a basketball team, a knitting club, study group, prayer group, and so on. There has to be some direction. In this square is where the group forms and the direction is given by some designated leader. Somehow, the leader is chosen to guide the group toward task completion.

    Well, let’s say the task is given and the group must show progress. This is where the group moves into the next stage of Storm. It is a human’s nature to want to have some control of what happens to him or her

    (The truth be told: This drive was set there in the beginning by the Creator of it all—it later became polluted because of mankind’s disobedience). So here we see the people in the group reacting emotionally to the task, each other, and to the leader. There is a lot of storming around (aimless wandering). There may even be a little adult pouting. I can do a much better job at leading than she can. I don’t want to be led by no woman Pastor. Oh! Oh! We are hitting too close to home for some folks. You are getting the idea, I am certain of it. This is a critical place because as long as the storming is going on, where is the group? Storming will naturally take place. The secret is to have some constructive storming. Those anxieties that people are feeling must be addressed. They are real to them. However, they may be unfounded. People come to the group carrying baggage which they have picked up while walking through the mall of life. The members coming into the group will naturally react to each other out of their knowledge, attitudes, skills, and habits. Folks will be folks. A perceived slight is a slight nonetheless to the person who perceives it. You can see obviously that some critical lines of communication must be established during this stage. The leader must realize that storming is a natural phase and to wisely use it (harness it) to turn the group toward the gate to the greenest pasture as he/she allows the group to grow.

    Good, good! Let us say the group got out of the storm and moved into the norm stage. This is where group members are cool with each other, the task, and the leader. They have found out how to work together to get the job done. The level of commitment to the task and understanding of it will determine how well the job gets done. If members don’t really understand what they are supposed to be doing or who they are—expect poor task performance. Mind you, they can be fiercely loyal though to their level of understanding. They can be very good at doing what they do within their imagination. In other words, the group might think they are doing the right thing and actually be doing the wrong thing—this is how various denominations occurred/are occurring. However, what does the source document from the ultimate leader (Jesus) say to do? This is the litmus test for the group’s activity. This can easily be discerned by going to the source document and bouncing it off the group’s activity. Does the group’s activity line up with the wording of the document? If the Source Document and the group’s activity are overhead projector overlays sitting on top of each other—is the writing fuzzy when projected on the screen? The group may have a form of doing the directive, but may be denying the power of the full directive. They left something out somewhere along the way. In the event

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