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40 Days of Prayer: Bridging the Gap to God Through Prayer, Real Life Application and Journaling
40 Days of Prayer: Bridging the Gap to God Through Prayer, Real Life Application and Journaling
40 Days of Prayer: Bridging the Gap to God Through Prayer, Real Life Application and Journaling
Ebook48 pages40 minutes

40 Days of Prayer: Bridging the Gap to God Through Prayer, Real Life Application and Journaling

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40 Days is a response to my friend, Andres question about, Who is your God? This book will respond to that question by teaching as Jesus did, in key themes. There are four major themes that will lead the readers heart and mind to a meaningful prayer life via The Lords Prayer, understanding the steps to salvation through the Romans Road Route, walking closer to God and calling him friend through fasting and prayer, and by reading the Biblical prayers of great prophets and kings who modeled how to communicate to God through their prayers and lifestyle. In the words of my first professor, Dr. Gordon Borror, Professor of Worship at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Life for a believer in Christ is Worship/Service-the glory of God is always the issue and prayer is an essential part of worship, as is time in the Word and our continuing Song!

Why 40 days? It takes that long to establish a spiritual discipline. Noah was 600 years old when he had to endure 40 days and nights of rain to bring about a positive change, and then we got the rainbow (GE 7,8,9.1-17). Moses was on Mount Sinai for 40 days and nights, neither eating nor drinking, but writing down the words of God and in return received Gods radiance on his face and the 10 Commandments (EX 34.27-29). Goliath, a giant Philistine, shouted threats of death against the army of Israel for 40 days and nights, then David, a young Israelian shepherd boy, killed him with a stone and a sling-shot. David was promoted to live in the kings palace and fight in his army ( I SA 17.8-58). Jesus was led into the desert by the Holy Spirit for 40 days to be tested and tempted by the devil, neither eating nor drinking, and then he was hungry (LK 4.1-13). Jesus was resurrected and returned for 40 days and spoke about the kingdom of God to his disciples. Jesus ascended to heaven and baptized his disciples and church with the gift of the Holy Spirit (Acts 1.1-5). After 40 days of seeking Gods face you will come to know the joy of being in his presence.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateJan 6, 2010
40 Days of Prayer: Bridging the Gap to God Through Prayer, Real Life Application and Journaling

Jacqueline S. Williams-Hayes

Jacqueline Williams-Hayes is a recent graduate of Southwestern Baptist Seminary in Fort Worth, Texas. She graduated in May 2008 with a Masters of Arts in Marriage and Family Counseling and a Masters of Arts in Christian Education. Jacqueline has been married for twenty years to the love of her life named Howard. Together, they created three daughters, Taylor, Camryn and Schuyler. Prior to meeting her husband, Jacqueline graduated from Purdue University of West Lafayette, Indiana, with a Bachelors of Art in Telecommunications or Radio and Television. Her dream is to marry all of her degrees by broadcasting educational moments for educational counseling to populations who resist seeking out help via counseling sessions. Jacqueline is currently studying to receive Licensure to become a Licensed Professional Counselor. Her next book will be for children and the theme will be about faith and responsibility. She plans to have it completed within the next two years.

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    40 Days of Prayer - Jacqueline S. Williams-Hayes

    Copyright © 2009 by Jacqueline S. Williams-Hayes.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

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    Special Thanks

    Definition of Prayer



    This book is dedicated to Dr. Paul Wolfe.

    Thank you for showing me how to round-up horses.

    Special Thanks

    Andre, my dear friend and co-worker, thank you for asking me to show you my God.

    I thank my mentor, Ruth Laskowskie, who taught me about friendship evangelism. Ruth and her husband Vic were missionaries in Brazil for many years and are now both retired. Ruth explained that evangelism is sometimes more effective when you are just friends and pray for and with people at the point of their need. People tend to be more open to Christ when you show them the love of Christ.

    Thank you, Dr. Paul Wolfe, Professor of Theology at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, for teaching me how to chase rabbits. You opened my mind to a deeper way of thinking about God and his master plan. You also shared the importance of humbling yourself before people who are truly seeking God and show them the heart of God without having to show off your vast knowledge of Biblical studies.

    Much thanks must be given to my first professor, Dr. Gordon Borror, Professor of Worship at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, for teaching me that prayer and worship should be a lifestyle experience. Your passion for your family, teaching, and love of laughter will stay with me forever. You were my first professor at seminary and now my professor for life.

    Dr. Ian Jones, Professor of Counseling at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, thank you for saving me from myself.

    Of course, I must thank my family for their love and support. My hubby, Howard was persistent in giving me encouragement to be my best self. My girls, Taylor, Camryn and Schuyler were so excited about this journal with assignments that they all started writing books of their own. Taylor plans on being a script writer, Schuyler aspires to be a famous author and Camryn wrote a short story, and then decided to be an actress in Taylor’s script.

    All praises and honor be given to God. Everyday, for many years I woke up with the writing of this journal with assignments sitting on my heart. Quite often I felt the weight of responding to Andre through this project as the best way to show him our true Father God. I pray that Andre and others will come to know that this time on earth is temporary. Our experiences here should bring us to

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