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When a Prophet Cries
When a Prophet Cries
When a Prophet Cries
Ebook57 pages42 minutes

When a Prophet Cries

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When a prophet cries is a practical book about the prophetic calling that will inspire the spiritually mature as well as the milk drinker. One day as I was listening to the Holy Spirit, He asked me what is 7 x 7. I was so stunned by the question that I could hardly recall the answer. He went on to ask how old are you? It occurred to me that both answers were 49. He continued... That you may know I still use my prophets to mark certain events, go to Leviticus 25. When I began to read about the 7 x 7 years in the eighth chapter, I was flabbergasted! I realized that my age directly correlates to the year of overflow preceding the year of Jubilee for this season. I asked the Lord for confirmation of this fresh revelation and He gave it. I was listening to a bible on cassette one day and the following words leaped out at me And Noah was six hundred years old when the flood of waters was upon the earth. On another day these words seemed to leap from the pages I was reading, And in the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent from God unto a city of Galilee. I remember thinking the sixth month of what. It was then that the Spirit of God took me to this verse in Luke 1:36 And behold, thy cousin Elisabeth, she hath also conceived a son in her old age: and this is the sixth month with her, who was called barren.!!!

This book was written by the inspiration and insistence of the Holy Spirit. He anointed me to write and I obeyed. The result was a book that has activated many of my sample audience to seek a closer relationship with God. A teenaged reader said that she began to cry while reading "When a prophet cries!" and she has felt closer to the Lord ever since. She said that her whole life was changed. A young lady from my gym said that is an awesome book. I just had to read it over and over. I have received countless phone calls from people commenting on how their lives have been touched by this writing. I believe this writing will attest to the fact that God has a personal interest in His people, so much so that He has mandated that the prophets speak forth his heart to them. I am anointed to write for this season to a people who are hungry and thirsty for the living word of God. Though many messages have gone before this book is a holy designation for that portion of the body of Christ that are desiderate for a rhema from the Spirit of God!

PublisherXlibris US
Release dateFeb 23, 2007
When a Prophet Cries

Prophet Brody

Born again at the age of 30, Modestine Williams Brody was ordained as a minister of the gospel at age 33, by Bishop Charles O. McDowell at True Faith Fellowship Ministries, Inc. Pastor Brody served there for sixteen years in various capacities such as Minister of Music and Assistant Pastor. She along with her husband were called to birth “Resurrection Outreach Ministries. Prophet Brody affirmed into the Ministry of Prophecy by Bishop Rodney D. James of Covenant Life Ministries International of Baltimore, MD. She is a certified Christian Counselor under the NCCA. Prophet Brody offers workshops on understanding the “Temperament” entitled “I see real people.” Writings by Prophet Brody Include her books “Bring Forth “featuring How to get a Husband” and “When a Prophet Cries”. The CD project by “Risen Soldiers entitled “Under the Shadows of His Wings” features songs that were prophetically inspired by the Spirit of God (including a communion song “I’m remembering You, Jesus). Prophet Brody also writes “Customized Puppet Skits” for the Resurrection Outreach Puppet Ministry such as “It Hurts so Much to Love You” a skit addressing the issues of Domestic Violence and “The Real Meaning of Christmas.” She and her husband have created characters such as “T.D. Bakes” whose favorite saying is get bready, get bready, get bready, who bakes and breaks the bread of life. Prophet Brody would love to hear from you if these writings are a blessing to you. If you desire to so a seed into the cost of publishing you may send it to: Resurrection Outreach Ministries, 1809 North Douglas Street, Florence, SC 29501. You may e-mail any comments to Remember God takes pleasure in those whose hope is in His mercy!!! All Glory be to God.!!!!

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    When a Prophet Cries - Prophet Brody


    Behold, I have put my words in your mouth!" Those were the words I heard when I was seven years old. I dreamed that I was standing in front of Jesus and I could see only part of His white robes. He reached His hand toward me and put something in my mouth that tasted tangy. That’s the only word my seven-year-old mind could come up with for what I tasted, but I tasted what He put in my mouth. During all the years that I ran away from the Lord, I have never forgotten that taste! It was not like anything I have ever tasted before or since then. During all my sinning and backsliding, I have never forgotten that taste! Even when I thought I was the devil’s best friend, I have never forgotten that taste!

    Through all the years of fornication and going from man to man to man, I have never forgotten that taste! When I got so drunk that I almost ran into a van truck by crossing over the medium on I-20, I have never forgotten that taste. When I got hooked on black beauties (amphetamines) and was up at 4:00 in the morning zooming around trying to find another place to party, I have never forgotten that taste. When I was dating (now hall of famer Harry Carson) and his preacher brother looked me in the eye and said, There’s something special about you young lady God’s got a calling on your life., I have never forgotten that taste! When I was at a secretarial seminar and the speaker whose name I think was Miss McNulty witnessed to us during a secular setting and afterwards pointed at me and said You’re the one!!!, I have never forgotten that taste. When I was in relationships with married men, I have never forgotten that taste! When I smoked two packs of cigarettes while sitting at a bingo table playing the night owls special and losing my bill money, I have never forgotten that taste.

    When I carted my son around from my sister’s to his dad’s so I could get high and party, I have never forgotten that taste!!! And when I finally had enough of the failure and pain that comes when the devil is trying to keep you from knowing who you really are, I remembered that taste!!!


    I practically ran to the altar at True Faith Fellowship Church where Pastor Charles McDowell was preaching about the God of a Second Chance. I had blown so many chances that I surely needed a God who would give me another one. So when I gave my life to Christ at the age of thirty, I was ready to do something I had never been able to do in any of my relationships . . . COMMIT!!! There was a gentleman who had been in my life for nine years, but he was the husband of another. I preferred married men, because I knew that I would not have to commit to them. I was afraid that if I really gave my heart to someone, he might be mean to me the way my daddy had been to my mom when he was drinking. Don’t get me wrong; my daddy (I now realize) was a good man with a bad problem. He was a good provider and he showed us love as much as he knew how. But during the time I was growing up,

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