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The Violent Storm: The Chaos Chronicles-Vol.I
The Violent Storm: The Chaos Chronicles-Vol.I
The Violent Storm: The Chaos Chronicles-Vol.I
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The Violent Storm: The Chaos Chronicles-Vol.I

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About this ebook

The Violent Storm, is the first volume of three in a series which incorporates action, drama, a little romance and adventure from beginning to the end as a group of men and women fight against trying odds to foil a devious plan by men of greed who want to unleash a very deadly virus in our unsuspecting world.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateJan 30, 2010
The Violent Storm: The Chaos Chronicles-Vol.I

AW Elliott

André W. Elliott is 48 years old and was born July 28, 1961, was raised in Baltimore, Maryland who likes writing and playing chess and hopes to someday have his books turned into movies.

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    Book preview

    The Violent Storm - AW Elliott

    Copyright © 2010 by A.W. Elliott.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in

    any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying,

    recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without

    permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the

    product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance

    to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    This book was printed in the United States of America.

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    Chapter 1


    Chapter 2


    Chapter 3


    Chapter 4


    Chapter 5


    Chapter 6


    Chapter 7


    Chapter 8


    Chapter 9


    Chapter 10


    Chapter 11



    Hold not thy peace; O GOD of my praise;

    For the mouth of the wicked and the mouth

    of the deceitful are opened against me;

    They have spoken against me with a lying tongue.

    They compassed me about also with words of hatred;

    And fought against me without a cause.

    For my love they are my adversaries:

    But I give myself unto prayer.

    Psalms 109: 1-4;

    For in this life we know not what will be on tomorrow, so we must fight the good fight of today to insure that there is hope of a better future. Evil comes in all forms and sometimes it is closer than we know.

    Dre’ and his companions take on yet another task of ridding our world of another evil scheme to cause pain and death to many innocent and unsuspecting people.

    Chapter 1


    Sunday: 1900 hours E.S.T.

    Mara, a woman accustomed to having charge of subordinates in various training fields; finds herself overwhelmed by many more authoritative figures as she tries to piece together the chaos that is around her as many men with high-class clearances are milling about the various computers that have been under her charge for quite some time.

    Mara returns to her desk and accesses her computer after memorizing one of the security badges she had seen one of the men wearing and attempts to pull information up on her computer on them. As she finishes entering her pass code and waits for access, she notices that all of her students are being herded out of the room and one of the men in black suits with a black turtleneck sits behind each computer of which there is a total of fifteen, sixteen counting Mara’s computer.

    Realizing her pass code is taking longer than usual to clear, Mara enters the code again and her computer rejects it. Just then she sees a couple of men heading her way with another man following them, so she grabs something from her computer and slips it into her bra then proceeds toward the three men heading toward her and with a stern, authoritative tone, Mara demanded to know what was going on.

    The first two men say nothing but continue past Mara and move towards her computer, leaving her standing before the third man who was similarly dressed except he had a white collar shirt and a black tie. Challenging the man, Mara demands to know what was going on and why these men were taking over her office.

    The man with the tie introduces himself as Po Balto, and without another word he tells her she has to leave and that her position was terminated. As two other men in black advance toward Mara, she looks Po square in the eyes and seeing his evil glare; she changes her mind about verbally challenging him and leaves quietly. Mara is escorted to her car as were her whole crew, and told to leave the building garage.

    As she is driving towards her home, Mara begins to wonder what all the high class secrecy was about back at her office and who these men in black were and what were they doing? She pulls into her driveway and as she reaches into her bra for something that she had hidden there earlier, she notices that there is a light on in her living room.

    Dre’ is enrout to a house in San Bernardino where he is using a friend’s residence while he is in California on business. While in transit, he begins to remember certain dreams he was having regularly and begins to wonder if there was any truth to these dreams and if so, what should he do about them.

    He parks his car in the driveway and enters the house, and puts on a pot of coffee to brew. It’s about 0600 hours and as the coffee is brewing, Dre’ sits at the dinning room table and opens a satchel which contains various files of contacts and friends. He thinks to himself that he likes using the old filing system to keep his information updated because he doesn’t trust using computers for such things because computer memory can be retrieved by any pro that knows his/her stuff with computers, even if the material was erased. The internet is also unsafe because of hackers, so he doesn’t use the net for anything that is important.

    Dre’ has learned from past experiences, being an ex-paratrooper and then working for the C.I.A and the F.B.I. for some years. Now he works independently but he has a group of associates throughout the country in which he knows that he can trust as they know that they can trust him to keep their identity and association with him under cover.

    It is this list of people that Dre’ keeps his hard files on and the satchel in which he keeps them in is rigged to incinerate if the wrong combination is put in, if someone tries to break it open, or if Dre’ uses a remote detonator which is good from a distance of twenty yards (about seventy-five feet). Of course there is another copy of these files tucked away somewhere safe.

    Dre’ gets himself a cup of coffee, sits down at the table and resumes viewing his files. As he is reading over selected files, he gets a coded page from one of his contacts and after checking the page he sees that it is from Baltimore, Maryland and a young man by the name of Joseph. He takes his cell phone from the table, inputs the number and after the second ring it is picked up on the other end. Joseph answers and gets no response for a few seconds, then Dre’ asks him if the line is secure and Joseph confirms that it is secured.

    What’s up? Asks Dre’.

    Joseph begins explaining to him that a certain group has emerged in Baltimore with their hands into a lot of dirt. Dre’ tells him to send a coded fax of the details and that after he gets the information and reads over it, he’ll get back with Joseph.

    Joseph confirms the fax and they hang up.

    After his conversation with Joseph, Dre’ moves to the living room with his files and coffee, and as he sits, he pulls the file on Joseph and reviews it.

    As Dre’ thinks and remembers some of the missions that he and Joseph had been on together, he realizes that whatever is going down in Baltimore, must be deep. He makes a few calls to close up business in California. Now that he is done, he can concentrate on this business with Joey in Baltimore.

    Dre’ goes to the kitchen to get another cup of coffee and as he returns to the living room, his fax goes off and begins receiving the incoming fax. While he waits for the fax to finish, Dre’ begins to pack his bags for the drive to Maryland. After he finishes packing, he loads his bags into his car and returns to the house. He pulls the coded fax from the fax machine, sits and has his coffee as he deciphers the information. In the fax, Joseph tells him that there is a group called ‘The Hit’, and that they had various locations in and around Baltimore in which they were doing their dirt. Also mentioned was the fact that a well known scientists daughter had disappeared six months after her father was supposed to have died in a chemical lab explosion, but his body was never recovered.

    Thinking back, Dre’ recalls the name of a Dr. T. Books who was working on a cure for the aids virus but through a fluke accident he created a new biological weapon known as Weapon X, and depending on one’s metabolism, this thing could kill faster than anthrax or it could be stored within the host by inhaling it and at a later time a simple sneeze could release the virus killing the host and anyone else within a three block radius.

    Dre’ couldn’t recall all the scientific terms used but he knew enough about this to see that there are now too many coincidences to ignore this matter that Joseph has brought to his attention. Dre’ sends a confirmation fax to Joseph telling him that he will arrive in Maryland soon. He then decides to fly to Baltimore instead by way of a hop from Travis Airforce base to Dover Airforce base in Delaware using some

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