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This book is an extension to my first book "Below the Line" published 2007. This book "Unyoked" will give spiritual information to those who really want to know how to withstand and unequally yoked marriage, how to make their marriage work. I believe the Heavenly Father gave me spiritual information and a message for anyone who has married an unequally yoked mate. Sometimes we may find ourselves unyoked in marriages. We find ourselves asking God to forgive us for making bad choices. While it may be true, being married to an unequally yoked spouse may force one to divorce court because of emotional or physical abuse. The Bible gives us a guideline as to how to prevent divorce. This book will offer you spiritual information with scriptures to mediate on daily. In addition, you will read how to stay married to an unequally yoked mate with God's help. Focus studying your Bible and learn how to follow God's principles. This requires work. My message in this book is that we must watch God's plan completed through man and woman of one flesh. God uses us through our trials and tribulations. These trials and tribulations are only temporary. Learn how to develop unconditional love for each other in spite of unequally yoked marriages. I have experienced being married to an unequally yoked mate and it is not easy. I have spent many hours searching the Holy Scriptures for guidance. I have spoken with other couples who are or have experience this most dangerous journey in their marriages. My day-by-day experiences were very rewarding because I know now that God still loves me even after I disobeyed Him and married someone who is unyoked. I pray that my message from this book encourage others. Remember there is a blessing in all that God has permitted in our lives. He is all-knowing God. He knew what was going to transpire in our lives even before we were born. Try to be yoke and not unyoked.

God Bless
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateJun 17, 2010

Edie Jean Burnside-Edwards

Edie Jean Burnside-Edwards was born October 19, 1945 in Philadelphia, Mississippi. At the age of ten, Edie received Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior. Edie and her parents and brothers moved to San Bernardino, California in the year 1955. She attended Mount Vernon Elementary School, Sturgis Junior High School, graduated from San Bernardino High School. Later, she attended San Bernardino Valley College, and she attended Concord Career School, major in Nursing Field as a Medical Assistant. By profession, she is retired Medical Assistant. Edie is a prayer warrior. She loves reading, sewing, and studying her Bible daily. Edie bore one daughter. She has four beautiful granddaughters, and one handsome grandson. She is an author of two books, "Below the Line" and "My Journey with Breast Cancer." Edie residents in San Bernardino, California.

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    Unyoked - Edie Jean Burnside-Edwards

    Copyright © 2010 by Edie Jean Burnside-Edwards.

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    A Word from Edie



























    In preparation of this book, I give thanks to my father, J.T. Burnside. Thanks to my friends and patients at the Medical Center where I worked for many years. I want to thank patients and friends for sharing their true feelings and testimonies of their personal life. I thank my daughter Tinnerra McWilliams for being a sweet daughter during my many trials and errors. Thanks to my partners in Christ, Dorothy Grant, Diane Martin-Davis, Charlotte Bernard, Betty Willingham, Willie Merthie, Johnetta Brooks, Pastor Vernard and Helen Williams, Jerry and Terry Earl, Luther and Evelyn Polk, Fannie Bailey, Robbie Mason. Special thanks to my brothers and wives, Tommie and Marianne Burnside, Douglas Ray and Donna Burnside, special thanks to my cousin Henry and Jessie Mae Wilson.

    In memory of my God-Mother, Willean Moore for her compassion and support, through her counseling sessions enabled me to endure this journey of being married to an unequally yoked emotionally abusive spouse, aunt Annie R. Black for her encouragement and understanding and her unconditional love, Willie Merthie’s wife, Barbara Merthie for her fervent prayers.

    In memory of the most important person, I loved all of my life, my sweet and lovely mother, Earline Burnside, for her unconditional love, her parental guidance throughout all of my trials.

    I miss you mom and love you very much.

    A Word from Edie

    When I awake every morning, I always make sure I acknowledge the Lord on my knees. I always communicate with my Father in Heaven before I start my day. Preparing this book was not easy, but I will share how God has come through every time. Even in my desperate hours, I continue to pray. I pray this book will give many of you a deeper insight how to overcome and endure your obstacles in your unequally yoked emotionally abusive marriage. I also, hope and pray this book will inspire a faith in God like the one you have never received in Him before to get you through your failures and trials of an unequally yoked emotional abusive marriage. If you can conquer the strength to just open this book and read it you will find yourself holding a lifetime of spiritual blessings.

    Edie Jean Burnside-Edwards brings you the hope you need in order to stand firmly when it comes to enduring the challenges of being married to an unequally yoked emotional abusive spouse. When times get rough and it feels like you can’t go forward, reach for Edie’s inspirational insights in this little book, so that you may resist making another wrong decision if you are planning to remarry or planning to marry for the first time. Edie request you to read her message how to endure and stand on faith to continue to stay in your unequally yoked emotional abusive marriage with the help of our Father in Heaven. Edie wants you to know that forgiveness, prayer, hope and love will get you through your predicament. Edie emphasize to keep faith and do not ever forget to pray without ceasing. Your season is near.

    Edie’s book Unyoked is an extension of her first book Below the Line published 2007.


    He that trusteth in his own heart is a fool; but who so walketh wisely he shall be delivered.

    Proverbs 28:26


    Every woman and man has a sincere desire to be loved, cherished, pampered and happy in his or her marriage. Only through Jesus Christ, all things are possible. I will share with you in depth how I overcame the pain of my path to live a fulfilled Christian life. I have learned how the power of prayer and joy of reading and studying the Word of God can help you and get your emotions at peace within yourself. Only through trusting God’s word will you be able to endure through a trouble marriage, whether you are a Christian or non-Christian. Ladies and gentlemen, it takes twice as much patience and courage to live a Christian life when you are involved with an unsaved person in marriage. We suddenly find it is impossible to live the Christian life with our own strength. It is only through Christ’s strength that we can gain encouragement, and through His power that we can endure through an unequally yoked emotional abusive marriage. We must surrender our spouses to the Lord. "We who are strong ought to bear with the failings of the weak and not to please ourselves, each one of us should please his neighbors for his goods to build him up, for even Christ did not please himself, but as it is written, the insults of those who insult you have fallen on me, for everything that was written in the past was written to teach us so that through endurance and encouragement of the scriptures we might have hope, may the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you a spirit of unity among yourselves, as you follow Christ Jesus, so that with one heart and mouth you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, accept one another just as Christ accepted you. (Romans 15:1-7 NIV)

    Now that you have married this man or woman, who is not a Christian, trust God to guide you in your relationship. When you feel frustration, know that the Lord has already provided the perfect guide for your life even if your spouse unsaved. The Holy Spirit will direct you and guide your emotions. He knows that you made the decision to marry an unequally yoked emotional abusive spouse. Wow! That is good, to know, even though God knew we made a bad choice and did not wait on His plan, God still will teach us through our mistakes. That is how much God loves us. He still allows us to make our own decisions with all of His protection. Just as the Father in heaven to pass instructions and wisdom to us gave Jesus, we also must pass on to others what God has given us, because God is our source of wisdom. Whatever you do, always trust God to reveal the right answer of what to do or how to handle your being in an unequally yoked emotional abusive marriage. Isaiah 58:11, tells us and the Lord shall guide thee continually and satisfy the soul in drought. (KJV)

    We may not fully understand why the Lord allows us to travel a path in the wrong direction, but I always believe and know that we are blessed. God have a plan for us. God will only allow this unequally yoked emotional abusive marriage take place because God lead us on paths of great discovery and fulfillment if we see it as a spiritual point of view. God’s guidance comes to us daily, especially during our quiet time. Oh, yes sometimes you may ask yourself. Why is this man or woman so bitter toward me? Sometimes he or she appears to be angry all the time and do not have any idea how to treat his wife or her husband. We may feel hopeless and unloved. Right ladies and gentlemen? Nevertheless, God is our source of wisdom and we should trust God to reveal the way for us. How we as women and men should treat our spouses does not matter about our spouse’s actions, just continue to do what is right in the sight of the Lord. You will be able to endure your problems. Stay calm, knowing that God is with you. I have gone through many unhappy experiences that have strengthened and enriched me through God’s Word. God’s Word is our power. God promised us peace in the mist of our storms. It takes twice as much patience to have faith to really realize that God’s plan is the best for you not your plan. Whenever you

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