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The Wisdom Compass to Eternal Life
The Wisdom Compass to Eternal Life
The Wisdom Compass to Eternal Life
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The Wisdom Compass to Eternal Life

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This book is about how the living soul can attain eternal peace and hence eternal life as a living soul would yield it when abiding in the Lord Jesus Christ. Tapping the Lords Prayer as the authorized spiritual vehicle to communicate with God, this book attests that the name of the Lord Jesus Christ is the foundation, the seal of salvation, and the bearing point to overcome the world. By showing the intrinsic relationship of the invisible with the manifested world, the heavenly and the earthly, this book lucidly defines why the soul should glorify God as an end to lifes purpose while seeking righteousness and fulfilling the commandments. By presenting ground breaking revelations about the spiritual realm and hence the living God through the spiritual compass, this book would help the reader to discern wisdom about how to worship the Lord in truth and spirit to see the glimpse of eternal life and enjoy eternal peace, not as the world offers it but as the
Lord Jesus confers it on the living soul.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateJul 14, 2011
The Wisdom Compass to Eternal Life

Abel Gashe

Abel Gashe is an Ethiopian national born and raised in a small urban town called Debre Markos, Gojjam, a beautiful land encircled by the eternal river Nile. He has immigrated to the United States 20 years ago in pursuit of higher education. A business consultant by profession, he enjoys literature, poetry and writing. This work is a partial presentation of the result of a life time study on seeking the living God, to which the author is initiated with the grace of the Lord. The author worships God in accord with the teachings of Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahido Church, at Debre Genet Medehanealem church, in Temple Hill, MD, and he currently resides in Falls Church, Virginia with his beloved wife Yenewud Belay and his two beautiful children Hawariya and Bezawit.

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    The Wisdom Compass to Eternal Life - Abel Gashe




    360° = እግዚእ (Jehovah)


    "አቡነ ዘበሰማያት፣ ኢታብአነ እግዚኦ ውስተ መንሱት።

    Our father who art in heaven, lead us Lord, that we not enter into temptation."

    Abel Gashe

    Copyright © 2011 by Abel Gashe.

    Library of Congress Control Number:  2011908816

    ISBN: Hardcover     978-1-4628-7951-9

    ISBN: Softcover      978-1-4628-7950-2

    ISBN: Ebook            978-1-4628-7952-6

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    This book was printed in the United States of America.

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    ለምወዳት ሀገሬ እማማ ኢትዮጵያ መታሰቢያ

    ኢትዮጵያ ታበጽሕ እደዊሃ ኀበ እግዚአብሔር። መዝ. ዳ. ፷፯.፴፩

    360⁰ = እግዚእ


    አቡነ ዘበሰማያት፣ ኢታብአነ እግዚኦ ውስተ መንሱት።

    ወወሀብኮሙ ሲሳዮሙ ለሕዝበ ኢትዮጵያ። መዝ. ፸፫፡ ፲፬

    ከኢትዮጵያ ወንዞች ማዶ የተበተኑት ሴቶች ልጆቼ ቁርባኔን ያመጡልኛል። (ሶፎ፡ 3፡10)


    The Lord authorizes,

    1. Rise and pray, lest ye enter into temptation. (Luke: 22:46).

    2. When you pray, say: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen. (Matthew 6:5-13)

    3. Howbeit this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting. (Matthew 17:21)

    Man attests,

    4. If somebody said, give me a summary of Christian faith on the back of an envelope, the best thing to do would be to write Our Lord’s Prayer. (The Most Reverend Dr. Rowan Williams, the Archbishop of Canterbury)

    5. "The Lord’s Prayer contains the sum total of religion and morals." (Arthur Wellesley)




    Note to the Reader



    Chapter 1—The Foundation of Prayer: The Name of the Lord

    Chapter 2—Prayer as a Living Dialogue with God

    Chapter 3—The Elements of the Lord’s Prayer

    Chapter 4—The Two Spheres of Awareness in Practicing the Lord’s Prayer

    Chapter 5—Wisdom Pyramids in the Lord’s Prayer

    Chapter 6—The Lord’s Prayer as a Spiritual Software of Eternal Life

    Chapter 7—The Lord’s Prayer as a Synthesis of All Prayers: A Case in the EOC

    Chapter 8—Mirroring the Psalms through the Lord’s Prayer—A Bird’s Eye View

    Chapter 9—Ceasless Prayer

    Chapter 10—Prayer life in EOTC

    Chapter 11—The Fruit of Prayer: Spiritual Wealth


    Chapter 12—The Power of Yea (1) or Nea (0) to Seek Spiritual Truth

    Chapter 13—Foundational meditation symbols for spiritual Qamar

    Chapter 14—Qamar of the Heavens: Hidden Heavenly Wisdom in the Geez Language

    Chapter 15—Modeling the Spiritual Field of Awareness—Part I

    Chapter 16—The eternal Zion model to discern the word of God—Part II

    Chapter 17—Modeling the spiritual path of Adam’s soul


    Chapter 18—Highlights on the Kingdom of God

    Chapter 19—The Lord’s Prayer as the language of the Kingdom of God

    Chapter 20—Experience of the living Soul in Prayer

    Chapter 21—System of Faculties in Time of Prayer

    Chapter 22—Worshipping as a Functional Relationship

    Chapter 23—Elements of Eternal life

    Chapter 24—The Sin Equation

    Chapter 25—Eternal life equation

    Chapter 26—The Dynamics of the two equations of life

    Chapter 27—Eternal Life and the Four Quadrants of the Prayer


    Chapter 28—The Lord’s Prayer as the Spiritual Compass to Eternal Life

    Chapter 29—Motion of the Soul around the Name of God

    Chapter 29 (2)—The Law of Motion of the Heavens—Part II

    Chapter 30—The Pyramid of Eternal Life—Section I

    Chapter 31—The Pyramid of Eternal Life—Section II

    Chapter 32—The Spectrum of Eternity in the Lord’s Prayer—Part I

    Chapter 33—The Spectrum of Eternity in the Lord’s Prayer—Part II

    Chapter 34—The Spectrum of Eternity in the Lord’s Prayer—Part III


    Chapter 35—The Power behind the Cross—The Name of the Lord Jesus Christ

    Chapter 36—Eternity and temporality through the spiritual compass

    Chapter 37—Seasons of the soul in Eternity

    Chapter 38—Eternal Bread of Life from the Eternal Sun

    Chapter 39—Eternity through the Spiritual compass

    Chapter 40—The spiritual foundation for the calendar year of the kingdom of God

    Chapter 41—Virgin Mary through the Eternity Compass

    Chapter: 42—The purpose of angels through the eternal compass

    Chapter 43—The Living Church through the Eternal Compass: The Case of EOC




    The secret of the LORD is with them that fear him; and he will shew them his covenant. (Psalm 25:14)

    This writing is the result of a spiritual quest that encompasses the author’s deep yearning to know the Lord prompted by one existential question: What is the meaning of my life? It is the question why am I in this world?" that has been prompting me to delve into the spiritual realm and wonder on what the mystery of life is. Indeed, it is the search for meaning that fuels my inquisitiveness to know God. I was asking this question when I was a child; I am asking the same question even today at 44. While I sincerely believe this, I asked myself with much contrition of spirit as to why I was led by the compelling spirit and inner voice in me to contemplate on spiritual matters that are beyond my power to think. While the tapestry of my individual life and the arduous spiritual journey I have gone through remains to be the background and hence the catalyst to inquire on the spiritual realm, there are some key factors that stand out as the foundations for writing this work:

    (1)   I have been obsessed with the story of the raising of Lazarus from the dead by the Lord Jesus Christ as stated in the Gospel of John more than any other biblical story ever since I was 4 years old; my attraction to this initially was from mere fear of death than any spiritual interest. As I become older, the interest in the story took entirely different meaning with inquisitiveness to know the mystery of life in Christ.

    (2)   I have been meditating on the two binary symbols (1 and 0) for the last 25 years to seek spiritual truth based on the word of God on Matthew 5:37; I am always convinced that any branch of wisdom, which is at the disposal of man, is the fingerprint of the Lord in creating and sustaining creation.

    (3)I have been convinced that the ancient language called Geez from Ethiopia carries infinite treasures of heavenly wisdom that the world has to know to enhance its awareness of the spiritual realm;.

    (4) In spite of myself and the paralyzing power of doubt and skepticism in associating faith with science, I have been compelled to meditate for more than 15 years on particularly one scientific equation (E =mc²) developed by the genius scientist Albert Einstein to express the relationship of mass and energy, that in turn become the basis to define [Eternal Life = Faith in Jesus Christ X (Love of God)²]. Even when the popular belief is that science and faith are incongruent and incompatible, even when I know that the spiritual realm is qualitative and non-quantifiable, even when the thought that God is ineffable is dawning on me more often than not, and even when I know that the Holy Bible is more than enough to refer for spiritual truth and gain wisdom about God, I was compelled to dwell on this formula without any opportunity to have formal education on science except newspaper knowledge to grasp its basic tenets.

    Even with the above factors I have still wondered if this writing is necessary at all. I ask what the intrinsic value of writing this document would be. I worried even for its appropriateness out of humility and from the position of knowing one’s human weaknesses as well as the ego factor in myself like any human being. I constantly say, Lord have mercy on me, save me from the evil one. I constantly wondered if it would not be blasphemy to think of God in terms of human parameters. I keep asking why I have been compelled to write this book in spite of myself, when I know that I am not an authority in theology, physics, Geez, and even the English language itself. That is why I say that I write this book under extreme pressure of self doubt. Eventually, I was convinced that there must be more than a rational explanation that even when I shun away from it I was forced to meditate on relativity theory, the heavenly computational value of Zion and the name of God in Geez, the value of binary numbers in spiritual communication, etc. Finally, I accept it that the Lord is charging my generation as the generation that seeks sign and symbol to believe in God. (Matthew 12:39-42). Since we lack the faith to believe without seeing, we will be shocked and awed as to his infinite wisdom with the symbols we play with in mastering the world. Eventually, we will be forced to know that the heaven and the earth, including what we think we invent through our craftiness and scientific mind, belongs to the wisdom of God.

    Indeed this generation is adulterous generation that has ears but do not listen, has eye but do not see even when the Azeb wind blows roaring with power whispering, Shema! You stiff neck generation!. Man gains knowledge of the heaven and earth and tap it for his worldly gain, to aggrandize himself while he forgets the true source of wisdom, God. While man taps the gift of his unique nature as image of God, he easily forgets that the power of the mind to understand nature and its law and hence to keep and dress it is gift from God. (Genesis 2:15). The source of binary communication (Yes (1) or No (0) is the wisdom of God (Matthew 5:37/James 5:1) in seeking truth, though man taps the design to change his environment and then get possessed with it to kneel before the code instead of the creator of the code; digital man is chasing digital god in digital cyber sphere.

    Programming is the modes operandi of the wisdom of God in creating the universe as the Lord says But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die. This has been a choice of life (1) or death (0). The work of wisdom to create and sustain creation is full of spiritual algorithms, simple and complex, for the awakened soul to see. But modern man is immersed in the sophistry of information technology believing that he mastered the universe through his craftiness to the point he is flirting with the DNA programming of creation to the point of being tempted in cloning himself. Men of science frequently deny the existence of God when their best formulations are the fingerprints of God. The law of light and hence motion as created and applied to sustain creation by God is imitated by man in one of the best formulation of science, i.e., theory of relativity. While this formula is written by Einstein who went after the mind of God, we find by contrast some who are willing to claim apostasy of self by teaching about god delusion and hence defaming the name of God.

    This is a Jonas generation that has denied the existence of one God in three persons, while experimenting on the delusions of Marx, Engels and Lenin who defined life in terms of bread, power and ideology worship. Communist ideologues tried in vain to establish the supremacy of the material over the spiritual, contrary to the word of God (Romans 1:18-20). Marx even said religion was opium to the mass. Whereas man taps the power of technological advances and developed sophisticated gadgets such as GPS for precision thinking to locate places and even to land a machine on mars, he more often than not forgets the ultimate compass, the Lord Jesus Christ, who would be the only ways to land into the kingdom of God and attain eternal life. God’s work is manifested everywhere, the visible derived from the invisible; (Romans 1:18-20) and God is in all places as the psalmist said it (Psalm 139:8); unfortunately, man needs even more proof to believe in God.

    Man refuses to believe that the law of love governs his relationship with his neighbor and God, while he marvels the law of violence to this day socking the world with his neighbor’s blood against the edict of the Lord. (Exodus 20:13). Forfeiting the fundamental spiritual law of love, which is identified as the greatest commandment by the Lord, man chases self glory by killing others and building his power empire and hence the modern Babel tower to his destruction. More than ever, man is in complete darkness puzzled by the power of evil as it manifest in his life of inner destitution that is camouflaged by his fleeting fleshly pleasure, and material success, while remaining anxious ever knowing not how to deal with the whirlwinds and fast turbulences in everyday life.

    It is in such perilous time that I am prompted on a strange path to look after symbols for the Jonas generation. After 40 years ever since I first asked the Lord Jesus with my childish fear to pull me from the grip of death as he did it to Lazarus, I find myself being totally possessed by the thought of eternal life. When I end up scribbling a manuscript on eternal life knowing that the Lord is resurrection and life I keep marveling in the mystery of God’s work in each one of us. How is the destiny of man works? Why was I worried about death when I was only four years old and then the very answer of this question becomes the puzzle of my life? How dare I think that science is a drop in the ocean by comparison to what the wisdom of God encompasses when the world is listening to accomplished scientists who prove themselves in the world by writing such book as God Delusion? I write because I am compelled from within as a call of life to convince myself and become a sinful witness for the Jonas generation that our sophistry and genius is nothing if it is not founded on the wisdom of God.

    In this long journey over decades of contemplation, it is the way I have been led to come to the findings in this book that become even more puzzling. While I have never taken any physics course ever in my life even in high school, I was drawn to contemplate on only one scientific equation called the special relativity theory, E = mc² for more than fifteen years. I always wonder why I have never been attracted to get any deeper than reading a few topics on this formula and the literature of physics to get a depth of understanding that a scientist commands. When I tried hard to learn more, I lost interest except to inquire on the implication of the formulation such that I only comprehend it as a measure of how much energy would be contained in a mass of matter and the power that changes the mass into energy. Even today I could not fully explain the three laws of Isaac Newton, who has been one of the greatest minds in science with huge influence on Einstein’s work. At the same time, I have also been constantly prompted to contemplate on the spiritual realm through Einstein’s formula even when it did not make sense to me much of the time. Even if I shun away from it, it has kept haunting me until it has been made clear to me by the grace of God that in fact the formulation of Einstein has its source in the invisible realm where the configuration of life sustaining forces are framed around this relationship of mass and energy driven by the catalyst of change which is the varying creative light forms. Thus, I am made to argue that there would be mass of physical object, mass of thought, mass of time, and even mass of faith that would be converted to physical energy, time energy, thought energy, and spiritual energy respectively through the intrinsic laws of motion in the heaven and earth.

    When wisdom is revealed to me as to why one day is like one year and one year is like one day in which the mystery of the work of the trinity is encompassed, I remained totally dumbfounded, while I was transfixed with the total configuration of eternity in all walks of life. I realize that the relationship between mass and energy (the power of light) is not unique to the physical plane, but is the law the Lord put in place everywhere to run the world at a physical, thought, time and spiritual level. Finiteness and discreteness as we see it in our physical world is the creation of the mind at a lower stratum of thought. I was led to see this structure so that I put my hand over my mouth (Job 40:4). Besides I was prompted to write it so that my generation, the Jonas generation, would wake up from its illusion and realize and accept that the manifested is a veil to the invisible, and the Lord Jesus Christ is the almighty God to whose name all knees will bow down. Everywhere and in all places the sign is written to this effect, it is man who lacks understanding to see it.

    In knowing the mysteries of the heavens, I was led to appreciate the value of an ancient language called Geez about which I have no training or use for except what I hear during liturgy. Though I have grown up in a religious family and faith driven culture with strong influence of Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahido Church, I have missed the chance to learn about the most sacred language in Ethiopia, Geez, which is currently used for liturgical work. Even today I have no command of the language other than my desperation to learn and tap it for preparing this document. Ever since I was initiated to appreciate its value, I tried hard to learn, however, I failed to get access for instruction. But the inner drive to keep appreciating the language and its value remained with me. Even when I keep meditating on this writing, my limitation in understanding the language was obvious. But when the time come to put together the writing in this material, the grace of the Lord led me to muster the strength to get just enough needed to show the signs of God for this generation. The Lord led me to appreciate the inner treasure in this language such that in fact even the name of the Lord is amenable for measurement such that the Geez numeric value of the name of God (እግዚእ) is 360 degrees; that 666 refers the enemy of man (in Geez the enemy means ፀርወ which is in Geez numbers is ፀ፣ ፮፻(600)፤ ረ፣ ፮(6)፤ ወ፣ ፷(60)፤ ድምር ፮፻፷፮(666). It is this spiritual force of darkness that is left hidden as the enemy of man in Matthew 13:28, which later would become the destructing force in the kingdom of God as it would be personified in a human form with a name Zemermeyawaos ዘመርምያዋዖስ, which is in Hebrew numerals is 666. I also come to learn that the name of Adam (አዳም) is 144, while the savior’s name, Jesus (ኢየሱስ), is also made to match 144, which in turn become the basis to discern the meaning of 144000 in the heaven mirroring the frequency of the daily prayer of Our Father for 144 times. Such amazing signs and symbols are abundant in the infinite tapestry of the Geez language for the Jonas generation to see.

    While the ancient language of Geez is full of spiritual codes, the modern man’s darling of binary language is no exception to the rule: it is also God’s design meant for spiritual communication to seek truth. I would not say so if I did not see its scriptural value. When I was in third year in 1986 in my undergraduate class, I took a computer programming course called Fortran IV. Ever since then the concept of (1) and (0) have puzzled me in all dimensions of my thought, I keep asking could be it that even spiritual realm could be defined in terms of 1 or 0? After several years I stumbled on the word of God, But let your communication be, Yea, yea; Nay, nay . . . (Matt. 5:37). Astonished with the power of the Lord’s decree, I said to myself nothing is new under the Sun. After 24 years of puzzle and contemplation these symbols have become handy to express the total surrender of self to the Lord as stated in Matthew 22:37-40 as [Love of God = f(S (B (M (H (1,0)], which can be interpreted as the love of God or worshipping the Lord is the total surrender of the soul(S), which materializes when the total strength (Body) give in to the power of God, which is possible when the Mind (M) is still subservient to the wisdom of God that can only be true when the heart(H) is focused on God (1). If the treasure of the heart is the world (0), then man cannot worship God.

    After long meditation, I have been acclimated over decades in tapping this language to understand the spiritual realm and its structure in the soul of man. In the meantime, the restless mind in me keeps asking ceaselessly how Lazarus was saved. In fact, I was led define the relationship of Lazarus and the Lord such that the Lazarus had a dead man’s spiritual matrix of Y = [0 0 0] while the Lord has a life giving power of X = [1 1 1], where we see hope, faith and love are represented in the expression as presence (1) or absence (0). Thus, the act of the Lord would give Lazarus a new equation such Y*X = [0 0 0] X [1 1 1] = [0(1) 0(1) 0(1)]. Here we see the transformation of Lazarus condition from death (0) to life with the power of Christ 0(1). Of course, in demonstrating God’s power to give life, the Lord showed his dependence on the Father. Thus, he showed the dynamics among the three elements in the identity matrix are hope, faith and love that would become foundational elements of eternal life. (1 Corinthians 13:13). It was perfect hope (John 11:41), perfect faith (John 11:4;3;42) and perfect love in the Father that was demonstrated in the act of raising Lazarus from the dead. It is further contemplation on this formulation on relationship of Lazarus and the Lord that become the anchoring point to delve into how spiritual energy works in living souls.

    As we mentioned earlier, the relationship between mass and energy defines the structure of heaven and earth at all levels of presence. Drawing on this relationship of mass and energy at all levels of reality as already captured to precision in the physical plane and as can only be fully discerned through the spiritual eye, we comprehend the intrinsic relationship between mass of thought and wisdom, mass of time and eternity, and finally mass of faith and spiritual energy. Thus, the spiritual elemental forces that pulled Lazarus from the dead is the faith that the Lord had on his father (John 11:41), the love that the Lord had for his Father (John 11:4), and the Love that the Lord had towards Lazarus (John 11:3). Accordingly the spiritual energy that raised Lazarus from the dead is (Spiritual energy = Mass of faith (Mf) X (Love of God X Love of neighbor) = Mf (L)² . As one can deduce the spiritual energy that one musters depends on the mass of faith since the love of God is a constant presence (what the physicist call invariant nature of the speed of light in physical energy) to all who have faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Thus, the equivalence in the two commandments (Matt. 25:31-46) is the basis to define the transformational power that works in converting faith to action implying that love of neighbor and love of God are two sides of the same coin. Finally, we can conclude that it is the relationship that we see in the above symbolic spiritual relationship between spiritual mass and spiritual energy that dictates the maxim that if one has faith as little as a mustard seed, he can cast the mountain into the sea. (Mark 11:3).

    Notwithstanding the exciting feature in knowing new things, while I meditate on these spiritual symbols, I get consumed by fear of my ignorance, on top of the curse of thinking out of the box. I constantly pray Lord have mercy on me, the sinner. Then I keep wondering if I can I answer any question on any of the things I wrote about when I do not have any knowledge of physics; when I am not educated in Geez; when I am not proficient in programming language; or more importantly when I am not a theologian to be authoritative on the word of God. Would it not be too much of a claim to talk about Einstein’s formula when I cannot comment well on what its full application is in modern life or even more when much of the world considers the term faith and science as oxymoron? How can I stand on my feet when I do not have the knowledge base to defend myself from the learned, the educated, the wise and the doctors and the philosophers and theologians of the world for writing such claim? Whenever I wanted to know more on each of these, I could not get more except to receive what is needed for this presentation. I could not boast on any knowledge I have because I do not have any expertise on any of the branches of knowledge used here including even the English language, which is not my native tongue. In fact, my limited authority on any of the topics is a default set on me not to boast on any of the claims made here. I would be caught with the rest of the world in a prisoner dilemma mode to figure out what is contained in it for better enlightenment of the wisdom of the heavens and the earth. I am here to be what the potter wants to make of me.Shall the clay say to him that fashioneth it, What makest thou? (Isaiah 45:9). My purpose in delivering this is like the ass who carried message to the disobedient prophet (1King 13; 2 peter 2:16) so that the wise and the learned of the world pause and think the truth behind the elegant sophistry of the mind. The world have enough authorities on religion, science, language, philosophy and all fields of wisdom who claim to be wise and gods on their own account. I could not be knowledgeable on any of the fields given here to speak out of the position of power of intellect. Thus, I learned the hard way that my fear could not subside by trying to know more but by faith that what is written in the service of truth will eventually triumph on its own merit. In the meantime, I keep gravitating towards the wisdom in Psalm 46:10, Be still and know that I am God. Indeed, after a while I keep hearing the reassuring voice of faith speaking to me,  . . . . , My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses for Christ’s sake: for when I am weak, then am I strong." (2 Corinthians 9:10). Indeed, it is only God’s grace I should depend to see more wisdom revealed on the kingdom of God as I go to the world with this writing.

    In a nutshell, I have taken the challenge to overcome the fear and write what is being revealed to me as a message appropriate for me and my generation that struggles to abide with the power of the Lord while we know we have no control even on the air we breathe in our nostril to survive every second of our life. As would be clearly shown in this document, the sin equation and the eternal life equation are embedded in the life of every soul as precise spiritual formulations that work in us depending on how we choose to behave in our dealings with the Lord. Equally so, we learn the motion of the soul around the name of God with spiritual precision being led in spirit to see that in fact the spiritual energy that we muster from our faith to overcome the darkness of the world is as vividly precise and exact as we see it paralleled in our computation of physical energy that let us understand why a plane lands without crashing. It is not an accident that the Lord said, according to your faith be it unto you. (Matthew 9:29). If we open our spiritual eye we learn that the prize of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ is eternal life while we live in the heavenly realm tapping the Lord’s name as our compass to fulfill the call of our life which is glorifying our father. Unfortunately, being the stiff neck generation we are, we refuse to subscribe to the love commandments of God while we spiraled down to the alley of darkness prompted by our selfish drive to conquer the world. While we are told that blessed are those who believe without seeing, the urge is in us to see something new to believe. Of course, we easily get fascinated and possessed when we see the permutations of new science and technological discoveries that tantalize our soul to the point of idolizing them. The things that we fashion and create take their turn and make us to be the slave of our desire and passion. Though we may not know how to understand its inner working, it is clear that the enemy of man (666) as mentioned in Matthew 13:28 is working with full capacity and its spirit is manifesting everywhere in our time. It is high time that the world accept the truth that all things are created by the Lord and nothing is done without him (John 1:3) . . . Nothing more fascinating on earth for man to see than the truth that the word was made to be flesh (John 1:1,14) to be with us, to die for us, to win life back for all of us, and live with us forever through his second coming . . . . May the will of the father get fulfilled so we see the end to our lamentation in the darkness due to our stubbornness to believe in God . . . . . Indeed, we have to seek the savior and we have to pray thy will be done worshipping God. We have to seek the truth and embrace it to be freed (ግዕዝ) from the prison of worshipping the I idol that is eating up our soul . . . May this Jonas generation become humble enough to weep like the people of Nineveh to get the mercy of the Lord, that will allow us to experience renewal of mind and change of heart so that we can glorify the Lord Jesus Christ as he is eternally praised by the angels in the heavens in the spirit of Holy, holy, holy, LORD God Almighty, which was, and is, and is to come. (Rev. 4:8) Amen!


    Ever since the Lord Jesus Christ sponsored and taught it to his disciples, the Lord’s Prayer has been the anchoring point of faith for countless souls believing that the Son of God, and hence God himself, authored it as an official language to converse with the heavenly father. It is a prayer unlike any other; while we find uncountable prayers written by individuals, or faith houses, the Lord’s Prayer is the best prayer that the living God commanded in the scripture to be the language of the soul. As it would be revealed in this book, this prayer encompasses the eternal dimension of life while remaining applicable to all who believe in the heavenly God. In it is contained the meaning of life and life itself. Eternity is all bounded within the 4 stanzas of the prayer if one gains spiritual discernment to know what each of this living word of God means. Unfortunately, the value of the prayer has been, more often than not, meshed into its literal value than its cosmic dimension due to lack of understanding of the sponsor of the prayer i.e, as to who the living Son of God really is—that he is the one about whom the four living creatures in the heaven sing saying,  . . . Holy, holy, holy, LORD God Almighty, which was, and is, and is to come. (Rev. 4:8)

    Needless to say, when there are more than 35,000 denominations claiming to be the house of God in the name of the Lord, without necessarily knowing him in truth, it is not surprising that people do not appreciate the intrinsic value of the prayer, and hence the wisdom interpretation behind the prayer in helping one discern the purpose of life with Christ, which is commonly referred as eternal life. The darkness that veils man’s understanding of eternal life remains intact as long as man depends on his whim and imagination to translate the way, the truth and life of his self worth instead of clinging to the word of God. The truth of the matter is that, no matter how many denominations we count, the benchmark and the ultimate test in knowing the Lord Jesus Christ remains to be one: One Lord, one faith, one baptism, One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all. (Ephesians 4:5-6). It is this contrasting fact between what is populating the religious landscape as mushrooming belief systems and institutions driven by the varying interpretation of the word of God on the one hand and the simple truth contained in the living word of God on the other that mainly prompts this writing. The simple truth revealed for us on how to live by worshipping God and loving our neighbors should not be so complicated. In the prayer the Lord inscribed all we need to know.

    Of the alternative paradigms to reflect on this matter of concern about how to better understand one’s relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ then, the author chose the Lord’s Prayer as the focal point of addressing the inner meaning of faith with the intent to provide a uniform platform to meditate about the Lord, since the verses of this prayer and the name of God remain to be uniformly known in all discourses regardless of the attributes of faith that one professes in seeking God. As it would be clearly seen in this writing, in this unique prayer, through this concise prayer and by this very prayer is given the truth of life itself and the compass to eternal life. The name of God is inscribed in it to serve as the tip of the spiritual compass to lead all who believe in him into the mansion of God. The prayer would make it abundantly clear that regardless of which faith house one belongs, the key to life is to abide in living faith knowing that the Son of God, the Lord Jesus Christ, is the perfect image of the invisible God being the one God himself as encompassed in the mystery of the trinity. Indeed, it would be proven that the prayer is the anchoring point of practicing faith while walking with the Lord in the path of righteousness, seeking the kingdom of God knowing that he is the way, the truth and the life.

    As one would conclude this prayer, founded on the name of God, is presented as the best spiritual compass for the soul in its enterprise to know and praise God. The writing is a modest attempt to present what the author has profited through meditation on the Lord’s Prayer that empowered him to tap the eternal compass to understand spiritual life in the kingdom of God here on earth as it would be in the heaven. Whereas the author initially started a planned project to write his prayer experience in a small treatise, the way this book undergoes the zigzags of the writing process to become to its final shape has been a continuously changing landscape driven by a compelling inner drive of spiritual nature that brought amazing flow of new revelations about the inner workings of the heavenly realm forcing the author to have limited control on the final output. Thus, it is only appropriate on the part of the author to admit that any heavenly virtue in this writing that benefit the reader is wisdom discerned by the grace of God. Of course, realizing the power of the name of God as it is revealed to the author then, all the discussion in the book gravitates towards one theme: the name of the Lord is the backbone of the authorized prayer, being the life giving force of creation, being the magnet of life for all living souls in the country of the living, and hence being the foundation for the eternal compass, that is the living cross on which is inscribed salvation through the precious blood of our Lord.

    While working on this project, the author have witnessed the realization of the profound truth stated in Matthew 19:26, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible. The Lord revealed to the author what he would not imagine he would know as a human being in his rational thought. In fact when the lord unveils the truth, it is the author’s experience that the mind cease to function and the soul would witness with total wonderment, awed by the spiritual configurations and the abiding laws of life engraved in the mystery of the heavens. It is this incredible revelation of wisdom that has been presented in a very finite way as the author tried to express it in humanly possible form. After all we worship the Lord of lords who create the world from nothing: እመኀበ አልቦ እመ ቦ With this faith in the background, the author also accepts the truth that God can reveal himself to his creation in any way he chooses and intends through the things that are made (Romans 1:20). To those who fear God, he reveals his wisdom in any way shape and form that he grants his will as he deems it necessary to glorify his name. As the Psalmist teaches us, What man is he that feareth the LORD? Him shall he teach in the way that he shall choose . . . The secret of the LORD is with them that fear him; and he will shew them his covenant . . .(Psalm 25:12). But it should be clear from the outset that the Lord revealed wisdom to this author not because the author has any virtue to merit so much abundance of wisdom from the infinite banquet of the lord. Rather it is in spite the author’s lamentable sinful nature that God bestowed his grace upon the wretched soul to see the magnificence in the Lord’s work and the mystery in his construct of both the manifest and the invisible. Indeed, the author has nothing to put on this writing without the light of God at work in him. If there are errors in the writing that go against the word of God, it is the flesh nature in the author and hence his lack of understanding that caused it. For such error of omission and transgression, the author ask forgiveness and mercy of the Almighty Lord.

    With such burden of sinfulness that the author always look into himself, it was necessary that the author hinged his volition to know the word of God on one key leverage point of biblical wisdom with which any seeking soul should be equipped, which is the fear of God. To understand the scripture for the purpose it is set, which is to be a living word of God that nurtures the soul of man, the cornerstone and hence the beginning point is the fear of God. The underlying thesis then is that one has to be instilled with fear of God before gaining the grace to know God. Though paradoxical it may seem, there is no way one can know God without first surrenders one’s self will in the spirit of thy will be done. This fear of God that one should practice as the litmus test in seeking and knowing God serves as the only vehicle to keep focusing on the path of wisdom and hence receive the revelation of truth by fighting the dangers of self-righteousness. The practical implementation of the fear of God for man is to know that man is but dust, and nothing is within the power of man to know about the invisible without the grace of God. In other words, the author has established the base line understanding for himself that he knows nothing of his accord if abiding to the will of the Lord is not in his seeking.

    The author firmly believes that the territory of wisdom encompasses every sphere in creation, both heavenly and earthly, including every knowledge realm that man declares in all fields since all things are created by the Lord and nothing is created without him. (John 1:3). In fact, this author firmly believes that anything that man considers to himself including the scientific discoveries man has developed awareness and in use that ranges from the discovery of the chemical laws of water (H20) to the most elegant equation of the relationship of energy and mass as discovered by Einstein as well as the law of gravity are all within the fold of spiritual wisdom and hence configured and created by the wisdom incarnate himself, the Lord Jesus Christ. Such thesis and foundational belief about the power of God on all things is clearly reflected as the author freely roams on all channels of knowledge to communicate what is revealed to him.

    With this spirit, after we discuss the prayer at great length but before we directly go to the application of wisdom tools as they apply in understanding the word of God, we shed some light on some basic foundational maxims that are fundamental to help us understand the functionality of the eternal compass. In doing these we draw such basic wisdom tools including but not limited to, (1) the wisdom of yes and no as the language of communication tapping the preaching of Christ, (2) the binary language of 1 and 0 in juxtaposition with the wisdom of yes and no, (3) the cross as an eternal compass, (3) heavenly wisdom in Geez language, (4) Functional relationships and even (5) the wisdom in the law of light and motion as deciphered by Albert Einstein. For many the claim made in this book would be outlandish at the beginning because such a presentation could seem outside of the conventional theological thought on the word of God. And this author agrees that the tenets of faith should be keenly guarded in line with what the fathers of the church put it for us in accord with the word of God. And it is the author’s disclaimer that this writing is not about questioning the theological footings of any faith institution or a critic of any religious belief system. The author does not claim any intellectual prowess to do comparative study on religion either. Where appropriate the author draws his limited experience from his own background without forgetting that his understanding and interpretation could be prone to error. Thus, the author is willing and ready to be corrected knowing his severe limitations and the high propensity to make mistakes as a human being.

    At the same time tapping one’s knowledge of what is manifested in the real world to express one’s religious experience is not a new phenomenon. After all, writings about the invisible world including the scripture are framed on the basic information drawn from the manifested world and what is observable in the life of man. Symbolisms, parables, similes, and other forms of communication tools are popular means to express spiritual information. Thus, tapping the set of data observable in the real world, tapping the knowledge system of man in science and other fields to facilitate and express the wisdom that is revealed to the author has been in line with what is done before. Of course, the author also tried hard to make sure that his attempt to juxtapose the visible with the invisible and draw parallel between the material world and the spiritual world is not taken as a naïve approach to literalize the sacred. In all cases and in all circumstances and in all expressions, nothing comes before the ultimate faith this author has regarding the ineffability of God and the impossible task to express the infinite divine attribute with the finite word of man.

    With that strong caveat, the author draws a lot of material from the scripture to draw example to serve the purpose at hand, which is that it is only God to be glorified and man has nothing to claim on his own merit. The error in the Garden of Eden continues to be replicated only at a higher degree to this day in the life of millions. We come of age where the heart of man is easily predisposed to worship the mere invention of his owns hands as idols.

    In demonstrating this, the world is abound with examples. For instance, the digital life and the technology behind it have become the defining characteristics of the time we live in. The application of digital technology in infinite ways including as a social networking forum has now transformed the way we live in with great contributions to change our lives for the better. At the same time, digital life become an end itself for many to the point of worship replacing the living interaction that used to characterize the relationship among human beings. It would not be an exaggeration to see that digitalized life become the measure of being alive or being dead not just for social interaction but in measuring the success of life in its totality. The soul of man is invaded by the digital virus. One would not help but wonder if this would be the fulfillment of the prophecy in revelation about six hundred sixty six where we read, And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. (Rev. 13:17). Through the facilitation of the digital code (1 and 0) our social life is no more discrete and private. Rather modern technology enabled man to develop immense power of information matrix put together about his surroundings. While with information technology man excels, man is also put himself in high risk of idolizing his own invention. The vanity of man is exposed more than ever due to this new technology. What is up with this new code that has immense power to transform man and his surrounding? Is it becoming the tool to build the next tower of Babel? Is the beast working among us? How would we know if the spirit of pride is lurking in our soul? What is this six hundred sixty six any way? Such meditation is very vital to our time when man has become the slave of the fabrication of his own hands and hence his fertilized desire that overwhelms his life. As much as man has solve his worldly problems by inventing new technology and way of doing things, man has also become the slave of his own thoughts, ideas and inventions. In the world of digital life, the living God has more often than not become an afterthought, set in the shadow, or long forgotten as irrelevant. As a tragic comedy of our time, it would not be uncommon to see a priest answering cell-phone calls at the holy of holies while in the business of handling worship practices.

    Regardless of which direction man travels along with digital inventions, it is equally important to note that all scientific discoveries are subsets within the scope of wisdom. Nothing man does is new to God, and as Solomon underlined it, Nothing is new under the sun. It is one of the thesis of this writing that anything that man puts in scientific notation is the derivation of what is the inherent design of the invisible world put in place to create and sustain the universe. It is this basic conviction that is manifested in this book by tapping various applications in human intellectual discourse to develop basic understanding of the divine realm, uncover the compass from the Lord’s Prayer, and meditate on the compass to discern the truth behind eternal life, and experience it as a living soul even here on earth.

    In accomplishing this mission of the book, the material is presented in four different sections. In Part I, the book expounds on the essence of prayer especially the Lord’s Prayer from various contexts to help the reader gain full understanding of this command of God as the architectural design of life as offered by the author of life Himself, the Lord Jesus Christ. In Part II, some wisdom tools (or what we refer Qamar in Geez) would be introduced that would be used in the book to elaborate on the application of the Lord’s Prayer as the compass to eternal life. Whereas some of the maxims are rooted on the linguistic and numerical value of the word of God, as extracted from the treasure of wisdom contained in the Geez language, some wisdom applications deciphered by man and put to use in the material world (which are customarily called scientific discoveries such as the law of relativity) are found to be pertinent to advance the discussion on the spiritual realm. After all the manifested is driven from the invisible though man’s pride would blind him from appreciating and knowing this inextricable relationship. (Romans 1:18-20).

    In Part III, we gain insight on eternal life and how we should develop awareness of it as we strive to become citizens of the kingdom of God even here on earth as it would be in heaven. To understand the complex subject of eternal life, we have to define the kingdom of God and its intrinsic relationship with the Lord’s Prayer. At the same time, we try to understand the inner dynamics of the praying soul by contemplating on our manner of worship in the spiritual realm. We also draw on the spiritual history of Adam, from which we develop the sin equation, to frame it in juxtaposition with the saving act of the Lord Jesus Christ, which helped us define the eternal life equation. By looking at the symmetry in these two equations, we come to a transformational plane of awareness to see eternity and how the work of the Lord is perfectly designed for the awakened soul to see, appreciate and abide in it. In part IV we will develop the compass to discern eternal life in depth by combining the lessons we draw in section I, with the spiritually meditative Qamar (computation) tools we develop in section II. Throughout this section, we will tap the spiritual cross as the eternal compass to discern eternal life in all prisms of the spiritual field, ranging from understanding the word of God to interpret the spiritual foundation for the manifestation of the kingdom of God. Through the compass we take a bird’s eye view on a lot of pivotal issues that would help the soul crystallize its understanding of the truth, and the path of light to the kingdom of God here on earth as it is eternally configured in the heavenly realms. The important outcome of this work is that the soul that is in the world would have the capability to see the congruence between the heavenly and the earthly, the visible and the invisible and walk toward the path of life knowing what is in the edict of God to please the Lord by avoiding the path of darkness.

    As we will see it to ourselves, this book titled The wisdom compass to Eternal Life: እግዚእ is expected to contribute modestly to see the vast ocean that is beneath the crust of the Lord’s Prayer which has a mere 4 stanzas and 13 verses. In the Lord’s Prayer is contained life, the path of life and the ark of eternal life upon which we load our soul to transport it to the eternal realm at all times to interface with the Lord. Nothing is more reliable than tapping the name of the Lord as the fortress of the soul. When we say Our father to pray the Lord we are equally saying In the Name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. We will learn in this treatise that the Geez word አቡነ (our father) is in fact cosmically numbered to be the same as አብ፣ ወልድ፣ መንፈስ ቅዱስ(The Father, the Son, The Holy Spirit). Thus, every time we pray the Lord’s Prayer, we are glorifying God as he is glorified by those who are sealed with the Name of the Father in the heavens. (Rev. 14:1). We also reveal here that the prayer is designed as a compass with a 360⁰ circle that is the name of the Lord, እግዚእ in the Geez language. Of course, we have to gain spiritual discernment to know how to interiorize this. Mere intellectual fascination is not to profit one anything in one’s proclivity to know God. Before intellect plays constructive role, total devotion and surrender of will is in order for the soul to be initiated to the sacred field of awareness. Based on our wisdom discernment, which we will never comprehend through our spiritual thought, we would then realize that in fact there is a perfect spiritual calendar that the soul follows in its relationship with the Lord. The rotational cycle of the soul around the name of the Lord involves the rotation of the soul on its own orbit as an image of God, as well as the rotation of the soul around the name of God, to glorify his name as a mission of life.

    In a nutshell, this little book is designed as a way to glorify the name of the Lord. By presenting it in a manner that would even draw the attention of the modern man of science and intellect, it is expected that it would even harness our propensity to really appreciate the wisdom of God that we see unfolding everyday making it clear that in fact anything, including what the atheist scientist boasts about without knowing the real source, is the foot print of God, and that as the wise king noted it there is nothing new under the Sun. Of course, God still wants us to be wiser and inquisitive to pursue wisdom but he also wants us to worship him and abide in fear of God at all times. We can only worship God when we reckon with the fact that he is designer and architect of life, human or otherwise. Our flying objects or our sophisticated digital gadgets of any form or shape combined will never measure up to one iota wisdom of God. Thus, we always have to keep our hearts with the Lord worshipping him without being overdosed by the new permutations of technological inventions that are flooding our homes and our factories. Our material life can be as exquisite as it can get but none of our digital tools will fill in the emptiness in our soul and heart unless we have God with us, which we can only be certain if we worship him and the right way. We should always ask if our life path is worth the endeavor in the eye of God while we also question the kind of spirit that is lurking in us. What is driving our action every moment? Is it the spirit of the devil, the father of all lies, or is it the spirit of the light, the wisdom of God? Who do we worship? God or mammon? No matter how creative and ingenious we are it meant nothing unless we have the blessing of the Lord: For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. For it is written, He taketh the wise in their own craftiness.(1 Corin. 3:19)

    As children of God, let us be alert and mindful not to forget what the psalmist knows about the unique blessing that the Lord bestows on man: What is man, that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that thou visitest him? For thou hast made him a little lower than the angels, and hast crowned him with glory and honour. (Psalm 8:4-5). In this spark of wisdom we learn that God even when man fails to measure up to the honor given to him, God sent his Son to give Adam a second chance to life. How much more can the Father loves us more than putting his Son on the cross? If he loves us so much, how much more should we revere him and worship him?

    Indeed God made us in his image and he put a lot of worldly and heavenly wisdom at our disposal setting us on a path of creativity and ingenuity. However, all our worldly pursuit would only be building the tower of Babel unless we kneel before him and worship him to prove to him that we are obedient and we are worth to be called the children of God. We know that the temptation to be disobedient and to soar in pride is in the nature of man, and Adam had learned the hard way for choosing this disastrous path leaving the mark of sin for posterity. It is to mend this broken relationship that the merciful God created the bridge to eternal life, by sending his beloved son, giving us the chance to discard the old man in us and become renewed in our mind so that we can be stamped with the name of the Father and worship him eternally as the psalmist would sing: እሴብሖ ለእግዚአብሔር በሕይወትየ፣ ወእዜምር ለአምላኪየ በአምጣነ ሀሎከ።ወአሠምሮ በቃልየ። እኔም በእግዚአብሔር ደስ ይለኛል። (መዝ. ዳ. ፻፫፡ ፴፫-፴፬)/I will sing unto the LORD as long as I live: I will sing praise to my God while I have my being. My meditation of him shall be sweet: I will be glad in the LORD." (Psalm 104:33-34)

    Indeed, if we know

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