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Anshan the Exile King
Anshan the Exile King
Anshan the Exile King
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Anshan the Exile King

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Out there in the remote desert, a lone nomad name Anshan was walking on the desert floor, watching the stars as they shine above him. He have been roaming for the last ten years of his life, ever since that day when his love were killed before his very eyes and was force out of the city that he loved and was rise in. But little of his knowledge a one called Salva was heading toward the land, and when he arrives he will bring about great destruction upon it. But out of both of their knowledge, the lone nomad and the bringing of destruction will soon meet face to face with each other and the fate of the land will be sealed by their actions.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateSep 14, 2011
Anshan the Exile King

John Austin Schumann

Schumann, Justin. ANSHAN THE EXILE KING. California, Xlibris Publishing, 2011

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    Anshan the Exile King - John Austin Schumann

    Copyright © 2011 by John Austin Schumann.

    Library of Congress Control Number:       2011915196

    ISBN:         Hardcover                               978-1-4653-5654-3

                       Softcover                                 978-1-4653-5653-6

                       Ebook                                      978-1-4653-5655-0

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    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the

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    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight


    By A.Q.

    I was about twenty years of age by the time that I decided to venture off my homeland, the island of Britain to see what lies in the rest of the world and to escape the boringness of modern middle class life.

    After my time exploring the mysterious ruins in the land that was once called Kemet, during the summer of 1838, I then went off to the desert lands of the Middle East and after four months of traveling on foot, I then reached northern Persia by December.

    As I recall I was traveling with a Persian guide (who I first met in the city of Qom) across a desert landscape that was oddly covered by a blanket of pure white snow.

    The sun was setting down and me and my Persian guide stopped when we first lay glance at what seemed to be an ancient stone gateway, much more taller and wider than any of the ancient temples that I saw at Egypt months before. The structure was standing all alone on the desert landscape of pure snow as the full moon was starting to rise in the distance seen between its pillars.

    There were two large lionesses standing at each of the pillars that seemed to gaze at us with their life like eyes.

    The gate seemed to be once of a wall guarding a city that was now forever gone from sight.

    I turned toward my Persian guide and asked him about the alone standing entrance; he told me that he had never seen this ruin, crossing through this region.

    Then before our eyes a scarlet woman appeared, setting up a camp fire between the gate’s pillars. I then went to this woman and asked her in Persian about this seemly ancient gate. She then turned her scarlet covered head towards me and answered in English in a gloomy voice and a low slowly tone; as I remember this gateway was once the gateway into once great and mighty but now forever gone Aratta the one who was once the Anshan I knew. I then asked her about this so named once great mighty now forever gone forever gone Aratta and what does she mean by the the one who was once the Anshan I knew. She did not answer those questions and only turned her covered head away from me and back toward the fire that she had set. Then she suddenly disappeared before my very eyes, leaving the fire to continuing flaming.

    Once she was gone I then looked around and saw standing among one of the pillars, stone tablets. I then went and picked up those tablets and saw that they were written in Sumerian, which was still not yet decipherable during the time.

    For many decades since I kept those tablets locked within a safe. It wasn’t until 1890 that I met a man named Georg F Rawlinson who was one of the first to decipher the Sumerian code and had been translating such text for some years.

    I then revealed to him the tablets that I had found and let him keep them for some time in order that he could decipher them.

    After three months I received a letter from him, claiming that he had completed translation of the tablets and stateing that they were in a series of three completed epics; all contained one name Anshan; and the author of these text was a one named Urg-ir-in-una.

    I later reserved the complete translation, which I will now publish into three books, each telling one of the Anshan epics.

    This one that you are about to read is the first of those three.

    Chapter One

    Oh great stars up above; you are my last and forever friends


    The winds of the desert were moving the sands silently during the night as Earth’s window to the beyond shows the stars as they were shining in their finest. Roaming on those sands, is a once king on his forever journey to nowhere; the one named Anshan the Exiled. When he was young, he was a great and beloved warrior prince that defended his kingdom more so than any royal before and since. His strength was inherited from his heavenly forefathers, whose blood flowed though his veins while in his divine mother’s womb. His mother was the great goddess Inanna. She had power over two things that would keep humanity in conflict for all of history, war and love. Anshan’s father was the wise and great king Enmerkar of Uruk. He was widely known for his conquest of the city of Aratta, which he destroyed to the ground to gain Inanna’s love. After Aratta was destroyed by Enmerkar’s army, Enmerkar then went up to mount Anshan where he encountered the goddess and lay with her that night. Nine months later Anshan was born out of the goddess’ womb on that same mountain top. After his birth he was given the name Anshan, the name of the mountain that he was both conceived and born on.

    Twenty years passed, when Anshan return from battle to his beloved city of Uruk. Upon his arriving to the city, Anshan then entered the royal palace to tell his father that he had returned but instead he found him dead on his palace bed with the war chief Lugalbanda, who was looking down at the now dead king with eyes of sorrow. With his father’s passing, Anshan was then crowned the new king of Uruk which marks the beginning of a new golden age for Uruk. Throughout

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