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Pam Smith and the Phantom Church: The Lamb and the Dragon Ii
Pam Smith and the Phantom Church: The Lamb and the Dragon Ii
Pam Smith and the Phantom Church: The Lamb and the Dragon Ii
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Pam Smith and the Phantom Church: The Lamb and the Dragon Ii

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Pam Smith, daughter of Adam and Nancy Smith, is content with just being the pastor at her local church in Paris, Texas. However, her life in Texas is about to change drastically. She receives a telephone call from Bishop Thaddeus Nichols of the Alaska Church of God in Bethel, Alaska. The situation in Bethel is dire, to say the least. Demonic activity is running amok, and Bishop Nichols requests the presence of Pam Smith for an extended stay to help ward off the demon army of darkness.

Pam assembles the greatest army of disciples she has ever fought with. The group arrives in Bethel to battle an evil force that wages war for the very souls of men. Pam Smith never dreamed that her ultimate battle of good vs. evil would be fought in the Land of the Midnight Sun.

Release dateJul 13, 2017
Pam Smith and the Phantom Church: The Lamb and the Dragon Ii

Donald C. Pitts Th.M B.Ed

During the 60s and 70s I was in a variety of bands, ranging from blues to country to rock & roll. Those were some very wild and rough times for me, but God saw me through all of that for a time such as this. The rest of the story: In 1986 I was working for a major retail chain in Fayetteville, Ga., just south of Atlanta, as Assistant Manager. On a certain day in January of that year, I decided to take a quick break and watch TV with some of my workers, mostly ladies. My section of the store included House wares and Health & Beauty Aids. Some of the ladies enjoyed my watching Days of Our Lives with them. On the way to the break room I grabbed a candy bar to snack on while enjoying the Soap Opera with the ladies. In a few minutes, (the best way I can describe it) my world literally turned upside down. I began vomiting violently and could not walk nor stand. My hearing began to fluctuate. I did not know what was going on with me. However, I thought at the time I was having the worse case of food poisoning since the dawn of creation. Someone had to drive me home and for the rest of that day and most of the night I was violently ill and could barely hear. I was able to call the store the next evening to get someone to pull the candy bars off the shelf, thinking they were tainted. What was really going on in my body was definitely not food poisoning, but it would be ten years before I would find out. What happened to me during those two days would lay low and not happen again until 1996. In 1995, after getting saved “again for the first time”, I immediately took an interest in Spiritual Warfare. I had also given up the colleges and night clubs and was part of my church’s Praise Team, along with my two brothers. We were born with the gift of music and wanted to give it back to God. My two brothers are still on the Praise Team; however, I had to step down about five years ago. More on that later. Anyway, I wanted to write a book centered on Spiritual Warfare, but I wanted my book to be more of a novel and not another “how to” book. They’re plenty of those already on the shelves. I began praying about it and as I thought I was hearing from God, I would take notes. In late 1995 I had a composition book full of notes, so I began writing my first novel, The Lamb and the Dragon. Early in 1996, while returning home from taking some young boys to Fun World in Albany, Ga. , I had another very severe attack of vertigo and vomiting. My friend had to drive the rest of the way home while trying to comfort the fellows with us and tell them it was okay. He took me home and for the rest of the day I was sick beyond description. My episode was worse than the one I had ten years earlier. At this point, the vertigo and hearing fluctuation episodes were more severe and intense, and were happening every day. I literally could not function. After seeing six doctors, by mid 1996 I was diagnosed with Meniere’s Disease, which affects hearing and balance. Every day for many years all I could was lay in the bathroom floor until it was over, then go to bed and sleep it off, only to have it happen again the next day. To add to my frustration, I could no longer write, so right after beginning my book, I had to stop. By 2008 I became unhirable and by 2009, I filed for early social security. In 2010 I had major surgery inside my left ear and had to resign from the Praise Team. As you might know, bad hearing is lethal in the music business. In 2011, on recommendation from my doctors, I filed for Disability; so far I have been turned down. Our government is quick to take and slow to give back. In 2013 I was well enough to finish writing my novel. Eighteen years from start to finish! It was published in January of 2014, and has been very successful so far. The sequel, Pam Smith and the Phantom Church, was published in 2017. After a lot of praying, I have to remember the bottom line: God knows and I don’t know. However, through using the Three Ps: Prayer, Pursuit, Perseverance, I am still writing. There is no cure for my disorder, but there are things I can do to help with the symptoms: surgery, shots in the ear, being hooked up to a machine three times a day, and medication. I’ve done them all! I take it a day at the time and I’m thankful for what the Lord gives me. I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Education, a Master’s in Theology, and a couple other degrees. I am an ordained Minister in two churches. My wife, Christal, and I, are members of Friendship Alliance Church here in Moultrie. We have two “children” at home: a black Tabby cat named Trouble and a yellow cat named Taz. My third novel was published and released about a year ago and Thanks and God Bless, Donny

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    Pam Smith and the Phantom Church - Donald C. Pitts Th.M B.Ed

    Copyright © 2017 Donald C. Pitts - Th.M, B.Ed.

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    ISBN: 978-1-4897-1301-8 (sc)

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    Library of Congress Control Number: 2017944392

    LifeRich Publishing rev. date: 06/20/2017

    This second book is dedicated to my parents, who have gone on to be with the Lord. Mama and Daddy always did what they could to encourage us to do what we wanted in life and to help us achieve our dreams. I can’t wait to see y’all again.

    This book is also dedicated to my good friend, Ron Lampman, who has also gone on to be with the Lord. Ron was a dear friend, and not a day goes by, when I don’t think about him. We swam, played a lot of tennis, just hung out with each other, and talked. That’s what I miss the most.

    This book is also dedicated to my twin brother, Danny. Thanks for the love, and see you soon.

    Still seeking inspiration from God before putting even one single word down on paper.







    Chapter 1.     Back In Paris

    Chapter 2.     Going To Bethel

    Chapter 3.     The Devil’s Train

    Chapter 4.     Getting Settled In

    Chapter 5.     Alaska, 1635

    Chapter 6.     The Labyrinth And The Army Of Light

    Chapter 7.     The Final Summoning

    Chapter 8.     Dreams And Nightmares

    Chapter 9.     Gerald And Billie Jean

    Chapter 10.   The Demon’s Grotto

    Chapter 11.   Ring Of Fire

    Chapter 12.   The Devil’s Train Resurrected

    Chapter 13.   Out Of The Hangar

    Chapter 14.   The Reckoning




    It is easy to see how much God loves us when we think about how the Bible was written. Only a few pages were dedicated to describing how God created the heavens, the earth, the animals, all the stars in the sky, and humans. However, the rest of the Bible is dedicated to showing us how much he loves us.

    In Donny Pitts’s first book, The Lamb and the Dragon, he shows us very vividly that the power of the Word of God is the most powerful weapon against the Enemy and how much the Enemy despises this book. This idea is captured in Jeremiah 51:20: You are my war club, my weapon for battle—with you I shatter nations, with you I destroy kingdoms, and in Hebrews 4:12: For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword. It penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.

    Today, we live in a world where the ideas of Christianity are being challenged every day. The epic struggle for eternity is still very much in full swing. Satan is the leader of the fallen angels, which exist in the spiritual world but affect our physical world. These demons are under God’s control, but just as the biblical account of Adam and Eve points out, evil beings are the masters of deception. Matthew 24:24 says, For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and miracles to deceive even the elect. To protect us from this attack, the Apostle Paul writes in Ephesians 6:16, At all times carry faith as a shield; for with it you will be able to put out all the burning arrows shot by the Evil One.

    Donny Pitts has been given the spiritual gift to write about spiritual warfare in a fictional manner, which can be applied to our everyday lives. He develops characters that we can relate to, places that are familiar to us, and relationships that are similar to ours. You will be on the edge of your seat because there is action at every turn and a battle around every corner. If you like science fiction, comic books, zombies, and the supernatural, then get ready to read a book you will enjoy from a Christian perspective. If you read the first book, The Lamb and the Dragon, get ready to continue the saga, which begins only one month from where the last book left off, with Donny’s sequel, Pam Smith and the Phantom Church: The Lamb and the Dragon II.

    The truth is, your soul is up for grabs. There is a life and death struggle for the souls of mankind. Donny beautifully honors this struggle with great imagination, insight, and passion. This book will remind you that spiritual forces are battling against you, but you have the most amazing weapon of love in Jesus Christ.

    I know that God inspired Donny Pitts to write this book to, once again, reach those who need a reminder of God’s plan for us. He wants to jump-start your relationship with Jesus if you already have one and wants you to know the love Jesus has for you if you don’t. Eternity is at stake. He prays that the love of God and the peace of the Holy Spirit will surround you as you read this book.

    James R. Wedge, M.A., Vision Alignment Team, Legacy Church


    First things first. I need to thank the good Lord, once again, for giving me every word I put down on paper. Without Him, nothing is possible; with Him, all things are possible.

    I wish to thank, once again, my wife, Christal. She is always encouraging me with kind words, her beautiful smile, and lots of love. You are the best, Babe.

    Again, I would like to thank Bruce Carruthers for his labor of love. He did all the pre-editing, editing, post-editing, and literally got my book ready for publication. Thanks, again, Bruce.

    A great big, Thank you, to all my family and friends, who supported me through this writing venture.

    Thank you, Mr. Jim Wedge, for the very eloquent foreword.

    I also want to thank the superb staff at LifeRich Publishing. You guys (and girls) are, without a doubt, the best in the business.



    During the Washoe War, Devlin lost several of his favorite soldiers, including Lial and Rufus Leroy III. Big M. Devlin would definitely have to go back to the Underworld and regroup. He would have to emerge bigger, better, and stronger than ever. He had been fighting the Others, as he called the Christian disciples, for millennia now and would continue to do so. Pam Smith would be a formidable foe.

    Devlin spent thirteen years gathering the best of the best demonic soldiers and making up the greatest army he had ever accumulated. He knew there would be several small skirmishes, which would pave the way for the greatest battle of them all. He would be ready to go to the ends of the earth. Pam Smith and her Phantom Church would be waiting.

    It would all take place in a land of ice and snow. The biggest battle yet was on the horizon—Pam Smith and her disciples would war against Devlin, Lord of the Underworld, and his demons.


    One Month After the Call from Bishop Thaddeus Nichols from Alaska Church of God in Bethel, Alaska

    Monday, April 20, 2009

    After more than a year and a half of fighting the enemy, Pam and her disciples were worn out. After the North Carolina battle, Pam had lost one of her best warriors, Bill Crank, who had been lovingly called BC. She was sad to lose BC but knew the fight must go on. She would make do with the disciples she had until they got to Alaska. Pam was pretty sure she could find a suitable replacement for Bill there.

    The disciples who were left were the best of the best:

    Bobbie Sue Zincfield (aka Bizz) from Amarillo, Texas Dedra Rayne Kent (aka Rain Drop) from Paris, Texas, originally from Gretna, Louisiana Dean Cisco (aka Cisco Kid) from Arlington, Texas James Surprise (aka Big Sir) from Dallas, Texas LaDon Page (aka Page Boy) from Dallas, Texas And, of course, Leon Webb (now known as Preacher Man) from Reno, Nevada

    They are the very best God can provide, Pam thought.

    Pam called her dad and mom, Adam and Nancy Smith, and told them about her conversation with Bishop Nichols.

    Do you need us there? Adam asked.

    No, Dad, thanks, but I … we … can handle it. Just keep us in your prayers.

    You know we will, sweetheart.

    Pam began to cry. I’m scared. I’m so scared, she sniffed.

    You’ll do just fine, Nancy reassured her. Remember, God is with you, so who can stand against you?

    Thanks, Mom. The conversation ended with a click of the phone receiver.

    Pam went to her bedroom, grabbed her Bible, and began reading. Soon she fell fast asleep. She dreamed good dreams this time.

    Chapter 1



    Pam knew it was time to call Bishop Nichols back and give him a heads-up. She decided to look over her disciples’ files, which were more like dossiers, before making the call to Bishop Nichols. Her new church—the Clarksville Street Nondenominational Church, known to everyone as the Phantom Church—was an old abandoned warehouse on Clarksville Street, just south of Cox Field Airport. The lease had expired on the Seventh Avenue building—end of story. She sprawled the files out on her large oak desk and studied them one by one.

    She read, Bill Crank, deceased. Pam’s eyes filled with tears as she looked at her fallen comrade’s file. She wiped her eyes and continued to read the files on her other comrades.

    Bill Crank

    Bill Crank, aka BC, born in Paris, Texas, in 1978. Grew up on Campbell Street, just off the 286 Loop. Worked as a bag boy at the local A&P. When he turned sixteen, he gave his life to Christ. His dad, Vernon, committed suicide. He was raised by his mother, Ethel. He attended Christian Academy and earned a master of divinity degree. He was the first one to join Pam and her cause. He died at the battle in North Carolina. He gave his life so others might live. He is now singing with the angels.

    Bobbie Sue Zincfield

    Bobbie Sue Zincfield, aka Bizz,born in Amarillo, Texas, in 1979. Grew up on Canyon Street, just down where SR60 meets I-27. Was active in high school sports. Excelled in basketball and track. She was baptized at the age of twelve and began doing missionary work at the age of fourteen. She left home when she was eighteen and began a street preaching ministry. Her parents were both atheists. They loved her but were glad when she left—too much strife at home. That’s what Bobbie said, anyway.

    James Surprise

    James Surprise, aka Big Sir, was born in Dallas, Texas, in 1977. He lived with his parents on Prosper Road, north of the Colony, until he was seventeen—that’s when they kicked him out. He did magic tricks on street corners, making just enough money to support his coke habit. Just before joining Pam and the others soldiers, he had a vision, one night of being alcohol and drug-free. He hitchhiked to Paris and met with Pam.

    Why do you think you are free of your addiction? Pam asked.

    Because last night I saw God, James replied, and now I’m drug-free.

    That was good enough for Pam.

    LaDon Page

    LaDon Elvis Page, aka Page Boy, was born in Bay St. Louis, Mississippi, in 1978, and resided on Webb Street, just south of Old Spanish Trail, until he left for Dallas at age sixteen. There he played guitar and sang in a rock-and-roll band, living out his lifelong dream. Late in 1995, he found Jesus, joined a group of missionaries, and lived in Honduras, Central America, for ten years. He became a preacher and spoke at various churches until joining Pam and her disciples in 2008. He was now music director and praise team leader at the Phantom Church.

    Leon Webb

    Leon Webbwas born in 1977, and is a dear friend of Pam’s, going all the way back to the Reno days. He fought alongside the likes of Adam and Nancy Smith, Jeb Horn, Richard Peavey, and the rest of the followers. Leon moved in with his grandparents, Moses and Mary Webb, after Leon’s parents were killed in an auto accident. He lived with his grandparents on Love Avenue until he moved to Paris, Texas, and joined Pam and the other disciples. Moses and Mary Webb still live in Reno on Love Avenue and are doing well. Leon is known by all as Preacher Man.

    Dedra Rayne Kent

    Dedra was born in Gretna, Louisiana, in 1979, and lived with her parents on Lafayette Street, just off the Westbank Expressway. She was known by the other disciples as Rain Drop, which was her nickname in high school. Her dad, Josh, was in the military, so they moved around a lot. While living in Dallas, her mother, Barbara, became ill, and in January of 2007, she died from brain cancer. Josh left the military and moved back to Gretna. Dedra stayed in Dallas and in late 2007, joined the Phantom Church. That’s when she stopped hearing from her father.

    Dean Cisco

    Dean Cisco, aka Cisco Kid, was born in Mission, Texas, a town just thirteen miles from the Mexican border. He has seen demons on both sides of the border. They were human in nature—policemen killing innocent people, Mexican drug lords gunning down patrol personnel, and kids with their

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