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Love, Life, and the Lord: Poetic Parables
Love, Life, and the Lord: Poetic Parables
Love, Life, and the Lord: Poetic Parables
Ebook250 pages1 hour

Love, Life, and the Lord: Poetic Parables

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About this ebook

The Secret of Life Unveiled Within!

In this book of poems, Marion shows his extensive diversity by covering such sensitive subjects as love, marriage, divorce, lifes challenges, war, and hate. As an author of many diverse writings, Marion writes about lifes experiences in a way that can only come from being inspired by the will of the Lord, and the wisdom gained from being a senior citizen.

Release dateApr 7, 2014
Love, Life, and the Lord: Poetic Parables

Marion Wehmeyer

Marion Wehmeyer is first and foremost a devout Christian. He believes that you should behave like a Christian no matter what activity you are involved in. Marion believes that you should go to church on Sunday and live the Christian life Sunday , Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. His faith is not reserved for just church on Sunday. As a member of Memorial Baptist Church in Baytown, TX, Marion is involved in many different church activities. He sings in the choir to praise the Lord and not himself. He studies the bible to continue to grow as a Christian witness. He presents slide programs set to Christian music to share his faith and to share fun filled moments he has enjoyed as a Christian. He participates in as many of the church activities as his time will allow. Marion Wehmeyer also enjoys the sport of scuba diving. He has traveled all over the world and has photographed many of God's sea animals. He has received numerous photographic awards from many different international contests. Marion is also certified by the National Association of Underwater Instructors as a scuba instructor. Through the local YMCA, he has taught and certified hundreds of students over his 20 year career as an underwater instructor. Marion loves his Lord and savior Jesus Christ, and shares his enthusiasm for life with his students. He wrote this book so that children will know that being a Christian is full of fun filled adventure. The main message he hopes to leave with his readers is that God loves you and He has provided a fascinating world for you to enjoy.

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    Love, Life, and the Lord - Marion Wehmeyer

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    Table of Contents

    Marion Wehmeyer


    Part One Love

    What is a Family?

    Nana’s Lovely Child

    Nana’s Love

    La Niña

    Niña, Niña

    Brood a Viper No More

    The Wedding

    Sharing Love

    Our Anniversary

    Failed Love

    A Mission of Love

    Puppy Love

    Cruising High

    The Lake

    Desperate Days

    Part Two Life


    The Gift

    Tricky Trials


    Fishy Birthday

    You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet



    Living Long

    Small Home



    Vulnerable Needs


    Thank You

    Bad Company

    Life Style

    A Man

    The Body Says Go

    The Miracle

    I Was a Soldier Once

    The Soldier’s Curse

    Terrorist Beware

    Memorial Day

    Liberty Bell

    War of Freedom

    The Grunt

    A Weapon of Choice

    The AAV Marine

    Independence Day

    A Veteran’s Spirit


    Sailor Lust

    VA Riders


    Trucker’s Load

    VA Van Driver

    Senior Driver

    To Live or To Die

    Miss a Turn, Turn Around

    Motorcycle Believer

    The Motley Few

    Wheelchair Dependent

    The GoldWing Fall

    The Perfect Date


    A Woman

    Happy Birthday



    First Aid


    The Squirrel

    Who is a Hero?


    Get Well

    Be Happy

    A Special Day

    Mother’s Day

    The Common Cold

    Scuba Diving


    High Profile

    Texas Tales

    Who To Bust?

    Don’t Mess With Texas




    Job Loss

    The Boss


    Part Three The Lord

    God’s Good News

    Easter Child

    My Messiah

    Father’s Day


    Spring Time

    The Teacher

    True Spirit

    Summer Clouds

    Winter Cold

    I had a Dream


    Judgment Day


    A Gift

    Eagle High

    Best Medicine






    Flood Waters

    Grasping in the Wind

    Marion Wehmeyer

    Marion Wehmeyer was born on October 9, 1946, in Brenham, Texas, the first child of two of Marion Lavon Mitchell and Walter F. Wehmeyer. Marion’s family was average for postwar WWII, but Marion grew up with the traditional values of church going people. His Mother, Lavon was a sweet tenderhearted woman who raised her children to know God. Walter was well established in his trade as a carpenter. Walter’s best friend was a preacher who stayed close to Walter throughout Walter’s life. Upon Walter’s death, he was proud to give the testimonial eulogy of Walter as a man who loved his country and his God and who loved to give his skills to the maintenance of many local churches.

    Marion’s Great Grandparents were from famine ridden Germany. They migrated to the United States and settled as farmers in Texas during the 1850s. They brought their children up in a strict religious household governed mainly by their fathers. Marion was the benefactor of such strict religious beliefs passed on to him by his parent family. When he was four years old, he moved with his family to Baytown, Texas in 1951.

    When Marion was nineteen, he fought for his country during the Cold War era, serving both in Southeast Asia in Vietnam and with NATO forces in Europe. He was decorated for his service as a United States Marine. Those very early traumatic experiences shaped his character with sensitive emotions for life’s realities.

    In 1969 he turned his attention to being a civilian. As a young man he worked in the local oil refineries. He worked hard but also attended Lee College, a local technical college in Baytown, Texas where he learned to write technical manuals for the oil industry. He later attended the University of Houston where he earned a Bachelor of Science degree and acquired a love for writing and photography. As a skilled underwater photographer he earned many photographic awards from his adventurous travels. Some of his work appeared in local newspapers and his love for writing gained momentum.

    Marion studied hard over the years at the University of Houston Clear Lake where he studied law and became aware of his publishing potential. After raising his family of two children with his wife, Peggy, he began to focus more on his love for writing.

    His first book was a children’s book published in 1994. The book entitled God’s Sea Animals is an interactive guide used by parents to share both the underwater world and Christian values with their children. It was republished in 2006 and followed up with God’s Sea Animals II. The underwater photos show Marion’s special artistic gift.

    His first edition of his book entitled Babyboom Doom was published in 2006. It focuses on the traumatic effects of the Cold War on his generation. His next book, Vietnam Terrorism and Beyond has received high acclaim among many veterans of the era. His diverse writing now includes Love, Life, and the Lord, in which his poetic parables explore the deep emotions of life within the context of his religious background.

    From his extensive travels in Asia, Europe, and America, Marion has become a

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