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Deliverance Matters: A Strategic and Tactical Guide to Overcoming Strongholds in Your Life
Deliverance Matters: A Strategic and Tactical Guide to Overcoming Strongholds in Your Life
Deliverance Matters: A Strategic and Tactical Guide to Overcoming Strongholds in Your Life
Ebook163 pages2 hours

Deliverance Matters: A Strategic and Tactical Guide to Overcoming Strongholds in Your Life

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Are you struggling to break free from the clutches of pornography? Are you losing the battle to sexual perversion in your mind and spirit or know someone who is? Are you seeking help concerning your condition of pornographic addiction and sexual perversion but don’t know where to turn? If so, this powerful strategy guide was written for you. In this book, you will learn the following:
• Why people are attracted to pornography and sexual perversion
• Pornography’s origin and motive
• The damages pornography and sexual perversion cause naturally and spiritually
• How to identify and sever every negative soul tie in your life
• How to guard your mind and spirit against sexual perversion
• How to break free from pornography and sexual perversion
This book will empower and equip you for the battle you are fighting against sexual perversion. Be glad and encouraged for God has sent you a powerful weapon to destroy every yoke of sexual perversion in your life!
Release dateAug 15, 2014
Deliverance Matters: A Strategic and Tactical Guide to Overcoming Strongholds in Your Life

Dr. M.D. Harmon

Dr. M.D. Harmon lives in Maryland with his wife and children. They all serve as devotion leaders at Christian Shelter in Salisbury, Maryland. Dr. Harmon and his wife attend New Life Ministry in Salisbury, MD under the leadership of Pastor Thomas R. Hoy Jr. Dr. Harmon began preaching nationally in 2004. He has touched many lives, leading the lost to deliverance, healing, and peace in God. Dr. Harmon has survived several years of sexual abuse and molestation as a young child. Years of molestation led him into the dark world of pornography at the age of twelve. After spending his teen and young adult life in pornography and promiscuity, God saved him. However, after being saved, the soul ties and connection with pornography were not severed. Years of praying and studying led God to reveal to Dr. Harmon how to remove the roots of sexual perversion from his life. God revealed to Dr. Harmon how to severe all of the soul ties created during his years of promiscuity. The walk to freedom was difficult, treacherous, and long. However, the mercy and grace of God, along with Dr. Harmon’s faith in God, gave him the victory over pornography and sexual perversion. Dr. M.D. Harmon now shares the strategies and faith revealed to him through God to help others escape the bondage of sexual perversion and pornography.

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    Deliverance Matters - Dr. M.D. Harmon

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    Chapter 1:     What Draws You To It?

    Chapter 2:     Pornography’s Motive

    Chapter 3:     The Gates Of The Soul

    Chapter 4:     Soft-Core Pornography

    Chapter 5:     Hard-Core Pornography

    Chapter 6:     The Damage Pornography Causes Naturally

    Chapter 7:     The Damage Pornography Causes Spiritually

    Chapter 8:     The Truth About The Pornography Industry And Its Performers

    Chapter 9:     How To Be Set Free From Pornography: Part One (Admitting And Confessing The Issue Exists)

    Chapter 10:   How To Be Set Free From Pornography: Part Two (Forgiving Yourself And Disconnecting From It)

    Chapter 11:   How To Be Set Free From Pornography: Part Three (Understanding What Deliverance Is And What It Entails)


    End Notes

    About The Author



    For what I am doing, I do not understand.

    For what I will to do, that I do not practice; but what I hate, that I do.

    If, then, I do what I will not to do, I agree with the law that it is good.

    But now, it is no longer I who do it, but sin that dwells in me.

    For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh) nothing good dwells; for to

    will is present with me, but how to perform what is good I do not find.

    Romans 7:15-18 NKJV

    When we look into the mirror, we see an outward image of ourselves; but when we look in the mirror can you see the real you? We have battles within us we struggle with sometimes day and night. We wonder who can help us with the conflicts waging within our hearts and minds? This book written by Evangelist Maurice Harmon will not only take you to the root of your bondage but will guide you to the delivering power of Jesus Christ!

    Pastor Thomas R. Hoy Jr.

    Pastor and Founder of New Life Ministry


    Since the beginning of humanity’s existence, we have had sexual desires within us. Contrary to what many religions believe, Christianity included, sexual desires are something that God has given to humanity. Sex is a gift from God that is pleasurable for us, but it is also essential for our existence to continue. Although God provided great pleasure with the sexual experience, He also made sex a necessity of the reproductive process. It takes the seed of a human male, which is the sperm, to fertilize the egg released from the human female’s ovaries. The only authorized method that God permitted humans to do this through is sexual intercourse. We will talk more about this in a later chapter. Sexual intercourse is a gift that God intended for one male and one female, who are joined in holy matrimony, to enjoy. This brings us to our next topic of discussion: the perversion of human sexuality.

    Chances are that if you bought this book, you are struggling with an addiction to pornography or some other form of sexual perversion and are searching for answers on how to get free. You have promised yourself and the Lord that you would never indulge in pornography again. You proclaimed it, professed it, and believed it in your heart. You have prayed and sought the Lord and asked him to remove these feelings from your being. You have done everything you know to be set free from this pornographic stronghold, yet you find yourself in the position you vowed you would never be in again. You find yourself in front of your television or computer monitor while watching the obscene and abominable acts performed by pornographic personnel. You find yourself masturbating and finding pleasure in doing so, as the images of the pornographic play out. Finally, you reach your climax, and then what? You have shame, embarrassment, humiliation, despair, hopelessness, worthlessness, and a lack of confidence in yourself and God. At that very moment, Satan says to you, I thought you were never going to indulge in this again. He taunts you and mocks you by saying, Look at you! What would your pastor think if he knew this? Or he says, How can you witness about deliverance when you are a pervert yourself ? He challenges the very authority that God has given you.

    Many of us listen to the voice of this lying wonder, and we believe him. We believe him when he tells us that God’s mercy has run out on us. We believe him when he tells us that we have lost our anointing and thus we are no longer effective for kingdom use. We believe the Devil when he tells us that we are never coming out of this. We believe him when he tells us that we are alone in this. After all, isn’t this what pornography is? A secret sin that nobody can ever know about? So many of us suffer with its effects silently, and we isolate ourselves from the ones who can help us. Why? Because we believe we are all alone in this battle.

    It is for these reasons that God has instructed me to write this book. God wants you to know that you are not alone in this battle. God wants you to know that his mercy has not run out on you. God wants you to realize that no matter how far gone you think you are, He is still able to forgive you and help you. God understands the nature of the attacks and temptations that you are going through, and He wants to set you free. No matter what Satan and his cohorts have been saying to your mind, there is hope! No matter how much Satan has told you that you are worthless, know that God does not think so. In fact, He has beautifully and wonderfully made you and has equipped you with power and authority (Psalm 8:4-8). It is Satan who wishes to keep these truths hidden from you, especially when you are battling an addiction such as pornography.

    In this book, we will discuss what pornography is and where it comes from. We will gather insight about pornography, according to God through His revealed Word. I will didactically break down and expose the various forms in which pornography manifests itself. I will expose how pornography attacks the natural man (marriages, jobs, thought patterns, etc.) as well as the spiritual man (demonic oppression, demonic obsession, demonic possession, etc.). I will expose the lies that Satan has fabricated to keep you in bondage to pornography and teach you how to get free and stay free! If you have been losing the battle to sexual perversion, masturbation, and pornography, and you want to get the victory over it, rejoice because God has sent this book, which is a strategic and powerful yoke-breaking tool, to set you free! Because deliverance does matter!



    O ver the years, I have heard many people try to answer the same question: What draws you to pornography? I have heard all kinds of reasons for why people believe that they gravitate to pornography and other sinful, sexual desires. Some have said that they were born with this condition. Others have said childhood trauma caused the condition. Nonetheless, if they cannot answer this question then they cannot uproot the weeds of sexual perversion and pornography from the soil of their hearts.

    No matter what a person may or may not believe attracts him or her to sexual perversion, there is one common denominator. In most cases, it is closer than the individual could ever suspect. The individual overtaken in sexual perversion may dance around this denominator as if to be looking for some other root cause. However, if the individual will look deep within his own self, he will find the answer that seemingly has eluded him. He will find the true root of sexual perversion and all other sin. That root is iniquity!

    Iniquity in Us

    Many Christians confuse sin and iniquity and use them as interchangeable terms. However, the Bible clearly indicates that there is a difference between the two. Understanding the difference between sin and iniquity could be the difference in you uprooting sexual perversion from your heart and you remaining in it. Let us gather understanding by beginning with iniquity. What exactly is iniquity? Iniquity is what is on the inside of us that causes us to sin. Sin is the transgression or the act of breaking God’s law. This means that sin and iniquity cannot be one in the same. However, where you find sin it is certain that iniquity preceded it! Where you find iniquity not dealt with, you can be certain sin is following!

    Whether you accept it or not, part of you, deep inside, enjoys sexual perversion because it brings you temporary pleasure and relief. It provides you with a fantasy that you wish to have. It numbs the pain of the nightmares of your past, helping you to forget what happened to you, if only for a moment. Although a part of you wants to break free, you still seek the high of sexual perversion and pornography because you are addicted. That addiction stems from your iniquity, and your iniquity has taken root in your heart and in your mind.

    Notice what the Bible says about Satan before he sinned against God.

    You were the seal of perfection, Full of wisdom and perfect in beauty.

    You were in Eden, the garden of God; every precious stone was your covering: The sardius, topaz, and diamond, beryl, onyx, and jasper, sapphire, turquoise, emerald with gold. The workmanship of your timbrels and pipes was prepared for you on the day you were created.

    You were the anointed cherub who covers; I established you; You were on the holy mountain of God; You walked back and forth in the midst of fiery stones.

    You were perfect in your ways from the day you were created, till iniquity was found in you.

    EZEKIEL 28:12-15 NKJV

    Satan’s original condition was immaculate, beautiful, and perfect! God had established him as the highest of all angels. Satan was perfect in all of his ways from the beginning, but he was brought low! When was he brought low? When iniquity, or what was on the inside of him, caused him to sin. It was Satan’s iniquity that caused his rebellion against God. It was Satan’s iniquity that caused him to covet God’s position, even though he knew he could not be like God. It was Satan’s iniquity that caused him to become prideful.

    How are you fallen from heaven O Lucifer, son of the morning! How are you cut down to the ground, you who weakened the nations!

    For you have said in your heart: I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God; I will also sit on the mount of the congregation on the farthest sides of the north;

    I will ascend above the heights of the clouds, I will be like the Most High.

    Yet you shall be brought down to hell, to the lowest depths of the pit.

    ISAIAH 14:12-15 NKJV

    Satan’s pride caused him to be booted out of heaven, but not before he persuaded a third

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