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The Girl with the Lion Heart: "The Resilient Life of a Champion" Vol. 1 Based on a True Story
The Girl with the Lion Heart: "The Resilient Life of a Champion" Vol. 1 Based on a True Story
The Girl with the Lion Heart: "The Resilient Life of a Champion" Vol. 1 Based on a True Story
Ebook132 pages2 hours

The Girl with the Lion Heart: "The Resilient Life of a Champion" Vol. 1 Based on a True Story

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THE GIRL WITH THE LION HEART is an intriguing, inspiring, motivating, heart-felt, mind blowing, memoir which shares the story of a young woman by the name of Elvelyna B. Beaubrun struggling yet determined to reach her goals despite her obstacle Sickle Cell Anemia hindering her. Throughout the painful crisis and numerous hospitalizations, Elvelyna makes it her mandate to rise above the odds and pursues the passions and desires of her heart. When Sickle Cell Anemia knocks her down, she makes it her mandate to never stay down, but rise up and work harder, be stronger, build up perseverance, through the excruciating pain crisis associated with her illness. This exceptional story is a must read! It is the story of courage, the ability to withstand obstacles, and endure until the end. Elvelyna shares her journey of her talent for writing which started at a very young age, writing and drawing on the walls and doors everywhere in her own home as a child. During her hospital stays she continued to journal and write about her experiences as a coping method with the pain. Inspired by her father, who came to her one day after sitting in the bathroom, looking out the window and gazing up to the sky reflecting about her experiences and triumphs above Sickle Cell Anemia. He gave her the title of the book as the thought came to his head, THE GIRL WITH THE LION HEART.
Release dateSep 18, 2014
The Girl with the Lion Heart: "The Resilient Life of a Champion" Vol. 1 Based on a True Story

Elvelyna B. Beaubrun

Elvelyna B. Beaubrun, a champion, fighter, achiever, author, writer, public speaker gold medalist, International Havertown Optimist Club scholarship recipient, Phi Theta Kappa National Honor Society member, former student on the dean’s and president’s list at Delaware County Community College, and current nursing student attending Drexel University College of Nursing and Health Professions and a member of the Student Nurses Association of Pennsylvania (SNAP) and (SAS) Scholars of Academic Success, publishes her first personal memoir entitled “The Girl with the Lion Heart.” In her memoir, Elvelyna, age 22, diagnosed with sickle cell anemia (SS) as a baby shares her life story of overcoming her obstacle, sickle cell anemia and her success beyond measures. Throughout her journey with her illness, Elvelyna has exceeded beyond expectations and has always managed to keep her dreams, goals, and aspirations in sight. She hopes to share this incredible story with other patients suffering with sickle cell anemia and other debilitating illnesses as an inspiration to continue to aim high and never lose hope. While pursuing a degree in her passion, nursing, Elvelyna seeks in making a difference and touching the lives of others just as many nurses have touched and impacted her life. In an interview with NBC 10 News, Elvelyna shares her experience dealing with sickle cell anemia and interest in upcoming research that may benefit the lives of people suffering with sickle cell anemia. She said, “It’s important that people really see what we go through and understand that it’s painful. The pain is agonizing. It’s unbearable.”

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    The Girl with the Lion Heart - Elvelyna B. Beaubrun


    with the


    The Resilient Life of a Champion

    Vol. 1

    Based on a True Story



    Copyright 2014 Elvelyna B. Beaubrun.

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    ISBN: 978-1-4907-4570-1 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4907-4569-5 (hc)

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    Library of Congress Control Number: 2014915602

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    Chapter 1: The Beginning of My Obstacle: Sickle-Cell Anemia

    Chapter 2: Childhood Experiences

    Chapter 3: The Rise of a Desire and First Failure

    Chapter 4: The Aftermath of Defeat and the Establishment of a New Inspiration

    Chapter 5: Redemption

    Chapter 6: My Leading Triumph

    Chapter 7: Determination beyond Excruciating Sickle-Cell Crisis

    Chapter 8: Reflection of Success: Never Give Up the Fight

    Chapter 9: Sickle-Cell Anemia Has Absolutely Nothing on Me

    Chapter 10: Summer Break, Not a Break from My Health

    Chapter 11: Victory Is Mine Once Again

    Chapter 12: Resilience

    Chapter 13: Conquering in the Midst of the Struggle

    Chapter 14: My Journey

    Chapter 15: Return to the Place of Defeat

    Chapter 16: The Champion

    Chapter 17: The Conqueror, Pain or No Pain

    Chapter 18: Miraculous Surge of the Underdog

    Chapter 19: The International Havertown Optimist Club Winner

    Chapter 20: Memoirs of High School

    Chapter 21: College Life

    Chapter 22: Destinations

    Chapter 23: Illness Setbacks

    Chapter 24: Strength

    Chapter 25: There’s Hope

    Chapter 26: The Test

    Chapter 27: The Girl with the Lion Heart


    dedicate this book as an inspiration to all patients suffering from sickle-cell anemia and any other debilitating illnesses that they might feel hinder them from reaching their goals. Know that you are all special, and never give up on your dreams. Work hard, aim high, persevere, and never lose sight of your vision. Be determined, rise above your challenge and obstacle. For when you rise above your obstacle, you can achieve above expectations. Lastly, remember that all things are possible if you truly believe you can and will achieve.


    I WOULD LIKE TO SEIZE THIS opportunity to acknowledge all the special people who have played a vital role in my life. In first and above all, I thank God for making this opportunity possible, giving me the strength, endurance, resiliency, and courage needed to rise above my obstacle: sickle-cell anemia. If I am alive today and able to reach the age that I am, it is just because of God’s grace and the blessings bestowed in my life. I thank my major supporters—my family, my dad, Henock Beaubrun, who is my role model and best friend. He has always been there to give me advice and has taught me the morals and values that will remain in my life forever. I am so grateful to my dad for giving me the idea of writing a book and sharing my life story as an inspiration to others. I am grateful to my mother, Evelyne Beaubrun, who has always had my back during my hospital stays, who had spent the dreary days and nights by my side comforting me, praying for me, giving me the encouragement I needed to see the light when my illness made me feel like I was surrounded by darkness. She helped me to get back on track, follow up with school and assignments, stand up when I was too weak, and believe in God when I almost lost hope.

    My lovely sister, Samantha Beaubrun, who always made sure I was well taken care of in the hospital. She always showered me with love during my hospital stays and brought me good homemade food to eat. She was always quick to rush me to the hospital whenever I had a pain crisis. Not to mention, she was my motivation when I started speech in sixth grade. During many hospital stays, she stayed with me and helped my mom take care of me daily when I was too fragile to take care of myself. I thank Jeannette Lambert, my grandmother, for the nights she spent in the hospital with me, the days she went to the chapel with me and brought good food from home for me. Her unconditional love always made me feel warm and blissful, and she always managed to place a smile on my face.

    Special thanks to Sr. Mary Ann Hawes, my coach, who was more than just coach to me but family as well. I am thankful for her inspiration and always believing in me during speech. She always encouraged me to work hard and keep sight of my goals.

    I am grateful to my hematologist, Dr. Ohene-Frempong, Kwaku, who always made sure I was comfortable and well taken care of during my hospital stays since I was just a baby up until now. He always made himself available whenever I needed him. He has taught me so much and has always prioritized his patients. I have truly been blessed by having the privilege of knowing and having Dr. Ohene-Frempong, Kwaku as my hematologist for twenty-two years.

    Exceptional thanks to a special hematologist, who worked along with Dr. Ohene-Frempong, Kwaku. She has always managed to put a smile on my face and always took the time to comfort me in my time of need.

    I also would like to thank my primary care provider, Dr. Debra Voulalas, who has always played an active role in my health since I was a baby, making sure I had the best care possible. Her knowledge, kindness, and generosity have always made me feel reassured during my visits with her.

    In summarization, extraordinary thanks to my whole Hematology Team at CHOP, the Hematology Acute Care Unit (HACU), and everyone else there who has played such a dynamic role in my healthcare since I was a baby.

    Thank you all so very much!


    The Beginning of My Obstacle: Sickle-Cell Anemia

    I CAN REMEMBER AS A YOUNG child growing up, my parents have always taught me to achieve and strive for everything in life to my fullest potential. They have bestowed so many morals and values upon me which have enabled me to be a strong, dedicated, determined, confident, and intelligent young lady that I am today. I have learned so much in my life through struggles, trials, and tribulations that I can do anything. As long as I dedicate, set my mind to it, and work hard in all that I do, I can reach my goals, dreams, and aspirations in life. I have always lived by faith, not by sight, as by Philippians 4:13 which states, I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Throughout my life, I have had many accomplishments in which I am proud of, and these accomplishments define me as the individual that I am today. However, as Wilma Rudolph states, The triumph can’t be had without the struggle, I know what struggle is.

    Often and many times in life, there are many challenges that we face. These challenges may be from time to time or on a regular basis. Some may be big or small, and some very different from others. However, the way that we face those challenges defines who we are as a person and makes the accomplishments all worthwhile in the end. I am a firm believer that success is made up of failures, and true success is made up of numerous struggles. Sometimes during the darkest times in one’s life, we find it difficult to see. We may ask ourselves, how can we make it to the end? How will we be able to achieve our dreams? How can we conquer? When will there be a way out? When will we make it to the finish line? Many times we want to give up, give in, or fail to make it to the finish line. We even start to doubt ourselves and our abilities to overcome our obstacles. However, in the darkest tunnel, there is a way out; and at the end of every dark tunnel, there is a bright light.

    When I was born, I was diagnosed with sickle-cell anemia (SS). For my parents, hearing this news about their newborn baby girl was absolutely heartbreaking. This affected them emotionally, physically, mentally, and psychologically. Not to mention, it was very hard news to digest on site as the doctor released the news to them. They held me in their arms, an innocent baby girl, born seven pounds and fourteen ounces. Big beautiful brown eyes gazing at them delighted to enter the world after such a hard birth. Tiny little fingers grasping their thumbs. Just a tiny baby curled up in a blanket. What did God have in store for this newborn baby girl with such a painful condition? How would life be? What will she have to endure on a regular basis? Will she be able to live a normal life? How will she be able to cope with her illness each and every day? What will happen? Who will she become? What is her destiny?

    My mother encountered difficulty during the birth. Having a previous C-section with my older sister when she was born, the doctor wanted her to try to have a natural birth with me. The labor extended from Saturday night of April 11, 1992, until the Monday morning of April 13, 1992. Almost forty-eight hours passed with my mother’s water broken and not enough fluid for me to live within her womb. As a result, the doctor requested an urgent C-section on Monday morning,

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