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The Murder in a Child's Mind
The Murder in a Child's Mind
The Murder in a Child's Mind
Ebook60 pages44 minutes

The Murder in a Child's Mind

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About this ebook

Guilty was the cry of the gavel in the courtroom that April day of 1995. A slender redheaded girl hung her head and was escorted out of the courtroom in handcuffs. Still, it was hard to see from my side, as an investigative reporter, how a judge could give a juvenile seventy-three and a half years in prison. In the next few months, I really wanted to dig further in what happened in this case.
Release dateSep 19, 2014
The Murder in a Child's Mind

Rita Marcoli

Writing true crime stories requires a great deal of research. " You have to dig into public records from the Albuquerque courts, which is about two hours from my home. You have to request police reports on the case as well as researching newspapers and media feed for everything you can find to help you write the story, making sure everything is correct ".    This is The Murder in a Childs Mind, 2nd publication and now on my 5th book ���� 

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    Book preview

    The Murder in a Child's Mind - Rita Marcoli

    The Murder

    in a

    Child’s Mind

    Rita Marcoli


    Copyright 2014 Rita Marcoli.

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    isbn: 978-1-4907-4640-1 (sc)

    isbn: 978-1-4907-4639-5 (hc)

    isbn: 978-1-4907-4641-8 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2014916142

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    Chapter 1: The History of a Murderer

    Chapter 2: Facts of the Case

    Chapter 3: The Confession

    Chapter 4: The Investigation

    Chapter 5: Criminal Proceedings

    Chapter 6: Grounds for Relief

    Chapter 7: Constitutional Rights

    Chapter 8: Misconduct

    Chapter 9: Judgment and Sentence

    Chapter 10: Reporter’s Image

    Chapter 11: Opinion of a Reporter

    Chapter 12: Conclusion

    Chapter 13: On Laws

    Chapter 14: Crime and Punishment



    G uilty was the cry of the gavel in the courtroom that April day. A slender redheaded girl hung her head and was escorted out of the courtroom in handcuffs. With all the testimony and so-called experts, it still was hard to understand from my side as an investigative reporter. How could a court judge give a sixteen-year-old girl seventy-four years of prison time? They overrode juvenile proceedings altogether.

    In the next few months, I wanted to uncover more of what really happened to Ms. Lucas. I wanted to see what Ms. Lucas could do at this point in her case.

    Was justice given, or was blind justice really blind? And was this young girl a pawn in someone else’s game.

    Note: To protect the innocent and the not-so-innocent, the names have been changed. This is a true story of murder and our judicial system. Can you imagine how many people out there have been dealt with a sentence out of convenience or lack of thought? This is one of them. Where does the crime stop and the punishment begin?


    Chapter 1

    The History of a Murderer

    Anna Lucas was born to an alcoholic mother and a detached, uninvolved father. As a child, Anna suffered the effects of fetal alcohol syndrome, which led to lifelong learning disabilities, difficulty reading, and a series of mental health and behavioral problems. Tragically, Anna’s chronic health and emotional problems ultimately led to her act under the substantial domination of her friends when she was coerced into participating in the tragic murder of Fred and Wilma Burns, the eighty-year-old grandparents of her friend, Lory Sanchez.

    Anna was diagnosed with learning disabilities from a young age. The earliest educational records that are available documents that, as a young girl, Anna suffered from hyperactivity, impulsive behavior, and signs of emotional disturbance, which were consistent with the characteristics of the young children of alcoholics who live in a poor childhood environment. As a child, Anna also exhibited signs and symptoms that were consistent with fetal alcohol syndrome, including attention deficit disorder and severe academic problems. Finally, Anna was diagnosed with a cumulative series of learning disabilities, which included a diagnosis that she was marginally mentally retarded.

    Anna began to be formally assessed for psychological

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