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Not on My Watch
Not on My Watch
Not on My Watch
Ebook152 pages2 hours

Not on My Watch

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The phrase not on my watch is used extensively by armed forces service members; as if to say, it cant or wont happen while I am on duty. The main character is a feisty, down to Earth, and a bit accident prone, woman who is the wife of a Marine. She has little use or time for people that think they are better than others. Her brutally honest, black and white nature tends to get her into trouble.
Release dateFeb 4, 2015
Not on My Watch

Dana Powell

Dana is the wife of a military service member and mother of three. She earned a Bachelor of Arts from Oral Roberts University. She taught as an Educational Technician for three years and worked retail for a number of years. Currently living in Hawaii; she enjoys travel, seeing new places, meeting new people, learning different languages and customs. Dana and her family spend a lot of time at the beach, hiking and exploring the world around them. She and her children spend time baking and creating things. She encourages them to do their best in all things, to be creative and use their imaginations and to broaden their horizons. Since the time she was young, she has been creative in writing stories and poems. Encouraged by her parents to work hard and follow her dreams, Dana wanted to be published in honor of her mother who passed away a couple years ago. She has been spurred on by friends, family and especially her husband and children, to write and dream.

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    Not on My Watch - Dana Powell

    © Copyright 2015 Dana Powell.

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    ISBN: 978-1-4907-5373-7 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4907-5375-1 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4907-5374-4 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2015900428

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    For my Mom and Dad, My husband and children who

    have always believed in me. And to a dear friend who

    encouraged me to write in the first place.


    Attention Landmark associates. Could we please have all Lawn and Garden associates to the corral? Again, all Lawn and Garden associates please go to the corral. A woman’s voice announced over the PA. Aside from the occasional code Adam; missing child, or code white announcing injury; that was the most exciting announcement Nadia had heard in a while! She was thrilled to be going back to Lawn and Garden!

    Today was a fabulously warm April day. It was the kind of early spring day which would have been well spent soaking in rays of vitamin D after winter’s cabin fever. All of the Lawn and Garden associates had gathered for a meeting in the corral. The corral is a section of parking lot that’s blocked off on one end. It is where all the mulch, sand, manure, and paving stones are kept. All of the tree saplings and shrubs were in the corral also. Working the corral is a coveted position. Most of the time, only the guys worked the corral because it entailed a lot of lifting, but sometimes it was first-come first-serve.

    Nadia had transferred back to Lawn and Garden. She had been working in Jewelry since September when she became sales coordinator. The change was good and Nadia always loved a new challenge, but her heart was truly rooted in the Garden Center. Nadia really enjoyed playing harmless pranks and her hazel eyes danced with mischief. She was lighthearted usually with a graceful confidence. Nadia would never have admitted to being a raving beauty but there was something intriguing about her. People seemed to be drawn to her. She was one of three women on the lawn and garden crew of fifteen associates.

    Ok, gather ‘round my children, Said a stout man with a seriously full beard. We are going to go around the circle and introduce ourselves starting with me. I’m Paul the department manager. Some of the team members were unable to make it to this meeting. I have already talked with them and there are still a few in the hiring process. Let’s start with you Red. Paul said pointing a thick finger in Nadia’s direction. I’m Nadia. Ilene and Sue flanked Nadia’s left. Ilene. I’m Sue. Glancing around, Nadia observed each face and tried to assess how many would last until Christmas. At least three of these men are in the military or at any rate, prior service. This was not unlikely due to the fact there was a naval air station in walking distance of this particular Land Mark store. One by one each person stated there name.

    On Nadia’s right, stood a man with military haircut and a bristly mustache, He waved; My name is Guy. His voice was soft with feminine overtones. To the left of Sue a young man sat on a pallet of patio blocks. He was clean shaven with crystal blue eyes and a plethora of tattoos. Chris. He said and becoming aware of the fact that he was being observed, sat up straight and smiled. Across the circle, a tall man stood. He appeared to be in his forties with a mustache and grayish hair. Nadia wasn’t sure why but he gave her an uneasy, creepy feeling. Shane, he laughed and spat over his left shoulder. Sue leaned towards Nadia and whispered, That was classy! Nadia shrugged in agreement and wrinkled her nose a bit.

    Next to Shane is Abe. Nadia knew Abe because she worked with him when she was first hired a couple of years ago. Abe was older than dirt and was more like a fixture in Lawn and Garden. He had a really bad habit of mumbling and very few people could actually understand him. Alan, armed with sarcasm and an insane amount of trivia knowledge, stood between Shane and Paul. He was practically second in command in Lawn and garden and another person Nadia knew prior to this season. There were still some of the crew that had not turned up for the meeting, but they would be working soon enough.

    Welcome to the crew. Nadia’s concentration and assessment was interrupted when Paul spoke again. He had a massive amount of unruly black curls and his beard covered most of his face which made him look like a giant lawn gnome. Those of you that are new, I am Paul. I already mentioned that I am the department manager of Lawn and Garden. So what I say goes. Paul paused and smiled for a second, and then he continued. Hopefully we can all get along and work together. If any of you have any problems, please, feel free to come and talk to me. I want us to work as one big happy family. Finishing that with a sarcastic smile, he gave a little chuckle and said. I know a few of you are smart asses and I think that we should get along just fine. He scanned his audience and began to speak once more. I don’t care if you become friends; just get your work done. One thing I will insist on is coverage here in the corral. If you are out here and need to leave, come in and get someone to cover the corral. Ok? Now with that said, get to work. He showed them away with a flourished wave.

    Everyone looked at each other wondering if Paul’s speech was done or if he was being sarcastic. The group unanimously broke up and Nadia, Sue, and Ilene were walking towards the gate. So, are you glad to be back in lawn and garden Nadia? Sue asked. All three of the ladies were about the same height. Sue seemed older than she was and her light brown hair was pulled back in a grimy scrunchy. She was a hard worker and one of the best people to have on your side. What she may have lacked in appearance she made up for in personality. Sue was known as the plant guru. If anyone had questions about plants, she had the answers.

    It’s great! I love it here; so much less drama and gossip. Only real trouble to contend with will be keeping those plants in line. They sometimes get a tad sassy! Nadia flashed a smile towards Ilene. Ilene halfheartedly returned the smile as they walked. Normally she would have put in her two cents worth. Ilene had short brown hair and somewhat dark complexion. She rarely used her filter in conversation. When something crossed her mind she usually had no problem verbalizing her thoughts.

    Nadia noticed that Ilene seemed quiet and nudged her with an elbow, What’s up Ilene? Oh, I’m just tired today; She said as she shoved her hands in her back pockets. Nadia knew that there was more that Ilene wasn’t saying but she didn’t want to push for information.

    Well if there is anything I can help with, let me know. Nadia offered. Ilene sighed, You’re such a good girl.

    The three women walked into the Florida room and Ilene told Nadia and Sue the notes for the day. Paul wants all the plants watered, inside and out in the corral. He wants all the patio furniture moved as well. Displays of each grill and patio set needs to be assembled.

    But the guys can do most of that stuff. Snipped Sue. "Paul would like you to concentrate on the plants.

    There was always a bit of tension between Sue and Ilene, but this evening seemed almost thick enough to cut. Ok, that’s fine by me, Laughed Nadia. I’m willing to do whatever needs to be done.

    Well, I’m going home. My shift’s done for today. Bye baby. Ilene sighed then turned with hands still shoved in her back pockets and headed out the door. Bye Mama, Nadia said with a wave. Wow! What’s buggin Ilene? Nadia was concerned.

    Don’t know, but she’s been extra grumpy a lot lately! Sue exclaimed.

    I hope she can work it out, Nadia said thinking out loud. Me too Nadia. It’s nearly impossible to work with her right now, Added Sue as she reached for the water hose above her head. I’m tired of her superiority complex! Nadia looked around and asked, Where would you like for me to start? Sue pointed and said, Check the plants in the greenhouse area. Okie dokie! Nadia grinned and turned on her heels.

    Lawn and garden was comprised of three inside sections and the corral. The Florida room entrance connected with pets department in the main part of the store. Upon entering the Florida room one would see; aisles of shelves to the left, and electric sliding door straight ahead, and grill displays to the right. The register and another sliding door were set between the door straight ahead and the displays. Going through either of these sliding doors will bring you to a large L shaped room known as the green house or indoor patio. Fifty feet from the door by the register is the gate to the parking lot and the corral is directly straight across from the gate. The open patio or open top, is to the right before exiting the gate. The open patio has shade cloths strapped to an overhead metal frame. These cloths are simply to give shade to some types of plants and do absolutely nothing to keep out the rain.

    Chris and Guy came in from the corral about half an hour after the others and decided it would be good fun to get Sue riled up. Guy crept up to the back side of the rack Sue was watering while Chris distracted her in conversation. Guy reached up to the valve and turned off the water then quickly turned it on again. Sue’s shoes were now soaked. That’s not funny! You boys are so retarded! Sue was yelling as Chris and Guy came running out of the open top laughing hysterically. Did you see her face?! Chris snickered. Guy was almost rolling on the floor with laughter. Yeah, it was hilarious! They saw Nadia watching and devised another scheme.

    Nadia smiled and went back to watering the plants in the greenhouse patio. Things had quieted down for about an hour or so. Chris thought it was high time to stir up a ruckus. Using hand signals, Chris motioned for Guy to carry out their plan. Guy nodded and they charged towards Nadia like raging bulls. They swept her up with ease, lacing their elbows around her arms, and placed their free hand on her waist and began to run out the gate. The looked quickly to make sure no cars were coming and ran out to the corral.

    PUT ME DOWN! What are you clowns doing? She shouted, half laughing, You two are crazy! They plopped her down on a pallet of paving stones. Ow! Nadia whined. Ok, I’ve got your number.

    Maybe you should call sometime. Chris taunted. Guy put his thumbs to his ears and waved his fingers, Bring it!

    They talked for a couple minutes getting know a bit about each other’s backgrounds. Ok, so you were both Marines and now you are in the Navy? Why?

    Well, Chris began, "my time of service was up and I decided I would be done. Then some other circumstances arose and

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