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The Great Style of New York
The Great Style of New York
The Great Style of New York
Ebook204 pages1 minute

The Great Style of New York

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About this ebook

Since I was a child, I had always loved Manhattan and dreamed of moving there one day. In the autumn of 2014, I rented an apartment there for three months with the intention of looking for an apartment to purchase. So along with my two cats, Liz and Dick, I headed off to Manhattan.
I spent many hours walking the streets of various areas of the city.
I began taking general photos of the various neighborhoods with my iPhone. At first, I took overall photos of each neighborhood, then I started to look closer and deeper and began to focus on the details: old buildings, interesting doors, people, their animals, all the elements that make Manhattan the wonder that it is.
Release dateApr 10, 2015
The Great Style of New York

John Hsieh

John is a self-taught deaf artist. John always dreamed of being an artist, and after twenty-seven years at the United States Post Office, he embarked on his lifelong love as a painter, and his paintings are now included in private and corporate collections in the United States and China, including Ritz-Carlton, Four Seasons, and Saint Regis Hotels, as well as international private collections. For John’s private pleasure, he began a series of more than eighty painting of his two cats, Liz and Dick, and their adventures around the world along with some very famous people. He has published some of these works in a small book titled My Cat Liz.

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    The Great Style of New York - John Hsieh

    Copyright 2015 John Hsieh.

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    ISBN: 978-1-4907-5654-7 (sc)

               978-1-4907-5653-0 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2015903187

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