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The Recluse and Other Mystics
The Recluse and Other Mystics
The Recluse and Other Mystics
Ebook334 pages1 hour

The Recluse and Other Mystics

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Journey through these abysses, reader. Make yourself available to the paladin. Walk to the threshold and open the door. Here youll find pain, sin, redemption, debauchery, vulnerability, subtlety, solitude, addiction, and the mysticsof course, everything pliable to the human heart. Use your senses to understand the ideas of the beast. These are also visions of my phantasm, but very much so accessible real realms to the senses. Real poetry either soars to the heavens or plummets through the earth. Poetry is violent and apocalyptic. I know none other as sure.
Release dateJun 30, 2015
The Recluse and Other Mystics

Joshua Victor

I am a recluse. I am a nightingale, a bird one would say who sings songs in the night. The cavern is my home. Really, there isn’t much to say about me because I am a vessel. It is what’s inside me and what uses my flesh to accomplish certain goals. To look at me is to look at dust because that is where I came from, and surely you need no description on dust, so let us not be naive and move on to the beast, which some will call the subconscious mind or even God, depending on the juxtaposition of subject matter. That is really my muse, and it is the jeering phantasmagoria that runs rampant within, so what I am saying, dear reader, is I am a veil. It is what’s underneath that you should be searching.

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    The Recluse and Other Mystics - Joshua Victor

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    Looking at Her

    He will be let out (Ecstasy)

    Silent Denise

    A Walk

    The Coming of Spring




    The creek

    Our Place


    The question


    Comedy of Scrutiny

    Azure II

    The man speaks

    Transcending towards him (Bus Ride)


    Fairytale to you

    Treasure in the desert


    Moon of my bohemia

    The voice

    Recluse I

    The secret

    My race

    My erotica

    In April…it was raining and cold

    Experiment of haikus

    Quiet…that was all

    Find me

    The night tells


    Deeper to where

    Visit from the mystic paladin

    Bye bye butterfly

    Recluse II

    Staring…and staring some more


    The child

    Red dog



    Who she is

    Poison burns


    The apology

    To conquer dreams



    The ideal

    The scent

    Yearning for velvet flowers

    Woman of the night

    An evening

    Feast for hyenas

    Calypso observes (Sad phantasy)

    Running to the woods

    Bird II


    The blue one

    Glorious stains

    (Vulnerable confusion)



    The last…

    Unknown worship



    Naked bodies in the summer

    Now the excitement subsides

    The woman who beguiles

    Judgment from the cold



    In my domain

    Let us


    Soft voice screams


    The paint that drains

    Pollen finds him

    Leave me

    Visions in the bedroom

    Where ill shine

    Wounds without scabs

    Medicine from the ghost czar

    In the fields

    When will the heart freeze?

    Sometimes as I…

    Book II

    Other mystics

    Pondering scales

    Where can my tombstone be laid?

    I or he who renounce

    Tale of the boy and leviathan

    Pregnant woman

    Mystic I

    Mystic II

    Here I must say

    Painful departure


    This is what it calls for

    Mystic III

    Mystic IV

    Mystic V

    Sonnet of a wilting flower

    Mystic landscapes

    Room or cave

    Mystic identity

    To the scoundrels

    Tad poles and frogs


    The divorce

    My sullen night

    If the hiccups go sullen then what will bring the noise

    Auguries of caution

    Obscure vision



    Release on Christmas Eve

    Humans and other kingdoms

    Splendor…at an end (A chance encounter with the nymph)

    Friedrich…will you paint me

    Let me sing (my journal of bohemia)

    Looking at Her

    Hey woman

    Am I the transparent phantom?

    Two obvious black spheres, amber beddings,

    Louder than a thousand drunk voices, piercing, the outline of your body expression,

    Body language is it too much for me to bear

    So my presence will fade into the darkness of today

    Until the docile whisper starts to shout-

    Black spheres don’t let me down


    Please driver slow your speed

    Until my senseless eternity, starts with the vast beginning

    Of Pandora’s Box of great emotion, soaks in the spirit of vulnerability

    …your spheres hesitates, no sturdy foundation, boldness,

    Frozen and desolate…innocence

    That naive suggestion, murders the lustful soul

    But my cylindrical spheres doesn’t let me down

    It is your thin vines, formless and liberal

    That found its home with your fingers

    Rosy cheeks




    Sighs of ecstasy

    Original ambition on each breath

    Tired you say, but I notice my black spheres doesn’t let me down

    Hips, gifts from the eternal conscience

    Sensual but not sexual…

    I am grieved…because

    I fade, I am nothing

    Who am I? A stranger…

    Reclined in a stalkers position

    Intimidating my body language…

    (Foreshadows no interest)

    Look up to these spheres!


    I am overwhelmed by your gallant posture

    My soul needs closure…

    I am not intimidating

    I’m just vulnerable


    Silent because interest haven’t been physical

    Woman, Damn!

    My spheres can’t talk

    Please…don’t ignore me any longer

    He will be let out (Ecstasy)

    He will be let out…

    Out his cage, he will no longer be the indigenous

    To be held captive

    To be teased

    Now he crushed those chains and his talons will grip your neck

    -with his rough exterior

    Your neck was an ideal at first

    La Comida…

    A senseless Spanish dinner he wanted

    But a supper mother couldn’t prepare

    But a brutal feast




    With fiery intensity

    And pandemonium vision…

    He will be let out and he’ll sink his talons

    Inside your neck and suck out the life from your veins,

    Blood streams will meet a boulder

    -but you won’t bleed!

    A vampire…no that’s immature

    He’ll suck until…

    You whimper




    An advancing grimace, his eyes will drip fire

    His breath will not be caught


    Will touch every sensitive canal

    Bending your body

    Submit now!

    Because it’s time for him to get out

    His hand will gesture…

    You will respond

    Flinching, but gracefully


    Your body will adapt as he grow stronger…

    You grow weaker

    But strong in endurance,


    Water, rushing out your canals

    Fiercely without ceasing

    Your body will ache and grow tired

    But pores of your skin will gloss,

    Come streams of humid moisture

    Body odors


    And hard pressure

    You will move, like crystal rolling on the ground



    Your hair will not be well

    Your head…will ache with blood

    -Are you dizzy?

    Hold his back for support

    Or else you will faint, in the atmosphere of ecstasy

    …hellacious pleasure (oh my)

    What realms has he taken you to now?


    Lips dry

    But wet

    You need water since it has been taken out of you

    Tired with endurance

    Agony and painful blossoms…

    Your fingers turn into talons!

    You…to have became a beast

    You are flirty…with anger

    But you are not frustrated

    He tosses you about, like effort with no force

    It’s simple, you’re docile

    Because he has been held captive

    And all his frustration will pour out…

    Inside you!

    So hold on…

    Now you can’t bare it anymore

    Your canals invaded

    Your body tired

    What a mess

    Sticky sleet from what clouds…

    Tosses you to the ground

    Ancestral blessings


    You’re tired

    You faint

    You’re aching

    But you’re a beast as well so…

    You smile

    Silent Denise

    Sober expression

    Haunting silence that corrodes my ears

    Eyes center at fiascos

    -temporary entertainment

    A king without his beautiful courtesans

    No girls to entertain him tonight

    No wine to quiet his noisy head,

    No rest…

    A time at night with two pillows on his bed

    His silent mistress?

    His lover is his garments

    Treasures that can never be found

    …fate has no mercy

    Maybe…because it never gets intimate…

    So it makes a man go mad

    Nobody to hear his plead

    Nobody to hug him

    Because a intimate future just cease to exist

    …walking the streets

    Flaunting his gestures…

    It never gets noticed…

    By…a woman…

    Who feels the same way

    A Walk

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