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Check This Out: A Brief Look at World Mysteries and Rarely Told Histories
Check This Out: A Brief Look at World Mysteries and Rarely Told Histories
Check This Out: A Brief Look at World Mysteries and Rarely Told Histories
Ebook67 pages40 minutes

Check This Out: A Brief Look at World Mysteries and Rarely Told Histories

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From the day we are born, we are taught how and what to think by those around us. Most people are unaware of the misinformation that they have been receiving throughout their lives. The mainstream public gets the majority of their information from either the media or the education system. These two sources are biased and have changed and omitted much of the true history and information available. The truth is not taught to the masses because those who are in control do not want to give up their control. Truth is the light, and knowledge is power. By keeping true knowledge a secret, the common person is kept powerless. Those in power have not just hidden information from us; they have convinced the majority of people in the world that much of the ancient knowledge and science is just a storya fairy tale. In order to discredit the truth even further, movies, shows, and books use actual and or possible events and knowledge but call the works fictional.
Release dateMay 26, 2015
Check This Out: A Brief Look at World Mysteries and Rarely Told Histories

Amon Gooden B.S.

Amon Gooden was born in Cincinnati, Ohio, and has lived in Lorain, Ohio; Louisville, Kentucky; West Chester, Pennsylvania; and Atlanta, Georgia. Amon Gooden graduated from Lincoln University in Pennsylvania with a BS degree in physics with minors in mathematics and pre-engineering. While a student at Lincoln, Amon worked as a mathematics and physics tutor. Amon was also on the Honda Campus All-Star Challenge National Team and was selected from thousands of students to represent the Honda Motor Company in its national ads. Amon appeared in several issues of Ebony, Black Enterprise, and the Crisis Magazine.

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    Check This Out - Amon Gooden B.S.

    Copyright 2015 Amon Gooden, B.S.

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    ISBN:   978-1-4907-6018-6 (sc)

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    Library of Congress Control Number: 2015907343

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    1   The Universe

    2   Venus

    3   Mars

    4   Europa

    5   The Klerksdorp Spheres

    6   Piri Reis Map

    7   Machu Picchu

    8   Tiahuanaco (Tiwanaku) and Puma Punku

    9   Nazca Lines

    10   Jupiter Temple and the Stone of the South

    11   Moai

    12   Pyramids at Giza, Egypt, Africa

    13   Saqqara Bird

    14   Ancient Model Planes

    15   The Olmec Culture

    16   Tombstone of Pical

    17   Utah Petroglyphs

    18   The Great God Mars

    19   Uzbekistan Cave Painting

    20   Dropa Discs

    21   Sumerian Culture

    22   Closing Remarks


    To all those who seek the truth.

    I can assure you that flying saucers, given that they exist, are not constructed by any power on Earth.

    —President Harry S. Truman, 1950,


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    Amon Gooden was born in Cincinnati, Ohio, and has lived in Lorain, Ohio; Louisville, Kentucky; West Chester, Pennsylvania; and Atlanta, Georgia. Amon Gooden graduated from Lincoln University in Pennsylvania with a bachelor’s degree in physics with minors in mathematics and preengineering. While a student at Lincoln, Amon worked as a mathematics and physics tutor. Amon was also on the Honda Campus All-Star Challenge National Team and was selected from thousands of students to represent the Honda Motor Company in its national ads. Amon appeared in several issues of Ebony, Black Enterprise, and the Crisis Magazine.

    Amon has been working on his book, Check This Out, for several years. Check This Out is especially critical for Black children and students who hate school because they do not feel a connection to the information. Check This Out is also important to Black adults who have grown up believing that being Blacks and of African ancestry is bad. Many Blacks want to be anything but Black and work diligently to hide any characteristics that are a reminder of African heritage. Blacks, from all over the world, have been educated by people who have been teaching that people of European ancestry are the primary people who have created advanced civilizations. Asians are given some credit for impressive contributions, but Blacks are totally omitted from the annals of history as major

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