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A Touch from God
A Touch from God
A Touch from God
Ebook78 pages1 hour

A Touch from God

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About this ebook

I am a Born Again Christian, and I write books that I believe are inspired by God and that reflect my values and beliefs. I am quite involved with my church, and I love working with elementary aged children. I believe that the things I do, including writing books, should come from a heart and a life devoted to Christ.

A Touch From God is about how two families, the Smith family and the Martinez family have to face some difficult situations. In the case with the Smith family, Tommy, the husband and the father, gets shot when he gets in the crossfire when two people are having an argument. After Tommy has finished visiting a shut-in. When this happens, there is a concern about if or how Tommy will survive.
In the case with the Martinez family, Carlos and Gloria, the husband and wife, have to deal with the challenge of dealing with their son who is caught up in the world of drugs and rebellion. In both cases, their faith in Jesus Christ gets them through.
Release dateDec 17, 2015
A Touch from God

Freddy Jones

I am a Born- Again Christian, and I have been a Christian for 35 years. I try to order my life by a Christian worldview and by Christian’s values, morals, and standards. When I write books, I write books that I believe have been inspire by God. I do not just write them from my head, and I only write books that reflect Christian values. My personal life has had some ups and downs. I have had good experiences like being recognized for things that I have done, successfully completing college, finding a good church to get involved with, and finding a good job, and I have had bad experiences turn away from me and getting diagnosed with diabetes, but my faith in Jesus has helped me to cope and get through them.

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    A Touch from God - Freddy Jones

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    ISBN: 978-1-4907-6486-3 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4907-6490-0 (e)

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    Advisory From the Author

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    From the Author

    Please Note


    A Touch From God is a fictional story. If any of the events or people in the book sound familiar to you, it is strictly a coincidence.


    It was a bright, sunny Sunday morning in May of 1997 when the Johnson family pulled into the parking lot of the Northside Christian Center, a nondenominational, multiethnic church on the north side of Bradenton, Florida.

    As the car pulled up to the church, Jason (age 7) and Cindy (age 6), the family’s two young children, were having an argument over whose fault it was that the milk spilled at the breakfast table that morning.

    Bob, their father, looked up at the rear-view mirror and said, Jason and Cindy, I want both of you to stop it now!

    Jason argued, Well, she started it!

    Did not! Cindy argued back.

    That’s enough out of both of you! said Kelly, their mother.

    Sometimes I don’t know what gets into those two, Kelly, said Bob.

    As they walked up the walkway, they spoke and shook hands with a few people, including a tall slender African American man named Tommy Smith, his wife Stephanie, and their three children, Michael, (age 10), Billy, (age 7), and Sally, (age 5).

    Hello, Tommy, how are you doing? asked Bob.

    "Fine, answered Tommy.

    How are the little ones treating you at school? asked Kelly.

    Tommy answered, Well, you know how it is. It’s that time of the year again. The school year is almost over, and the children are acting up because they are starting to get restless.

    Kelly responded, Well, hang in there, it will be over with after a while.

    When the family sat down, they greeted more people, including the Martinez family: Carlos, Gloria, his wife, and two of their children, Calvin, (age 8), and Maria, (age 5).

    Bob said, Hello, Carlos. Hello, Gloria. How are you?

    Carlos answered, Fine. Except we are really worried about Todd, our oldest son. He still wants to go his own rebellious way. He doesn’t even want to come to church with us. He says that he thinks that religion is only for weak people and that he knows better than that. Please pray for him. We are very worried about him.

    Kelly answered, We will keep your son in prayer.

    Thank you, Gloria responded.

    Soon after that, Nora Wong sat down with her two children, Travis (age 7) and Mary, (age 4), and told them in Chinese that they must sit still and be quiet during the service until the pastor dismissed them for childrens’ church. Later, Tommy Smith sat down with his family.

    When the service started, the worship leader and the worship team led the congregation in songs like, Amazing Grace, Blessed Assurance, Worthy, You Are Worthy, and Jesus Is A Firm Foundation. Later, John Donaldson, one of the church leaders, got up to do the announcements. He said, Please take note of the following announcements: David Kelly is looking for donations for the soup kitchen downtown, the yout group will be having a bake sale to raise money for their missions trip to Jamaica, and please do not forget the big evangelism outreach downtown Friday.

    When Pastor Ken Henderson got up to preach, he said, I have an extra announcement to make. Tyrone Mitchell called me last night and told me that he will not be in church today because he’s distressed because he ran over a small child yesterday. The police said it was not his fault, but he is pretty upset and shaken by it. I plan to visit him after church, but I think it would be nice if some of you call him up or visit him and try to encourage him.

    When the pastor was making that announcement, Jason giggled a little bit over the thought of someone getting hit by a car, and Kelly smacked him on the hand and said, Don’t laugh at that, it’s not funny. You wouldn’t think it were funny if it happened to you.

    Pastor Henderson dismissed the children for childrens’ church, and he started his message.

    He said, "Over the past few weeks, I have been ministering on the subject of the working of the Holy Spirit in the Christian Church. However, I sense the need to go away from that subject today and preach a salvation message.

    When I talk about salvation, I am not talking about just going to church-even a powerful one like this one, doing good works, having good moral character, or anything else like that. I am talking about having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. We cannot save ourselves because we can never be good enough to earn God’s love or favor, and the Bible tells us that God sees our righteousness

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