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Thoughts and Near Thoughts by Jim Harris
Thoughts and Near Thoughts by Jim Harris
Thoughts and Near Thoughts by Jim Harris
Ebook106 pages52 minutes

Thoughts and Near Thoughts by Jim Harris

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About this ebook

Words mean things. They are pregnant with imagery, tone, meaning, and texture. They are building blocks by which we can construct silly things or serious things. We can instruct and insult with our language. I choose to encourage and instruct. This book is a collection of thoughts, ideas, jokes, and truths. As a Christian, I am deeply committed to the Bible and the God who inspired it. My passion in life is to expose people to the truth of the scriptures and make their lives better. I also love to laugh and make people laugh. That is a genuine joy in my life. I hope this book does two things for you. I pray it makes you think about your relationship with Christ, and I pray it makes you laugh. Life is simply too abbreviated not to enjoy the daily stage on which we live.

Enjoy this book! It was written for you. Enjoy your life! It was gifted to you.
Release dateJun 16, 2016
Thoughts and Near Thoughts by Jim Harris

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    Thoughts and Near Thoughts by Jim Harris - Jim Harris

    Copyright 2016 Jim Harris.

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    For those of you who don't know, Jim Harris is now on Facebook. It is one of the principle signs of the End of Time. Be prepared!

    Steve Spinks

    August 02, 2013

    I joined Facebook July 31, 2013

    Man comes home to find an intruder running from his house covered with blood and a knife in his enters house to find his only son brutally murdered. Man chases intruder, catches and kills him on the spot. This is vengeance. Same man comes home to same chases intruder, catches him, holds him for police. Murderer is tried, convicted, and sentenced to life. This is justice. Same man come home to same chases intruder, catches him, embraces him, forgives him, invites him home to live in his house as his son. Promises to take care of him always. This is mercy. It is by the mercy of God that we sit at the Father's table clothed and in our right minds. The intruder was us. God, the forgiving Father

    August 19, 2013

    I declare...God is fun to watch!

    August 21, 2013

    Everyone serves a god. One's god is that to which he/she turns for comfort/security in times of distress, tragedy, need, and heartbreak. Some turn to alcohol for comfort, some to food, some to friends, books, chocolate, TV, sex, video games, money, religion, work, some go shopping, some go to an emotional place such as a church building. Everyone worships something, somewhere. The atheist worships at the altar of his own empty chapel. The religious guy turns to his spiritual activities. Worship is simply that activity that one believes will bring peace and comfort. Biblical worship brings one to the foot of the throne of the Ancient of Days. Worship God.

    August 25, 2013

    Yesterday was an asterisk day!

    Devon came home from LRMC!

    I can graduate ½ year earlier than I thought!

    My classes in Brandon are loaded with great students!

    I have Snapple aplenty!

    ...and then there's YOU!

    Make that 2 asterisks!!

    I am truly a blessed man...

    By the way...I heard about this schizophrenic Zen Buddhist who was at 2 with the universe.

    I love you my friend...have a spectacular day!

    August 27, 2013

    So, I am on Hwy 60E in Brandon headed to Walmart. I am between classes at the college. I slip ito the turn lane and Bam a car cuts me off stupid close, I hit my brakes random stuff hits the floor! I am ticked at this punk and lay down on my horn! We are stopped waiting for traffic in W bound to clear...the door opens on the car. I am thinking, Oh dear God we are gonna have a throwdown right here on 60 Brandon. I have a Bible class to teach in 1 hr. I do not want to go in there with part of my ear cut off and blood on my tie. As if in slow motion 2 mop handle legs sporting orthopedic hose appear in mid air and slowly make their way to the pavement. A frail, blue haired lady of 70+ yrs gets out and shuffles her way back to my car. My heart is crushed! I roll the window down and prop my arm. She puts her tiny, soft hand on my arm and says, "Young man, I am so sorry for cutting you off. I don't blame you for honking. Would

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