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Akansha , a young, dynamic journalist, always had everything going her way.
From the best scholar in School to the college president and then a job to die for. She had not known rejection and there was no need of it either. She was hard working , intelligent , out of the league and the luck's favorite.

They say , all that begins well , ends well. But the path between the beginning and the end is unspoken of. It could be smooth as a slide or a roller coaster ride.For her, it was both.
Delhi, the city of her dreams and envious looks but also what she had not dreamt of. During the course of a promising job, Akansha came across Anna's movement. Influenced by the ideology , she decided to be a part of it.Little had she known that this would change her life completely. From a smooth slide her life would become a roller coaster ride. When as a journalist , she meets a prominent -figure of the Anna Movement and inspired as she's, She wonders if it is her job that she wants to pursue.Self introspection makes her quit her job and becoming a full time social activist will be to meet her first rejection.
Sunny, the guy she casually got acquainted to and as casually started talking to and as very casually got rejected by.He was the first guy she was ever attracted. He headed the NGO, she worked for..His rejection made her cynical and paranoid beyond limits.It was tough to move on. But this was not the only concern in her life. There was also the wrath of a politician she had ignited which made her life no less than hell. She lost her mental stableness under constant death threats..It was around this time that her family back in her hometown Bhopal got to know of her political associations. Her Annie troubled them too.

That was a phase and it passed like all good and bad phases. If winter has come, can spring be far behind?

The organisation which took her peace away also gave her the love of life. A software engineer she met was of the very same organisation and it took both of them just two months to realize she had to tie nuptial knot. Despite the opposition of the families they got married as the story unfolds
Release dateMay 14, 2014

Roshan Kumar

PRERNA PRASAD: 25-yr-old Prerna Prasad has worked with CNN-IBN & Headlines Today. Chasing her dream to bring political change, she quit journalism and joined a socio-political movement. She has been an active participant of Anna movement and is working towards reforming the corrupt Indian political system. ROSHAN KUMAR: Roshan Kumar Stagger, name itself is not simple. Roshan is a 16-yr-old guy who is doing his education from Vivekanand School, Delhi. His parents supported his talent at this very young age and with everyone’s support, he has written this book. At this very young age when we decide our careers, he is one step ahead. He aims to do something big in the IT industry.

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    Book preview

    Love@Politics - Roshan Kumar


    Copyright © 2014 by Roshan Kumar.

    ISBN:            Softcover                   978-1-4828-2143-7

                          eBook                       978-1-4828-2142-0

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the publisher except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.

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    About the Author: Roshan Stagger

    About the Co-Author: Pavan Dhankani


    Before you start:

    Ch-1 The Best day of my life

    Ch-2 Call at 2 am

    Ch-3 The Need of a Family

    Ch-4 Eight months holiday at IIMC Dhenkanal

    Ch-5 Journalism begins at CNN IBN

    Ch-6 Fun-filled days at Delhi

    Ch-7 Involvement in Kiran Bedi’s Work

    Ch-8 Anna Andolan— Meeting my dream

    Ch-9 Mad in love with sunny

    Ch-10 Managing my Job

    Ch-11 Fight with Arvind Kejriwal

    Ch-12 Politics makes Akansha Insane

    Ch 13 15 minutes with Arvind Kejriwal

    Ch 14 Entry of the Man

    Ch-15 Knock… Knock… Message… Message

    Ch-16 Wedlock without parents

    Ch-17 Kanyadan by Arvind Kejriwal


    About the Author

    Roshan Kumar Stagger, name itself is not simple. Roshan is a 16 year guy who is doing his educations from Vivekanand School, Delhi. His parents supported his talent in his very young age and with everyone’s support, he was sent to Delhi to fulfill his dreams. In this young age when we decide our careers, he is one step ahead of his dream. He aims to do something big in the IT Field for his country.

    Mob no. +919555329169


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    About the Co-Author

    Pavan Dhankani is a high school graduate from a small city, Bhopal. Born in a medium business class family. A natural spokes person with a possessive or hyper creative mind. He is one of those who crave their way out of nothing against the orthodox opinion of the people around him. His ideas like every other teen are too mould. Interrupting in other’s life as his hobby has already created a lot many problems in his life but he aims to do something for others rather than for his own.


    Prerna Prasad—The girl behind this book.

    To my di… .

    And my loving parents . . . .


    Akansha, an audacious girl with all the best traits embedded in her. A girl who never feared of anything gradually comes to a point when she was supposed to meet a psychiatrist. What scared the shit out of her and her whole family went into a deadly state?

    She aimed to wash away all the dirt and corruption in politics, not paying heed towards what all comments she received against being simple and honest. Social service in an NGO served a stepping stone for her, followed by Anna hazare’s andolan for janlokpal bill. How she get into it and how she helped people? Not only the andolan helped her in learning positive lessons but a guy who totally molded her life towards a-merry-positive-life. Was she in love? Or could be quoted as respect and attraction? Did they hang up together till the end or just departed their ways? Is she married with the same guy?

    A love as pure as Anna’s love for nation. A love at politics.

    Before you start:

    This novel is written on a true story of three characters whose names are changed whereas the characters are true. The story includes all true incidents. The novel was having some fiction chapters which were removed after request to make it a full non-fiction. The best efforts were put to make it interesting. Hope you like it. A diary you will love.


    Ch-1 The Best day of my life

    The air was humid but the sky was clear so even at 6 PM, one could feel the burning sun. As, I moved down the escalators of the Raja Bhoj International Airport, my excitement was increased. The Airport had been recently upgraded and was looking astonishing but not crowded like the airports in metros as Bhopal had very few regular fights.

    As soon as I crossed the gate of the Airport, I could feel the Bhopali air that is very common to every NRB (Non-Resident of Bhopal). I was very excited to see my girlfriend after 3 months. I had a lot of questions to ask her when I will meet.

    Does she have the same love for me?

    Does she miss me as I missed? blah… . blah… blah.

    She was one of the topmost reasons for my memories in Bhopal. But after all, I was happy.

    Then, I saw a long parking lot.

    Hey buddy! Can you please tell where is B4 parking lot of Non-Visitors? I asked a passerby.

    Just go straight and then turn right. He replied courteously.

    Thanks a lot, I smiled and replied.

    People in Bhopal are affable. In the metropolitans’ like that in Bombay, People don’t even look at strangers but in Bhopal, people like to give unasked suggestions. In all, there is always a disadvantage attached with everything.

    Hey! Black Range-Rover Evoque Class, no. 2432 on the right B-4 section. Right there. Sona replied as soon as she picked up my call.

    Ok! I am just reaching their Sona, start countdown from 20.

    The atmosphere was becoming romantic. My heart was running 72 beats for her. Then, I saw a black rangi parked out.

    Sona was sitting on the car bumper and was looking desperate as I was. Her beautiful eyes saw me coming there and then she started running in her sexy green shots and beautiful top. She was looking extremely hot. Her body was being attracted to me like a magnet but we both were not the opposite poles.

    We hugged each other tightly. I holded her in my arms. The alluring aroma was coming from her body. I was not in any hurry and thus, I was not going to end the hug before feeling her whole body. Then, I gave her most passionate kiss to her lips for almost 2 minutes. Her lips were following my lips movement and the kiss was becoming even more seductive. Though, we both never agreed to the concept of things in a public place, she got shy and went inside her car. She waited for me to come inside and I followed her.

    So, how was your journey? She asked caring

    Very boring without you. I replied teasing

    Accha, jhute. Do you know, how much I missed you. She said

    No! Just tell me. I asked captivatingly

    I was expecting another good kiss in reply but she ditched it and ignored.

    Sona! Just open my laptop bag and pick up the laptop. There must be a box beside my laptop. Please take out that first.

    Ok! She said and I started the car.

    Just open the box, I wanna see the gift. I said

    She started unpacking it, I was driving to the new Hotel Ranjit.

    Wow! That’s the most upgraded mobile Nexus 5. Who gave you? She asked happily

    It’s for you girl. giving seductive look

    Then she looked endearingly at me and stood looking.

    Oye, I am losing concentration on the car. Stop looking like this.

    She hugged me again and whispered on my ears Promise me, you will never leave me. She said emotionally.

    Don’t make use of my emotions. Maybe I will accident your new car, if you won’t stop looking at me.

    "Na Baba. Not

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