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Terror in America, Iii: My Existentialism in a Judeo-Christian Society a Social Science Methodology
Terror in America, Iii: My Existentialism in a Judeo-Christian Society a Social Science Methodology
Terror in America, Iii: My Existentialism in a Judeo-Christian Society a Social Science Methodology
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Terror in America, Iii: My Existentialism in a Judeo-Christian Society a Social Science Methodology

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The history of the United States in the last thirty years, its preoccupation with the Vietnam War and the devastating affects of that war on the psyche of this nation is evidence of a foreign policy tragedy. Foreign policy tragedy brings domestic tragedy in its wake. The purpose of this study is to work out why the approaches to social revolution--and that is what the Vietnam War was about--have been wrong on both sides of the ideological spectrum the last thirty years in the U.S., point out why they were wrong, point to where they were wrong, and point to the consequences of acting in a society when the perceptions are in certain respects wrong.

Let me sum up my perception on what went wrong in Vietnam. It was a Right wing war fought on Left wing premises. It was a war that could not have been won because those who designed it would not or could not win it--but were also afraid of losing it. It was a war that was wrongly perceived by both sides of the ideological spectrum.

The Liberal argument was that America tried everything and still lost it!

The Conservative argument was that it could have been won if the opposition had not tied their hands, keeping them from an all out effort that would have been required to win it.

The war was started in earnest by the Liberals under Kennedy. The strategy was to roll up the enemy by hitting on the peasant and through it, cut off the leaders. Pacification, education, re-education, indoctrination, and the introduction of self-defense techniques to the South Vietnamese peasants was meant to stop the revolution exported from the North in its tracks. The U.S. policy was predicated on the assumption that the peasants really had something to do with the ruling functions of the North Vietnamese revolution after Thermidor; that after the onset of Thermidor--after the institutionalization of the revolution--in Hanoi, the revolution was still revolution.

The Liberal approach has believed that revolution is tantamount to Maos view of it in China--peasants all immersed in the revolutionary process as fish in the sea. And so you would have to drain the very ocean itself to stop it. Our approach to the post revolutionary process is that after the onset of Thermidor in a society, revolution is a bunch of terror informed super bureaucrats at the center of a society increasingly cut off from the periphery.

In a post revolutionary society, it is the leaders that matter--not the fish in the sea. So bombing the small fish into fish soup hell in response--as did the West in Vietnam in that war--every tree, every outhouse, every shack, and every village, until they drop so much ordinance that the entire region is brain dead from defoliants and pockmarks and natural calamities, while leaving the center untouched, would seem insane. Yet that was the policy in Vietnam of America. And then nothing happened! Nothing happened week after week, year after year except that America itself was being driven mad doing the same thing, and expecting it to come out different. That, as the President-elect said in 1993, was and is insanity.

But what choice did they all have? The pro-war liberal American leadership that designed the war in Vietnam did not dare bomb Hanoi, the capitol of North Vietnam, for fear of triggering World War III with Red China and with Soviet Russia--both of whose client North Vietnam was. So they tied their own hands, figuring that by coming through the back door, fish in the sea style, piece by piece, nobody will notice in China and Russia; ergo no World War III. So they took a strategy that was insane, and made a virtue out of its necessity. They tied their own hand! And then they blamed the opposition for forcing them to fight with their hands tied behind their backs. On the other h
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateApr 26, 2006
Terror in America, Iii: My Existentialism in a Judeo-Christian Society a Social Science Methodology

Leslie Herzberger

The author was born in Budapest, Hungary in 1946. He served in the U.S. Army, then attended Columbia University School of International Affairs, and the Ph.D. Program in History at New York University. This book is part of the follow-up of the PH.D. Thesis Proposal that the author presented to New York University on December 24, 1980, and worked out as a private scholar the next 20 years. The work that went into the book spanned a period of around thirty years overall.

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    Terror in America, Iii - Leslie Herzberger

    Terror in America III



    A Social Science Methodology


    Copyright © 2006 by Leslie Herzberger.

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    Chapter I

    Chapter II

    Chapter III

    Chapter IV

    Chapter V

    Chapter VI

    PART I

    Chapter I

    Chapter II

    Chapter III

    Chapter IV


    Chapter I



    Part III


    PART V

    Part VI

    Part VII


    Letter # 1

    Letter # 2

    Letter # 3




    Appendix I

    Appendix II

    Section I

    Section II

    Section III

    Section IV

    Section V

    Section VI

    Section VII

    Section VIII

    Section IX

    Appendix III

    Chapter I

    Chapter II

    Chapter III





    IN AMERICA, 1963-2005

    Chapter I

    I have been set up by the FBI for forty years now, since 1963.

    It all started in 1963 when a Jewish princess named Mimi Gloger, a socialist with a capital S, and no doubt a Zionist with a capital Z, a dark-haired little beauty, said she would go out with me on the condition that I took her to a Fair Play for Cuba Committee meeting on Flatbush Avenue, near Church Avenue, on the second floor of this rickety walk-up next to Albermarle Theatre in Brooklyn, New York. Mimi Gloger was from a Jewish socialist family and she told me that they had smashed in her front picture window because of her family’s socialist politics in 1962, the year of the Cuban Missile Crisis and the Red Scare that went with it. In short, she was known to the FBI. And as socialists and Jews, at a time when Israel was both socialist and fervent Zionist, she was into Israel. The president was Kennedy, a fervent progressive Democrat, surrounded by Jews. And the FBI director was the raving Irish paranoid faggot of a right-wing persuasion, J. Edgar Hoover. Israel was about to go big time in America. They needed putzes to play off. The FBI was about to assassinate President John F. Kennedy as being soft on communism. They were all on the lookout for putzes, along the lines of Lee Harvey Oswald. And this was played out under the progressive auspices of the Democratic Party in America, first under Kennedy and the Jews, then under President Johnson and the Jews, when the Jews transferred their allegiance to Johnson from Kennedy without missing a beat, upon the assassination of President Kennedy by the FBI, the CIA, and the U.S. Military in November of 1963. The Jews came of age, and the Israelis came of age with them, in America in 1963. They were all looking for putzes. The National Security Community had just taken over America, and Israel was in tow, along with the progressive national security Jew. The National Security Community has not let go since. They may never will; the most intelligent dictatorship the world has ever seen. Democracy in America was turned into democracy by conspiracy in November 1963. It has been such ever since. These conspirators needed putzes to facilitate their conspiracies. I was an immigrant. My family comes from a shady communist Jewish background in communist Hungary in 1956. They were made an offer they could not refuse: hand over your son for a national security operation. It was an offer they hardly needed. These are real mean stuff. Hand your son over or else back you go to Hungary for certain death. The occasion of the handover was that meeting I attended with Mimi Gloger in 1963, (prior to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy), for the Fair Play for Cuba Committee. As I was an immigrant, that was an occasion for the charge of treason leveled against me. Except that was an FBI set-up. I was a naturalized citizen since December, 1961, five years after I arrived in this country in October/November 1956: five years exactly. Once a citizen, in 1961, they can’t charge you with treason for attending a socialist meeting, in 1963. The FBI stole my original naturalization papers, in Canada in 1982-1983, the very first day I visited there and redated the copies to December, 1963. I found these redated copies in my files, years later. If I was a citizen since 1961 that meant they could not deport me as a bonafide traitor and subversive in 1963. If I became a citizen in December 1963, however, that single attendance gave the FBI the right to charge me with treason, and the right under American law to send me back to communist Hungary as a traitor, as an immigrant who has committed treason. So the FBI pulled a set-up-upon set-up, upon set-up; and then claimed after the fact that they were just following orders. Attending that meeting in 1963 was not my idea. And I did not know of this law. I found out about it thirty-five years later from casually reading a book on the subject and listening to the radio. Further, the FBI is not mandated to inform the violator that he has violated that law. At its own pleasure, it is allowed to act on it, without a charge ever having to be made. No charge ever needed to be made. Mimi Gloger was known to the FBI—well enough for the FBI to break their picture window at their single-family dwelling in Sheepshead Bay, near Sheepshead Bay High School, for socialist politics. And Mimi Gloger was into Israel and the Zionist socialist vortex—a vortex which allowed Israel to use American citizens for free to serve Israel’s needs, using the very existence of Israel as an excuse to get American Jews to break the law in Israel’s favor. Some combination of Israeli national security scum, FBI, and U.S. Military grabbed me in 1963, and under the excuse that, you are already gone gave themselves the right to run a national security operation for the next forty years on me without let-up. I have severe diabetes for twenty-five years now. I have had my teeth knocked out, I was castrated in Redwood City, California, in the suburbs of San Francisco, next to Palo Alto, California, in 1986—Palo Alto where twenty thousand of the sixty thousand residents are Jews—and I had in September 2000 a heart attack, a sextuplet bypass heart surgery and a stroke in the middle of that bypass surgery, making me into a cripple for a time. Since then, my eyes have become diabetic; I experienced the fifteenth assassination attempt in and around Palo Alto, California since 1983 (nineteen attempts overall)—a city where the Jews rule (Jewish professors, Jewish congressmen, Jewish mayors, Jewish senators, Jewish high-tech tycoons), as does Israel, as does the FBI. Where you have the former, you have the latter. I went to the lawyer Dewey Turner in Palo Alto, California, in 1983 and asked him who was doing all of this. He came back after looking into all of this and said to me simply, It is the CIA.

    Chapter II

    I was kidnapped. First the C.I.A. try to recruit you. If they can’t recruit you they kidnap you. If they can’t kidnap you, they kill you. They did all three in my case.

    In the Spring of 1964, my family took me down to New York University Medical School for a full battery of psychological tests. Every which way but loose. What came of it was a warning by two people, my father, and the psychologist that was given me to look after me by the NYU Medical School; I was to go to Switzerland at the ripe old age of eighteen. To get out of harm’s way, I had to relocate to Switzerland, a boy without a clue, with absolutely no defense against this sort of thing. Switzerland was neutral—no commie, no Nazi. The Nazis in America, about to take over America, had plans. The only way to save myself was to leave the field.

    In the Spring of 1964, I was informed by our landlord at 2152 E 23rd Str., Brooklyn, NY—Assemblyman Noah Goldstein, a fervent Polish-American Zionist Jew that there was a slot open for me at West Point, the U.S. Military Academy, should I choose to accept it. This was after the battery of psychological tests at the New York University Medical School. I chose to go to Cornell University School of Hotel Administration instead. If there was anything close to an attempt at recruitment, this was it. I turned it down, and so the CIA was in its right to consider this a failure of recruitment; therefore, kidnapping comes next. Mind you, I was already a traitor by 1964; the FBI was already allowed to do with me as it will, till I was gone, as of 1964. At Cornell the Fall of 1964, I was set up by Jews, and six months later ended up in the U.S. Army anyway.

    In six months’ time, in the U.S. military, in Europe. I was diagnosed insane at Landstuhl, West Germany, U.S. Military Hospital, and sent back to my unit in Athens, Greece. I was not informed of the diagnosis, nor was anybody else. I was informed eighteen months later, but only as an aside, and only by accident, unofficially. It did not mean anything to anybody. The military did not discharge me on the spot. I was stationed at a base with nuclear warheads on it, at Elevsina, Greece, outside Athens, Greece, and they did not discharge me. As I said, it meant nothing to nothing. It was for later reference—to tie me to the U.S. Military for the next thirty-eight years, with full retirement benefits, and the Veterans Administration as the go between. There was the rub—the Veterans Administration as the go between. And I was a traitor (to the FBI)—and that did not mean anything either. I was sent to a nuclear base with a tag as a traitor, and no bells went off.

    The FBI was always around. Having come back from Landstuhl, West Germany U.S. Military Hospital with a diagnosis of insanity that nobody needed to be informed of, the FBI delivered a Secret Clearance for me. It took them six months’ background checks to deliver that Secret Clearance, so that I could remain on that nuclear warhead base, with the charge of treason on my head, an immigrant from a communist country under sentence in America, with an official diagnosis of insanity on top of treason. I was already gone, I was insane, and it did not mean anything to anybody. Having been transferred back to the states after my tour of duty in Greece, they gave me a job at headquarters in the computer bank at Fort Bliss, Texas, where they handled missiles at the height of the Cold War and Cold War the missile crisis. The charge that came of this some twenty-five years later, delivered in Palo Alto, California in 1989, was, You’ve robbed the bank. You’ve robbed the Pentagon computer bank through mental telepathy. This was delivered, out of the blue, for no reason that I can fathom. It furthered the charge of treason.

    In 1995, I was informed by a black undercover policeman in Mountainview, California—then validated by the FBI in San Francisco—that President Johnson signed a finding on you. Mountainview, California is next to Palo Alto, California where twenty thousand of the sixty thousand residents are Jews. Most of this takes place where Jews predominate—first in New York City, and then in and around Palo Alto, California. President Johnson stepped down in 1968. I got out of the military in January 1968, to go back to college, Brooklyn College. Johnson had to have signed this finding by 1968. A finding is an order to kill—like the one that got Martin Luther King killed by the FBI. It is issued at the behest of the FBI. Some fifty of them are signed each year by the president of the United States, assassination orders for something along the lines of treason. The FBI, with that raging Irish German Christian faggot J. Edgar Hoover, are involving me with some sort of national security operation. And there was no way out of it. Somebody was building a steel trap here. The FBI and the Jews—my own people—seemed to be in the middle of it. I am a Jew—the Jews had special access to me, every which way but loose. And the Israelis had special access to the American Jewish community. And the American Jewish community had access to everything in America, all revolving around the very existence of Israel. The Jews, the Israelis, and the FBI, and the U.S. Military have been there from the beginning of this setup, since 1963-1964. And I’m told by the lawyer Dewey Turner in the Bank of America Building on El Cameno Real in Palo Alto, in 1983, then again in 1984, that it is the CIA doing it.

    In 1993, in Santa Clara, California, some distance from Palo Alto, California, I was told by an MIA-POW gentleman that it was the U.S. Military doing it. And the Israelis are doing it for the U.S. Military because the Israelis are the best at this. So what is this that the Israelis are doing for the U.S. Military? Whatever it is, the Jews have access to me like nobody else. Jews doing it to a Jew. To a Right-wing Jew. To a Nazi. To someone insane. The year 1980 becomes a turning point in all this.

    In 1980 the Jews are put on me with a vengence. And the NYPD is put on me New York City. This thing was taking on momentum, I was warned by Jews and by the NYPD to get out of New York City, get out of America, get out of the West, and get out of Judaism. And the ubiquitous FBI, warning me that if I should take on the NYPD, I will never be able to use the police in America ever again. This from FBI Director Louis Freeh’s office in the Jacob Javits Federal Building in downtown Manhattan, in 1981, the office where that man has made his career, landing him right on top of that outfit for eight years in the Clinton administration. They were right. I haven’t been able to use the police in America ever since. Nor in Canada when I went there. The same harassment took place in Canada at the hands of the Canadian police that went down in America, since the FBI laid down the law in New York. When the Jewish administration of William Clinton left office, they all went back to New York City, where they came from. Where this human experiment came from.

    It might be asked why they would give me a diagnosis of insanity in the U.S. Military, and then think so little of it as to give me a Secret Clearance on top of it? I was going AWOL. I had enough in 1965, and I told my best friend Pfc. Donald P Laylander on the base in Elevsina, Greece, just outside Athens, that I was leaving the next day from the Port of Piraeus. My destination was Israel. My best friend was perhaps not the best of friends. They were waiting for me the next morning, and before I had a chance to leave the front gate, I was bundled off to the U.S. military hospital complex at Landstuhl, West Germany, for a diagnosis of insanity. The first diagnosis was given by the dentist, a Greek American Air Force Captain, at the U.S. Hellenikon Air Force base in Athens, while waiting for the Medvac flight. According to the dentist, I was a paranoid schizophrenic. It has stuck with me ever since. And then the harassment, and the pain, and the setups began. Thirty-eight years later, they are still at it. In 2002, a friend of our family, a psychotherapist, knowing absolutely nothing about me, reaffirmed that I was a paranoid schizophrenic, and that nothing of this was happening. And then she inquired whether I had thought about, that I should think about getting out of Judaism. This woman is from Los Altos, California, next to Palo Alto, California. She was in charge of the Holocaust survivors network in that area. My mother and father were Holocaust survivors.

    I would inquire whether all of this was legal. Where is ACLU, where is Amnesty International in all this? This is a hate crime. If I am indeed mentally ill, diseased if you will, then why the FBI harassment and torture? Isn’t there a law against hurting animals and diseased humans? How can I be both mentally ill, beyond help psychiatrically, and a traitor, a dangerous traitor that needs to be harassed? There is terrible harassment happening here, by the Justice Department and the police. I was told by several congressmen including Don Edwards (D) of San Jose, California, and Ellen Tauscher (D) of Contra Costa County, Bay Area of San Francisco, California, that it was the FBI, while the charge of extreme mental illness is maintained so that I cannot get any help, cannot get believed. How can you believe a mentally diseased individual? The harassment has become so bad that I almost died from it—nineteen assassination attempts in twenty years. I barely made it to the hospital in most of those cases. What’s it going to be—treason or mental illness? By your own humane laws you can’t have it both ways. You cannot torture animals or mentally ill human beings. If you torture an animal you can get eight to ten years in jail. Why should the terrible harassment by the FBI go free?

    Chapter III

    You might wonder how one is tied to the U.S. government against one’s will, despite one’s will. Well, it happened in three easy steps. One, they did not just come and take me away to the Landstuhl Military Hospital and then declare me insane. There was the setup first. The morning before I told my friend, PFC. Donald P Laylander, that I was going to Israel I was put on detail duty to sweep out the chapel building at my base in Elevsina, Greece, near Athens, Greece. I was on permanent detail duty, so this was not out of the ordinary. What was out of the ordinary was that I fainted, fell asleep in the middle of sweeping that chapel. Just plain ordinary sleeping gas, about 9:15 a.m., with a broom in my hand, sprawled on the floor, on duty, in the military, during the Vietnam War, in the Summer of 1965. You can take this as a setup, or you can interpret this as a sign of psychosis and that is what my captain chose to do. I woke up on the floor with my captain, my staff sergeant—a short black guy—and several other sergeants surrounding me. I was on my way to Landstuhl Military Hospital, about to be diagnosed, in the space of two weeks as insane, then sent back to finish my tour of duty, AS IF NOTHING HAPPENED! But something did happen. This diagnosis will tie me to the U.S. Government for the next thirty-eight years. The diagnosis did not appear on my discharge paper in 1968. Only an ear infection shows up there, which gave me a 10 percent disability rating, effectively tying me to the Veteran’s Administration for the next six years. That, together with the G.I. Bill, meant that I had free access to the U.S. government for the next six years, till 1973—and thus, they to me! They should have discharged me in 1965 for the diagnosis of insanity and that would have been the end of my access! But this was a setup. If they had discharged me in 1965, when that diagnosis was made, at Landstuhl, West Germany, the setup would have been over almost as soon as it began. Once discharged under less than honorable conditions, I would have been separated from the Veteran’s Administration and the military for the rest of my life. In this setup, access is everything. There would have been no access then, thus the setup is over. I would have found a job on my own, perhaps, and thus I would have provided my own upkeep. Access zero for the government; the setup is over before it began.

    Instead, they chose to hide that diagnosis of insanity, and gave me a secret clearance instead, on the firm foundation of a diagnosis of insanity by the U.S. Government. The secret clearance was provided by the FBI.

    And they gave me an ear infection, worth 10 percent disability rating for the rest of my life instead. A 10 percent disability rating was enough to get total access to the Veteran’s Administration back then in 1968-1973. I was living on the G.I. Bill, so why not use the V.A Hospital in Brooklyn, New York, every way but lose. Big mistake! But who knew! When the G.I. Bill ran out in 1973, five years later, they set me up again, trotted out the diagnosis of insanity from Landstuhl, West Germany back in 1965—the one that never showed up on my discharge paper—and I was suddenly equipped with a 100 percent disability rating, with full

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