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The Great Falling Away: Volume I: the Biblical Age
The Great Falling Away: Volume I: the Biblical Age
The Great Falling Away: Volume I: the Biblical Age
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The Great Falling Away: Volume I: the Biblical Age

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This first volume of our Great Falling Away Series biblically explicates both the beginning and the end of the biblical age, while also revealing mankinds great falling away from a biblically-defined faith in God and His mortal, immortal, and eternal Messiah - Jesus the Christ of Bethlehem/Nazareth/Judea.

The full title for this first book of our series is: "The Great Falling Away Volume I: The Biblical Age". This book is now available directly from Xlibris, as well as from on-line booksellers and retail bookstores everywhere.

The second book of our Great Falling Away Series is entitled: "The Great Falling Away Volume II: Anti-Christ, Babylon, and the Bride of the Lamb". This second and final book in our Great Falling Away series is now completed, and is now also available directly from Xlibris, as well as from booksellers everywhere.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateFeb 19, 2008
The Great Falling Away: Volume I: the Biblical Age

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    The Great Falling Away - Adrian Salupo

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    Chapter 1


    Chapter 2


    Chapter 3


    Chapter 4


    Chapter 5


    Chapter 6


    Chapter 7


    Chapter 8


    Chapter 9


    Chapter 10


    Chapter 11


    Chapter 12


    Chapter 13


    Chapter 14


    Chapter 15


    Chapter 16


    Chapter 17


    Chapter 18



    Bible Verse Reference Table


    This two-volume series is dedicated to my darling wife, Carol, who is also my beloved sister in Christ. Without her continuous prayer and faithful support, I would not have been able to hear what the Lord is revealing to His people about the end-time events of the biblical age.

    Additionally, I would also like to thank my brother, Richard, who is also my dear brother in Christ Jesus, as he has also provided valuable advice on the formation and collation of this work. There are many others who have contributed to this work by their faithful presentation of the blood-sacrifice gospel of the spotless Lamb of God, and some of these faithful men of God are cited in the prologues to this work.


    Scriptures quoted in bold type, throughout this two-volume work, are taken from Young’s Literal Translation of the Holy Bible, recovered by this author using traditional, English-language syntax, and some, modern, English vocabulary. These direct quotes from the Bible form the basic framework for this series, although many, other scriptures are given reference within the body of commentary. Young’s Literal Translation of the Holy Bible has been my personal study-Bible since 1976, for it is the only English-language translation of the Bible that attempts to translate and interpret the original languages of the Bible without many of the flawed, religious preconceptions of Babylonian, denominational, cultural Christianity, as well as cultural Judaism. For this reason, I strongly recommend this, particular translation to any serious student of the scriptures who is fluent in the English language. It is the least-flawed of all English-language translations, and the most literally-translated of the literal, Bible translations in English. Chapters six through nine of this book shed some light on this highly-charged topic of discussion.

    Beside the framework of these bold-faced quotations, taken directly from Young’s Literal Translation of the Holy Bible, many, additional scriptures have been integrated into the commentary of the text body without reference, because they are commonly known and commonly interpreted throughout much of Christianity. However, whenever a difficult interpretation is being developed from these integrated scriptures, especially when the author’s commentary might cause controversy by refuting Babylonian, demonic, denominational doctrine—the biblical text, the biblical speaker, or the biblical book is nearly always cited as reference.

    This author’s work is not dispensational. Normally, a dispensational view of the scriptures defines an ascendant feature for each, dispensational period of time. For instance, a dispensationalist might say that the pre-sin period in the garden of Eden was the dispensation of innocence. Or, a dispensationalist might say that the dispensation of conscience began when Adam first ate from the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Or, a dispensationalist might say that the dispensation of law began when Moses received the ten commandments from God on Mount Sinai. On and on it goes with such dispensationalism.

    However, even if some portions of dispensational theory are partly true, all dispensational theory is entirely inconsistent with scripture. All dispensational theory, by definition, fails to define and explore the one, over-riding, ascendant dispensation for every sub-age of the complete biblical age: the blood-sacrifice offering of Jesus the Christ of Nazareth, who is the spotless Lamb of God, and the Tabernacle of the Fullness of the God of heaven and earth, slain at the foundations of the cosmos, and crucified and slain on a cross at Golgotha—yeah, rather, risen from the dead.

    Dispensationalism of any kind only works to draw our attention away from Jesus Christ, by interjecting an artificial or secondary construct upon God’s dealings with His creation. God always deals with His creation, throughout every sub-age of the biblical age, through the shed blood of Jesus the Christ of Nazareth, slain from the foundations of the world, and crucified and slain in the perfection of time on a cross at Golgotha. No man comes to the Father, except through Jesus Christ of Nazareth. There is no other name, under heaven, by which men must be saved; nor is there any other dispensation for the immortal and eternal salvation of men—at any time throughout the entire, mortal, biblical age.

    Colossians 1 clearly states that Jesus Christ is the Tabernacle of the Fullness of God, and the Creator of all things, reconciling everything in the heavens and on the earth to Himself, through the blood of His cross. This is the only concern of this author, as it is the only concern of our heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit, throughout the entire, mortal, biblical age. This unified view of the scriptures does not allow for dispensationalism of any kind, beside the one dispensation of the blood sacrifice of Jesus the Christ of Nazareth at Calvary (Golgotha, Moriah). Within the early chapters of Volume I, we present the gospel of Jesus Christ as it was believed by the sons of God of pre-flood Genesis, whereby the Spirit-indwelt reader should begin to understand that the blood sacrifice of Jesus Christ of Nazareth is the only dispensation for the entire, biblical age.

    The biblical age began with the creation account in Genesis 1:1-2:25, and the biblical age will come to a complete end on the last, great and terrible day of the Lord, which is summarized with the events depicted in Revelation 20:9-22:21. The last, great and terrible day of the Lord begins in mortality in Revelation 20:9, with the second, final, and complete destruction of Gog and Magog from the four corners of the earth, even as Satan is then forever judged into the lake of fire of Revelation 20:10, even as the two, mortal heavens and the one, mortal earth flee from the face of God so that no place is found for them—at the time of the great, white-throne judgement of Revelation 20:11-15. The last, great and terrible day of the Lord then proceeds into immortality with the revelation of the newly-created, immortal, new heaven, and the newly-created, immortal, new earth of Revelation 21-22, as God also corroborates from His throne, in Revelation 21:5, that He is making (creating) all things new.

    Thereafter, God then also reveals to us, in Revelation 22:5, that this newly-created, immortal heaven, as well as this newly-created, immortal earth, will continue forever as the everlasting kingdom of God in all of the ages to come. Because the doctrines of the biblical age, and the last, great and terrible day of the Lord, are so important for properly understanding eschatology, I have given a lengthy explanation and overview of them within this first book of our two-volume series.

    In the orders of creation, mankind is the sixth order of creation to be created, and the sons of God are the seventh order of creation to be created. The distinction between mankind and the sons of God is whether or not a man has possession of the indwelling Holy Spirit in the born-again experience, as the children of God come into the unity that Jesus prayed all of His sons should have with the Father. A brief overview of the triune nature of faith, as well as the triune nature of the seven orders of creation is included within Volume II of this work, using simplistic tables to organize this doctrine. Various tables are interspersed throughout this author’s work, so that the reader may more easily visualize some of the biblical doctrines described herein. These tables may prove helpful to the reader, for some of the material in this author’s work only begins to lay the foundation for understanding all of the doctrines of creation, destruction and salvation which are God-given in the Bible.

    Because of the elliptical nature of this work, which only gives a broad overview of the history of salvation in the gospel of Jesus Christ during the biblical age, focusing primarily on the Book of Genesis and the Book of Revelation, as well as upon the Holy Spirit’s outpouring in the former and the latter rains upon the earth, we are unable to give a complete description of, and full, biblical corroboration for every biblical principle or biblical doctrine presented.

    However, we do present enough, corroborating scripture, throughout all of our commentary, so that the faithful sons of God may be able to pursue their own biblical studies of these matters, so as to come to maturity in the gospel, which will then give us a solid foundation for understanding biblical eschatology. This understanding of biblical eschatology will be especially revealed by our development of a biblically-correct Christology, which reveals Jesus the Christ of Nazareth as God having come in the flesh—both mortal flesh and blood, as well as immortal flesh and bone. And this Jesus the Christ of Nazareth is also revealed as one of the three, separate and distinct Persons of the Triune Godhead, Who, together with the Father and the Holy Spirit, is One God—forever and eternal.

    In truth, each and every chapter in this work is worthy of a separate and complete book of its own; and some of the subject matter of some of the chapters are worthy of many books. Many learned, Christian works have already been written by many, holy men of God, on much of these matters. However, this two-volume series attempts to focus on those doctrines that are seldom presented and least understood within the Church of God on earth. Throughout this work, this author will attempt to bring some of this material into a harmonious unity, so as to focus the light of the Holy Spirit upon the end times of the Church sub-age of biblical history, as well as upon the end times of the Millennial sub-age of biblical history, as we stretch mortal, carnal thought and language, as well as mortal, carnal concepts of religion & philosophy (worldview) to their breaking point. Hopefully then, some men within the Church of God on earth may come to see the eternal glory of the resurrected Christ, seated on the right hand of the power and glory of the Father, so that we might come to understand His reigning on the mortal earth as Messiah Yahshua, for one thousand years, even as we come to further understand His reigning in the kingdom of our Father, as the Lamb of God who had been slain at the foundations of the cosmos.

    There is now much confusion among the churches concerning which passages of scripture apply to which of the final sub-ages of biblical history. In effect, this series particularly enlightens the Spirit-indwelt reader with a biblical framework for distinguishing the ends of the Church sub-age from the ends of the Millennial sub-age, while also revealing that the end of the Millennial sub-age is also the full end of the biblical age, as well as the true and final end of the world. This true and final end of the world is revealed throughout this work as the complete burning up, dissolving, passing away and vanishing of the mortal, material creation, as it is revealed in 2 Peter 3:10-13 and Revelation 20:11. Of course, this is biblically explicated throughout this series, as we explore the biblical age in detail. As especially presented throughout the first volume of this series, the full end of the biblical age, which is also the full end of the mortal, material universe, nearly simultaneously begins the new creation of the everlasting kingdom of our Father—as it is briefly described and fully summarized in Revelation 21-22.

    The Bible is the Holy Spirit-inspired word of God, written directly by God through Holy Spirit-inspired men of God. The Bible, as it was originally written and miraculously preserved by God, is now eternally sealed within our Spirit-indwelt understanding, as we grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ—the Word of God and God made flesh. The Bible is one, entire, complete, coherent, express revelation of God—to all of His creation. It cannot be broken down or parsed into segments that are unrelated to other segments of the Bible. Nothing needs to be added to it or taken from it. It is perfect and complete, in and of itself, through the infinite and eternal capacity of its Author—God Himself.

    When Jesus the Christ of Nazareth was crucified on the cross at Golgotha, His outer garment was not divided by the Roman soldiers. They considered it too valuable to tear into smaller pieces, so they cast lots for its undivided ownership. The outer garment of Jesus also speaks of His mortal body, which was too valuable to be torn into smaller pieces. No bone was ever broken in Jesus’ mortal body, although it was badly disfigured; and the mortal body of Jesus Christ was not allowed to deteriorate and become corrupted while it lay in the tomb. Jesus Christ of Nazareth is also the eternal Word of God made flesh. The outer garment of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, which signifies (symbolizes) His mortal flesh-and-blood body, also speaks of the biblical word of God which is given to mortal/immortal men, wholly immortal angels, and mortal/immortal/eternal sons of God. Therefore is the Bible also revealed as being too valuable to be torn into smaller pieces, or to be allowed to deteriorate and become corrupted. Although the Bible has been badly disfigured, even as the mortal, flesh-and-blood body of Jesus Christ, the entire Bible has been miraculously preserved by God, even as He preserved the body of His Son, Jesus the Christ of Nazareth, as it lay in the tomb.

    In the writing of this series, God has continued to add to it line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little, there a little, from the scriptures, until I could no longer contain it. However, if a thousand years were available to write this work, and if it were expanded to a million pages, I could do no better than to include the entire Bible within it. This is, of course, an impossible task for this author. Therefore, because of the constraints of time and space, important scriptures will be deliberately or ignorantly omitted from this work. At this point, the Spirit-indwelt reader, through the enlightenment of the Holy Spirit, having the mind of Christ, through the word of God made alive in his own, inner man in Christ, must fill in the gaps of scripture that I have deliberately, or ignorantly left out of the exploration of any, particular, biblical principle or biblical doctrine presented.

    This two-volume work is only a small part and a rudimentary outline of some of the biblical principles and doctrines included within scripture. The doctrines contained within this series are only a starting point for further, biblical study, by others in the body of Christ, who have been given as gifts of the Holy Spirit, to the body of Christ, for the study and explication of biblical doctrine. Having correct biblical doctrine is absolutely essential for all of us—whether we are in the 1st level of natural, God-given faith, being yet natural, religious believers, or are born-again of the Holy Spirit into the 2nd level of God-given faith, so as to have already become the sons of God. Having correct, biblical doctrine is essential to those in the 1st level of a natural, God-given, religious faith, for correct, biblical doctrine leads to the born-again experience, so that all men might drink freely from the eternal waters of life.

    Having correct, biblical doctrine is also essential to the born-again sons of God, for correct, biblical doctrine then leads us to a further baptism in the on-resting power of the Holy Spirit of Pentecost, which then allows us to grow further in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ, even as God then uses us to minister the gospel with the effective power and authority of the Holy Spirit, for the building up and edifying of the body of Christ and the bride of the Lamb. Thus is it also demonstrated, throughout all of this series, that the Spirit-indwelt, Spirit in-sealed sons of God must be further baptized with the on-resting power of the Holy Spirit, as a continuing growth in faith, as we all continue to grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ. Thus might all men, including the Spirit-indwelt, Spirit in-sealed sons of God, continue to grow from faith to faith and glory to glory, revealing the glorious wonders of the gospel of grace.

    Throughout this two-volume work, certain, biblical phrases and biblical references are frequently repeated. Many of these biblical phrases are included within the glossary located at the end of each volume. The frequent repetition of these biblical phrases and biblical references is done deliberately for three, important reasons. Firstly, this author is able to express a certain precision of intent and meaning with the use of these biblical phrases and references, so that I might accurately express what the Lord has given me to say. Secondly, repetition of these phrases and references, within varying contexts of the body of this work, then allows for the shedding of additional light from the Holy Spirit, as He gives us varying perspectives of their Spiritually-revealed meaning. And thirdly, as the Spiritual meaning of these biblical phrases gradually unfolds and grows in the reader’s Spiritual understanding, I am able to condense an enormous amount of scriptural references into a few, short phrases.

    If I have been overly-reliant on the repetition of these biblical phrases and references, please forgive my poor literary and organizational skills. However, I am also confident that the repetition of these key, biblical phrases and references—nearly all of them taken from a literal translation of the scriptures—will also make them entirely familiar to the Spirit-indwelt reader’s understanding, if that reader should give serious and prayerful consideration to the contents of this work.

    Additionally, there are some complex sentences created within this author’s work, so as to express the complexities of our salvation in Jesus Christ. However, there are also some simple sentences created within this material, so as to express the simplicity of our salvation in Jesus Christ. Let the reader take whatever he is able to assimilate from this work—from both the simple and the complex, as well as from both the old and the new wine of refreshment that is contained herein. Although this author’s work is intended for those who are able to Spiritually assimilate the meat from the word of God, there is also much, Spiritual milk in it, from both Old and the New Testament scriptures.

    I exhort the naturally believing reader from the 1st level of religious faith to be patient and restrained in love, if that reader should be confronted with biblical interpretation that runs contrary to his Babylonian, denominational doctrines—not for my sake, but for the sake of the children of God. Be not offended if this material might refer to your particular, denominational doctrines as Babylonian whoredom, or Balaamite idolatry, or Jezebellian sorcery, or apostasy from the gospel—for it is the scriptures contained herein that inevitably describe and define them as such. As I am in the process of writing this prologue, I believe that every doctrinal statement concerning apostasy from the gospel, as well as Babylonian, religious whoredom, as they are presented throughout this two-volume series, is sufficiently, biblically explicated. If the reader should desire additional, biblical explanations of some of the more difficult-to-understand material, please refer to any, possible, future publications of this author. Later works by this author may continue to explore greater depths of some of the biblical doctrines only briefly discussed in this series.

    However, there is no guarantee that this author will ever write anything more on the doctrines contained within this series, than that which is already presented. Even now, my heart is being turned to editing and publishing a more-literal, English-language translation of the Bible than any that now exists on the earth. This proposed, literal translation of the Bible will be based upon the sound, time-honored, scholarly principles used by Robert Young in his 19th century translation of the Holy Bible into English. This biblical work of a literal translation of the scriptures has been thirty-five years in the making, and I hope there is time for such a work to be completed.

    My sole purpose in publishing this two-volume work is to build up the body of Christ and the bride of the Lamb, while concomitantly showing the need for repentance (turning to Christ and His cross) within certain, apostate elements of the Church of God on earth. If some should ask why I don’t take the beam out of my own eye, then they should also know that I am only a blind, deaf servant of Yahweh, even as Jesus Christ, Messiah Yahshua is described in Isaiah 42:19. If I have made a fool of myself in certain passages of this work, then it is well and good that I have been drawn to do so—for God always uses the foolish things of this world to confound the wise.

    Although I refrain from mentioning individual names in this work, except in a complimentary manner, I am merciless toward the demonism of Babylonian whoredom within the Church of God on earth. If I should cause some within the Church of God on earth to react with jealousy, recrimination, and unjust condemnation of the promises of scripture contained within this work—especially those promises that are made to the born-again sons of God—then I will have accomplished some of what the Holy Spirit desires to accomplish with the publication of this material.

    The Holy Spirit’s desire is to see that every man who names the name of Jesus Christ as Lord, should also then come into personal fellowship and oneness with Jesus Christ, in the born-again experience, even as we also come to habitually, daily walk with Jesus Christ, in fellowship with His sufferings, even as we are then further-called to be baptized with the fire with which Jesus Christ, Himself, was baptized—as we deny ourselves to take up our own cross to follow after Him. Thus do we certainly gain the high prize of our calling in Christ Jesus.

    As the sons of God come to maturity in the faith, hope and love of the Son of God, being built up into the body of Christ and the bride of the Lamb, we all must understand that only those who share in the sufferings of the Christ will be glorified with Him. And we only need to understand such scriptures as 1 Corinthians 12:12-27; 2 Corinthians 1; Philippians 3:7-21; 1 Thessalonians 2:13-16; 2 Thessalonians 1; 2 Timothy 3:10-17; Hebrews 2:10-18; Hebrews 10:32-39; 1 Peter 4:12-19; 1 Peter 5; Romans 8:12-18, and others, to see that we have been called to fill up the corporate sufferings of the body of Christ, if we are members of the body of Christ. Even the bride of the Lamb of Solomon’s Song of Song’s is buffeted in the city of God, and has her veil torn aside, as she seeks after the presence of her beloved Bridegroom.

    In the days ahead, every man who names the name of Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior—even from among such heretical assemblies as Jehovah’s Witnesses and Mormons, whose biblical understanding of Christology is not with the understanding of the Holy Spirit, nor with the God-given revelation of the Bible—will be sorely put to the test, to see if we are worthy of the Lamb. And this test is a test of our faith.

    I mention the Jehovah’s Witnesses and the Mormons by design, because there is also hope for them in Jesus Christ; and that hope will not leave them disappointed, if they personally call upon Him in their time of desperation. However, as it now is with most Jehovah’s Witnesses and Mormons, most of their in-depth knowledge of the scriptures is with the carnal knowledge of the carnal mind, even as the time of the Father’s third call to the wedding feast of the Lamb in the heaven of God is coming to a close (Mathew 22:1-14). However, again, it is a short trip from the head to the heart, and God will bless the Jehovah’s Witnesses and Mormons who call upon Jesus Christ as Lord and God in their moment of desperation. The gospel of grace is yet being offered upon the earth, as I now write this sentence. However, within a very short time, this offer will be forever withdrawn from mankind on earth, by our heavenly Father.

    I know somewhat of what I speak concerning Jehovah’s Witnesses and Mormons, for I have held countless, Bible studies throughout the United States, over the years, for their door-to-door agents. At one time, more than twenty years ago, I held a Bible study for an entire congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses, in my home, as they repeatedly sent more and more of their congregation to me, over a period of weeks, in an attempt to refute my witness and testimony of the scriptures. Obviously, I had raised some deep concerns among some of their members, concerning the biblical truth of Watchtower doctrine. At the final Bible study of that congregation in my home, I pled in tears for them to come to Jesus Christ as their God and Savior, so as to be born again of the Holy Spirit.

    Even though they were, themselves, under conviction and in tears, not one of them came to Jesus Christ as God that day. In fact, one of the leaders of that congregation came up to me afterwards and said that he did not feel worthy to become a born-again son of God, even though I immediately provided him with another Spirit-anointed call to receive Jesus Christ as Lord and God of his life. I explained to him that our unworthiness is the very reason that God, Himself, in the person and work of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, shed His blood and died on the cross of Golgotha, and was further justified in the sight of men by taking up His life again. He believed every word that I had spoken to him and his congregation, but his friendship and camaraderie with his fellow Jehovah’s Witnesses would not allow him to publicly accept, and worship, and receive Jesus Christ into his heart that day. I pray that many in that congregation later came to Jesus Christ as their Lord and God and Savior, for how can a man trust in a savior who is not the God of heaven and earth, as well as our Creator!

    The Jehovah’s Witnesses, Mormons, as well as certain, Christian denominations, must especially come to understand the after-life as it is detailed in Volume II of this work. There, we reveal that there is an unknowing, unfeeling sleep of death described in the Bible, but its inhabitants are not those righteous who now sleep in Christ in the immortal, third heaven of God. Current inhabitants of the (unfeeling, unknowing, sleep of) death will be called up to the great, white-throne judgement on the last, great and terrible day of the Lord of Revelation 20:11-15, so as to be cast into the lake of fire and brimstone as the goats of the nations of Mathew 25:31-46. This author’s work reveals all of the after-life locations that God reveals from the Bible, for the first time in history, while also revealing that the participants of the great-white throne judgement are only those called up from the death, and the hades, and the sea (of humanity). And only the sea (of humanity) is not cast into the lake of fire.

    Additionally, this author’s work reveals that the participants of the great, white-throne judgment of Revelation 20:11-15, are described by Jesus in Mathew 25:31-46. Thus does this work reveal that the sheep of the nations of Mathew 25:31-46 are the very same redeemed (saved) of the nations of Revelation 21:24-22:2, who come forth unto the great, white-throne judgement directly from the sea (of humanity). However, the goats of the nations are those who will have come forth from the (unknowing, unfeeling sleep of) death, or from the (flames of) hades.

    Because of a fairly-detailed revelation of the after-life in Volume II of this series, many of the sons of God, as well as many of the people of God, and servants of God, will rejoice with great rejoicing, as they come into a full understanding of the glorious wonders of the gospel of grace. And part of this revelation of God’s wonderful grace and mercy is provided to us in a Holy Spirit-given understanding of the after-life, as we define, describe, and name the after-life locations from the original languages of the Bible. This author has attempted to provide a biblical nomenclature for all of the after-life locations mentioned in the Bible, lifting their names and descriptions from a literal translation of the scriptures. Thus is the word hell not ordinarily used in this author’s work, as we instead use the biblical terms lake of fire, or furnace of fire to designate the final habitation of unbelieving men and unbelieving, fallen angels.

    In the days ahead, upon this mortal earth, the faith of all who name the name of Jesus Christ, no matter how they hold to His name, or with whatever theology they believe about Him, will be sorely tested in the fires of affliction—so as to determine who is worthy of the Lamb, and who is not worthy of the Lamb. Although many of the Spirit-indwelt sons of God will remain over until the full harvest of the first resurrection, thereby being brought to escape the time of the destruction of Babylon (the abomination of desolation of Revelation 3:10 and Revelation 18:10), thereby coming to be directly translated from mortality to immortality in Revelation 11:12, many others who are Christ’s will yet suffer the death of the two witnesses of Revelation 11, as well as the persecution and suffering of the Smyrnean-type churches—before the full harvest of the first resurrection will have taken place. In point of fact, the Smyrnean-type churches on earth have already sent a multitude of faithful Christians to imprisonment, torture, and death, since 1900 alone, as millions have suffered and died for the sake of Jesus Christ, and for the sake of the gospel of Jesus Christ, throughout the past, one hundred years of world history. Of course, all of this will be biblically explicated throughout the pages of this author’s work.

    In addition to what the Holy Spirit has revealed directly to me from the scriptures, much of what is contained throughout this series has also been the result of my reading and hearing the gospel of Jesus Christ being taught and preached by countless, dedicated men and women of God, throughout the past 30 years. Beside Pastor Carl H. Stevens, at whose feet I sat for more than four years, at The Bible Speaks Ministries in Lenox, Massachusetts, there are many others who have contributed to this work by their faithful presentation of the blood-sacrifice gospel of Jesus the Christ of Nazareth. By the grace of God, I have not forgotten one, single, solitary, Holy Spirit-anointed message that I have ever heard.

    Of these many others, I would like to especially cite J. Vernon McGee for his years of dedicated service in teaching from the scriptures via radio. His voice was like the voice of a friend in the wilderness, on many occasions for me—especially as I traveled the highways of America, working in corporate sales for many years, while listening to his broadcasts on Christian radio.

    I would also like to cite Katherine Kuhlman for her tireless dedication to the work of the Holy Spirit within the lives of so many Christians throughout the world. She gave up everything for Jesus Christ; and her ministry of the gospel in the power and anointing of the Holy Spirit was a joy to behold.

    I would also like to cite David Wilkerson for his unfailing dedication to Christ, and for his unfailing, scriptural balance in preaching the two-fold aspect of the one gospel of Jesus Christ—Christ dwelling within us, as well as us dwelling within Christ. This has allowed David Wilkerson to present a balanced view of law and grace within the Church of God on earth, allowing him to speak the word of God to both the 1st and 2nd levels of faith in the churches. We especially need to hear the prophetic utterances of David Wilkerson, concerning our own culture. Many of the end-time events of the Church sub-age, as described in his various, published works, are about to soon take place on the earth—even as many others of his statements have already come to pass.

    I would also like to cite Doctor Charles Halff, founder of the Christian Jew Foundation, for his years of dedicated service in clarifying many scriptures relating to Israel and the Old Testament. This dear brother in Christ helped me to understand many Old Testament features of the feasts of Israel, and how they Spiritually apply to our salvation in Messiah Yahshua.

    I would also like to cite Jerry Curly Owen, and his wife Roberta, who served the Lord for many years in the simple faith and humility of the children of God. This simple faith and humility is especially astonishing, considering the miraculous nature of the gift of preaching that Curly received from the Holy Spirit. He is the only man of God that I have ever known (or have ever heard of), who received the miraculous capacity to preach by heart from the entire Bible, word-for-word, by word of knowledge, by quoted chapter and verse, to the hearers of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Seldom did Curly ever interpret the scriptures he preached upon, except to interpret them with even more of the scriptures. Truly, Jerry Curly Owen was The Walking Bible, as many have referred to him.

    And lastly, I would also like to cite Billy Graham, for his justification of the multitudes, as he has preached the pure, simple message of the gospel of Jesus Christ, throughout the world, for more than sixty years—always remaining faithful to our Lord Jesus Christ, and always remaining faithful to the precious words of His gospel. Throughout the millennial reign of Messiah Yahshua, he will certainly be revealed as one of the ruling stars of heaven who have helped justify the multitudes in the gospel of Jesus Christ.

    There are many, many others, some of whom are living, and some of whom have gone on to be with Jesus, who are unnamed in this prologue—but Jesus Christ knows each and every one of them, and He has reserved an everlasting reward for each and every one of them.

    "So, then, judge nothing before the time, until the Lord may comewho will both, bring to light the hidden things of darkness, and manifest the counsels of the hearts. And then the praise shall come to each from God." 1 Corinthians 4:5

    This scripture is for both, the saints of the full harvest of the first resurrection at the time of our bema-seat, or tribunal-seat judgement before Christ, as well as for the redeemed of the second resurrections on the last day, as they also shall be set before the tribunal seat of Christ. Neither of these, two, bema-seat judgements is the same judgement as the great, white-throne judgement of Revelation 20:11-15 and Mathew 25:31-46, which occurs on the last, great and terrible day of the Lord. The last, great and terrible day of the Lord is distinguished from the last, mortal day in this work, because the last, great and terrible day of the Lord encompasses both the last, mortal day, as well as all of the immortal ages of the ages to come. Thereby is mortality fully swallowed up in immortality on the last, great and terrible day of the Lord—for the entire creation of God.

    The bema-seat judgement of Christ was also administered to the first fruit of the first resurrection, who have already been raised from the dead, immediately after Jesus Christ rose from the dead, as it is described to us in Mathew 27:50-53. As explicated throughout this work, the Spirit-indwelt reader should come to understand that the first fruit of the first resurrection are many of the same, 144,000 virgin, first-fruit saints from Revelation 14:1-5, who now follow the Lamb wherever He goes. And these 144,000 first-fruit saints are not the same, 144,000, God-sealed-in-their-forehead Jews from Revelation 7, who enter into the mortal, millennial reign on this mortal earth. Nor do the first fruit of the first resurrection saints (Old Testament saints), from Revelation 14 and Mathew 27:50-53, describe us who are of the full harvest of the first resurrection (New Testament saints).

    This work fully reveals that first-fruit and full harvest are joined together at the wedding feast of the Lamb in the heaven of God, both, together, then becoming a type of first fruit for those who are redeemed and resurrected at the second resurrections on the last, great and terrible day of the Lord. A proper, Holy Spirit-given interpretation of the Book of Revelation (and other, related scriptures) allows us to understand that the soon-coming of Jesus to retrieve us who are born again of His Holy Spirit during this Church sub-age of biblical history, is called the full harvest of the first resurrection, forever uniting us with the first fruit of the first resurrection of Mathew 27:50-53 and Revelation 14:1-5. Thus shall all of the Spirit-indwelt sons of God come into the pre-millennial, marriage feast of the Lamb in the heaven of God—both first fruit and full harvest—forever sealing the bride of the Lamb in Christ, in Revelation 19:5-10. Of course, 1 Corinthians 15:23,24 corroborates three resurrections in Christ for all of the redeemed who will enter into the new creation of Revelation 21-22—including those from the second resurrections on the last day—at the end, as it says in 1 Corinthians 15:24, and at the last day as it says in John 6:39-44. In fact, from John 6:39-44, alone, we should be able to discern that there is more than one resurrection for believers in Jesus Christ: pre-millennial and post-millennial. The only problem is that no one knows who the participants of those resurrections are. And this is because of the Babylonian misuse and abuse of the Bible, by not literally translating the original, biblical languages of Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek into the native tongues of various, Christian churches on the earth.

    "And we speak wisdom among the perfect; and wisdom not of this age, nor of the rulers of this age—of those becoming useless. But, we speak the hidden wisdom of God in a secret, that God foreordained to our glory, before the ageswhich none of the rulers of this age knew. For, if they had known, they would not have crucified the Lord of the glory. But, according as it has been written, ‘What eye did not see, and ear did not hear, and what did not arise upon the heart of man, but what God did prepare for those loving Him’God did reveal to us, through His Spirit, for the Spirit does search all things, even the depths of God. For who of men has known the things of the man, except the spirit of the man that is in him. So also, no one has known the things of God, except the Spirit of God. And we did not receive the spirit of the world, but the Spirit—that of Godthat we may know the things conferred on us by God. Which things we also speak, not in words taught by human wisdom, but in those taught by the Holy Spirit, Spiritual things comparing with Spiritual things. And the natural man (from the 1st level of faith) does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; and he is not able to know them because they are Spiritually discerned. And he who is Spiritual, does indeed discern all thingsand he, himself, is discerned by no one. For who knew the mind of the Lord, that he should instruct Him? And wewe have the mind of Christ." 1 Corinthians 2:6-16

    This scripture is for the religionists of all Babylonian religions, especially including those within apostate Christian and apostate Jewish assemblies, who now sin against the Holy Spirit by persecuting the Spirit-indwelt sons of God. This scripture is also for the unbelieving anti-Christs of the world, who have lifted themselves into the status of demi-gods walking the earth, as they have also persecuted the Spirit-indwelt sons of God.

    And of course, this scripture is for the born-again, Spirit-indwelt, Spirit in-sealed sons of God, who are able to rightly divide the word of truth so as to compare Spiritual things with Spiritual things. 1 Corinthians 2:6-16 especially reveals why we are particularly chosen for persecution by all men who have not the Spirit of God—for we know them (as mortal/immortal men—which we, ourselves are), while they do not know us as Spirit-indwelt sons of God.

    The burden of Dumah. Unto me is calling from Seir, ‘Watchman, what of the night? Watchman, what of the night?’ The watchman has said, ‘Morning has come, and also night. If you inquire, inquire. Repent. Come.’ Isaiah 21:11,12

    This scripture is for everyone who wonders at the things that are coming upon the earth. The above answer given in Isaiah is the only, sure answer for anyone who might inquire of what is happening in this world today: turn around and seek God with all of your heart. If the men of earth do not turn around and seek God, then their own wickedness will cause God to mercifully put an end to their life on the earth, in terrible judgements, so that they do not continue to destroy the earth, and its living creatures, and its faithful, believing men, and its Spirit-indwelt sons of God, as they are now revealed as having trampled on the blood of the spotless Lamb of God.

    And because of the evil that has already taken place on this earth, this generation will not pass away until the anti-Christ horns of the beast nations (of Revelation 19:11-20:3) judge all of apostate religion on earth (Revelation 17-18), even as Jesus Christ and His immortal saints of the first resurrection will soon afterward return from the wedding feast of the Lamb in the heaven of God to destroy the anti-Christ beast and false prophet themselves—with the manifestation of the presence of Jesus Christ and His saints within Israel, as the remnant of mortal, millennial Israel receive the miraculous implantation of the law of God written within their hearts (Jeremiah 31:33 and Hebrews 8:8-13), as well as a double portion of the outpoured Holy Spirit (foreshadowed as Elisha) upon their mortal flesh, as we who are members of the first resurrection (foreshadowed as Elijah) will have been revealed as standing over Zion, with Jesus Christ the Messiah, yet veiled as (a) cloud(s) by day and (a) pillar(s) of fire by night over Zion, reigning for a thousand years over all of the convocations of Zion, as in Isaiah 4. This generation that is now living on the earth will not pass away before Revelation 17:10b-20:3a is fulfilled to the letter.

    "Behold, a day has come to Yahweh, and divided has been your spoil, in your midst. And I have gathered all the nations to Jerusalem for war. And the city has been captured; and the houses have been spoiled; and the women are lain with. Half the city has gone forth in a removal; and the remnant are not cut off from the city. And Yahweh has gone forth ; and He has fought against those nations, as in the day of His fighting on a day of conflict. And on that day His feet have stood on the Mount of Olives that is eastward from Jerusalem. And the Mount of Olives has been divided at its midstto the east and to the west a very great valley. And half of the mount is removed towards the north; and its (other) half toward the south. And you have fled to the valley of My mountains, for the valley of the mountains is joined to Azal. And you have fled as you fled before the shaking in the days of Uzziah, king of Judah. And come in has Yahweh, my Godall holy ones with You! And it has come to pass, in that day, the precious light is not; it is dense darkness. And there has been one dayit is known to Yahwehnot day, nor night. And it has been at evening-time; there is light. And it has come to pass in that day, living waters go forth from Jerusalem; half of them into the eastern Sea, and half of them into the western Sea. It is so in summer and in winter. And Yahweh has become King over all the earth. In that day there is one Yahweh; and His name one." Zechariah 14:1-9

    This scripture is for the faithful remnant of Israel, especially for those 144,000 of Revelation 7 (but not Revelation 14), who have the seal of God upon their foreheads, so that they are not destroyed in the flesh during the judgements of the unbelieving nations, just before, and at the inception of, Jesus Christ’s reign in power and glory during His millennial reign upon this mortal earth. These faithful Jews must know that there is yet hope for them, as the remnant are not cut off from the city (mortal Jerusalem), despite the worst, latter-days scenario of war, violence and God’s judgements, as the wrath of the dragon meets the wrath of God head-on. And there is no God to come to the aid of the dragon, or his beast empire. Thus is it that Revelation 19:11-20-3 speaks of the millennial reign of Jesus Christ established in power and glory over Zion and over all of Zion’s convocations, as given to us in Isaiah 4. All praise and honor and glory are to my Yahweh-God, Messiah Yahshua, who has not forgotten mortal Israel in the flesh. I say this with true, Godly love, and overflowing praise and worship to Messiah Yahshua—for I, myself, have been circumcised in the heart. Jacob is so little, but God is so big.

    "And the armies in the heaven were following Him upon white horses, clothed in fine linenpure and white." Revelation 19:14

    And there was given to her that she may be arrayed in fine linen, pure and white, for the fine linen is the righteous deeds of the saints. Revelation 19:8

    And Yahweh has given forth His voice before His force, for His camp is very great, for mighty (is) the doer of His word, for great is the day of Yahweh—very fearful; and who does bear it? Joel 2:11

    These scriptures are for the faithful overcomers in the Church of God on earth—all those within the body of Christ and the bride of the Lamb, including the first-fruit saints of God from Mathew 27:50-53 and Revelation 14:1-5, who will rule and reign together with Jesus Christ upon this mortal earth for a thousand years, having been joined together as the glorious bride of the Lamb—at the pre-millennial, wedding feast of the Lamb in the heaven of God. These scriptures reveal the clothing we will wear in the heaven of God, as we return from the wedding feast of the Lamb, with Jesus Christ, to become the holy army of God of Joel 2:1-11, and Revelation 19:11-20:3, so as to establish Christ’s righteousness on the mortal earth for one thousand, literal, mortal years.

    Blow a trumpet in Zion; sanctify a fast; proclaim a restraint; gather the people; sanctify an assembly; assemble the aged; gather infants and sucklings of the breasts. Let a Bridegroom go out from His inner chamber; and a bride out of her wedding chamber. Joel 2:15,16

    This scripture is for both, the redeemed remnant of mortal Israel who will be saved at our return from the wedding feast of the Lamb in the heaven of God (Revelation 19:11-20:3), as well as for us who comprise the redeemed remnant of the immortal bride, as Jesus Christ establishes His kingdom upon this, mortal earth for a thousand years—after the wedding feast of the Lamb in the heaven of God is completed. This scripture is especially followed by Hebrews 8:8-13, which particularly speaks to the nation of the Jews, and does not speak to the born-again, Spirit-indwelt sons of God from the Church sub-age, who will already have been immortalized in resurrected bodies at the full harvest of the first resurrection of Revelation 11:11-15.

    And a wolf journeys with a lamb, and a leopard lies down with a kid, and calf and young lions and fat ones (of the herd) are together, and a little child is leading them, and cows and bears feed together while their young ones rest, and a suckling child plays by the hole of an asp, and on the den of a scorpion, a weaned child places his hand. They do no evil, nor destroy, on all My holy mountain, for the earth has been full of the knowledge of Yahweh, even as the waters are covering the sea. Isaiah 11:6-9

    This two-volume series definitively reveals that this scripture, as well as Isaiah 65, and others like it, are only fulfilled upon this mortal earth, during the mortal, millennial reign of Messiah Yahshua. Hint: there is no sea on the new, newly-created, immortal earth of Revelation 21-22; even as there is no marriage, procreation (infants and toddlers), births, deaths, graves, or dead bodies on the new, newly-created, immortal earth of Revelation 21-22. Again, this author’s work details both the ends of the Church sub-age, as well as the ends of the Millennial sub-age, so that we might forever distinguish the millennial reign of Messiah Yahshua from the everlasting kingdom of our Father, and the Lamb, while further distinguishing both of these periods of time from the Church sub-age of biblical history, which is soon coming to an end.

    And I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth did pass away (Revelation 20:11 and 2 Peter 3:10-13) and the sea is not any more. And I, John, saw the holy city, the new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of the heaven—made ready as a bride adorned for her Husband. And I heard a great voice out of the heaven saying, ‘Behold! The tabernacle of God is with men, and He will tabernacle with them. And they will be His peoples, and God, Himself, will be with them—their God. And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes. And the death will not be any more—nor sorrow, nor crying. Nor will there be any more pain, because the first things did go away.’ And He who is sitting upon the throne said, ‘Behold! I make all things new!’ And He says to me, ‘Write, because these words are steadfast and true.’ And He said to me, ‘I AM the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. I, to him who is thirsting, will give freely of the fountain of the water of the life. He who is overcoming will inherit all things; and I will be to him, God—and He will be to Me—the Son. And to fearful, and unsteadfast, and abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all the liars—their part [is] in the lake of fire that is burning with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.’ Revelation 21:1-8

    This scripture is for all of the living and all of the dead, throughout the entire, mortal, biblical age, as the last, great and terrible day of the Lord ushers in the everlasting kingdom of God in the immortal, newly-created, new heaven, upon the immortal, newly-created, new earth of the new, immortal creation. Many believe that this scripture will soon be fulfilled. However, all of this author’s work reveals that Revelation 20:9-22:21, which we define as a summary of the events of the last, great and terrible day of the Lord, will only have its ultimate fulfillment after the one thousand years of the millennial reign of Messiah Yahshua on this mortal earth is ended. In other words, the end of this mortal universe, and the creation of the new, immortal universe, is yet more than one thousand years away from taking place, occurring only at the end of the millennial reign of Messiah Yahshua, as it is further corroborated within Mathew 13:39-43 and 1 Corinthians 15:24-28, among many, other, such scriptures which are thoroughly explicated in the body of this book.

    This first book of our two-volume series thoroughly reveals the seven sub-ages of the complete biblical age, as gleaned from the entire Bible. All seven sub-ages of the biblical age are thoroughly integrated with the blood-sacrifice salvation of Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews, and Messiah Yahshua of Israel. To the best of this author’s knowledge, this work is the most in-depth look into the scarlet thread of the gospel of Messiah Yahshua that has ever been presented to the Church of God on earth, integrating that thread within all of the major events of the entire, biblical age. Additionally, as every, born-again Christian already knows, this Messiah Yahshua of Israel is also God having come in the flesh—revealed as mortal flesh and blood, as well as immortal, risen-from-the-dead flesh and bone. Understanding the scarlet thread of the gospel woven into all of mankind’s history will allow us to further understand the seven sub-ages of the biblical age.

    As revealed throughout this work, the first-fruit saints of Mathew 27:50-53 have already become partakers of the cloud of witnesses within which Christ Jesus ascended to the Father from the Mount of Olives, having become part of the same cloud of witnesses clothing Jesus Christ as He appeared to Israel as they were redeemed out of Egypt. Further still, this cloud of witnesses will soon include the members of the full harvest of the first resurrection, which will include the born-again, Spirit-indwelt members of the Church sub-age, as we will also appear throughout the millennium to mortal Israel, revealed to the remnant of the mortal men on earth as (a) cloud(s) of witnesses by day, and (a) pillar(s) of fire by night, dwelling over Zion—as prophesied to us and about us in Isaiah 4, Isaiah 60:8, Joel 2-3, and other scriptures detailed throughout this work. As we come to understand that Joel 2:30 is specifically a fulfillment of Isaiah 4, we will better come to understand our veiled manifestation over Zion and the convocations of Zion as (a) cloud(s) by day and (a) pillar(s) of fire by night throughout the one thousand years of Messiah’s rule and reign on this mortal earth.

    Biblical explication presented throughout this work will also reveal that the first-fruit saints of Mathew 27:50-53 are also the same 144,000, virgin, first-fruit saints of Revelation 14:1-5, who now follow the Lamb wherever He goes. Biblical explication presented throughout this work will also reveal that these 144,000, first-fruit saints of Mathew 27:50-53 are not the same 144,000 sealed-in-their-forehead, elect Jews from Revelation 7, who are the first portion of the redeemed of mortal, millennial Israel to enter into the millennial reign of Messiah Yahshua upon this mortal earth, receiving a double portion of the latter-day rains, as foreshadowed in the prophet Elisha. Biblical explication presented throughout this book will also reveal that some of these 144,000 sealed-in-their-forehead Jews from Revelation 7 are now being sealed with the seal of God, even as I write this sentence.

    If the Spirit-indwelt sons of God desire to discern into these men, they should discern into certain Karaite, or Karathite Jews of today who believe in the literal, God-breathed nature of the Jewish Bible, as well as the soon-coming of Messiah, but who do not yet believe that their Messiah is Messiah Yahshua. They will only come to fully believe this when the events of Isaiah 4 and Isaiah 60:8 will come to fulfillment on the earth—after the full harvest of the first resurrection of Revelation 11:11-15, and after the wedding feast of the Lamb in the heaven of God of Revelation 19:5-10, and after the war against the beast and false prophet of Revelation 19:11-20:3 is won by Jesus Christ and His army of first-resurrection saints of Joel 2, and after a Spirit of grace and supplication is poured out upon the flesh of the remnant of mortal Israel, even as they afterward receive the law of God implanted into their hearts (of flesh), as given in Jeremiah 31:33, Ezekiel 36, and Hebrews 8:8-13.

    However, we must remember that these 144,000 redeemed Jews from Revelation 7 will only come into their immortal resurrection from the dead at the end of the millennium—on the last day of the (mortal) world of John 11:24, John 6:39-44, and Luke 12:32-48. These redeemed from millennial Israel will only become the immortally-redeemed people of God, or indentured servants of God, in the new creation of Revelation 22:3-5, after we of the first resurrections (both first fruit and full harvest) are revealed in glory as the new Jerusalem of Revelation 21-22. Thus is it also declared in this two-volume series that the pre-millennial bride and wife of the Lamb of Revelation 19:5-10 is also the new Jerusalem of Revelation 21-22, who is also described in Revelation 21 as the bride and wife of the Lamb. Thus is it revealed in this work that the body of Christ becomes the holy of holies of the new Jerusalem; the bride of the Lamb becomes the holy place of the new Jerusalem; and the redeemed of millennial Israel, and others of the people of God and the servants of God, become the outer court of the new Jerusalem of the new creation. Of course, this author’s work reveals all of the redeemed who will enter into the new creation of Revelation 21-22, by their biblical appellation, taken from a biblical nomenclature used in the original languages of scripture.

    Thus is it revealed in this author’s work that the mortally redeemed of millennial Israel become part of the category of the immortally redeemed people of God, and indentured servants of God, of the new creation of Revelation 22:3-5. But their immortal, bodily salvation will only come to them

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