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Just a Glimpse
Just a Glimpse
Just a Glimpse
Ebook199 pages2 hours

Just a Glimpse

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When a missionary becomes a victim of depression -author Harrison Mungal suffered from depression as a result of the death of his co-worker and friend, while living in Croatia for two years. It came as a serious blow to the mind, and he found it difficult to cope. Harrison is a man of passion who enjoys supporting individuals who may be in distress, however when his time came, he almost fell apart. For over one year he refused to draw from his source of strength, as he felt his source of strength was responsible. He had a pain no medicine in the world could cure. The battle between grief and depression struck him down. He became like the walls of Jericho and began to crumble. He returned back to Canada from Croatia and began to fight a different type of war. A war between himself and depression; after a period of time, he went back to his source of strength and was taken into a spiritual journey which brought him out of his predicament. He had a glimpse of power which transformed his life to support those who are suffering with the same or similar issues. Life is like a vapour, one minute you see it and another minute its gone.

This book tells the story of a heart that was broken as a result of the death of a friend. The author shares about the strength of a wife and the power of belief. The book gives the reader hope that is built on ones spirituality. Just A Glimpse.. will change your life for a lifetime, expresses the importance of hope. A glimpse of hope brings strength and strength will transform a life to live. The depth of hope is explored which brought victory.

"As we capture a glimpse, we will develop a desire to become witnesses, knowing that God is able to do the impossible.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateMay 2, 2008
Just a Glimpse

Harrison S. Mungal

Harrison Mungal lives in the Toronto area with his wife and seven children. He has been married for over 18 years. He is the founder and CEO of Metro Bible College. He has been in ministry for over 20 years speaking at crusades, workshops, conferences, churches, as well as television and radio programs. He has been a missionary for two years and pastored in several churches, two of which he planted.

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    Just a Glimpse - Harrison S. Mungal

    Copyright © 2008 by Harrison S. Mungal.

    All rights reserved. This book is protected under the copyright laws of Canada. This book may not be copied or reprinted for commercial gain or profit. The use of short quotation or occasional page copying for personal or group study is permitted and encouraged. Permission will be granted upon request. Unless otherwise identified, Scripture quotations are from The King James Version of the Bible.

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    CHAPTER 10

    CHAPTER 11

    CHAPTER 12

    CHAPTER 13

    CHAPTER 14

    CHAPTER 15

    CHAPTER 16

    CHAPTER 17

    CHAPTER 18

    CHAPTER 19

    CHAPTER 20

    CHAPTER 21

    For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea. Habakkuk 2:14


    This book has been planted in my heart for many years before deciding to put it on paper. The reality of God’s glory is much more than our infinite mind can fathom. I have witnessed the glory of God on several accounts, which has strengthened my faith and kept the fire alive in my heart. As I share some of these accounts, it will create a hunger in your heart for more of God. It will teach you how to develop a craving for the presence of God and the joy of becoming addicted to prayer, worship and fellowship with the Holy Spirit.

    I am the first of three children born to a poor family. I’ve watched my parents struggle with the financial burden of bringing us up. It was my struggles that propelled me to seek God, as well as the fact that I was empty inside my heart. Within me, my passion for the Lord was burning deep in my heart, which created a thirst to know Him in a real way. This desire to know Him brought me into the realm of His glory. My first experience was rich and electrifying and made me feel more alive then ever before. The Lord literally became my shelter in the storm of my life. When I felt like I was walking through the valley of the shadow of death, because of hard times, sickness and life’s obstacles, my experience of a glimpse of the glory of God revived me and kept me focused. This experience was my source of strength and support, which built my passion for the Lord and prepared me to face the storms of life with hope and courage.

    Being in the presence of the glory of God creates an atmosphere for miracles, signs and wonders. In addition, by partaking of God’s love and the promises He bestowed on us, we can make life more enjoyable. Through these experiences the unchurched are able to witness the power of our God. In His presence the supernatural violates the natural law of nature, thus we are able to bring the supernatural into the natural. If ever there is a time that God wants the world to see the full purpose of Christ redeeming humanity it is now. And His glory is one of the greatest media He will use to expose Himself to the world.

    We can do all things in Christ only when we learn to step out in faith. The natural man wants to reason or figure out the outcome. The leap of faith to step out will move God to step in. Moreover, this is what faith in Christ is all about, bringing the supernatural into the realm of the natural. Just as the nature of gravity has no power over the supernatural, the power of the devil has no hold on those who are in Christ.

    It is my hope that as you read this book, you too will experience a glimpse of the glory of God and become enlightened by the power that is in the Word of God. After all, it takes only a glimpse of the glory of God to change our life. Once we have tasted it, we will crave for more. Just a glimpse is enough to last us a lifetime.

    This book is dedicated to my wife Kathleen Mungal for all the support and encouragement she has provided. She has been my support through thick and thin, always by my side and keeping me focused on the call on my life.


    We have heard of so many people being touched by God, or people having a supernatural experience, however none can be compared like unto Moses. He was the only human being recorded in scriptures to have had a personal experience with God and even beseeched God to show him His glory (Genesis 33:18). No one else has ever attempted to make such a request like Moses did out of all the prophets, kings and priests in the Bible. It took much courage and large faith to make such a request.

    From my personal experience just one glimpse of the glory of God will last for a lifetime. Just a glimpse of the Holy Of Holies is a life altering experience and we can never be the same. The notion of denying the existence of God after a glimpse of His glory is inconceivable. People, who have experienced the glory of God, became world changers. The ancient like Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Solomon, David and New Testament men like the apostle Peter, John, Paul to name a few were willing to die for the sake of the call; dying to self and picking up their cross daily. In modern history men and women became known as revivalists and reformists after their life changing experience. They were marked by God for the rest of their lives. Some are marked down in history as the Generals of God. Names such as Smith Wigglesworth, Aimee Semple McPherson, Maria Woodworth-Etter, John G. Lake, Kathryn Kuhlman, AA Allan and many others of this century have left an impression that they have experienced God’s glory.

    In current times men like Benny Hinn, Billy Graham, and a host of others are able to touch millions of lives daily. This is only possible because of their encounter with God and their experience of the glory of God. I have personally witnessed midst or fog sitting over the platform of some evangelists and pastors as the power of God descended. The church today needs to be proactive in their worship to see the glory of God, and to feel His power in their midst. The God who met with Moses, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the God of Paul the Apostle, Peter, John, Steven, is the same God who is able to manifest Himself today. The God who was with Shadrack Messach and Abendigo in the fiery furnace is the God we serve. The God whose promises are for all of eternity, a promise I hold dear to my heart that He will never leave me nor forsake me. He is the God who dwells in glory; a glimpse of this glory is all we need to have a life changing, mind boggling experience when all we want to do is to proclaim His glory. If there is a desire to know truth, a desire to know our creator, then this book will take you into a journey where you will meet the unchanging God of Adam and Eve, the God who is alive today as He was with Moses in the burning bush and in the wilderness, the God whose takes pleasure in exposing His Glory to those who seek after him and are willing to pay the price.

    The glory of God can be compared to the ocean where many have swum; however no one can endure to reach its depth. Man’s finite mind cannot fathom the fullness of God’s glory. It is bright like the sun in all its beauty and splendour; however no one could endure to realize the full potential of this great beauty. Yet we know of its splendour as its warm rays touch us on a robust summer’s day, giving an assurance that it exist and is alive. However man’s desire to draw closer wanes, and as the approaching autumn beacons that winter is drawing nigh so does man drift into oblivion.

    The church today has its weakness in teaching about the glory of God. The focus is on the buildings and its embellishments rather than the altar of sacrifice and praise. Man is too busy impressing the world as to how great God is; rather than to allow God to demonstrate His power and Glory when we seek Him in humble submission. We need to take time to pursue the glory of God. Of course there is a cost; Moses paid a price as he gave up his position in the Pharaoh’s throne. The same is possible today as it was then because God is unchanging and Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.

    There is no reason why we cannot enter into the presence of God and experience the supernatural glory of the Almighty. There is honour in being called into a king’s presence, where no expense will be spared in making preparations for us and we are able to acquaint ourselves with what is expected of us before we are summoned in His presence. We feel the awe as we are beckoned to come into His court, a man of like passion as we are. In like manner, when we come to God prepared, we will feel the awe of His glory, His Holiness permeates the atmosphere and we bow in humble submission and reverence. This experience is available to us today if only we truly hunger after Him. Soon and very soon when we realize how readily the Father wants us to experience His glory, there will be no building large enough to contain the souls that the glory of God will bring to Himself. It is my belief that when His glory descends, it will transcend human comprehension and as it becomes evident, patients in wheel chairs shall be standing up completely healed, cancer will be melting like wax before the presence of the Almighty God, and disease will melt away as the creator moves through His creation. Very soon a day is coming when sickness will fade away and die as the Glory transmutes the atmosphere of the Church. The day is coming when men and women will not be able to deny the power of God. They will be caught up in His presence as the glory of God covers His saints. Ambulances will be delivering the sick to Churches where the power of God is released. Sceptics will rise to the occasion and be converted into believing that Jesus Christ is the Son of the living God and that He is coming back for His Church. Men in high places will look to the Church for counsel.

    Many of the churches today have only the knowledge of what the glory of God is all about, as their access is limited due to the fact that they dilute God’s word to fit their congregation, rather than have the congregation submit to the will of God. There are no short cuts with God, He manifests when we submit. The glory of Old Testament days can be as real today, where the people fell before God’s presence, and His glory and majesty. God will bring revival again to save this dying world.

    The glory of the Lord does not come cheaply and no one has the monopoly on it. The glory of God speaks of God’s presence; you can’t have one without the other. Our unwillingness to pay the price to be in the presence of God, will determine His withholding power to manifest in any measure upon His people on earth. The experiences of Moses, Joshua, Elijah, or Paul and all the others, who walked with the Lord in an intimate way, came at the price of great personal sacrifices.

    The Holy Spirit does not need our help. Once we are faithful and living by God’s standards as set out for man, His power will flow through our lives. We are the vessels that Jesus died for, to make us worthy and fit for the Master’s use. We are God’s hands and feet, His mouthpiece. If ever there is a time in which God wants the world to see the full purpose of Christ redeeming humanity, it is now. And His glory needs no help to convince man that He is Lord and God of us all. The character of the human race has not changed; they are the same today as they were centuries ago, sceptical and always searching for the truth. God knows how to get people’s attention, and He will use His church to do so.

    Heaven will not be an empty place, as we come to know the value of Christ’s death and the power of His resurrection. The price has been paid, and now it’s time to redeem mankind to its maker. There is a real move of the Holy Spirit around the world that is paving the way for the glory of God to come alive. It hovers like clouds over different parts of the world. This cloud that has been forming is in preparation to rain down revival and bring God alive to man’s heart. This cloud is only a small measure of God’s presence through which His glory will be known. The church is becoming more responsive to the work of the Holy Spirit, and is gradually seeing more and more of the power of God, as He reveals His glory.

    I look forward to seeing the day when the Holy Spirit has freedom, and to see people’s stony hearts melting like wax in the presence of the Lord. That’s when they shall receive from the Lord, visions, dreams, and most of all hear the voice of God clearly. It’s not by might, nor by power, but by the Spirit of the living God.

    It’s a beautiful thing when God’s hand is on the life of men such as Evangelist Benny Hinn and many others like him who have a passion for the reality of God

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