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God Isn't Mad at You: (God Loves You)
God Isn't Mad at You: (God Loves You)
God Isn't Mad at You: (God Loves You)
Ebook131 pages1 hour

God Isn't Mad at You: (God Loves You)

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The Bible says in Jeremiah 29:13: You will seek Me and find Me when you seek Me with all your heart. This is such a simple invitation to a relationship that will only bring life and peace into ones life. However, too many times today we find people seeking after men or women instead of the One who can supply their every need. It is good to listen to good teaching from Gods Word but in the end, it is we who must decide for ourselves about our lives. Any other way will certainly lead us in a path away from God. He wants a personal relationship with each and every one of us. He wants to bless and deliver us from situations which are pulling us down. He wants to pick us up when we fall and restore us into a right relationship with Him. He is the God Who is more than able to supply all that we could ever ask for or desire. It is His purpose for us to realize the love He has for us above all else. Many of the things which come into our lives are of our own doing and have nothing to do with God. It is our poor choices or a wrong path that we have taken which leads us into situations which it seems that there is no deliverance from. But God is the God Who is bigger than any situation and He is more powerful than any bad choice that we have made. The only requirement is for us to trust Him and surrender all to Him. In 1 Peter 5:7 it reads: casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.
I heard someone say once I dont know what the future holds, but I know Who holds the future. We can rest in the promises of God and learn of Him and we will have success even when it seems an impossibility for a situation to turn around. So when we seek Him, we can claim the promise in Jeremiah 29:11-13: For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.
Then you will call upon Me and go and pray to Me, and I will listen to you.
And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart.
So lets believe in a Father whose grace will carry us through any obstacle and lets believe in a Saviour Who wants to perform miracles the same way He did when He walked this earth. He is as near as the mention of His Name, Jesus.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateOct 22, 2008
God Isn't Mad at You: (God Loves You)

Georgina Packer

Georgina Packer is an author who has spoken at numerous meetings and conventions. She has also appeared on 100 Huntley Street as a guest. She has traveled as an evangelist and now is settled in Elliot Lake in Ontario, Canada. She is married with grown children. She has authored two other books. “No Weapon Formed Against You Shall Prosper” which tells some of her testimony and how God has delivered her and “So Shadows From Heaven” which explains in scripture how important it is to leave the past behind. These books can be found on

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    God Isn't Mad at You - Georgina Packer


    In writing this book, I pray that those who read it will realize that the most important goal is knowing Him.

    The Bible says in Jeremiah 29:13:

    "You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all

    your heart."

    What does it mean to seek God with all of our hearts? I believe it means to include Him in everything we do. It means to get to know Him. If we do something in the world with all of our hearts, we are committed to that task. Yet, here it means to be committed to a Person, namely Jesus Christ. If we are committed to Him then we must know Him. We wouldn’t commit ourselves to anyone that we did not know. When we receive Jesus as Saviour, we are just embarking on a road to intimacy with Him. It is like falling in love. As we get to know someone then our trust level rises. This is the way it is with our Saviour. Many Christians today say they know Him and yet they have a hard time trusting Him when times get tough.

    Jesus said in John 16:33:

    In the world you will have trouble, but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.

    What did Jesus mean when He said He had overcome the world? He meant that nothing in this life is greater than His love and promises to us.

    In 1 John 4:4 it reads:

    Greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world.

    Jesus does not lie. When He says something, you know that it is a fact. All we have to do is to believe.

    There is a scripture found in Romans 10:11 that reads like this:

    As the scripture says, everyone who trusts in Him will never be put to shame.

    What a promise . . . . We can depend on Him to remove not only our sin, but the shame of it. We can depend on Him to keep us and deliver us through every trial if we just trust Him.

    In other words, we cast our cares on Him and believe that He is able to deliver us out of them. Therefore, trusting in God is really believing in His word. Most people only go to Him after searching out every avenue to deliver themselves out of problems. When things get out of hand, then they turn to God. By this time, what seemed like a possibility suddenly looks like an impossibility. This is when we look to God for a miracle. In other words, deliverance from a seemingly impossible situation comes from the hand of God. But how can we expect a miracle when we see Him as someone who possibly might be allowing all these things into our lives? I would suggest that after reading this book, you will see God in a different light than you have ever seen Him before. I also suggest that your life will begin to blossom the way He intended it to. In other words, you haven’t seen anything yet.



    What did Jesus really accomplish at the cross? He accomplished, forgiveness for us, emotional and physical healing, but most of all, He brought us back into a relationship with Him where intimacy was again restored. He took our shame and He defeated Satan and He restored us back to where God had intended for us to be in the first place. Where was that? It was for us as people of God to take our place as representatives of Heaven on earth. In other words, we take our proper place in the earth that Satan stole from us. We realize that we are priests and kings who have been given authority to overcome here and now.

    In Genesis, God gave man authority over all that was in the earth. He told Adam and Eve to rule and subdue the earth and multiply so that God’s Kingdom would be here on earth as it is in Heaven. You see, Adam and Eve, by their disobedience, gave away their authority to Satan and he took the place that was prepared for man alone. In other words, Satan now had the authority that God had given man. When Jesus came, He took back from Satan all that he stole and gave the authority back to man. When we accept Jesus as Saviour, we then become citizens of Heaven with all the backing of the Kingdom. We have all of it’s benefits which are given in the Bible. We have the victory because Jesus purchased it on Calvary. How far as a Church we have fallen from the great commission that Jesus gave to us. He said to make disciples and to proclaim the Good News to a lost generation which encompassed hundreds of years. He said to preach the Kingdom of God and teach people how to appropriate the benefits for one reason only. It was so that the Kingdom could spread all over the world.

    Jesus came so that we might again be introduced back to our Father from whence we came. He came so that we might see that God loves us so much that He gave His best, His Son. What are we doing with the sacrifice that Jesus made? Are we living a life where people of the world want to have it too or are we so in tune with the world that when people look at us in the Church, they see the world. Remember in Exodus what happened when God delivered His people the Israelites from Egypt? He took them out in power and majesty and supplied their every need. Yet. God found out that it was easier to take the people out of Egypt than it was to take Egypt out of the people. So it is with many in the Church today. It is easier to take people out of the world than to take the world out of the people. Jesus said that we would be the light of the world. The world is a very dark place concerning the things of God. It is a place of violence and hatred and God desired His people to change the negative into a positive of love. God is love and His Kingdom is made up of love. Even the angels bow down and worship Him constantly as an act of reverence and love. His presence causes all of Heaven to rejoice and joy fills the heart of God when He sees one person who turns to Him. How can we resist so great a love that desires for us to be blessed even though we have walked in rebellion and spurned His advances towards us. When we see Him as anything but love; it is the greatest rejection for there could be no other act than the giving of His Son to take our place of punishment.

    Since in this book, we are writing about the character of God; it would seem that we should examine why God would send Jesus to die for us. Why would He do it except for love? Why would He even bother when the world seemed to be far from Him and sometimes quite happy solving their own problems? It was because He knows the heart of man and He realizes that all their life they are searching for Him no matter what it seems like. They are seeking for power to change things in this world and in their own lives. Why? Because deep down inside every human being, there is a desire to return to Eden. It is fear of the unknown which causes some to turn their backs on God. It is a fear of losing control. Too many times we in the Church do not give the right impression to cause people to want what we have. How can this be when we say it is our desire to see people come to salvation?

    Jesus said If I be lifted up, I will draw all men to me. (John 12:32) Too many times we are lifting up our traditions and doctrines instead of lifting up the only One who can make a difference in someone’s life. Too many times we forget that Jesus not only preached salvation but the Kingdom of God.

    In Isaiah 52:7, it speaks of the good news of the Kingdom of God. How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, Your God reigns. So many times in the Bible it refers to the Good News. What is the good news? It is that the Kingdom of God is here and that it was again introduced into the world at Pentecost. People need to hear that they can be over comers when they accept the fact that they are now already in the Kingdom of God as it says in Colossians 1:13-14.

    He has delivered us from the power of darkness and conveyed us into the Kingdom of the Son of His love, 14. In whom we have redemption through His blood; even the forgiveness of sins

    We already, as born again children of God, are living in the Kingdom because of the Holy Spirit’s presence in the world. We, in turn, must share the Kingdom of God with others. It is God’s desire to establish His Kingdom on earth just as it says in the Lord’s Prayer. Too many times we tell people that Jesus came to set them free and then we load them down with rules and regulations.

    When the Word of God is preached concerning the Kingdom, many will

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