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Arcani Libellus Vmbra
Arcani Libellus Vmbra
Arcani Libellus Vmbra
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Arcani Libellus Vmbra

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PublisherXlibris US
Release dateSep 12, 2008
Arcani Libellus Vmbra

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    Book preview

    Arcani Libellus Vmbra - Antuan Miranda

    Arcani  Libellus  Vmbra


    APVD Tenebrae Rex

    Rectum quod spes es validus pugnaculum

    FROM the house of the prince of shadows

    The virtue and hope are a strong fortress

    M C M X C I X a.D.

    In all the things, ask and counsel with our Lord God Almighty;

    and do not thou think, speak, or do anything,

    wherein God is not thy counselor.

    Volume One

    Antuan Miranda

    Copyright © 2008 by Antuan Miranda.

    Library of Congress Control Number:   2008906823

    ISBN:   Hardcover   978-1-4363-5975-7

       Softcover   978-1-4363-5974-0

    ISBN:   ebook   978-1-4691-0776-9

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted

    in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the

    product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance

    to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    This book was printed in the United States of America.

    To order additional copies of this book, contact:

    Xlibris Corporation




    Author Note   


    The Beast   

    The Blood   

    The Backbone of the Devil   

    *     *

    I dedicated this book to my Dad, Felix de Valois Miranda, my Mom, Mercedes Ruiz, my Sister, Lizabeth Miranda, and my Grandmother, Gladys Cabrera who gave me the courage to write this wonderful book.

    *     *     *

    Author Note   

    It seems that the very meaning word Shadow strike a hidden secret-the love of mystery-in the hearts of many when they first look upon the strange and beautiful passages of the mystic books. The complex and sometimes obscure characters on the same subject have acted most as a barrier rather than a help to people who are attracted to them. But to understand these ancient mysteries of magic, symbols, and paraphrases it is very important to understand the true meaning of each word that constantly recur to an abyss.

    I have therefore tried in this book to present the ancient Lord of Darkness, Lucifer in a form that the beginning reader can analyze him. I have carefully extracted the original, basic meanings of his evil act from a number of authentic sources and stressing documentations in which those acts have persisted beneath the many guises of witchcraft who have assumed throughout the centuries. But remember, there is much to be learned from even an introductory note of this mystical book. And it is my hope that people will find this book a convenient path into an endlessly exciting and rewarding realm between good and evil.

    God blessed you all, forever!

    Antuan Miranda

    *     *     *


    In the beginning, after the great war between Heaven and Hell, God created the Earth and give dominion over it to the crafty ape he called man. And to each generation was born an angel of light and an angel of darkness, and great battles clashed by night in the ancient war between good and evil. There was magic, nobility, and unimaginable cruelty. Until the day that the Son of God was exposed over the earth and the man traded away his wonder… for the reason.

    *     *     *


    Many years ago, in a distant land, called Fantasia; City of the Living Souls, and Crown Jewel of the Queen Harmonia whose beauty was like sunrise in a clear sky was attacked by a fearsome prince named Lucifer who brought destruction and false promises upon the ancient world.

    After, seven long years, the prince and his army of Shadow-Monsters defeated the city. And captured the queen; Lucifer drives deep inside the treasure room and found a powerful book that contained an evil spirit. Counseled by his personal sorcerer he opened it and trapped all the souls of Fantasia forever own his Wasteland.

    But not far from there, a fearless Shadow Knight selected by God himself rode the highest peak of the mountainside of the ancient kingdom to fetch a magical blade that possessed the rage of God.

    Three angels across the sky, gifted with mystical powers agreed to give him the enchanted sword with one condition to sign a contract that worth 144.000 living souls. The Knight kneels into the light of two moons, pulled up a dagger from his armor and cutting himself the palm of his right hand, he signed the contract with his own blood.

    The tablet of God has accepted to you, young warrior, said one of the angels. Would you risk your life to fight demons?

    *     *     *

    I would never turn down a fight against evil!

    That is good. But I warn you. Only one of pure heart may approach and use the power of this sword.

    My blood is noble. My heart is pure. I have nothing to fear.

    Yes, the truth you speak, said the second angel. Indeed you are the one who was destined to come here. I think you are ready for the sword of Calvary.

    The sword’s Calvary?

    Yes, the sword of God himself which can be used only by one who knows the true meaning of battle, said the third angel, who pulled up a sharp double-edged sword out of his mouth. I am the Alpha and the Omega, He continued. Who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty. Come, and take this sword, and destroy my enemies.

    The knight took the sword and said, I will promise to serve you well, my Lord.

    Now go, and fulfill your destiny.

    So the knight was sent into the World of Darkness where the sun’s setting and the moon rising to overthrow the adversities of Lucifer and destroy the Evil Book of Shadows.


    "Riding in silence into the valley of shadows, in which the light had finally ended it, and holding the keys of this misfortune, I will secure these roads."


    *     *     *

    *     *



    APVD Tenebrae Rex

    Equitatio Obvius Universitas Obscurum

    Quod Lux Terminus

    M C M X C I X a.D.


    The Beast   

    A s soon as the Shadow Knight enters into the World of Darkness, mounted on his white unicorn, he looked down into the valley which lay before him. The sky was covered by dark clouds. And his eyes like blazing fire, gazed into the deepest forest ahead.

    He is a handsome knight of thirty three years old, tall, and stately in form. The outlines of his figure were indistinct-but his features were features of a deity. His long and dark hair between his length shoulders make his face to be as beautiful as an angel but with expressionless mark.

    Dressed in iron armor wrapped up with a cloak dipped in blood he wears around his waist a precious net covered with shined human skulls; symbol of the Death; Lord of the Flame and Lightning.

    On his head is a bronze magical helmet; sign of Imagination. And over his shoulders he carried the sword of Calvary whose fury knows no equal.

    Incredibly, two wooden doors engraved by two golden

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