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Corporate Fools
Corporate Fools
Corporate Fools
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Corporate Fools

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PublisherXlibris US
Release dateApr 27, 2007
Corporate Fools

Joseph L. Piot

Joe Piot is retired after spending thirty five years deeply immersed in international business affairs. During that time, he resided in Iran, Venezuela and England while keeping a foothold at home in the U.S. For ten years of that time, he was an executive of a prominent Japanese chemical company.

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    Corporate Fools - Joseph L. Piot


    New York’s East River isn’t really a river. It’s a navigable waterway connecting the Atlantic Ocean and Long Island Sound. Possibly it’s most useful function is to separate Manhattan from Queens and Brooklyn. That morning, as might happen only a few days in a year, the fabled East was shrouded in heavy fog. From his Sutton Place apartment window, he looked down to where he knew the murky water was swirling only to be rewarded with a gauzy reflection of his own outline. He changed windows, expecting to see the early traffic inching by on Sutton Place. The muffled noises were there but the people and vehicles were bathed in the gossamer that provided an eerie calm to the frantic city. A tug blasted its identification and the generally impatient and rude hacks honked with renewed irritation. He mused the taxis expected to blow fog away as easily as they intimidated other drivers or harried pedestrians.

    Once out on the street, he realized how a foggy morning beautified the city. Looking south along the river, only dim candle-like glows indicated there were cars on the FDR Drive. Ships glided by in more silence than he recalled.

    Bags of garbage on sidewalks were almost totally disguised and the street people were huddled shadows melding into the buildings. They had not yet energized themselves enough to beg. A slight breeze sent a chill through his bones and the fog was dancing and swirling enough to insure complete penetration.

    It would be another hour before the millions of humans assaulted the fabric of the city. Motorists would curse the never filled potholes and complain about traffic impediments and cavernous excavations gaping open and unattended for months.

    The fatigued pedestrians had to cross each street praying they could escape crazed drivers and still remain upright after stumbling across the bumps and ridges of the roadbed.

    Is New York ungovernable? Who really knows, he wondered? These people may be indelibly marked with cynicism and negativism and yet they have such a high energy level that they can do anything they have a mind to do.

    He realized he’d been much too deep in thought to accomplish his mission. He’d been routed out of bed at 5:30 by an over-demanding telephone. In his sleep-sodden voice he’d answered, Jonathan Allen here.

    Mr. Allen, sorry about such an early call but I feared missing you if I waited. My name is Linda Nichols and I was given you name by our associates in London and Paris. I’m . . . .

    Recognizing a decidedly English accent, he interrupted, How may I help you, maam? It’s a bit early for the stores to open in Manhattan.

    There was a tiny guttural chuckle as Linda Nichols continued, I’m with a Mergers and Acquisitions firm in Hong Kong and we were told you are among the best persons in America to discuss our needs. I did phone your office in London and left a message and called you in New York City several times yesterday. Is it possible we could meet?

    Mmm, I have a full day ahead of me. Since I’m awake, I’ll catch an early Mass at St. Pats and we could meet for breakfast. That sound okay?

    I have a lovely flat not far from you. I could prepare an English breakfast and we’d have privacy for our discussions. Could we do that? Miz Nichols was almost begging.

    Her accent intrigued him and he said, Sure, tell me where you are and I’ll be there about seven.

    The elegant East Side apartment building on 52nd Street was bathed in a ghostly mist. Entering the outer lobby, he pressed the call button for apartment 15 E.

    In seconds, a cheery morning came through.

    Jonathan Allen—do you still wish to talk to me?

    She didn’t reply. Instead the inner security door buzzed indicating he could push through and grab the elevator to the 15th floor. The door to 15E was open. Even so, he pushed the bell and waited for Linda Nichols to admit him. She was dressed in a dark skirt and white blouse and wore sandals. Allen didn’t have time for a further assessment before she said, Thank you so very much for coming, Mr. Allen. Afraid I spent too much time getting this flat arranged instead of calling you earlier. I do have the reference letters suggesting we contact you. Would you like to see them?

    Yes, that’d be in order since I don’t know why you phoned and really have no idea why I came. Unless you have something intriguing or interesting to tell me, I’ll be on my way to get some breakfast.

    I did promise you an English breakfast and you shall have it. She radiated a smile that made him feel more comfortable—but—she did seem almost too cheerful for an early morning and a first meeting. Shall I give you a brief bio before I start the food prep?

    If you’re as hungry as I am, we could eat first, Allen said. He felt that would give time to assess her. As she started the bacon, eggs, mushrooms, toast and coffee he sat in the kitchenette watching and making mental notes.

    She had blue eyes that complimented her light brown hair. Deep dimples helped magnify the attractive smile which seemed to promise an engaging and bubbly personality. Age, he figured, late twenties to mid thirties. A cute figure, maybe 5’5 or 5’6 and weighing 120 to 130 pounds. He was fixedly staring at her and came out of his trance when she passed a plate of food before him.

    Shall we go into the dining area? I’ll bring the coffee. Would you like to enjoy your meal in silence or would you prefer I carry on. I did speak personally to each of those persons whose letters I gave you.

    You serve a great breakfast; may we enjoy it first?

    Down to a second cup of coffee, Allen moved back a bit in his chair and said, Super. Couldn’t have been better. Now, please tell me your story, Miss Nichols.

    Please call me Linda, though I should tell you that both my mother and father shared the same surname. I am English as my accent tells you. We were told you are very thorough so I’ll quickly run through my own background and then of the company I represent. I was an Intelligence agent for the British government and because of unusual circumstances I wound up in Hong Kong. It was a messy bit and after, well, after it concluded, I decided to stay in Hong Kong.

    Which agency, Linda?

    She stuttered a bit, then Why? Oh well, the MI 5. Know anything about them?

    Allen stared at her a moment, What would the MI 5 be doing in Hong Kong?

    Linda Nichols was flustered. I just knew I’d stub my toe on that. I so want to tell you everything but those years are covered by the ‘Secrets Act’. Must you have that information?

    I’ve consulted with and for British intelligence agencies and don’t understand why Five would be in Asia. I’m sorry but that’s like saying Scotland Yard is opening an office in New York City.

    Linda took a deep breath, stood for a moment and said, How can I explain this. We were called in by several governments, British and foreign, to assist in investigative work concerning gangs operating on an international basis. Drugs were the primary concern but it turned out there were many other law violations and the perpetrators were involved in an international crime cartel.

    Allen wasn’t satisfied but said, "If we determine to work together, I’ll surely need more information, even if I have to go to Westminster. The name on the letters you gave me is The Garden Company Ltd. Is there a relationship to your previous work?"

    "Mr. Allen, you do dig, don’t you? We are interested in having you work with us and I promise all the background you require. The Garden Company was set up by a Japanese firm to operate in Hong Kong; its primary function was to be Mergers and Acquisitions. The chief executive officer was and still is James Lea Linger. He’s a native of Hong Kong, therefore a British subject before July 1997. He’s generally known as Jimmy Ling and he’s comfortable in English, French and Japanese besides his native Chinese.

    When the Garden Company was formed, the Japanese owners, an undercover Yakuza organization and yet a powerful industrial and financial company, literally forced Garden to become involved in illegal shipments. International law enforcement agencies were successful in apprehending most, if not all, the culprits and Garden was permitted to continue operations as an M & A firm. Jimmy Ling is the majority owner and managing partner. I am also a partner.

    That’s quite a story, Linda. Your company was related to Niwa of Japan, right?

    Why, er yes, but how could you know, she asked.

    In my mental archive, I suppose. Now, some of those letters are from clients of mine. How do they, and you, feel I can help a company on a Chinese island?

    May I make a side comment?

    Of course. What is it?

    In London and again in Paris they told me, ‘Linda, if you want the guru of international business, you must speak to John Allen’. I expected Mr. Allen to be an elderly man with white hair and an abundance of character lines. Instead you look almost as young as me and much more fit. Also, at times you stare at me as if I’m a marble statue. What do I need to do—how can I better handle this discussion? She was jittery and beads of perspiration popped out.

    Allen laughed for the first time that morning. Carry on, as you Brits say. I’m intrigued by your story so far. Sorry, if I stared at you but know I do enjoy looking at pretty ladies. Suppose you get to the point. What sort of trouble are you in and why do you believe I may be able to help?

    I know I’ve been carrying on as if I were reading a script. Before I dig myself into a hole, I’d like to mention something else. I’ve been in New York only three days and still have that bloody jet lag. We leased this flat by telephone and when I arrived most of the furniture was piled in a single room so I’ve been shuffling things about instead of sleeping. Jimmy, that is James Linger, told me to not waste a minute before contacting you and now that I have you here I feel I’m not communicating very well.

    Allen took a deep breath, got out of his chair and said, Both of us are apprehensive. My clients usually come through office contacts. Why don’t you rest today and shake the jet lag. We can review things later.

    Oh, that would be super. It isn’t normal for me to be so nervous. Could we have dinner together? I haven’t a clue about the restaurants.

    Allen pulled out his diary. My friend is due in from Paris this afternoon or evening. I’ll take your phone number and call you this afternoon or early evening.

    Linda Nichols was calming down already. Do you have time to check out this flat? I think it was a great find, don’t you?

    He looked at his watch, then said, Sure, I have a few more minutes. The apartment was luxuriously furnished. The rooms were spacious and in good taste. The three bedrooms had carpeted floors and the kitchen was tiled. Expensive Persian carpets were tastefully spotted to adorn the Living room. Comfortable chairs, a couch and attractive end tables with superior lighting and decorative gadgets helped highlight the apartment without appearing cluttered. A lovely place. You or your decorator has excellent taste.

    "Thank you. The decorator is Mr. Linger’s grandmother. She did it all by phone. Isn’t she wonderful?

    Jonathan eased to the door, saying, I’ll phone you—. bye now.

    One of Allen’s bedrooms served double duty as a guest room but mostly his office. His answering machine registered seven calls. He made notes as he listened to each. As a consultant specializing in international business, those from London, Paris, Frankfurt, Tokyo, Osaka and Moscow paid his bills. There were also two calls from Sarah King who said on each she’d be arriving from Paris and expected him to take her to dinner.

    He attended to each business call and before fixing soup for lunch he made an investigative stop before the large hall mirror. What he saw was a fifty year old widower, 6’0" at a hundred eighty pounds. He was in reasonable physical shape with a pleasant face, except for a crooked nose. (College boxing did that.) His dark hair was thinning and gray tufts decorated the temples. He sucked in his stomach, grimaced and said almost aloud What the hell do I want to take on another client for?

    Reflecting, over soup and crackers, he was pleased Sarah was returning. She was the only lady he’d let into his life since the demise of his wife. An international lawyer, she spent as much time in Paris as in New York. He first met Sarah on the Concorde and they often dined together, especially after her jet-lagged trips from Paris. Other times they went to the theater or to Lincoln Center. She was pretty, energetic, sexy and too young for him. But—she was fun and she’d provide the needed buffer at dinner with Linda Nichols.

    Jon glanced at his watch when the phone rang; just minutes after three, he felt it would be the special lady when he said, Jonathan Allen here.

    Just cleared customs. You will take me to dinner, won’t you? I’d like to discuss a few business issues with you—and, also—oh, fooey, I just want to see you.

    Pretty lady, we have a date. Call when you get settled and we’ll fix the time and place. Talk to you later.

    Sarah phoned back two hours later, saying "I’m going to hop in the shower and take a nap. What special excitement do you plan for this evening?

    First, welcome home. There will be an English lady joining us; she represents a Hong Kong company that wishes me to represent them. You might have your antenna up to judge sincerity and those other things ‘female’ that I tend to miss. Be your intuitive self. What about time and place?

    "I won’t be in ‘business meeting form’ but say 8:15. Shall I make reservations at the Bistro?

    Fine with me. I’ll stop by for you at 8:00, with great pleasure. I’ll ask Ms. Nichols to meet us at the restaurant.

    A fine mist called for raincoat and hat, normal apparel for an autumn evening in Manhattan. Sarah lived on 57th Street between First and Second, only minutes walk from the Allen abode. The pretty lady was standing in her doorway when he stepped out of the elevator and he got a warm kiss. Her nap had genuinely refreshed her.

    Time for a drink? she asked.

    Better not, he said. It’s raining ‘n you’ll need to cover up a bit. We can walk slowly and talk on the way.

    Both were sheltered under Sarah’s umbrella and she said, I would rather have you for myself this evening. There are some things—well, Jon, we need to talk. Will you plug that into you agenda, urgently? She jabbed him in the ribs, chuckled and continued, You have started reducing your work schedule, haven’t you? You’ve promised, you know.

    Yeah, I know. He grinned. Here we are. Inside, the English lady was waiting and Jon said, Sarah King meet Linda Nichols.

    The two ladies got along famously and Jonathan was quite comfortable letting them carry the conversation. Sarah ordered a white wine spritzer while Linda asked for white wine. Allen’s usual was Chivas Regal on the rocks. The ladies ate very lightly while Jon chose veal chops. The females saved their calories for dessert while Allen had a cognac.

    Jonathan Allen never knew why ladies went to the powder room in pairs. He hoped it would be advantageous this evening.

    In the vaulted ‘hall of mirrors’ Linda had the perfect opportunity to get a personal background on Allen. Sarah answered her questions truthfully and with only a slight bias. Jon is fifty years old. He exercises regularly and works incredibly long hours. His wife died of cancer about eighteen months ago. Besides his consulting business, he serves on a half dozen or so corporate boards. He’s been promising to reduce business activities so he has more personal time. He probably isn’t wealthy but he isn’t likely to need food stamps.

    Linda listened intently to Sarah’s vignette of Jonathan and bluntly asked, Is yours a serious relationship? He seems quite fond of you.

    Sarah smiled, inhaled deeply and said, I am probably more serious than Jon. Our travel schedules are such that we don’t see each other as much as I’d like. He may well be dating other women—I’ve been reluctant to dig into that.

    The ladies returned to the table with smiles on their faces and Allen thought ‘everything must have come out all right’.

    While waiting for a check, a white haired gentleman tapped Allen on the shoulder and said, See you at the board meeting on Friday, Jon. We’ve been alerted you’ll have a unique proposal for us to consider. Sorry, hope I haven’t interrupted anything.

    Hey, Norman, nice to see you. We may have something for everyone to chew on. Take care of that lovely lady with you.

    Norm agrees that you are the one sharing lovely ladies, said Mrs. Berhman, wife of the CEO of Berhman Industries.

    Linda Nichols fidgeted in her seat. Sarah tells me you are overworked. To use her words, she said ‘you have too much on your plate’. Is it possible for me to at least discuss our operations with you?

    Why not come to my place tomorrow afternoon. I’ll set aside three or four hours. Do you feel that’s adequate time?

    That should be sufficient and tomorrow afternoon would be great. I promise to have a prepared agenda to prove I’m not as straw-headed as I seemed this morning.

    Fine, suppose we see you at 1:30 tomorrow.

    Walking to the King residence, Sarah asked if they could have that personal discussion.

    Not a good time, he told her. I need to prepare for the Friday board meeting and much of the critical information is just being made available. Could we have dinner Thursday evening and I promise to be very attentive.

    "Okay, a Thursday evening dinner in Sarah’s apartment. Just the two of us. If I get tied up till late in the office it may be Chinese or Pizza."

    No Pizza but Chinese is fine. See you about eight. He kissed her at her apartment door and left for Sutton Place.

    Linda arrived a minute after the appointed time. Wearing a gray pants suit and an off-white blouse in an American business attire, she seemed rested, poised and totally without any of Tuesday’s apprehension. Mr. Allen, where do I start? Could I spell out for you what we’ve been doing and then what we’d like to do in future.?

    Fine, and don’t feel intimidated if I make notes. Call me Jonathan or Jon if you wish. You’ll find we of the colonies are less formal than the British.

    "Super. We have a small Mergers & Acquisition firm, the Garden Company, and until recently, our involvement was primarily Hong Kong, Taiwan and South Korea. Now, American, British, German, Japanese and even Chinese companies are asking that we work with them. People from the Central Bank of China have called and suggested we visit Beijing for an evaluation of our services. Several of the major financial firms expressed interest in us though they have fully staffed offices in Hong Kong.

    Our expertise is primarily the knowledge of the Hong Kong market and we do have name recognition among the Chinese; Jimmy Ling is a favorite of theirs. There is factor that I don’t fully understand. We have been asked by three different financial institutions to supply alternative suggestions for a pending ‘deal’ and to accompany their staff in assisting in discussions.

    Since we’ve acted as a service organization to banks and financial firms, you know, the money people, we wish to explore being a principal M & A organization on our own. To do that, we realize it might be necessary to set up offices in major financial markets. So, that’s the basics I wish to discuss."

    "Do you have financial statements of Garden, asked Allen?

    Yes, here’s a copy for your review.

    Allen quickly scanned the report, and said Tell me about your organization.

    Linda Nichols was entirely comfortable as she sat back in the chair. James Rae Linger, as I mentioned, is often called Jimmy Ling and he is thee man. If we prepared an organizational chart, he’d show up as the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer. I’d be a vice president, as would Mike Maclan who is our numbers chap. There is Tim Zhang who is incredible at gathering difficult-to-find information and Jia Hang who seems to be the glue that holds us together. Our office manager is Barbara Jones and we often use Dr. Klaus Reimers, a psychiatrist, on an advisory basis. In the office we have six clerks and usually ten or twelve trainees for various functions. Just now, two are Japanese, an English lass, a Chinese middle-aged woman and eight Chinese young men.

    Allen didn’t show deep interest but asked, How do you handle a situation now, say between firms in Hong Kong and Taipei or Hong Kong and Beijing?"

    ‘Much of our search work is done via the internet. However, we also work like private detectives with our area specialists. Jimmy Ling has developed into an excellent facilitator probably because of his personality, language skills and keen insight. Only last month we were asked to assist a major Japanese bank in an acquisition attempt of Taiwan’s largest private financial institution. The brokerage companies are listed in this outline. She handed him a brochure of the proposals. Their discussions were on-going for seven months and were about to be called off. Jimmy spent three days in Japan and another two in Taipei and then suggested a group meeting ten days later in Maui, Hawaii. In Maui, we first had discussions with all parties together and then Jimmy met with each side separately. Incredibly, on the second day we had a tentative agreement and following a series of further drafts, things were wrapped up completely two days later. The principals, the lawyers and brokerage firms were euphoric and now many of those same parties are asking us to join them. Our position—Why should we?"

    Jonathan stared at her. You aren’t satisfied to be a profitable cog in their financial business?

    Linda was still calm. Yes—and no. We believe we have something unusual to offer. I mean, we have a uniqueness that cannot be matched by anyone else.

    Allen moved forward in his chair, How is that possible? You don’t possess a different mental process or a special psychic ability that overwhelms your competition, do you?

    Her face reddened and she started to stutter. Wa, wh, ee, wee, I suppose we do. Not me especially but James Linger is a mental gymnast and I’ve also been trained by psychics.

    Allen laughed heartily. "Wow, that’s wild. You and all your staff have ESP?

    Now, the lady was flustered, Of course not! However, I believe you will agree Linger has a special ability once you meet him. He’s quite a normal man in all other aspects or else he probably wouldn’t be able to carry it off—the ESP, I mean. You see, Mr. Allen, Jonathan, we’ve been solving fantastic, nearly unsolvable issues with our presence and we believe it’s time we were adequately rewarded.

    "Hmm, interesting. Let’s cut to the basics. You wish to set up offices in London and New York and where else?

    Linda was a bid giddy after what she felt was a wringing-out session. Several of the European financial centers as well. Do you feel we are being irrational?

    I can’t say that but I’d suggest you start with a single location and fine tune your activities to near perfection.

    Would you work with us if New York is the first location?

    It is intriguing. I’d like to think about it and perhaps talk to some of the people in the mergers and acquisition business as well as my banker friends. It will be the first of next week before I’m able to rehash what you’ve told me. What are your immediate plans?

    Can you offer suggestions on how I might best fill my time till you can give us your professional help—advice?

    Why not speak to those banks on your list—and call on the M & A firms you’ve been dealing with in Hong Kong. After you test the waters, you may know if a Manhattan office is something you’ll need. If so, the same property management firm you used for the apartment may be able to find appropriate space. It may be Wednesday before I can give you a ‘yes or no’ but meanwhile phone me if you feel I can be of help.

    Thank you, Jon. I’ll follow those suggestions. Is it possible for us to have dinner one evening?

    I’m overbooked at the moment but I’ll keep that in mind.

    Linda Nichols left wondering how she might guarantee getting Allen’s help. Walking back to her apartment, she vowed she’d do anything to involve Jonathan and she would not let Sarah King be an obstacle.


    Allen felt great. He was prepared for the Friday Board meeting and his clients weren’t screaming ‘help’. He avoided the Garden Company issue and was humming as he strolled to 57th Street for dinner with Sarah.

    The lovely Miss King opened the door as he reached for the bell. There was a warm embrace and she said, I’ve been anticipating this evening. I have lots on my mind. Things only you can resolve.

    Allen drew a deep breath, Hey, that doesn’t smell Chinese.

    I left early so I could prepare one of your favorites—hope you enjoy it. I also made copious query notes and maybe you should see them now so that subconscious brain of yours can prepare answers. Your usual?

    The usual, yes. Scanning the pad handed him, he whistled. My, my, what’s caused the dissension in the Paris office? And—oh no, they want you to manage it. That correct?

    That isn’t the whole story. See, I picked up a jug of Chivas for you, so take your time, enjoy your drink and I’ll fill you in.

    Aren’t you having something? Not even wine?

    Nope. I am going to be clear-headed and extremely professional while we discuss things. I was once criticized by our managing partner for ‘having a feminine attitude’.

    Really! How did you react to that?

    Unprofessionally. I said screw you, Dave.

    Allen laughed. Good answer.

    While Allen sat back and enjoyed his cocktail, Sarah reviewed issues that had been developing in the Paris office for about six months. Their legal talent was capable enough for the old line companies they served. However, divisions of those very companies and also relatively new firms wanting to branch out in the European Common Market were seeking help. Sarah was asked to prepare suggestions on how they might resolve the matter knowing they may lose their client base unless all facets of it were served. It was hinted her proposals should consider Ms. King as Managing Partner of the European offices.

    More to come, my middle aged friend. Dinner awaits us.

    Jon helped serve. The grilled lamb chops with mushrooms and served with mint jelly were scrumptious as were the French green beans and a small salad. The wine was the lady’s favorite Merlot—but she sipped on water.

    Desert? Sarah asked. I can offer a flan or vanilla ice cream."

    Flan sounds great. You having coffee?

    Coming right up, sir, she gave him a sensual smile and Jon knew the pretty lady had much more on her mind.

    Resting comfortably, Jon couldn’t help himself, That was a great meal for a ‘working girl’. Let’s hear the rest of your saga.

    Working girl is correct! Here is what I’ve proposed for our firm and it includes the central office here and those satellites in this country as well as the European offices. Please scan it now and give your comments. Then, please review it in detail later and I’d much appreciate the Jonathan Allen suggestions. You may bill the firm at your usual exorbitant rate.

    As Jon reviewed the document, furrows on his brow deepened. He shifted uncomfortably in his chair and put the papers down. So, you wish to move to Paris? That would be essential if you were to become the managing partner of the Euro offices. Or possibly, you should be in Brussels. Let me think about some of the other points and I’ll pass my thoughts to you. I’d rather not become involved on a professional basis and besides—they wish your ideas. If any of mine appeal to you, please accept and use them as your own. Okay?

    Thank you, best friend. What do you think of my moving to Paris or Brussels?

    Sarah, you are young and talented and well suited for the position. No doubt about that. Sure, I’ll miss you but you have a full life ahead and don’t, please do not let anyone or anything sway you from your goals. While saying that, he inhaled her green eyes, light brown hair and cute figure.

    Her eyes became misty but no tears. I was hopping you’d try to talk me out of leaving New York. I mean, well, what about us? Is there a chance for us to be together? Yeah, I know. You’re an old man and I’m a kid. You’ve told me that several times but I absolutely do not agree our age difference is too great. Jon started to interrupt but she cut him off. "I have a separate proposal that I will also submit and it keeps my base here. Take this one with you. Another thing! I have very personal questions to ask you. I know you have an important board meeting tomorrow so I won’t upset you. But I will tomorrow evening—you know we have theater tickets and you promised dinner after at The Russian Tea Room."

    "Okay, lovely lady. I’ll review this material and offer what I feel might be appropriate. I can’t promise anything definite on my personal life. Guess my inner thoughts are still very private. I had a wonderful marriage that ended so very tragically.

    I’m Berhman Industries tomorrow. Tomorrow evening we’ll have an enjoyable time and you can ask your questions but there’s no guarantee I’ll have answers."

    Are you seeing Linda Nichols tomorrow? she asked.

    No, she reviewed her company needs with me yesterday and I’ll consider them over the week end. I promised to give her an answer midweek.

    She ask you to dinner?

    Jon laughed, She did. I begged off. Sarah, you know I have little free time.

    She gave him a hug and a luscious kiss. Good night, Love.

    The Berhman Board members were pleased with some of Allen’s suggestions. They authorized the buyback of two hundred fifty millions dollars worth of shares since they had adequate reserves. Jon felt the stock price would get a lift from that action. Also agreed upon was the need for a department of external affairs and an advertising program explaining how their products were an integral component of so many daily used items.

    Norman Berhman was founder and chief executive of the company. Allen explained his background and lauded his ability. Then, "Norm does not have a successor in mind and that’s another reason the stock is not fairly priced. The corporate structure should be updated; most all management activities are centralized in New York while ninety percent of the business is outside the East Coast. Of that, half is overseas. Consideration should be given to

    Headquarter locations in England, France, Germany as well as an Asian city. Each should have full authority with responsibility only to the board, not somebody occupying a Manhattan desk. I’m aware this will cause a major management shuffle and some of your present staff will be very unhappy, especially those whose job description should be changed anyway."

    Many of the Board exhaled heavily when Jon stopped. What specifically should we do right now? asked Berhman’s executive vice president, Mark Watson.

    "You might solicit suggestions from your corporate staff and those reporting to ‘em. I promise you’ll get some practical ideas and valuable suggestions. The Director of Human Resources should have a handle on the more capable employees that could be or should be on a fast track. Unfortunately, such a method may stir up ill will and apprehension and your better people may feel they ought to bail out. In the long run, such a company procedure proves very costly. I believe action should be taken quickly. If you have a real talent for the top job now, then a series of changes could be made immediately.

    Alternately, begin an outside search for Norm’s eventual successor. When you find the right man, or woman, that person must make wholesale management changes rather urgently.

    Also, consider the use of a management consulting firm, one who operates wherever Berhman Industries does. That may be the best option."

    Leif Johansen, a board member and one of Allen’s clients spoke, Jon, you said man or woman to succeed Norm. Ya think a woman could run this massive international company, diverse as it is?

    I don’t believe the job is gender related, Leif. Do you?

    Absolutely not. I just wanted to clear up the matter for the board. Does Jonathan Allen know an able female for the job?

    None that I’d put in contention, Jon laughed.

    The Board’s resolution was for Mr. Berhman to appoint a management committee whose task would be to propose how best to proceed.

    As the meeting broke up, Norm asked Allen if he’d stop in his office. With the door closed, Berhman said, You don’t have much faith in that last resolution, do you?

    It will be a ‘time-killing’ farce, Norm. You need outside help. You require people to dig into the bowels of this company. You want someone to help improve efficiency and strengthen profitability, someone to develop a long range plan and at least a five year road map rather quickly. Many of your top managers are working their butts off but accomplishing little.

    "Will you take on the job, Jon?

    Norm, I’m covered up. I will help you point a reorganization program in the right direction whomever is chosen to do the study. Please—you must be demanding. I’ve prepared a list of items you should consider in directing the management team. I’ll bet money, marbles or chalk Mark Watson will be in your office this afternoon asking that you appoint him director of the whole study. Norm, you know Mark sits on his ass all day just waiting for the proper time to brown nose you. He’s not the guy. And, he isn’t the man who should be talking to the press and the brokerage firms in the future.

    I guess I agree with you. He’s been a long time personal friend and I just couldn’t put someone in his place even when I knew he was a light weight. I will follow your direction. You have a favorite consulting firm?

    No, and if I did, I probably wouldn’t tell you. Have your Human Resource gal set up meetings with those who operate worldwide. Soon! If you wish, I’ll sit in on the interviews as should you and Mark and other top managers. If any Europeans and Asians are in town while the meetings are going on they should be included. Have I shaken you up enough for today, Norm?

    You have—thank you for it. I’ll personally be in touch on the interviews. I’d gladly hand you my job, you know that.

    Allen rose to leave. Norm, I don’t want your job. I will help you solve some of the organizational needs and assist in providing future goals. Call me when you’re ready to move.

    Grabbing a cab to Sutton Place, Allen felt weary. He realized he’d extended himself and needed a rest. Many of the people in Berhman Industries irritated him. They leaned on Norman and he was foolish enough to accept less than their best.

    Linda Nichols and the Garden Company excited him but he had no time. He was a poorer manager of his own time than Norm Berhman; he needed help, yet feared handing off any responsibility.

    On opening his apartment door, Jon could hear the answering machine. He mentally uttered the hell with it. After a long shower, he sat and watched traffic on the East River. He reviewed Sarah’s written proposals and the ‘personal’ discussion she’d asked for. For several hours, he sat in a near coma. A noisy tug blasted him awake and he felt great. He had suggestions for Ms. King and maybe some specific answers.

    Sarah King’s apartment door was ajar. Jon tapped lightly and Sarah called out Come in, Jon. I’ll be right out. Stepping from the bathroom, Sarah greeted him with a hug. He whistled!

    Going that way? You’ll get a bushel full of whistles!

    "Don’t you wish? I’m running late because of your friend. Linda had me on the phone for half an hour. She’s been talking to brokerage firms, a bank and would also like to discuss our firm representing Garden. She’s a bright girl, isn’t she?"

    Don’t know, kiddo. Tonight, it’s you and me.

    The musical was ideal therapy for two stressed out people. The late dinner topped off a marvelous evening. Sarah, typical of Manhattan’s professional women, had walking shoes in her voluminous bag so she and Jon decided to hike back to East 57th Street.

    "It’s late, Sarah. Shall we postpone talking about your Ley International till tomorrow? Come to my place for lunch and we’d have the rest of the day."

    I’d like that. Can I ask those personal questions now? I promise not to get belligerent. Want something to drink?

    I’ll get a glass of water. Can I get you something, asked Jon?

    Water’s fine. Give me a few minutes to get out of the party clothes.

    Sarah was back in minutes, in pajamas and robe. "Jon, I am anxious to hear your thoughts on Ley Partners but my personal life is more important right now. Do you understand that I seem to be thinking about you much of the time, even when I should be totally engrossed in business? In a meeting in Paris last week I had difficulty understanding one of the men from Algeria. Some of the words he used were completely foreign to me and I started daydreaming. I saw you in one of the chairs and you were mouthing everything he said so that I understood him perfectly. During the day I’m busy and can handle it. Nights are hell. Most of the time I have dinner sent to my room and I place a chair across from mine and talk to Jonathan. Am I going bonkers or what?"

    Allen started a reply but was rebuffed. I’m not finished yet. Linda asked me twice if you were dating other women. Are you? Hold on, there’s more, best friend. She’s interested in you and, and possibly in jest, she asked if I would mind if she got a ‘piece of you’. When guys in Paris suggest dinner, I fend them off. They know how I feel about you. Larry said last week I should know you were screwing half a dozen different women in New York City, that you only dated me to have a pretty chick on your arm. Sarah settled deeply into the couch and said, I could use a brandy.

    Jonathan moved quietly, poured the lady a brandy and stood in front of her. I haven’t been seeing another woman much less six of them. Maybe I should, he snickered almost silently. Sarah, you are the only lady in my life. You are very special to me and I wish I could tell you something to ease the irritation I seem to cause. I understand you’d like to be married. There are . . . .

    Not just get married, I believe I want to marry you!

    Yeah, I understand. I don’t want to make a mistake. I can’t say I don’t love you but because I hold you in such high esteem I hesitate doing anything that might hurt you in the long run. Besides, I’m too old for you.

    We can disagree on that. Without some direction in my, rather our personal lives, I don’t see how I can make a business decision. Best we adjourn till morrow. You don’t want to go home, do you? She bent down to give him a kiss. He stayed the night.

    Jon had soup and sandwiches ready when Sarah arrived for their Saturday discussions. What would you like to drink? Tea, coffee, Coke? We can review your reports as we brunch. Okay?

    Sarah chose iced tea and said, "Let’s hear what the guru has to offer.

    Allen covered each issue in Ms. King’s proposals, agreeing with many. On others he offered alternative suggestions. The dominant theme for her and for Ley Partners was to have fully authorized management in each central office, responsible to headquarters.

    "Which is the very

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