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Messages for Today and Tomorrow
Messages for Today and Tomorrow
Messages for Today and Tomorrow
Ebook195 pages3 hours

Messages for Today and Tomorrow

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About this ebook

MESSAGES for Today and Tomorrow, including Samuels Story of Jesus, was received from spirit guides, starting in 1999 and continues even today. The messages were provided as learning guides, applicable in numerous situations one may encounter on lifes pathway of acquiring spiritual knowledge. Instructions were stressed repeatedly to share with others the purpose of life, the thought process of decision-making, the effects one persons thoughts have upon another and the universe, the inter-relationship of souls, the acquiring of knowledge through experiences with other souls, soul growth, and the possible decisions of individuals and nations of today will influence what will be tomorrow.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateMar 31, 2009
Messages for Today and Tomorrow

William F. Snyder

William F. Snyder is a retired secondary theatre director and classroom teacher. His spiritual journey, in this lifetime, began when introduced to Transcendental Meditation in the early 1970’s. The Edgar Cayce publications and a myriad of published manuscripts soon followed with untold insights into the spiritual world. Group meditations provided him with spiritual discussions and an open mind to various possibilities of nature, life-after-death, and soul journeys. Listening, as others would channel and provide their messages, continued his growth. Since the late 1990’s, spiritual guides have provided him with a multitude of thoughts and messages.

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    Messages for Today and Tomorrow - William F. Snyder

    Copyright © 2008 by William F. Snyder.

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    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six




    Spirit guides provided numerous messages formulating this manuscript. The messages are unedited, channeled material, which may demand some thought from the reader. The following message provides an example and insight into communing with the spirit world.

    "The answers to the mysteries of life are all around every person on the planet Earth. One must stop, listen, and permit them to enter into your plane of thinking. Down through the centuries one has been provided the opportunities of discovery, providing advancement of civilization and growth in knowledge. As the call is heard, one need only apply the rudiments of the threads of that particular bit of advice and proceed.

    From the beginning of time, man has received messages and has communicated them to others. This sense of well being, such an individual displays, is the direct result of knowing the material is concurrent with the society surrounding that particular person. Moments of time are lost when failure to communicate such messages supplants the waywardness and lack of direction and knowingness. The reality of life’s lessons is based upon the foundation of numerous means of instruction. One must approach each with an open mind, knowing the faults and attributes of each and the resultant affects they will place upon the usage within their sphere of influence.

    Beware of falsehoods found untested through time. Even though they are shared in good faith, the message may be blurred and unknowingly applied in a definitive manner. Search your experiences for the test of worthiness before application of any suggested matter. In this way, your steadfast journey will continue in the positive mode necessary for successful goal attainment.

    Believe in positive benefits, rejecting those harmful elements associated with a fast cure-all. Know you will benefit from decisions, when you search out the possible faults found within self-benefiting or oriented goals. Keep the faith."


    Inspiration came from within as thoughts and messages were received from Masters and spirit guides beginning in 1999. Sitting at my desk writing, and later typing on the computer, thoughts would come into my mind from The Source of All Knowledge, Jesus, John, Abel, Samuel, Joseph, and others. From the insights provided, we have an everyday inspirational outlook on life with an understanding of soul relationships. Messages included topics of truth, love, awareness, responsibility, transitions, salvation, and responsibility. Thankfulness fills my entire being for every word shared from my spirit guides.

    The decision to publish the material was reached by listening to close friends discussing the material after listening and reading segments of messages. My heartfelt thanks are extended to the light-workers meeting weekly and sharing spiritually. I am especially grateful to Vikki Anderson, an excellent editor and proofreader and Elizabeth Finelli, and Joanne Limrick for their excellent suggestions and intercessions. Proofreading and many suggestions were gratefully received as many minds and hands were involved in this process.


    The secret in composing material for others is not really a secret at all. One must listen to the small still voice whispering within your mind. The thoughts and messages I received in this manner started in 1999 and continue to this day. Several years ago, after receiving many messages from my spirit guides I asked, Why? and received this reply.

    "You have started on the correct path of sharing your messages with others because time is of essence. There are many awaiting your words of guidance and fulfillment. They are entitled a truer meaning of their own thoughts, concerning ‘souldom’ and all the ramifications surrounding the very meaning of the universal knowledge that we all seek.

    Now listen. It has been too long. As every soul encounters others in this Earthly life, one knows intuitively the nature of the encounter. Not to indicate it comes to one in print or a triumphant sound from within, but a knowingness that pervades the very soul.

    Patterns are developed that shape the day’s activities. When the pattern is changed or altered, many events are created by the reactions of those who are touched by the movement away from the norm. Spiritual-ness enters the sequential occurrences within each soul as their reactive nature relates to unfolding events. Thoughts, energy, and the very essences of being, create a definite happening that influence the life of each soul. We are all one, and the relationships build upon one another for the betterment of each soul."

    Only you can be the judge of what is right for you. Listen to others input, weigh the words and ideas shared with you, and place them upon the decision block. Arrange them into a righteous theme so that they will do no harm to others, and then share them with those who will incorporate them into their own lives.

    Chapter One

    Introduction to Samuel’s Story of Jesus:

    Who was Samuel? God sent Samuel as a companion for Jesus during the days of sharing His Word. He was with Him for several reasons. First, for protection while Jesus slept, for there were those who would do Him harm if the occasion would arise. One requires another for companionship when the day closes, a time for sharing thoughts, a clearing of the mind and partaking of sustenance.

    Samuel was a wanderer with no particular place to call home. He would work for a few days and then move on without any destination in mind. When he heard of the man called Jesus, preaching in the small villages, he wanted to learn more about Him and hear His words of wisdom. This is how he came upon Jesus on that first day, when he became spellbound by His sight and listened to every word coming from His mouth. When His glance fell upon him, Samuel knew deep within that he would follow and stay with Him

    Read the following message from the Masters, dated April 10, 2006 for more insight into why this material is now in your hands.

    "Good Evening. Jesus was a human being while he walked the pathways of Earth. He was born as other humans and was raised as other children were raised, in the land now known as Israel. His mother and father were excellent parents, raising Him as they raised their other children, two daughters, and another son. Jesus’ childhood was no different, in fact very similar as the children of the various small towns where the family lived. Then they would move to another area for fear of the Romans and of the religious zealots of His day.

    When He was twelve years old, His parents traveled to Jerusalem for taxation purposes. While there, He went into the synagogue and listen to the elders talking. Soon He was involved in the discussions, offering His thoughts on the various topics that were being brought before the group. When His parents finally found Him there with the elders, they were astonished. The words coming from His mouth were those of a learned man with many years of schooling, not a youth of twelve. They then decided it was time for Him to be taught by the Essenes.

    The Essenes lived to the north. After many days of traveling, they arrived in the small town where schools taught the knowledge of the forgotten. He was introduced to the teachers and lodging was provided. His parents departed, knowing He was no longer under their care. The Masters were now His caretakers, as well as the teachers of truth, the Holy Ways, and the pathway of life. He learned His destiny through daily prayers and the teachings of the Masters. His communion with God provided the knowingness of His purpose.

    Soon, He walked among and with the people, teaching and healing those who believed. He performed miracles as proof of His Godliness. Yes, this man called Jesus was truly the Son of God now living and sharing His life, so that others who encountered Him might spread His message throughout the land.

    Filled with the Holy Ghost, Jesus began His journey preaching through the countryside to small and large groups who would gather just outside of the small towns. This provided a safe haven for Him and those who followed with Him. Eyes were watchful for His safety until the time would arrive for His departure and return to His Father in Heaven. The religious leaders were fearful of His words, His preaching. Many questions were raised about this man who some say was the coming King. They failed to understand His true mission."

    The sun was slowly fading in the West and shadows were falling back and forth across the wind blown field, when I saw Him walking down the dusty path toward the crowd gathered at the far end. He walked as if miles had passed beneath His feet that day. His cloth robe was pulled around His body with a well-worn ribbon of cloth, which had been used for many purposes. Shoulder length hair was in need of washing for it had been many days blown by the wind and little rain had fallen as usual that time of year few drops would fall from the sky.

    I stood for a better look at the Man who was now passing through the throng of onlookers. For a moment, I lost track of Him and then discovered He had knelt down beside a small child, picked him up, and placed him upon His shoulders with the two young legs dangling on each side. The boy was beaming with joy as he was carried along across the field to the other side. The crowd followed for they wanted to hear Him talk again about the good things in life and how they may be fortunate enough to inherit the Kingdom of Heaven.

    Moving along with the others, I soon found myself beside Him as he lifted the small boy to the ground. The boy then ran into his mother’s arms for protection. He had been elated as he rode upon the shoulders of the Man everyone was talking about. However, when he was set free following the ride, the only person who could comfort him now was his mother. She was elated by the encounter by the Man, for He touched her son, and He had even carried her son to safety. Her eyes were fastened on His face as the boy raced to her and then into her open arms.

    I marveled at the ease with which He moved after the long journey of the day. He had walked all the way from Jericho, yet now within a few minutes His countenance had changed, once He had just a few minutes of rest. I must move closer I thought for I wanted to reach out and touch Him, feel His strength and love that flowed from Him in abundance. Everyone around me appeared to be in the same state of mind as He turned and looked seemly at everyone, as if they were all friends. Yes, after hearing of His marvelous feats, this was man, for whom I had searched this past year.

    The day was ending. After a few words with those around Him, we knew He wanted solitude and began to withdraw from His presence. I watched as the others broke into small groups and started to walk back to nearby homes, planning to see Him once again in the morning. I found a small mound of earth with stocks of grain piled upon it and decided to stay near by Him. I could not leave Him now that I had found Him. I wanted to hear Him speak and to see everything others had attributed to Him in the short time of His stay.

    My entire being at once became enmeshed with His, as His glance said, Stay, we shall talk. My heart felt like it would burst when I heard His voice for the first time, or did I? Did He speak, or did I imagine His words falling upon my ears? I wanted to speak yet my lips would not move. My eyes were riveted upon His face as He turned and then did speak. You have been looking for me for such a long time. After a brief moment, he spoke again. We will spend some time together, you and I.

    From that time on, I knew I could not leave His side. Soon we were alone at the edge of the field. He told me to rest while He talked with His Father and moved away into the group of trees nearby. As He walked away, I wanted to follow but was held back by a strange knowledge that he wanted to be alone.

    I moved over to the small pile of plant stocks and placed my head on them thinking He would return soon. My whole body seemed alive like it had never been before. Some call Him Master, while others call Him Jesus. Then I fell asleep knowing He had said, We shall talk. I could not wait knowing I would soon hear His voice again and see the love in His eyes.

    The early morning light broke through the cloudy sky creating a mist along the edge of the field and the line of trees He walked into the night before. A slight breeze stirred the tops of the plants scattered across the field of wheat moving back and forth in the misty light. As I awoke from my slumber with my neck feeling as if someone had stepped on it, I glanced around attempting to see Him.

    At first, the trees covered His presence. Then I realized He knelt in prayer just beyond trunks of trees, reaching His hands to the Heavens and calling on the Lord. I crept closer so I could hear His words. I wanted to listen to His voice and know the thoughts He expressed as He communed with the Lord.

    The prayer was not for Him but for those who followed Him and came to see Him as He journeyed throughout the countryside. His thoughts and prayers were for others. He suddenly turned when I approached knowing I was there. He said, Samuel, will you follow me as I travel teaching those who will listen to the Word? Your companionship will surely provide comfort to those who wish to hear for they need everyday food and shelter.

    His words burned into my being. Jesus asking me to be with Him was as if my entire life became fulfilled in a moment. Yes, for without you I am nothing, I replied. My prayers were answered that morning as we sat and talked until the noonday hour.

    This man Jesus holds the attention of groups of people, large and small in the small towns and larger gatherings wherever He travels. The rich and the poor, and the sick and the healthy hear His words, each in their own way. Each time He begins to speak a silence falls over the crowd as they listen to His words. They appear to be listening to His ideas expressed, as one would eat food for sustenance. They are receiving strength from the spoken words deep into their beings. It gives me great joy knowing I am with Him, listening also to the spoken word. Each statement provides several possible interpretations in daily acts and living. He is truly a man of God. Some even say the Son of God.

    I am amazed by

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