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Ever wonder what you would do if you were struck down, knocked unconscious and when you awoke, discovered you had no recollection of your past life? Your name, family, occupation, as well as your entire past appear wiped out.

Alone and befuddled you have no clues as to who you are and all you have in your pocket is a crumpled ten dollar bill. Eventually strangers come along and give you a ride. They take you into their world with their friends and then onto another state to a construction job site where they are scheduled to work.

What about the family, friends, and job you left behind? Their lives are entangled with the police and their frustrations are immense. Your past family survives and through the years they start a new family. Delusionary is the story that will lead you into this maze through the years and unfold the journey both families undertake.

This might happen to you

PublisherXlibris US
Release dateMar 27, 2008

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    Book preview

    Delusionary - Dave Bern


    Dave Bern

    Copyright © 2008 by Dave Bern.

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2007910046

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

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    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight

    Chapter Nine

    Chapter Ten

    Chapter Eleven

    Chapter Twelve

    Chapter Thirteen

    Chapter Fourteen

    Chapter Fifteen

    Chapter Sixteen

    Chapter Seventeen

    Chapter Eighteen

    Chapter Nineteen

    Chapter Twenty

    Chapter Twenty-one

    Chapter Twenty-two

    Chapter Twenty-three

    Chapter Twenty-four

    Chapter Twenty-five

    Chapter Twenty-six

    Chapter Twenty-seven

    Chapter Twenty-eight

    Chapter Twenty-nine

    Chapter Thirty

    Chapter Thirty-one

    Chapter Thirty-two

    Chapter Thirty-three

    Chapter Thirty-four

    Chapter Thirty-five

    Chapter Thirty-six

    For all my gifted grandchildren,

    Lindsay, Sarah, Zachary, Hailey,

    Hudson, Kyle, Ava, Logan and

    Cameron; along with their incredible parents

    who never forget my birthday.

    Also by Dave Bern

    Private: For Members Only: The Insider

    Private: For Members Only: The Outsider

    Private: For Members Only: The Entrepreneur

    Chapter One

    Colorado, 1970

    Leaning back in his seat, Bud Stern heard the announcement. We have reached our cruising altitude and you may now feel free to move about the cabin if necessary, but please keep your seat belt buckled while seated. We expect to arrive in Denver on time. Thank you for flying Western Airlines. He began to doze off, reflecting back on his workday in El Paso, Texas, with his sales manager from the Albuquerque office.

    Bud Stern worked for Stenson Computers in a sales capacity and was always competing with IBM for business. He joined Stenson in New Jersey in 1959 and after being promoted to branch manager in 1962, he was transferred to Denver, Colorado. Bud was a handsome, muscular man and when he took off his suit jacket, his chest and arms always bulged. When other passengers walked by his seat, they noticed his size and physique while he was sprawled out trying to sleep.

    Bud was having difficulty sleeping but he kept his eyes shut and daydreamed about his life. His wife, Gussie, was expecting him home early enough so that he could take over with their children. He looked forward to his time with his son and daughter. He was just twenty-one when he and Gussie got married and he knew their relationship had deteriorated drastically since the children were born. He missed the sexual and loving wife he married before the children were born, so he worked long hours to excel at work. He continued to avoid cheating on her and hoped her sex drive would someday return. Bud was also unhappy with Gussie’s loud and authoritative tone with the children. Jessica, his seven-year-old, was already beginning to emulate her around their youngest, Jason. Jessica was a very bright student at school, reading books two or three grades beyond her age level, and acted like ‘a little Gussie’ in her mannerisms. Jason at three and a half years old was happy to recite his ABCs, point at pictures in his books, and play games. Bud spent a lot of his time at home playing with the children and Jason was always by his side. Bud continued to doze, reflecting on how he and Gussie had married at a young age and now lived on the outskirts of Denver in a small town called Littleton. He fantasized about his fly fishing hobby and looked forward to his mountain stream trip and the chance to catch large trout on Sunday.

    The airplane touched down. Ladies and Gentlemen we’ve arrived at Stapleton about twelve minutes ahead of schedule and another aircraft is just being pushed back from our arrival gate. We will be unloading in several minutes so please remain buckled and seated until the Captain has turned off the seat belt sign. Thank you. Bud waited until they arrived and reached in the overhead compartment for his raincoat. The passenger behind his seat was reaching at the same time and he glanced at her; they smiled and Bud handed her the other coat.

    Thanks for doing that, she said and smiled. She was then pushed by another passenger into Bud and he dropped his coat. So sorry, I guess others must be in a real hurry to go nowhere.

    No problem, I still have to get a suitcase from the baggage area. He looked at his watch. We’ll still miss the five o’clock traffic by at least an hour, I hope.

    You’re right. Oh, we’re moving forward, she said.

    Bud walked ahead and left the aircraft. He was strolling toward the baggage claim area when the lady he had just helped caught up to him. Do you work at the Denver Tech Center? she asked.

    Yes, you work there also?

    I thought you looked familiar. I’m the Controller at Leenings Temporary Help Agency, she said. My name is Gerry Adams.

    Hi Gerry, my name is Bud Stern and I’m the Branch Manager for Stenson Computers. They walked down the escalator to the baggage claim area. What brought you to El Paso? he asked.

    We’re opening another office there and I wanted to be sure the Office Manager was up on our accounting requirements. My boss has been talking about replacing the computer service bureau that does our data processing with an in-house system that could be connected to our satellite offices. Is that something that would be of interest to you? she asked.

    Absolutely. We have satellite offices around the country and I would really like to have the opportunity to investigate your requirements. Let’s exchange business cards and I’ll give you a call next week. Bud reached into his front jacket pocket and handed her a card.

    Gerry opened her purse and did the same. Bud’s your name. I like that. Oh, there’s my baggage. It was nice meeting you and we’ll speak next week. Bye.

    Bud noticed how smartly she was dressed and that she had a great figure. He watched her as she picked up her luggage from the conveyor and went out the door. She saw him watching her and waved to him as she left the terminal. His thoughts kept him staring at her. Gerry is one good looking lady. She has such a pretty face and it looked like her figure was pretty hot. I’m a married man and I’d never cheat on my wife. That’s not going to stop me from fantasizing about sex with others. I must admit I have a very disappointing sex-life at home with Gussie. Every time I try to discuss the subject with her, she seems to turn me off. I guess my once-a-week-so-called romp in the hay is what I have to look forward to these days.

    Bud waited several more minutes and soon his suitcase was coming down the chute. He picked it up and walked toward the parking lot. Since he was away only two days, he knew it would be easier to park near the terminal, pay a little extra, and get home quickly. As he walked toward his car, he began to have thoughts about this new encounter. I seem to find it easy to meet people. I guess that’s why I enjoy sales so much and being a manager makes my job so much more interesting. Bud found his car, quickly threw his suitcase and briefcase into the trunk and started for home.

    Jessica heard Bud’s car in the garage and opened the door from the kitchen to the garage to wave to him as he pulled in. Gussie’s car was already inside the garage. He stopped the car and she ran to him, Daddy, Daddy, you’re home and I have so much to show you from school. She grabbed his hand as he took his briefcase and suitcase out from the trunk. Once inside, he put his cases down and looked around for Gussie and Jason.

    Where’s your mom and Jason? he asked.

    They’re in the basement since Mom’s sewing some name tags on our clothes.

    Let me go downstairs to say hello and then we’ll spend some time together. He hugged her and she hugged him back. He kissed her on the forehead and they held hands walking down the stairs. Bud bought the house several years ago and it was part of a tract built on the Westside of Denver called South Glenn in Littleton. In fact when he and Gussie had moved into the house, it was brand new and there were no homes in front of them. When the wind blew they’d have stacks of tumbleweed in their front yard. At one time they could say to others that they could see Pikes Peak from their front door. Bud had finished the basement himself by doing the ceiling, paneling the walls, and laying a linoleum floor. In bad weather, the kids played in the basement. They put all the big toys downstairs; tricycles, balls, and they had even set up a small ping-pong table. Gussie had a small room set up for her sewing since she was always mending and making clothes.

    Gussie heard his voice and called out, How was your trip home?

    No problem, whatsoever. Anything happen that I should know about? he asked as Jason came running toward him. Bud reached down, picked him up to give him a big hug and kiss.

    Nope, all has been quiet since you left. I’ll be done in five minutes and we can go upstairs. I thought that since the weather is so great, we’d light the barbeque tonight and make burgers to eat in the backyard. I know the kids would love that, said Gussie.

    Jason ran back to his toy box, Jessica went to see what her Mom was sewing, and Bud walked back upstairs to unpack. He stopped at the table by the front door and scanned the mail. After taking the mail that he thought needed his attention, he left the rest for Gussie. He paid all the bills and suggested to Gussie that she should pay them for a month or two so she would know what’s going on. She said she had no time for paperwork. Bud was earning a good salary and his quarterly sales bonus was pretty consistent. They had begun to finally save some money after the expense of moving from New Jersey. Buying a brand new home, decorating, and furnishing had taken everything they had. Six months ago, Bud got a raise and he now banked the new income every payday.

    Jessica ran up to him as he was putting his empty suitcase in the closet. Daddy, are you going fishing this weekend?

    He turned to her and said, First I’ll finish my chores tonight, then I’ll help you pack for your Saturday trip to Nanny and Poppy’s house. I’m still planning to get up real early on Sunday morning, just like I always do and take the station wagon into the mountains. Maybe I’ll catch us some trout so we’ll have a fish dinner when you come back from New Jersey.

    Daddy I don’t like fish and neither does Jason. Only you and Mommy always eat the fish. I’d like to go fishing, but you put on those funny boots to walk in the water and you fish with a feather, said Jessica.

    Remember, I’ve let you see the pictures that my friends took when we went fishing. I like to leave real early when it’s still dark out, drive up to the mountains very early in the morning while you and your brother are still sleeping. If I get there and it’s not light enough, I lay down in the back of our station wagon and sleep for a half hour. When I wake up, I put on the boots and fish in the stream for trout. Sometimes I catch them and sometimes I don’t. I like doing it; it’s my hobby, said Bud.

    Who’s going to take care of you when Mommy is gone to Nanny’s house next week? asked Jessica.

    Daddy’s a grown-up so I’ll go fishing, buy groceries, and make my meals here while you’re away. In fact next week, I’ll be traveling to Helena, Montana, and then to Salt Lake City, Utah to try and sell more computers. When you get back in one week, we’ll have a reunion party. How does that sound to you? He hugged and kissed her.

    Gussie called for Jessica and she dashed out of the room.

    Bud took off his suit and tie. He was putting on a pair of chinos and a pullover shirt when Gussie came into the room. Did you get to the bank to get me some cash for our trip tomorrow? she asked as she put away the clothes he had left on the bed.

    Bud reached into his pocket and gave her five hundred dollars and said, I’ve been home for a while and you haven’t even come over to say hello, hug me, kiss me, or just welcome me home. What are you so preoccupied with that has all of your attention?

    Oh, sorry. I needed to do some sewing and decided to put name labels on a lot of the kids’ clothing. Was your trip successful? she asked as she continued to fold clothes and sit on their bed.

    It went well but it’s the same old story; we’re continually fighting IBM for the business. Stenson Computers has a great product line but here we are in the early seventies with the best computer products; however, our name is thought of as an icon for battery-driven products, not computers. Bud sat down next to Gussie and took her hand. He turned and kissed her lightly. Just then Jason started crying so she got up to see what was happening. Once again Bud tried to initiate romance but was disrupted. Gussie didn’t return, but instead went to the kitchen to prepare dinner.

    Bud followed her into the kitchen and Gussie said, We’re all packed and my Mom called this morning to tell me that they’ll pick us up at the Newark Airport. It’s perfect timing since the kids have no school and my Dad is taking some time off to be with his grandchildren. We’ll be back next Sunday so don’t go fishing next week as you’ll need to pick us up with the wagon at Stapleton when we arrive. My Mom said she’s going to give us some quilts she made for the winter and I’ll bring them back from Jersey.

    I told you, I plan to go fishing this Sunday when you and the kids are gone. Next week is already booked by the Stenson travel guru for me to be in Helena and Salt Lake City. I’ve told you this twice. Why can’t you remember what I tell you? he asked.

    Gussie turned her back to him and just went on preparing dinner. Bud left the room, went to the garage refrigerator, took out a Coors, and walked to the backyard to light the grill. Jason was right on his trail and followed him outside. He went right to his swing set and slide. Jessica came outside also and Bud watched both of his children play with each other. He was a proud father and loved his children. I wish I had a love life of some sort. When Gussie and I first met, we couldn’t keep our hands off of each other. We always had sex when we were seeing each other; it continued during our engagement and then it slowed down. It almost stopped when Jessica was born. I’ve tried to rekindle the flame but Gussie won’t even try some new stuff. When I brought home a porn movie to show her on our eight-millimeter projector, she turned away. Oral sex was never going to happen in our household, she claimed. When I explained there’s more to sex than the missionary position, she balked at even hearing me out. I don’t think she’s ever had a climax. As an avid reader of novels when I travel, I think I need to get us into some therapy or our relationship could diminish even further. His thoughts were disrupted when his neighbor, Al Nyman, stuck his head over the fence and waved.

    Al said, Hi there, Mr. Traveling Man, are you home for a while?

    Bud walked over, shook Al’s hand, looked toward his children who were into the sandbox, and said, For a few days and then it’s off again. I’m learning that selling computers in the Rocky Mountain States is one big chore with a lot of territory to cover. How’s your job with the Bureau of Reclamation going these days?

    We’re still involved heavily with checking the cement used in several dams. We had a new machine installed that pulls the slab of concrete on both ends to determine how much pressure it will withstand before it cracks. This is critically important with the dams we build, said Al.

    One of these days, I’m going to impose on you to give me a tour. How’s the wife doing? asked Bud. Bud knew she had a partial mastectomy just a week ago and was recuperating.

    She’s a strong woman and everything appears to be going quite well. Gussie has been over several times and has been a great help to Kathy. Your wife is a good soul. You still going fishing this weekend? asked Al.

    Yep, I sure am, after the family leaves tomorrow. I’m planning on getting up early Sunday and catch me some big trout. Then I’m off to Montana and Utah for the week. The family returns next Sunday. Bud took a long drink of his beer. Then he excused himself to light the barbeque grill and Al left.

    The barbeque was a success and afterwards, Jessica helped Bud make ice cream sundaes. While they were cleaning up in the kitchen, Gussie gave Jason his bath. Jessica asked Bud, How come you’re not coming on this trip?

    I think you know that Daddy works Monday through Friday to earn money to pay for the house and other things that we need. I only get two weeks off a year for vacations and when I get that time off, I like to be selfish and spend it with just you, Jason, and Mommy, said Bud.

    I know that and Nanny and Poppy always come here to visit. I guess we need to visit them once in a while also. Will you call me, like you call Mommy, when we’re in New Jersey? she asked.

    Absolutely and I’ll call every day since I’m really going to miss you all very much, said Bud.

    Just then Jason came running into Bud’s arms and gave him a big hug. He was wearing his Bugs Bunny pajamas with feet attached. He was so cute and he talked Bud’s ear off about his activities. Gussie finally said, Jason, kiss Daddy goodnight. It’s your bedtime.

    When the kids were finally asleep, Bud and Gussie cleaned everything up and sat in their family room. Bud said, I guess next week will fly by like all weeks seem to do nowadays.

    Gussie seemed to stare at him and finally said, Please look after the house and be sure to use the leftovers I put in the freezer for you when you’re home. Can you call the airline now to be sure the flight is still leaving at eleven in the morning?

    Bud reached over for the phone extension on the table and called information and then the airline. After a brief conversation, he hung up and said, On time departure. Are you all packed?

    Everything is ready. Thanks for the cash and I have two credit cards if I require anything. Of course, Mom and Dad will be paying for almost everything as usual when we go to visit. I’d like to go to bed early, perhaps read and just relax if that’s okay with you? she asked.

    Okay, but I’d like to make love tonight since you’re going to be away for a week or so. I’m quite horny and would like that very much, said Bud.

    Let’s go to bed and after you shower, perhaps I’ll get in the mood. They got up and he turned out the lights and followed her into their bedroom. They both peeked into Jason’s room and saw that he was sound asleep. They looked in on Jessica and she was under the covers so they gently lifted the covers. She was out for the night.

    Bud took his shower, put on his pajama bottoms, and was getting ready for bed. Gussie was sound asleep with a book in her lap. He looked over at the clock and it was nine forty-five. He was disappointed in her and knew that he shouldn’t wake her up, so he went back to the family room with the intention to put on the television. Before he sat down, he straddled the floor and did as many push-ups as he could before collapsing. His overall strength was above normal as he always worked out at hotel gyms by lifting weights and jogging on treadmills. Bud was involved in athletics in high school and college. When he first met Augusta Lopatty, she was a friend of a fellow employee who fixed them up on a blind date. Bud recalls their first date when he took Gussie to a hockey game and went for coffee afterwards. When he drove her home, she seemed to be sitting very close as he drove. He stopped in front of her house and was about to walk her to the door when she turned sideways and they kissed. She pressed her body against his and he stroked her all over. Bud remembers her words, I hope we see each other again so we can get to know each other better.

    Chapter Two

    On Saturday morning, Bud woke up and discovered Gussie was already in the kitchen, dressed and having breakfast with the kids. He got up, went to the bathroom, washed up, and shaved. He put on a pair of jeans, a sweatshirt and went into the kitchen. He noticed the tea kettle was still steaming so he poured himself a cup of instant coffee and kissed Jason on his head while he ate. Then he went to Jessica; she threw her arms around his neck and they kissed. Gussie got up and went into the pantry. She smiled and gave him the box of oatmeal and said, Can I make you an English Muffin?

    Okay, that’ll be great. Do we have any orange juice? he asked.

    No, I didn’t think it would keep the week we’re gone, so we have very little in the refrigerator. She turned away and put his muffin in the toaster.

    He got up and looked in the refrigerator and it was pretty bare. He did locate some butter and jelly for the muffin. Before sitting down, he poured the hot water into the cereal bowl, stirred some sugar into his coffee, and Gussie handed him his muffin. He ate as the kids left the table and Gussie went down into the basement. He sat there alone just staring out the window. He thought to himself, we only get the Sunday Denver Post since it was a waste of money for the other six days. No one in this family ever reads it and that’s why we don’t spend the money. Now I’d like to have something to read but we don’t get any magazines either. All I can read is yesterday’s mail. I guess my real life is at work when I talk to people, make sales calls, and even meet the gal from Leenings Temporary Agency in the tech center. Why can I speak to strangers but have difficulty communicating with my own wife? Bud put down his spoon and seemed to sulk for a few minutes.

    Gussie reentered the kitchen and sat down with Bud. I’m sorry I fell asleep on you last night. I guess the kids and the trip preparation really pooped me out. I’ll make it up to you when I get back. I promise. She leaned over and lightly kissed him on his lips.

    On the way to the airport, Jason and Jessica sang songs they had heard on the radio. In fact, the songs were really product jingles since Gussie restricted them from watching television because she thought they would be improperly influenced. Once in a while, a program was allowed but she really scrutinized each show first. Gussie gave the appearance of being educated, but in reality she was quite shallow in many areas. She avoided helping the children with schoolwork and depended on Bud for his guidance. She never avoided household chores and kept a spotlessly clean home. She did not join any organizations. She had no desire for sports, and appeared happy just being a plain housewife and mother.

    At the airport, Bud drove them to the United Airline terminal and got a Skycap to take the baggage and check them in on the appropriate flight. Bud said, I’ll park the station wagon and be right in to walk you to your gate. He left.

    Gussie had the tickets and the claim checks and the three of them walked inside to wait for Bud to return. About ten minutes later, he walked over to them and Gussie said, What took you so long?

    He smiled, Honey, the parking lot is big and I had to walk back to the terminal. He turned and grabbed Jason into his arms. She got up, took Jessica’s hand and started for her gate area.

    The aircraft was at the gate and within a few minutes, the boarding began. He kissed his children then he bent down to kiss Gussie on the lips; she turned her cheek so he kissed her there. She seemed a little put out at him for taking so long after parking the car. He ignored her and waved to the kids as they boarded the airplane. He sat waiting for the aircraft to taxi to the runway and then he left for home.

    On Saturday afternoon, he ran a few errands that included dropping off and picking up the cleaning. He ran by his office to check his mail and spent two hours there. He left some notes for his secretary since he had a midmorning Monday flight to Helena. As he was getting back into his Chevelle, a strange car pulled up next to him and he saw it was the lady he had met on his flight. He stopped, got out of his car, and walked over to her. Well, we meet again. Gerry Adams, am I right? he asked.

    Right on, Mr. Stern and how are you doing? she asked.

    Doing great and getting ready for another trip. I’m going to Helena, Montana on Monday morning so I needed to do some work and pick up materials for my presentation. Then off to Salt Lake. What are you up to? he asked.

    I guess, the same thing since I’ve got a conference to attend in Las Vegas starting on Monday. I’m leaving early Monday morning so I needed some more business cards, brochures, and to check my mail. Have you had lunch? she asked.

    No, I haven’t since I got up early to take my family to the airport. They went to see my in-laws in New Jersey.

    Do you want to join me for lunch at the Hyatt Hotel in the tech center? They’ve got a great luncheon menu on the weekends. Interested? she asked.

    Why not, as I’m sure they’ve got more food there than I’ve got at home. He laughed.

    They spent the next two hours at lunch having a great time with each other. In fact, at one point, Gerry came back to the table from the dessert buffet and sat next to Bud. She put down a huge banana split and fed him some of the ice cream. They got along extremely well and had great travel stories to share. Gerry said, I’m really enjoying my time with you and I guess I should tell you, I’m married to an Army Captain who’s currently overseas. I’ve been pretty lonely for companionship these past months and this tour is for eighteen months. Tony came home on leave about four months ago and I don’t expect to see him again for about six months unless I want to visit him in Europe. He’s going to stay in the Army and he could be transferred anytime once this tour is completed.

    You seem to have a great career going so I’m sure he’ll understand you wanting to be in a company that offers you a future. I still can’t believe you work in the next building and I don’t remember ever seeing you. I’m still in somewhat of a shock that we met on the plane from El Paso, said Bud.

    Well, I guess fate does play a role in our lives. Did you say that your family has left town for a week? she asked.

    Yes, right now they’re flying to Newark to spend a week with my wife’s parents in Skillman, New Jersey. It’s a great place just on the border of Princeton, said Bud.

    Do you have any plans for this evening? asked Gerry.

    Not really. As a matter of fact, I never even gave it a thought, said Bud.

    I’ve just bought a new RCA color television set with a special antenna to receive color television programs. I haven’t hooked it up, so could I persuade you to help me connect all the wires since you’re a computer guy? she asked.

    Bud looked somewhat puzzled and seemed surprised at her request. He did not respond.

    I have a spaghetti sauce I made this morning. I’ll feed you dinner if you can be my television installer. Interested? she asked.

    Okay, I can give it a try. I’ll bring the beer. If you drink beer that is, said Bud.

    You bring the beer, Bud. Do you know where the new apartments are on Colorado Boulevard and Colfax? she asked.

    No, just give me the address and tell me when I should come over, said Bud.

    What time is convenient for you? she asked.

    I’ll get the call from my family around four, since its six o’clock in Jersey, so anytime after that is fine, said Bud.

    Gerry wrote down her home address and phone number and handed the slip of paper to Bud. Just come anytime you want. I have no plans and I’m so excited to have your company. She leaned over and took his hand and held it for about a minute.

    They got up and Bud paid for lunch. As they were walking out, Gerry seemed to be walking very close to Bud and he felt her hips touch his. Gerry looked at him with a strange smile

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