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I Love Money, but Does Money Love Me?
I Love Money, but Does Money Love Me?
I Love Money, but Does Money Love Me?
Ebook69 pages53 minutes

I Love Money, but Does Money Love Me?

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We have an onslaught of young African-Americans who have the mentality of wanting to have the nicest things that they can afford or not afford. Because of the desire for so much material things this book is written to focus on the African-American households and their financial behavior which leads them into debt.

PublisherXlibris US
Release dateJun 24, 2009
I Love Money, but Does Money Love Me?

Charles Phillips

Charles Phillips was born in 1953 and lives in the village of Stock in Essex. He went to school in Chelmsford and then joined the civil service from which he retired in 2005. Hi main interest is transport, the First World War and history in general. He has written a number of books including Great Eastern Since 1900 (Ian Allan, 1985) and 'The Story of Billericay. (History Press, 2011).

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    I Love Money, but Does Money Love Me? - Charles Phillips

    Copyright © 2009 by Charles Phillips.

    ISBN:                          Softcover                    978-1-4415-3468-2

    ISBN:                          Ebook                         978-1-4691-1603-7

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

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    MY MONEY… . HUH?









    Many African-Ameri-

    cans, along with other ethic groups, are drawn to the Atlanta area, the big apple city of the south because of its Mecca image. You have an onslaught of young African-Americans and others settling in the area due to prestigious housings, employment, and the various lifestyles that allow the freedom to consume huge quantities of material things to impress others and to bring short term satisfactions. In the long haul, they only diminish and depreciate. While Atlanta has its good points, it is also a very superficial city – for most, the real opportunities for true success are just not there and so, many are left with being concerned only with their outward appearances; such as their fashionable dress, the condition of their hair style, their cosmetic nails and facial makeup, their vacations, their perceived status, and maintaining their cars and homes.

    Although I can’t say this about everybody, there are a lot of people, especially African-Americans, who have the mentality of wanting to have the nicest things that they can afford or not afford for that matter without any regards to the consequences of their actions. Because of their way of thinking, many are led into financial bondage.

    Don’t wear yourself out trying to get rich.

    Be wise enough to control yourself.

    Proverbs 23:4

    There’s a story that goes like this, A young man decided to take his wife and boisterous mother-in-law on a vacation to Israel. Unfortunately, while there, his mother-in-law passed away and so he was left with a decision to make. He could have her body shipped back home at a cost of $5000 or he could have her buried in Jerusalem for $100. Well, he thought about it for a brief moment and decided to have her body shipped back home. You see, he had heard that some long time ago, a young man died and was buried in Jerusalem and after 3 days, rose from the dead. He felt that he just couldn’t take the chance and have his mother-in-law do the same. Faulty information and personal feelings will many times determine our actions! I believe this often happens in the way we handle our finances.

    In an illustrative and sometime humorous way, I hope to show the present state of this way of thinking that causes most, and especially, African-Americans and their households to get themselves into the trap of financial bondage. Although this type of thinking behavior is not unique in the African-American community, I will focus on this community simply because of my experience and association with this community and because I’m an African-American. However, I do want to say, financial bondage is not solely a curse among African-Americans, but a very real curse among all ethic groups.

    Just to show how serious a problem we have, let me take a moment to tell quick story of a very good African-American friend, who recently wanted to borrow $60 dollars to pay his storage fees on the things he felt to be valuable and precious. You see he lived the good life, or so he thought, until he ran out of money to pay his enormous rent – he then had to move out and live in an extended stay motel. He had no savings, although he still drove an Escalade automobile. In trying to keep up the payments on his things he was always asking to borrow money – this time $60 dollars! Would you say he was somewhat concerned with maintaining his things? I would say yes! Anyhow, back to my subject, by writing this book, I believe it will be an enlightenment to you through showing how with making radical changes in one’s attitude and relationships towards the resources in their possession, and how by using the principles and biblical teachings of God, one can come out of financial bondage and live in a life of financial freedom with real assurances.


    I want to take this time to thank the counselors and friends of the late Larry Burkett and Crown Ministries for patiently and persistently working with me to make the changes needed and giving me the track to run

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