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"I'm Sorry, Am I Annoying You?"
"I'm Sorry, Am I Annoying You?"
"I'm Sorry, Am I Annoying You?"
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"I'm Sorry, Am I Annoying You?"

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PublisherXlibris US
Release dateJan 12, 2009
"I'm Sorry, Am I Annoying You?"

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    "I'm Sorry, Am I Annoying You?" - Jai Ramoutar Jr.

    "I’M SORRY, AM I


    Ted Schreiber


    Jai Ramoutar, Jr.

    Copyright © 2008 by Ted Schreiber and Jai Ramoutar, Jr.

    ISBN:         Hardcover                               978-1-4363-4992-5

                       Softcover                                 978-1-4363-4991-8

                       Ebook                                      978-1-4691-2130-7

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in

    any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying,

    recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission

    in writing from the copyright owner.

    To order additional copies of this book, contact:

    Xlibris Corporation




    About the Authors

    The Facts About Being Annoying

    And This Book

    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter eight

    Chapter Nine

    Chapter Ten

    Chapter Eleven


    We would like to dedicate this book and /or Idea to all of those morons who purchased it. We would love to thank everyone who has helped fund the project that has proved that everyone is Annoying one time or another and everyone who thinks they are not are indeed the most Annoying of all.

    Thank you

    Annoying Enterprises (Did you really think we would sign this)



    Answer: Probably not

    Maybe your friends are really "Annoying and don’t know it.

    Answer: They know it

    Does your Family, Neighbor, significant other, pet, plant, or something in your home Annoy You?

    Answer: Probably

    Do you Really care that you probably ANNOY someone at any given Moment?

    Answer: Probably not

    Do you realize that smoking is known to cause bad breath as well as Annoy non smokers:

    Answer: Probably(This has nothing to do with anything in the book)

    These interesting questions that no one really cares to answer are some of the most sought after questions according to absolutely no one. These questions were part of a nation wide poll that no one bothered to answer.

    I’m Sorry Am I Annoying You

    This spectacular collection of actual Annoyances allows you to step outside of yourself and see exactly what the next person thinks of you.

    Most of us really don’t care what someone thinks, but for those who do, here is your opportunity to feel Annoying.

    I am sure most of the Annoyances captured here in this book, mimic some portion of your life or someone close to you. If this is the case, Then this is your chance to show that loved one just how Annoying they really are by either highlighting portions for them or by simply purchasing them a copy to study and become more Annoying than they already are or get some new "Annoying tips.

    About the Authors

    Author Biography

    Ted Schreiber spent most of his professional career in Staten Island, NY, where he met Jai Ramoutar. In the late ’80s after completing High school, at the prestigious New Dorp high School for the privileged and under developed, Ted and Jai spent most of their time Annoying every one possible. The two waited almost 20 years to join forces and create something that they believe everyone should have on their coffee tables or at least propping open their garbage can lids. This wondrous book offers an inside look at all the smaller things in life that continue to Annoy each and every one of us even after we are asleep, awake, or whatever state you are in when purchasing our book.

    Ted is now the President and CEO of one of the largest institutions in the country, or at least on his block that offers Annoying assistance to somewhat normal individuals who have absolutely no personalities.

    Jai has become one of the top earners for no one in particular or at least no one that you would know and made millions selling fake scratch off tickets to foreign exchange students.

    The two, inspired by absolutely nothing master minded I’m Sorry Am I Annoying You for no apparent reason at all other than to Annoy people in print. The adjoining website AM I ANNOYING YOU.COM is of equal importance and Annoying".

    Without offending anyone, I’d like to let you know that’s it, that’s all you need to know about the authors. They are annoyed and annoying just like the rest of you so stop wasting your time reading About the authors and get to the facts you idiots. The contents of their lives is just as boring and annoying as most of you except they were smart enough to write a book, that can continue to annoy you even after your finished. And by the way, We’d like to thank you for purchasing this awesome book and proving to the world that you are ANNOYING TOO, so annoying that you bought a book about ANNOYANCES!

    The Facts About Being Annoying

    And This Book


    Welcome to the 21st century, the most Annoying century of them all. The real question is why is it the most Annoying century? And the simple answer is BECAUSE WE ARE ALL HERE, THAT’S WHY! Think about it, we’re not gonna be around in the 22nd century and the 20th century isn’t here anymore so that leaves the 21st century to Annoy the living sh#t out of each other so what’s

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