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Black Ink: (Season Changes)
Black Ink: (Season Changes)
Black Ink: (Season Changes)
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Black Ink: (Season Changes)

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Black Ink first: this story is about a guy that finds a pen that he thinks will give him a better way of writing. The main character is James Honeycombhis writers name is Alec Pennyway. Its a thrill and takes you down different avenues. The second story Wilshire Boulevard: this story is about a that has a thing for two women. They dump him at the same time since the two years relationship he had between them. He runs into trouble after a while and he needs a lawyer. He calls his girlfriend to get him outthe girl comes to save him just in time before he get pen with a murder.

The third story Rosa Ritas Death: This story is about a girl who gets kills before her time, she hunts the people whom she thinks killed her. The forth story Seekers: this is about a Matrix that leads its seekers to stories in the pastit is set in the future. The fifth story Red chamber affect: this story is set in the future also, this story is about a man that has not age since he went into the Red Chamber. The six and last story is a love story, sort of out of its element compare to the rest of the stories. Its called April Secret (nobodys perfect) She falls for a guy after meeting him on a radio talk show.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateJun 20, 2007
Black Ink: (Season Changes)

Robert Bates III Lebaron

I was born in Fulton Al, June 2, 1963. My name is Robert Bates, III. I went to high school in Thomasville Thomasville High school. Once I finish I went to Concordia college, I graduate with an Associate degree. It is a two year college.

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    Black Ink - Robert Bates III Lebaron

    Copyright © 2007 by Robert Bates III Lebaron.

    ISBN:          Softcover                                 978-1-4257-5932-2

    ISBN:          Ebook                                      978-1-4691-2089-8

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

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    I like to give a dedication to my aunt Joyce, without her I will still be on page one of all my stories. She was an inspiration at the same time.

    I also like to give thanks to my friends who given me things to help my finish the things that I wanted to do; my friend in California, who gave me the ‘book on writings’, by Steven King, which gave me a better prospective on what to do or not to do.

    I like to thank Walter Mosley for letting me used his characters in my ‘Seekers’ story. I am a big fan and still seek to read the next story that he put in to print. I hope that I did him justice, he is a great American writer.

    Charles D. Williams, who gave me the Lexar, with out it I would still be sitting at my house trying to get on-line with my old dinosaur of a computer. Thanks Chuck.

    Hey let’s not forget my children who inspire me to wake up everyday, I love them all, they appear in the Red Chamber story, they inspire that story, I love God for given me them, and I want to spend the rest of my life watching them grow.

    God is the inspiration for most of my stories. I am always looking for that moral fiber that should exist, yet it seems as it don’t.



    James Honeycomb, a writer from New York. He has two mediocre books on the circuit. He just gave his publisher his third manuscript. His publisher is supposed to call him to see if they wants to publish this one also.

    James is sitting at a bar on the upper eastside drinking shots, he is really inside of him self… and his money is running out. Moreover, his talent has not prove it self worth yet.

    The rain has come to a drizzle, he is at the bar with a couple of almost dry people. There is a blond barfly. That seems to be out of her element. Since this is a black establishment. Two well dress brothers and one other brother who sat right beside James. He was also in a straight black suit.

    He was the only person who did not seem to be having a problem on this evening. His clothes seem drier than anyone in the place does; this made Mr. Honeycomb, think on the dry man more than anyone in the place.

    Why is this brotha all dry and shit? Maybe he got here before the rain started… however, its been raining all day. He looked at his shoes… they were shining perfect for this time of year, and he should have had at least some mud under the bottom of them. However, James could not see anything… its like he floated from his place to here.

    The black bartender broke his glance at the other patron shoes. ‘Would you like another drink,’ he asks, James? The man that set next to him responded to the bartender first. Yes, I would, and I like to get this young gentleman one also.

    What are you having fellow? He said this in a very Brooklyn accent. James Honeycomb was from New Jersey, but proud himself as a New Yorker. 39133.png He looks at the tall looking person his teeth were perfect in everyway… that was different for some of us. He smiles an amiable smile at James, he was not gay James thought, however, you never know these days. I’ll take another shot of Patron, Honeycomb said

    finally. 39135.png What is your name sir? James asks, staring at his shoes. And why are you so dry?

    Well, I am Ferguson, he omitted his first name. James looked at him for the rest of it. Oh… yeah Luther is my first name. People at work call me by my last name so much… I forget to use my first name first. He said this as the bartender put their drinks before them.

    What is it that you do Luther? James asks as he took a sip of his Patron. The guy paid the bill, and they watch the bartender go play with the blond that sat at the corner of the bar. They played jazz over the loud speakers. The speaker sounded busted in the back but nobody complain when John Coltrane horn was off key.

    I am a editor for a documentary type publisher. In the Bronx, we do docs on urban life. It is interesting. He continued, I know what you do… I read some of your work Mr. Pennyway, that is your writers name right, I seen your publication. You write ghost stories, but mostly set in the south, the tall amiable fellow stood. He wanted to stretch his long legs.

    James envies him… his height for the most part. James only stood 5'7''. He always wanted to be taller at least six feet. Yes ghost stories, one about the four little girls who were bomb in the Birmingham church in the sixties during the civil rights movement. They came back and haunted each person that was involved in that bombing. That was my first one to be publish; The last one was about two Black ladies, who watch over their descendents as they went thru life.

    I like them Both Mr. Pennyway, but the public is not that interesting in black ghosts. Unless Steven Kings at the pen.

    My name is Honeycomb, sir. He shook Ferguson’s hand after telling him his name.

    Oh yeah, he look at James for the rest of it.

    James Honeycomb, I am from Picasso New Jersey, but I live in Manhattan, until my money runs amok. They laugh at this little painful thing that all black people seem to be apart. The night continues around the two men as they walk thru each others lives, more people came in. There were two sisters who look like mother and daughter, they sat at a table in front of the two writers. More brothers came in dress in casual shirts and pants, some dress in suits, they work on Wall streets up the street. It was a lucrative crowd, more with revenue than without revenue in the place.

    As the crowd got thick, and these two talk about the next story they like to publish.

    Mr. Ferguson had been playing with a black ink pen for about half an hour. James had become curious. Was this an old family air loom or a plain old superstitious pen? He inquired so.

    Yes and no, was the response of Luther Ferguson. However, I will let you borrow it since you are having problems with your writing it might give you a boost so to speak. It’s been in my family for years. My father gave it to me a long time ago before… I left home. When he find out, I wanted to write my own stories. He told James.

    "I don’t need any token superstitious pen, James admonishes his new friend gift. Then his cell vibrated in his blazer, he answers it. It was his publisher.

    James we are not going to print this one, I’ll leave it with my secretary, you can pick it up tomorrow, I am at home, I didn’t want to leave you hanging. 39137.png James tried to speak but the other tall man on the other end had hung up his receiver. He looked at the pen that was offer to him. He felt this was the answer to his ordeal. Even thou he didn’t believe in superstitious things, he needed something to bring him out of this slump.

    This place is getting a little crowded, Ferguson said to James. He saw the look of despair on his face. He wanted to ask, was there anything wrong, but decided to ask something totally different. Would you like to get something to eat? James held his head down . . . and was still thinking about the pen. He looked at the tall man and nodded his head… he felt confuse and out of his element.

    Ferguson leads him outside. Once they were out side the music went low, to a hollow sound, the rain had started again, not to hard but enough for the two men to get in a small trot. I know this café right around the block. Ferguson said. The traffic was busy as usual for a New York’s streets at eight at night.

    There is a really pretty black waitress at this café. He said this while they jog pass people with umbrellas neither of them had one. Moreover, the mystery of Ferguson being dry baffle, Honeycomb.

    They got to the café it was shape like a train booth. The pretty lady gave them menus once they sat in their booth. What are you having Pennyway? Ferguson inquired. I am paying I know you are having a little cash flow problem. He insisted.

    Well, I am not having a cash flow problem… I can pay for my food, I just want to write stories, and the world seems to be pushing my best shit in my face.

    So, I assume that was your publisher on the cell phone a minute ago, giving you not so good news. The server came over and asked, were they… ready to order yet? Ferguson held up his hand and showed his pearly whites, she walk away with a schoolgirl look on her face.

    Ferguson is an attractive man with impeccable manners. He put a five-dollar bill in the ashtray to show her this will be her potential tip. She walked back by and saw the five. Moreover, gave a nod, saying take your time.

    I know publishers they can be dicks… that bottom line thing always raise its ugly head. He held his head up from the menu and look at James. I am a editor, so I have to do what your man did to you. I know how writers feel when they can’t sell their material.

    Man, you don’t know the angst of the whole thing, I am good but the world having accepted my shit as good . . . I… he trail of and thought about the pen Ferguson showed him earlier. And the same one he was rolling in front of him now. At least it looks the same to the naked eye. Ferguson held for the pretty black Lady she had perfect dark skin, James thought, she would make a good character in one of his books. She came over and saw the money, that was in the ashtray it had increase to ten dollars. At least to the naked eye it seem to increase to two five dollars bills is what she saw.

    Hello, we would like two cups of coffee and then we will be ready to order, we are sorry that this has taken so long, he touch her hand with the grace of a cat.

    She hurry to get the two cups other people were coming and going, but she move like a ballerina thru the thong of people.

    Hey, lets eat breakfast he suggested to Pennyway.

    Honeycomb nodded in agreement.

    Rest your mind I’ll do the honors. He used the pen to go up and down the menu, he said you’ll have steak and eggs, and I will have the same, no needing confusing the appetite. Since he wasn’t planning on eating this food, anyhow. He told the waitress what they had decided to order, she took their orders to the cook.

    He drop the pen they both went to pick it up… Pennyway got to it first, and the word precious enter his mind, he just held the pen. Then he thought he would never return this pen back to the owner. He felt possess.

    Luther smile the most gingerly smile then held out his hand, he didn’t even have his hand held high enough so that Pennyway could see it. The only thing James notice was that he was still dry by the arm of his black jacket.

    I see you like that pen Mr. James Honeycomb. Now you will fill your potential as a writer, all your dreams will come true, and your soul shall be free, no one can tell you what to do.

    James heard this but didn’t see who said this to him, he was in a maze he saw his future and it was bright, pretty girls, nice cars, a loft on the upper eastside.

    The server returns with just one plate of steaks and eggs, because there was only one person sitting at this table far as she could remember. However, she took her tip from the ashtray it was only two dollars thou and look at her benefactor… she thought him to be a cheapskate, and wander why he tip so early.

    James Honeycomb look for Mr. Ferguson, he was no where in sight he look to the bathroom area he didn’t see anything, he look to the front entry, there wasn’t anything there either.

    He grabs the pen it was still in his coat pocket on the inside. It was perfect in the way it felt in his hand and next to his heart. He could fell the ink move inside of the pen.

    The server came back after a while… he stop her to asks her had anyone come into the restaurant with him? She look at him to see was any drool coming from his mouth. Then she answers. I don’t know if someone came in with you… considering… I didn’t see you when you came in. However since… I came to take your order you have been alone. The pretty lady look at him like he was a lost boy who didn’t know where his mother went.

    He said, thank you and went back to his food, Pennyway thought it was a good choice for the night and the rain. He soon finished and wanted to go home from the restaurant. He wanted to jot down some new ideals with his new pen. He walk out of the place into the light drizzle, he didn’t feel anything… the fact that his publisher had rejected his book.

    He was in another world. A different world; A world where a Negro can win sometime… where A Negro can fall in love with a pretty woman and like a. He saw people that seem out of the world he was in, he felt sorry for them and wanted them to know what he knew, that what other people thought of you didn’t matter. I was the keeper of my destiny.

    He walked in to his apartment and he went straight to the computer, he had a new ghost story just hanging out in the back of his mind. He had to jot down this rough draft not to lose what was cooking. He wrote the death of Rosa Rita, first scene. He loved it and thought he was in love with his writing for the first time. He would go tomorrow and tell Winslow he didn’t need them to publish his books. He went to his bed and set there for a minute, he thought about what girl he wanted to make love to first. Blond, I like to be with a pretty blond, then he decided against that, it was so typical. No, I want a pretty brunet with long hair. She will be perfect in every way. He took off his clothes and lay down. He didn’t dream tonight he just fell in love with that precious pen. Sleep came quick and uninterrupted.

    He woke up to this black radio station, it was talking about a new book and the author, Alec Pennyway, James thought his book was to be pick up today, and felt the radio must be talking about some other Pennyway. He wanted to call Winslow publish company, and ask was this his book, that the radio station was speaking on, but decided against it, he would go down to the company and pick up the book personally.

    He listen intently, the Chuck D. MC. Was really putting the book on. He said it was the best book he ever read. Its call Season Changes, it had great characters and great dialogue. James ran to the shower, he almost took a shower with his boxer on. He thought that was the book he had jotted down on the computer or was that the book he turn in to the publisher. He would soon know when he get into the cab and go back down town to Winslow house.

    He got dress fast as a man could, not faster than the speed of light but pretty close. He walk down stairs and held for a cab. To his delight the cabbie actually stop. He got in to the cab. He could still hear the radio station that was putting his book on. He was happy and surprise at the same time. This was the first time he ever heard any of his books been advertised in this fashion.

    He had on his loafers and blue jeans and casual blazer, he walk out if his apartment not really knowing how to feel he was going to pick up his manuscript which was not to be publish yet he heard it on the radio. He told the cabbie to take him to Twenty-fifth street.

    The traffic was kind but it still was New York and the cab Driver drove in the New York fashion, fast and quick. He got James to his place in about ten minutes. He paid the man and thought he should be more hygiene if he is gone to drive people around in this business.

    He got out and saw two homeless people sharing a McDonald breakfast sandwich, an old man and a young woman. He tried not to think this could be him one day as he went to pick up his’ manuscript upstairs. He walk upstairs trying to calm his nerves, he didn’t want to be too anxious about what he had heard over the radio, it could be someone else the Chuck D M.C was speaking on.

    He saw the pretty black girl sitting behind the Oakwood desk, she look fine as always, she dress perfect what ever day it might be, today she had on some tight blue jeans and leather shirt. She smelled perfect.

    He stood before her ready to receive his book; yet she gave him a check, she smile the most gracious smile, and it look like she was coming from behind the desk, she must had to make some copies James thought, yet she was walking right for him.

    When she gave him a hug, something he might have always wanted but was not about to ask. He smelt her nice perfume, and the essence of her body, her hair being in corn rolls, she was a perfect looking girl. He tried to push her away to ask her why she was given him a hug. Nevertheless, he felt weak in the knees, this wasn’t sexual harassment this was sexual gratification that normal people cherish, at least normal men. She answers what he was thinking, why.

    I just wanted to feel greatness, don’t get all confuse, I read your book. I love the character Matthew he is a little crazy but he know how to turn a phase or two. She said this without any emotions, she like the way he felt thou he was a little too short for her.

    He look at the amount of the check and wish he had offered the homeless people his money in his pocket because he won’t need it, he grab the object that was inside of his blazer it was still there, he could fell the black ink pulsating thru the pen.

    That is an advance, Mr. Winslow would have like to have seen you but he had to go out of town, however he would like to see you tomorrow, we will have to set you up on your promotion’s tour. She gave him a paper with the places he would be signing his books, Barnes and Nobles, and several other major bookstores. She had an envies look on her face.

    James stood there and thought about what had just been said to him and what had been done with out his permission, but he haven’t refuse any of it, he welcome it all. He look at fifty thousand dollars advance, that mean he will receive more on the fact, how his book will sale.

    He wanted to ask Jackie for a date but thought he should not mix business with pleasures. Should I call tomorrow or come in?

    Sure call and we can make an appointment for when you can come in for your tours. Did you hear your book on the radio this morning? Mr. Winslow called in a favor to an old friend at W.B.L.X, I hope you like it, there should be promos of that all day at least. Mr. Winslow also said you should be starting your other book. She said this and went back to her computer; this meant, there was a finality between them.

    He look at her for the last time and took the stairs, he was anxious to get home but he didn’t want to ride in a cab, he wanted to smell the roses and maybe go and see that waitress that he seen last night. Besides he had not eaten.

    He walks two blocks up he went right pass the wall street boys, and some ladies, he said to himself, he should invest some of his money, but not now he would just put it in some CDS, and his checking account a man hafta eat don’t he. James Honeycomb left the bank and walk right to the black lady’s restaurant he hope she would be there. And he would apologize for his dismay before he left, and that weak ass tip he left.

    He walk in and she knew him from last night, you are alone again I see, where would you like to set?

    He set at the counter, and gave her a smile, I am sorry about… how I was last night, he shook her hand and grab a menu, I hope you guys are still serving breakfast since it is after eleven thirty.

    She pointed to a sign that said we serve everything all day, she had a name tag on her shirt this time and she wasn’t wearing a uniform. She wore a name tag that read Pearl it had owner underneath.

    He hadn’t notice that last night he must had water in his eyes. I see you are the owner, you look pretty young to be a owner of such a establishment.

    Yes, but I am. Let me know what you want to order, I also work here to… I just turn thirty the other day, and you know black don’t crack. My father is a co-owner, so it’s a family business.

    Well I am sorry if I seem a little out of it last night, I had a lot on my mind please forgive me. I love to make it up to you if you like to go out to a nice restaurant with me sometime. He felt like he was reaching for the stars, but something made him have more confidence with this girl.

    Well, we will see, that tip you left, was no were near fifteen percents of what you had order.

    Oh, you remember that one He looked at what was on the menu. I will definitely give above that this time and maybe later on in the week we can do something.

    Ok, what’s your name? She asks, then walk to give another person a refill in their coffee.

    "My name is James Honeycomb, I am a writer. I have just put out a book its call, ‘Season Changes’.

    Yes I heard of it on the radio this morning, I planed to pick it up as soon as I can.

    Well you won’t have to I can give you a copy, and sign it personally.

    I thought you said your name was Honeycomb, the guy on the radio said something different… like… she thought. 39139.png He answers for her, Alec Pennyway, that’s my writer’s name. He continues, I am ready to order, bacon and eggs.

    You want pork? She asks in a incredulous tone, how old are you."

    I just turn forty-last week, June 18th.

    I really thought you were younger than I, she looks at him again; his hair was thinning a little on top. However, his face held no wrinkles at all. He smiled at her compliment, yet… did not make a big deal about his age.

    Two Gemini’s now that might not work. She admitted.

    Well maybe, but I don’t believe in such a thing, zodiac signs mean nothing to me.

    Yet you are here again. She said this then took his order to the cook. The crowd had increase since his coming in. She had other people in her section now; she couldn’t cater to his almost cute self anymore. His attitude was… very different from last night he is actually awake and looking at me. He is even following me with his eyes, as I do my thing, I wish he would stop, and I wish he would not stop. He has a book out I love to read. I love to read him. His eyes are perfect with his light brown skin, making his light brown eyes seem more hazel. I heard short men have big things to make up for their being short. I might hafta to find this little myth out.

    She took his order to him but didn’t stay and play the, she had other people to cater to so she did. He was left to himself. Therefore, he could ponder over her pretty self, and where he would like to take here this weekend. He ate his pork and eggs, and thought he might should not eat bacon anymore, cholesterol, age, he is not getting any younger even thou he is not feeling any older than when he was thirty. He still needed to work out a little more, just more aerobics, not weights. I don’t want to look like the governor of California.

    He ate his food and look at his maybe… . might be future woman, she looks good in her blue jeans and white shirt lot better than the waitress outfit. She looks good as being an owner also. I will give her a better tip this time and make up for the one I gave her last night.

    He finishes his food, he look for her she was helping an elderly couple a short guy and a short lady. They look happy after being married for forty years and still counting. He called her over with his index finger, she responded not too fast but she did eventually.

    Hello… Mr. Pennyway, are you leaving? She said this then look at the tip he left her it was better than the one Luther had left before. She smiled and thought he might be worth going out with. The best way to a woman heart is thru diamonds, and money is diamonds.

    He held her hand for a quick second she didn’t pulled away, even thou customers were waiting and she wanted to look professional in her place of business. Now Pearl, I assume that’s your name, I like to take you out this weekend… today is Thursday, I like to take you out Saturday if you are not too busy.

    She pulled her hand from the better looking man, I don’t know… give me a call. She gave him a card for the diner, I am here all the time call me, I will think on it… call me tomorrow.

    She rush to another customer he wanted something change on his order. Alec look at her behind it was banging. He wanted to reach out and touch someone. However, he grabbed his check and the card she gave him and decided he could call her tomorrow, there is plenty of time. He is also a busy man come lately he don’t know how this tour of his book will go.

    There were two other waitresses looking at these two play Romeo and Juliet, they laugh at their boss, she never date and she never go anywhere, but here. The one Italian girl said to the other black girl, they were cute as a button also.

    James paid the light skinned girl his check, with his bank credit card; he gave her his number to give to her boss. She was too busy to stop and smelled the roses. He walk out of the busy restaurant, the sound of the crowd was instantly gone replace by the sound of the traffic. The sun shone it pretty self thru the tall buildings as much as it could, he still decided to walk back to his place, cabs drive excessively fast for him and now that he is high on the horse he didn’t want to fall off.

    He walks to his place and thought about his book being on the circuit now at a better pace than the other two that he had wrote. He would not forget to go to publishing to pick up some books to give to people, they usually give you at least ten books to give to friends and family. This is another form of promotion; word of mouth is the best way to put your book on the circuit.

    He went in to his place he walked straight to the computer; he needed to get started on the next book also. When you are doing well, you have to come right back with an uppercut. Hit them while they are not looking so to speak. He looked at what he had written last night. The title read BLACK INK, he didn’t know he had written such a thing, he read the prologue, that was different he can’t remember any of the characters in the book. But it sounded good, a guy happen upon a vial of black ink, he just pour it over a page and it told a story all on its on. The main character is name Ferdinand, James like the name it reminded him of something.

    He must have fallen asleep last night when he begun to write. Because he thought he had written something quite different than what he is looking at right now:

    Ferdinand has already meet a girl her name is Rosa; they are at his apartment, this take place in Venus California. Ferdi she calls him while they make love on his floor by the beach. The words are so vivid, make love to me Ferdi, I love the way you play with my ass, she said to him. There was a storm happening outside, it seem like a tidal wave the water kept brushing up against the window from the beach. 39147.png The girl seem familiar to James, she was brunet like the girl he wanted to be with last night… before he went to sleep. She was intelligent but she knew how to make love in a special way. He is seeing something in his writing that he had never seen before the characters are reaching out to him and they are living inside of him,. That is always the case but now he can feel them more. This girl he wanted her to appear to him in his bed, so she could suck the way she is sucking Ferdi’s dick.

    He got up from the computer he felt confuse and horney, more horney than he ever felt before, he laid down on the bed he pull off his trouser, he grab he couldn’t keep his hand off, and he couldn’t keep Rosa name out of his mind. He tried to think of Pearl but couldn’t, Rosa was the center of his attention as he ed to the rhythm of the name of a little brunet, he came quick too quick he felt disgusted with him self he ran to the shower to wash his shame away.

    He came back out of the shower clean and relax. He sat in front of the computer, to see the characters. The story longer in length than before… He didn’t remember writing that far. But he see the girl had broken up with Ferdinand, he was happy for that, she caught him cheating with a blond that look like Britney.

    He was at his apartment when she saw them on the same floor they had made love on two scene back. Rosa left him and went to her place, she was a rich girl she didn’t really need his broke ass. However, she tolerated his ass a little too long. She even used to pay his bills for him, she thought she loved him, but it was the sex that she really loved.

    He remember writing this part but not in this story it feels like another story in ‘Changing Seasons.’ It was late he felt the story was moving in the right direction, so he decided to call that girl Pearl maybe… she could give him some time on when she could go out with him.

    He call the restaurant as she had dictated to him, the Italian girl answer the phone. ‘She is really busy right now.’ Give her the phone she is standing right in front of you. He said this with out hesitation.

    How did you know that Mr. 39141.png The waitress was surprise. She didn’t know who was on the other end. But he soon told her.

    I am James Honeycomb, please… give her the phone? She did as he asks.

    What? That was the impatient owner said to her receiver.

    Its me that’s what, I will pick you up Saturday in the even, we will have dinner and a movie of your choice. Call me back with exact time; I left my number with your waitress… Let me know what you want to do. He hung up not given her time to refute what he just suggested to her.

    He felt that was a good impact on her feminine brain. He didn’t go back to the computer tonight he went to watch television in his living room, there wasn’t anything on accept old Frazier reruns, he watch the one show then he went to bed. There was no response from the pretty waitress, Pearl, owner and operator. Sleep came with out dream or phone ringing in James ear.

    You’ve taken something that might cause you harm, give it back, that were the four girls talking to him, he try to wipe away the sleep from his eyes, to see the little girls that stood before his bed. He could not believe it was the girls from the old Birmingham church, the ones that were kill all those years ago. The little one played with her doll, yet she says what the other ones are saying. They are in perfect harmony.

    You’ve taken something that might cause you harm give it back. They finish, and the little one goes to James coat she is looking for the thing that they are talking about, she has on a little pink dress, church dress; they all look like they are going to church.

    This is some shit, I know I am still sleep, he pinches his hand to wake up. However, he feels nothing, so he thinks he is still sleep, he is dreaming. They are fading now. He asks, what they are talking about. The big ones have faded first, the little one still looking thru his coat pockets, she started to fade into that place, but before she goes, she says, ‘black ink.’

    He wakes up to nothing in his room accept his computer is chiming in the corner.

    His phone rings, 5’o clock ‘gone with the wind,’ its playing at the matinee movies theatre, I want to eat at Justin restaurant, you dress nice but not to dresses, I don’t want to stand out. She hung up not given him time to say anything to her proposal.

    He like that shit, she is a cool girl she didn’t trip, just came back with the perfect response. He calls Winslow publishing, Jackie answer the phone. He thought about the way she smelled when he hug her yesterday. She is a perfect woman and he wish, he had ask her out, but thought better of it.

    I was calling about my book signings dates and… to see if I need to come in? He asks this with out asking for the, he thought.

    Well yes, you need to come in… Mr. Winslow want to see you, your book is doing well. We have receive a great response from different venues. She continues, I have your schedule ready for next week. We need to go over it . . . . to see what you can or cannot do. She seems to be finish with her statement.

    Ok what time should I be there, I mean do you have a certain time for me to be there? He sounded nervous.

    What about one in the afternoon? She asks, and she proceeded to hang up her phone, but James interceded.

    Ok, I will be there unless I cannot make it, but if that happens I will call you first. He said in an obliging way.

    They hung up each of their receivers. It was ten in the morning, he needed to finish his book on the computer, at least check on the extension of the book.

    He went to his Microsoft, Black Ink:

    Ferdinand was outside of Rosa apartment he wanted her back but she was not feeling him anymore. He was crying now, on his knees begging to come in, saying he was sorry for what he had done.

    Rosa was on the inside naked watching Frazier reruns, she like these shows. She had shave today, she had gotten a new boyfriend… the other night at this club she went to… he was black and cute she like his eyes, they were honest and exotic. He was on his way over, and she hope that Ferdi still be out side when he got here.

    She got her naked body up and walk to the window adjacent to the front door. Ferdinand was standing now and walking down the stairs, the rain was getting the best of him. She enjoyed his frustration, and hope his blond hair cuts his eyes out.

    She look down at her naked it was perfectly shaving, the black guy will like this, she hope. The door bell ringed, she threw a robe on, still naked underneath, this is just a sexual thing so to speak, she still love Ferdi, but wasn’t about to forgive him so easily.

    The Black guy was wet with his wife beater on and shorts and Jordan’s, he got out of his truck and ran up to Rosa apartment, he knew this to be a booty call, but hope it may turn into something more. This girl was pretty and sexy and Italian, he likes the last part even more.

    He walk in she offer him a drink of wine California wine, Zinfandel, Hello Quentin… how was your day at work? He work at a warehouse that sales computers, he did shipping and receiving.

    It was ok Rosa… I am glad that you ask me over today… I thought you threw my phone number away. You didn’t seem interesting last night at the karaoke bar over on Venus. He was being Smoove as he could be but he felt nervous, she made him feel younger than his twenty-five years of age. And he could see she wasn’t wearing anything underneath that robe, it was a kimono, she reveal bits and pieces of her body as they drink their wine and continue to talk about their lives. The television was still on and they sat before it on her couch, flower in design pink. He talk about he wanted to be a rapper, and said that’s why he went to the Karaoke bar he was trying to keep up on his skills.

    Yes, I like the way you did ‘Rappers Delight,’ she commented him on that now and last night. Then they kiss at least she kiss him, then he returns the kiss. He put his arm around her naked body inside the silky robe, he like the way she felt. : And James like the way this was coming about.

    They took these intentions into the bedroom they left the kimono in the living room to watch Girlfriends on UPN. Her room had aroma candles burning in every corner of the room. It smell great She laid before him, he look at her nice shaving, he thought about nothing but her and his hardness that she keep her eyes on. His body was muscular he had great abs, his hair in a small fro, She rub his hair as he inserted inside of her well shaving.

    James got up from the computer, he went to his bed after looking at the time, he wanted Rosa, but she only existed in the story. He could smell the candles in the room and he knew he had to do what he had did yesterday, when he first meet Rosa in his mind. He laid on his bed undress this time. He grab and thought this has got to stop, not now thou, this is the last time. I have a date with a pretty black girl this weekend. What’s her name? I can’t remember as he felt the semen rolling down his fingers, he didn’t feel ashamed this time. He felt closer to her, like she was riding the way she was riding Quentin’s dick, she calls his name the way she use to call Ferdinand name, but she like the way Quentin’s name sounded in her head, and the way felt in her. He knew how to stroke her every need, he was young but he knew how to make love like a smart man, he move where ever she moves, he touch her the right way not too gentle not too hard.

    He listens to her groans and her moans. I like the way the writer wrote this guy, she said to James if he was listen to his fingers move across the keys of his keyboard. They finish, and Rosa went to get them some more wine, they set in her bed naked, but when she came back with the wine she had adorn the Kimono again. Quentin like the design that was on the back it was of a dragon, in red coloring, it laid open when she sat before him and gave him the wine he could see her again, he felt his self come to a semi. He like this girl and hope she was not crazy as other pretty women he been with.

    James got up from the computer again, he looked at the clock it was 12:15, he had to go to the publishing company. He took a shower quick as possible, he got dress in his blazer and black shirt and blue jeans and loafers, he felt elated this day. He was about to get what he deserve after so many books that has went to print and haven’t had great success like this one, but some times you only get one great thing happen to you in your life, one great woman, one great car, one great book, or one great song. But these things that you do are no failures they are life everyday living. Most artists are not appreciated until after they are gone, a message from our sponsor.

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