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The Winners' Secret: Attitude
The Winners' Secret: Attitude
The Winners' Secret: Attitude
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The Winners' Secret: Attitude

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Are you in the verge of giving up? Do you want to start all over again? Are you looking for inner peace? Do you feel hopeless and restless? Or do you want to live your fullest potential in this life? Banish those thoughts and begin to discover the keys to constant victory in every area of your life. The winners secret:Attitude is a book for the young and old, happy or sad, rich or poor, christians and non christians, it is about your attitude. It is based on a careful observation under the inspiration of God about the people God used as his servants in the bible. These people like Moses, Elijah, Peter,Paul and others possessed some similar qualities and characteristics that made them winners in whatever they did. These characteristics are needed by us if we want to be on top in life. This book draws your attention to them and inspire you to move out of your comfort zone and attain greater things with your life because God wants you to be a winner too and be empowered by the Holy Spirit to do his work all you need to do is to know what he requires of you. DigStation - Indie Music Downloads
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PublisherXlibris US
Release dateFeb 13, 2008
The Winners' Secret: Attitude

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    The Winners' Secret - Rev. Nana Kwame Anane





    Copyright © 2008 by Rev. Nana Kwame Anane.

    Library of Congress Control Number:       2007907572

    ISBN:         Hardcover                               978-1-4257-9921-2

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    To God Almighty, who gave me the wisdom and insights to write this book.

    To my parents, Nana Anyani Buadum III, chief of Asankrangwa, Ghana, West Africa, and Mrs. Agnes Buadum. Mom and Dad, I love you, and I thank you for your love, compassion, and the care that you gave me. I am blessed to have great parents like you.

    To my wife, Betty Anane, I love you with all my heart and thanks for standing by me through thick and thin. I always thank God for giving me the very best in life, and that is you.

    To Faith and Kevin, you all make me a proud father.

    To my brothers and sisters—Raymond, Andrew, Justice, Richmond, Bright, Cynthia, Akrofi—and my entire family both far and near, I say God bless you all and thank you all for everything.


    The Winners’ Secret: Attitude is a book based on a careful observation under the inspiration of God about the people God used as his servants in the Bible.

    These servants—like Moses, Elijah, Peter, Paul, Jeremiah, Daniel, and others—possessed some similar qualities and characteristics that helped them succeed in whatever they did, and these characteristics are needed by us in this end-time if we want to attain great heights and fulfill our purpose in life.

    These six basic principles I call POWERS run through their lives, and because of that, God was always with them. Thus, Perseverance, Obedience, Word of God, Enlargement of vision, Remembrance, and Servanthood were the trademarks of all these great people.

    This book attempts to draw your attention to them, teach you how to achieve them and also show you the obstacles you will encounter in trying to inculcate these attitudes in your life; it also draws quotes and experiences from the author and from great servants living in our world today who had made a lot of impact on many lives.

    In whatever you are called to do in life—whether to be a pilot, a doctor, a lawyer, a teacher, or a minister—you must remember to let these principles be part of your life because God wants you to be a winner too and be empowered by the Holy Spirit to do his work. All you need to do is to know what he requires of you.

    Although there are many attitudes that the Bible teaches us to develop, I believe if you add these to what you already know, you will be a great person in the eyes of God and man.

    My prayer is that God will open your understanding to know his will for your life and follow it.


    Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already been made perfect, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me.

    —Philippians 3:12


    Life is all about attitude.

    Attitude is an ongoing process that requires daily checking.

    Attitude is who you are, who you are when nobody is watching you.

    It is also how you respond to life, whether positive or negative.

    If your attitude is positive, everything around you tends to be positive, even if you appear to be uncertain sometimes about the situation at hand.

    If your attitude is negative, everything around you looks impossible, unattainable, unreliable, unreachable, lifeless, and zero.

    The enemy is after your attitude, for he knows that can either make you or break you.

    You have to understand that it is not what happens to you that really matters, but what happens in you.

    How you control your emotions will determine your way forward in life.

    Your talents and personality can get you into a higher place.

    But it is your attitude that will make you maintain that status.

    It is just like marriage; anybody can marry, but it takes attitude to stay married.

    A godly attitude produces godly results. If you have a humble, patient, loving, compassionate, forgiving, and prayerful attitude, there is no mountain too high, no valley too deep, and no battle too difficult, no army too strong that you cannot conquer.

    However, if your attitude is jealous, filled with hate, unforgiving, rebellious, rude, and proud, then you are heading for a fall.

    When the lifeboat rocks you, check your attitude before you blame someone.

    Only God can give you a godly attitude; only he knows what is best for you. Let the word of God guide your life, and it will shape you to become like Jesus Christ, whose attitude we need to follow.

    Your word is a lamp to my feet and light for my path.

    —Psalm 119:105


    As children of God’s promise, we should understand that our God is loving and always wants what is good for us no matter what.

    From the beginning of creation, God’s intentions for us have not changed; his love for us is still the same even though we have disappointed him over and over. His intention to make man have dominion over his creation, to represent him on earth, and to exercise the potential of praising the creator of the universe is still the same.

    In fact, going through the scriptures, we find God taking ordinary people he had created to do extraordinary things due to the power and presence of the Holy Spirit in and with us to show us how he has delegated his authority to mankind. He took Abram and Sarai and blessed them and made their descendants many (Genesis 12:2, Isaiah 51:2); thus, Abram became Abraham, the father of many nations and Sarai became Sarah—the mother of nations (Genesis 17:16). He took Moses, who was running away from his dear life and was also not only fearful but also doubtful, and strengthened him with his power and made him lead the first freedom fight in history by telling the pharaoh, let my people go, a message from God, thus taking the people of Israel out of Egypt.

    Jesus called Peter, James, and John, who were fishermen, to become fishers of men. All these people led extraordinary lives because of the Spirit of God in them.

    Now you too have the same power of God in you if you are willing to tap into God’s ways and purposes by accepting his son Jesus Christ as your personal savior, confessing your sins, and allowing him to take full control of your life; he will take you to places you never ever dreamed of.

    See, we humans want God to be responsible for our lives, but we do not want him to have authority over our lives. But we must understand that in order for God to be responsible for every area of our lives, we need to let him have full control over our being, for whoever you have authority over, you are responsible for. A parent has authority over the child; therefore, he is responsible his food, clothing, and shelter. The employer has authority over the employee; therefore, he is responsible for a safe environment and good working conditions. This same method also applies to God. We must let him take full charge of our marriage, education, diet, communication, relationships, and everything that happen in and around us.

    The Bible says that in everything we do, we should do it as unto the Lord, and in order for that to happen, Jesus must be the first, the center, and the last in your life. If you place people, cars, houses, jobs, and other things before Jesus, then you are heading toward destruction; but if you put God first, then you give him the opportunity to be a blessing in your life because when God gives you a blessing, he wants you to share it with others, not only to keep it selfishly to yourself. A blessing is not a blessing unless it is shared; the gift that you have is for the service of others because at the end of your earthly existence, what mattes is not what God did for you but rather what you did for God. Think about it.

    If you understand this, then get ready to enter into the winners’ circle. Remember, God wants the best for you, more than you ever imagine, but first you need to develop a Winner’s Attitude.



    Do not let this book of law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.

    —Joshua 1:8

    Understand that every successful person has a secret. It is often stated that Do what others will not do today so that you can do what others cannot do tomorrow, and also, Successful people do daily what unsuccessful people do occasionally; and for us believers, our success comes by obeying the word of God.

    Obedience is what distinguishes a believer from an unbeliever, so for a Christian to walk in the winners’ circle of God, he or she needs to obey his rules. A believer who does not develop an attitude of obedience toward God will lose focus in life and, thereby, make many mistakes that could be avoided.

    The Christian journey is all about obedience; obedience leads to discipline, and that is the top secret of a Christian.

    When God gives you a command, act immediately because he will not make you do something that he has not given you the power to do. And those that he predestined he also called, those that he called he also justified, and those he justified, he also glorified (Rom. 8:30). Thus, God does not call the equipped; he equips the called. He does not look at you and say, He can do this job because he has a good car or good education or beautiful voice or good connections. No. If you have all these, it’s good, but God is not concerned about your capabilities, but your availabilities and obedience. If you avail yourself, God will use you. If you are willing to follow instructions from God, he will use you, For obedience is better than sacrifice (1st Sam 15:22).

    It was obedience that made Moses stretched forth his rod to part the sea; it was also the obedience of Abraham that made him want to sacrifice his son Isaac to God. Again, this same obedience made Jesus come down from heaven to die on a cross, to be a sin offering for you and me. And the Bible says because he did not assume equality with God though he was God, therefore, God exalted him to the highest place and gave him a name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus, every knee should bow in heaven and on earth and under the earth and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the father (Philippians 2:9-10).

    Yes, Jesus obeyed his father from the time of his birth to his death, resurrection, and ascension into heaven; in fact, his mission on earth was to do the will of his father in heaven. He was walking in total obedience, and that is the example we should follow.

    Believers, we need to lay down our will and surrender to the will of God because obedience pays; when you begin to walk in obedience, nothing will be able to prosper against you all the days of your life. Determine that no matter what the situation may be, you are going to follow God’s path of abundance, and you will succeed, whatever people may say or do against you will never prosper because you are walking in obedience.


    Walking in obedience to God simply means putting your total trust in him no matter what it takes and believing that he will take you to the right destination. If we learn to obey his word, we will see his hand expanding in our lives; yes, expansion begins to take place because you are giving him the opportunity to melt, mold, fill, and use you to accomplish his purpose.

    In Exodus 23:21-22, God said, See, I am sending an angel ahead of you to guard you along the way and bring you to a place I have prepared… If you listen carefully to what he says and do all that I say, I will be your enemy to your enemies and will oppose those who oppose you.

    In this passage, we see that God was willing to take the Israelites into the Promised Land; he knew the way, he had the plan, and the idea and all that he wanted Moses and the Israelites to do was to obey his commandments. If they do that, then he will be an enemy to their enemies. Thus, obedience comes with a promise; our part is to obey God, and his part is to deliver what he had promised. Don’t expect anything great from God if you are not willing to do his will, and remember, his will might not be your will. When God told Abraham to sacrifice Isaac, I believe Abraham did not like the idea because why would God give him a son, his only son from the woman he loves, and then tell him to go sacrifice him. Abraham could not even communicate this message to Sarah, his wife, because he knew that she will not accept this. Sometimes, what God tells you to do might not make sense at that very moment, but after we obey him, we will then know that he meant well for you. I know the thoughts I have toward you, a thought of peace, and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope (Jeremiah 29:11). It was after Abraham obeyed God that he really became the father of many nations and symbolized the exact replica of how God sacrificed his only begotten son Jesus Christ—the reward he got out of obedience. Be an obedient child of God.

    Believers tend to obey God when he is in tune with us, but we must understand that true obedience requires great sacrifice of our time, energy, money, comfort, and discipline. If you are not ready to give your all for God, then you are not really experiencing the power of obedience. If anyone would want to come after me, he must deny himself and take up the cross and follow me (Mark 8:34). This does not mean you must not love

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