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A Compilation of Thoughts and Phrases: By Kay Thren
A Compilation of Thoughts and Phrases: By Kay Thren
A Compilation of Thoughts and Phrases: By Kay Thren
Ebook52 pages29 minutes

A Compilation of Thoughts and Phrases: By Kay Thren

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I dedicate this book to my Mother, Katherine Elizabeth Thren (Kay), who thoughts and phrases I have put on paper. She has been a spiritual guidance to all that have known her for so many years. My mother had a stroke about ten years ago that left her right side paralyzed; she left us August 28, 2000 at the age of 89. My father had Multiple Scleroses since he was 23 years old and he passed away at 92 years old on November 24, 2000. They have had many hardships through the years; I guess that is what guided her to the spiritual being that she had become. Many of us didnt understand her drive for the spiritual side, but God was always with her. If only these words would help at least one person, she would know her work on earth was not in vain. We love you and miss you, mother.
Your loving daughter,
Mary Ann Miller
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateDec 16, 2008
A Compilation of Thoughts and Phrases: By Kay Thren

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    Book preview

    A Compilation of Thoughts and Phrases - Mary Ann Miller

    The Fulfillment of

    Spring, 1950

    ALL THROUGH THE winter there hung in our basement, a bag of flower bulbs. They appeared lifeless in their dried up dirt. On further examination later in the winter, there were tiny shoots starting to grow from the previous dormant bulbs. My imagination began to grow too, and I pictured this beautiful flower in all its glory. So great was my enthusiasm that I could hardly wait for the ground to thaw, so that I could plant them and watch my favorite flower grow to its full extent in its entire splendor. I knew, however, that I would have to quell my desire.

    In the stillness of an April morning, I heard the song of a cardinal. I knew then I would not have to wait any longer to make the soil ready, to plant the now active bulbs. My long awaited wish, was now about to be fulfilled. I tenderly placed each bulb into the bed of earth, and hoped that everyone who saw the full-grown flower would receive the same enjoyment from them that I would.

    The Spring rains soon came and the earth drank its fill. When the sun shone again with all its warmth, I noticed the little shoots peering their heads above the ground. I knew it would only be a matter of a few weeks now. The little shoots grew and grew. To me it was like one of life’s dramas to watch my prized possessions grow.

    One day a leaf would unfurl and the next day another, until my garden was a mass of beautiful deep red leaves. From the midst of the leaves strong stems began to come into view. I knew these would soon hold the gorgeous blossoms. The stems were strong and sturdy, and no wind would snap the blossoms from their pedestals.

    The day I eagerly waited soon came. I was beside myself with joy on that day, for my garden was rapt in splendor. The bulbs that only a few weeks before were a mere nothing, had now grown to be a beautiful flower for everyone to enjoy.

    Every year I plant these flowers, but they never cease to give me a sense of fulfillment.

    My crimson cannas, in all their magnificence, spent their beauty once again, in my summer garden.

    Man’s Relationship with

    Cosmic Forces, 1962

    ALL THAT IS or can be is now in

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