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A Shocking Reunion
A Shocking Reunion
A Shocking Reunion
Ebook94 pages1 hour

A Shocking Reunion

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About this ebook

Although Christine Chandler is a woman who attained success as a national advocate for women’s rights relating to domestic violence, her major goal in life is that of seeking revenge against a college alumnus. The conscious fixation that she’s harbored for years has left her unfulfilled with a heart that has turned to stone. A “College Reunion” invitation offers her an opportunity to execute her unspeakable plan of retribution, one she feels is justified.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateMar 22, 2012
A Shocking Reunion

Pat Booth-Lynch

Pat Booth Lynch considers her life a true adventure. She’s discovered the joy of traveling to exotic places, engaged in a rewarding corporate career, developed talents that have expanded her horizons, raised a talented daughter, Kyle, and has been married to a dynamo of a husband Jack, who has made the journey seem like a trip to a candy store. Currently, while living in Florida, she’s involved in writing thriller novels, namely Blood Pearls and Blood Image as well as short stories that have won awards, some of which are highlighted in an anthology titled, Tales to tease the senses. When she’s not pounding our provocative stories or managing her Ease-on Apparel Corporation, you’ll find her traveling to those far away places with the strange sounding names in search of that next adventure.

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    Book preview

    A Shocking Reunion - Pat Booth-Lynch

    Copyright © 2012 by Pat Booth-Lynch.

    Cover graphics by Pat Booth-Lynch

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    Any people depicted in stock imagery provided by Getty Images are models, and such images are being used for illustrative purposes only.

    Certain stock imagery © Getty Images.

    Rev. date: 08/04/2020






    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10


    To my daughter Kyle who, when faced with numerous challenges, never ceases to amaze me by showing an inner strength and character as well as a determined will that defies explanation.

    She truly exemplifies what a mother considers a perfect daughter. Kyle, you’ve always made your Dad and me very proud and we thank you for that.


    For a moment I stood at the pillared entrance to the ballroom and watched the mirrored disco ball swirling above. A kaleidoscope of color highlighted the dance floor along with the blue Alumni Banners and the circular tables that were covered with ruffled gold lamé.

    While the melodic strains of Reunited filled the air, a number of people mingled at the far end of the room near the band. The theme Springtime Forever seemed apropos, for the scent of orange blossoms was everywhere.

    The jarring ring of my cell phone interrupted my reverie, and I reached into my evening bag to grasp it. Christine Chandler, I announced, turning toward the lobby. I cocked my head and held one hand over my ear, trying to listen above the noise.

    No, Barth, I haven’t seen him, but then I just got to the reunion. You’ll have to talk louder. I can barely hear you. The band’s really going at it. I hesitated as I strained to catch Barth’s response.

    Did I hear you right? I asked. You’re going to Hong Kong for a conference, and you won’t be back for three days?

    There was a difficult pause while I pressed the phone closer to my ear, for his voice was growing less distinct with each word.

    You’re fading . . . but yes, I’m sure I want to do this. I can hardly hear you now. Listen, call me when you get back, and don’t worry. I’ll be careful.

    Suddenly the line went dead. Hello, Barth . . . Barth? I repeated his name again before spewing out a few oaths ending with, Damn battery! I smacked the cell phone cover in place and looked up just as Corky Harper, my needle-thin friend with the broad, toothy grin, approached me. I’ve known this zany woman for many years, through both grade and high school. Fact is we shared a room in college and all that goes along with being best friends.

    She gave me a hug along with her usual peppermint smile. How are you? she asked. Then in her own teasing manner, she added, You wretched success story.

    Go on, I replied, chuckling. Without a doubt you’re the best, though you were one of the sharpest-tongued sisters in our sorority.

    Guess I was, girl, but forget about me. Did I hear you mention Barth’s name?

    Yeah, that was Bartholomew.

    Corky wrinkled her nose and tilted her head. That name doesn’t suit him at all.

    I know. It was our grandfather’s idea. I kid him about it all the time.

    He’s such a hunk.

    Oh-h-h-h . . . yeah, I countered. I remember how you and the others used to fawn over his picture in our dorm room.

    That sure was a long time ago, Corky said with a faraway stare. Where in the Hell have thirty years gone?

    Beats me. With all this glitter it’s hard to keep my mind focused on why I came here in the first place. This whole event brings back some carefree memories.

    Hell we sure were carefree, weren’t we? Corky admitted. By the way, how are you both doin’?


    You and Barth. Is he still doin’ research?

    He is, I answered, and we’re both good.

    Details girl. I want details. Is he married yet?

    No, but he’s head of the research lab in Seattle now.

    Good for him. Do you see him often?

    No . . . maybe once a year or so.

    Why so seldom?

    Oh, he travels a lot. Overseas mostly, and we’re both too busy I guess.

    A smile blossomed on Corky’s lips. I sure would have liked to get my hands on him. Then again, speaking of hunks . . . have you seen Nolen?

    I shook my head. My plane was late, and I just got to the hotel a half hour ago.

    How’d you get all dressed and down here so fast?

    I didn’t unpack. Just grabbed my gown from my suitcase and left the room a mess, but who cares. I didn’t want to be late.

    Well I’m glad you made it. No way would I sit with that group of ours if you weren’t here.

    Actually, I was lucky to get a room. They’ve got two conventions and some political conference going on in town, and a lot of part-timers at the front desk. It was a hassle to even get checked in. The clerk took forever to find the key card to my suite.

    You’ve got a suite?

    They told me that’s the only spot available. Are you staying in the hotel?

    No, Corky replied. I’m at my aunt’s. She’s only got a small apartment, but she’s letting me sleep on the couch.

    That’s good.

    It’ll do since this thing’ll be over in two days anyway. Hey, when you mentioned Barth, I couldn’t help but think of Nolen and how you said you’d like to strangle him.

    "You’ve got that right. I am going to tell him to go to Hell. You can count on it."

    I knew he was a loser, but I never realized how bad he was till you told me what he did to you and your sister. Think he’s goin’ to be here?

    Hope so. Word is that he’s supposed to be honored with some football trophy or whatever, so believe me he’ll show up. He never could resist the glory of it all. An uneasy silence followed while Corky cautiously peered around the pillar.

    Hear that? she whispered.


    I think it’s Nolen. Her brows drew together and she added, Listen. He’s talkin’ to someone."

    We both leaned forward, cupping our hands behind our ears to catch the words while keeping well out of sight.

    Yeah. That’s him all right, Corky said softly.

    I gasped. "My God it is Dick." The words slipped from my lips, and I quickly covered my mouth, hoping he hadn’t heard me. I pressed my back against the decorated post and drew in a shuddering breath. Just thinking about a confrontation with him gave me chills.


    From the opposite side of the pillar I heard Dick’s deep, recognizable voice saying, The hotel certainly went all out for this reunion. Place is jammed.

    I rubbed my hand across my chest, for my heart was pounding

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