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The Holy Nation: 144,000
The Holy Nation: 144,000
The Holy Nation: 144,000
Ebook134 pages3 hours

The Holy Nation: 144,000

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This book, the holy nation, is a revealing of the 14th chapter of the revelations that gives us the answer to what the purpose of the father is in regards to his people.
-Min Jonathan Friedl. Milwaukee, WI

Min. Uriyah Baraka knowledge that comes from our Creator is filled full of wisdom. I enjoy reading all his material. I grow in wisdom, knowledge and understanding of the divine. This book is a must read.
- Pastor. Ginger Banks, Indianapolis, IN.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateDec 20, 2011
The Holy Nation: 144,000

Eric Robinson

Eric Robinson holds a PhD in intercultural studies from Columbia International University and a master’s in Christian education from Union Presbyterian Seminary. He is the author of numerous journal articles related to mission theology, including its important connection to calling and vocation. Additionally, he is a career K-12 educator. Eric is married to his wonderful wife, Letarshia. He enjoys spending time with his family, running, photography, and playing the guitar.

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    The Holy Nation - Eric Robinson

    Copyright © 2012 by Eric Robinson.

    Library of Congress Control Number:       2011962427

    ISBN:         Hardcover                               978-1-4691-3494-9

                       Softcover                                 978-1-4691-3493-2

                       Ebook                                      978-1-4691-3495-6

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    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five


    Chapter Six

    In conclusion


    This work is dedicated to my wife Kiesha Baraka, a true Sarah.

    And to my friend and brother, Johnathan Friedl who is the best of brothers.

    And to my firstborn Yahnatan ben Baraka, may YHWH love you forever.


    Being raised as a Jehovah’s Witness and also being indoctrinated in the sectarian rhetoric that they preached, I had a ridiculous idea of the 144,000 being a chosen few who go to heaven while the rest of us believers remained on earth in a park-like paradise to live forever in mortal bodies. Such an idea I grew weary of as I grew older and read the scripture more, it just didn’t make sense that Yeshua (Jesus) died and arose to glorification to save just 144,000, and the rest of mankind be imprisoned in the earthly form that he came to destroy (swallow up). So later in life I ventured into what is called, orthodox Christian religion, only to find that their idea of the book of Revelation was just as carnal. Now in this day I depend totally on the Spirit of truth that is from Yahuah, and teachers anointed by Yahuah to minister the revelation of the Word that can lead me into the truth of the mysteries of the book of Revelation, and even as Yeshua (not the euro-centric Jesus) who lived in the Spirit of the Torah (Law), and not in the letter continued his mission, I realize now I must continue mine. Yeshua (not the euro-centric mortal image) is the Messiah of EL (a Hebrew term related to the English, God), and those that oppose this truth are anti-Christ, even though they call themselves Muslim, Hebrew or Christian. The fact is, truth is relative to Yahuah and not to man, or their religious indoctrinations. Truth is the word, living and vital, and not a formality of Man. All truth proceeds from Yahuah and not through the institutions of Man, whose view of Elohim is grossly myopic and/or is rooted in carnal thinking. I have learnt through the years that man is no more than a receptacle of knowledge, and not the source of knowledge. The knowledge that proceeds from man apart from Elohim (God) is from mere empirical observation, which is no knowledge at all; rather it is confusion (Babel) that separates man from the true purpose for which he/she is called into by the Creator. Mankind (Male and Female) was created to achieve a certain purpose. And this purpose is revealed to us by the Prophets of El, and his Messiah, Yeshua. A purpose mere human religion has to this day ignored. This work is written to reveal the true purpose of EL (God), which the Most High has appointed mankind to achieve. The true Nation of Yahuah is the nation that exalts the true purpose of the Creator, and not a human purpose, choice, or opinion. The words of the prophets and the Messiah were given to evoke obedience to the order which The Most High has established. Yet it cannot be built by those you do not seek to fulfill the purpose of El, but by those who have the courage to step away from the mundane ideas of human order and adhere to the true way of EL as taught in the commandments, and the testimony of Yeshua. Let your mind now be opened to the revealing of the scriptures by the Ruach Ha’kedosh (Holy Spirit) that was sent to reveal all truth to us. The truth alone will make you free, and adherence to it. In this work you will see the truth and the vision that Yahuah has for his people, but the choice to adhere to it will be yours. This work is not written to condemn, but to reveal the Holy nation of the Father Yahuah, and the message of הרושבה (the gospel; Good news.) of the kingdom. The Christian religion can be restored to its proper purpose in the divine scheme, but this restoration is dependent upon the denial of all ideas in the church that does not exalt the will of the Father, which is the conquest of all sin that afflicts the Heart of man. The enemy is sin and death, the solution is Truth.

    " . . . I beheld, and lo, a great multitude, which

    no man could number, of all nations and

    Kindred’s, and people and tongues, stood

    before the throne and before the lamb

    clothed with white robes, and the palms in their

    hands; and they cried out with a loud voice

    saying; salvation to our Elohim (God) which is

    seated on the throne and unto the lamb.

    (Rev 7:9-10)

    Chapter One

    The book of the Revelation of Yeshua was never meant to be unveiled as a book that reveals the political history of nations, but rather to reveal the nation of Yahuah that is to be born through great tribulation, and to make known the manifesto of this nation, and in the end the method to assume the divine nature in the fullness of Yahuah glory. It is written in the fourth chapter of the Revelation that the cherubim of the Most High is in constant declaration of the true nature of the Most High:

    Holy, Holy, Holy is Yahuah Elohim Tzaboth, who is, who was, and who is to come (Rev 4: 7-8).

    The word Holy is from the Hebrew word Kedosh, which means; separate, pure, sacred, consecrated or set-apart. Yahuah is therefore set apart from the flesh nature that produces sin and death, possessing none of the flaws that the flesh nature possesses, or that mankind perceives as normal to their perception. This supposed normalcy of the life from the flesh is seen by Yahuah as sin (chata), that is, below the standard of the divine nature. In this study we shall see that the 144,000 is not dealing with an amount of people who will go to heaven, or a remnant of Jews who will evangelize the world. But it is rather the description of a people who have attained the standard of the Most High, which is holiness. As he is so are we in this world, says the Apostle Yochanon. This is a verse of teaching that has been used by the church to give people confidence in the own personal power, but not the true purpose that Yochanon taught it in this verse of scripture, which was to show that we are to be holy as he is, or of like nature as Yahuah. We, who believe in the Messiah Yeshua as the bodily form of Yahuah according to the Spirit, are to become a true nation of kings, those who live exclusively in the righteousness of truth. And priest, those who live exclusively in the good of love. It was for this reason that Yeshua shed the blood of his crucifixion, to inaugurate a renewed covenant that would guarantee that if appropriated according to the will of the Father, our obedience would bring to fulfillment the promises of the covenant, apart from the ritual works of the law. It is to be understood that the glory of the renewed covenant exceed the glory of the first covenant, yet the standard of the first remain, which Saul called; the righteousness of the Torah. The ancient nation of Israel stumbled over the letter of the law, and made it the absolute of their religion. Yet in each particular of the letter dwells the spiritual revelation of the truth, concealed from the carnal mind. Even today there are those who say that they are Messianic Hebrews who want to go back to the rituals of the torah, not understanding that the rituals itself does not have redemptive power, accept the spiritual revelation contained in the ritual be appropriated solely from the knowledge of the will of the Father. As Yeshua taught, "I came not to do my will, but the will of the Father who sent me". It is only upon this premise that the true nation can be born, any other premise will fall short of the divine standard.

    The secular church today that was born through the Constantine error, awaits the return of the divine mortal god to appear in the sky with pierced hands and feet are in delusion. The Glorified Messiah, Yeshua shall not return in a mortal form, rather the form of his glory, and to manifest this glory through his people, the 144,000. We who are, and shall become the people of the Father’s will, will experience the great mystery of the ages. The Messiah in you, the hope of glory. A hope that the Christian church has grossly ignored to maintain the mythological views they have derived from the letter of the Word. The scriptures are clear as to the nature of the return of the Meshiach. It is taught by Saul; "Yeshua shall return to be glorified in his holy ones (Saints)". Saul constantly taught of the inner reality of the Messiah revealing himself according to the Spirit in his people unto fullness. Yet those of the outer courts of the Word continue to display an outer reality of the coming of Meshiach, totally ignoring what Yeshua taught, The kingdom of Elohim is within you. Why does the world not see? It is because they exalt the will of the flesh above the will of the Father? Such are the white washed tombs that are filled with dead men bones, a condition of aesthetic righteousness that conceals the inner spiritual death that such dwell in. The number 144,000 identify those who are the opposite. Therefore, whereas chapter 13 of the book of Revelation identify those who are of the beast doctrine, a doctrine which has no redemptive powers, the14th chapter of the Revelation identifies those who live in the obedience of divine truth and have made themselves pure through the obedience of the faith of Yeshua.

    In the writings of the Revelation there is a clear, and concise clarification that all need to see. Elohim light of divine truth does as in the beginning, separates the night from the day. Those who walk in the day are those who live in the life of the Spirit, while those who live in the night are those who live in

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