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God Can Deliver: Sodom & Gomorrah
God Can Deliver: Sodom & Gomorrah
God Can Deliver: Sodom & Gomorrah
Ebook49 pages30 minutes

God Can Deliver: Sodom & Gomorrah

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God can deliver
Sodom & Gomorrah
I hope that this book will help you find the true you. You wasnt born a homosexual. Homosexuality is a unclean spirit that the devil had you to believe.
You can court on the word of God to help you get deliver. God word is true and it will do what it said it would do. Just truth, believe and have faith God will work it out for you.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateJan 11, 2012
God Can Deliver: Sodom & Gomorrah

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    Book preview

    God Can Deliver - Prophetess M. Chandler

    Take the mask off


    The Story of

    |Sodom and Gomorrah

    Lot was sitting by one of the city’s main gates when the two angels, who had just come from visiting with Abraham, entered into the city. Seeing that they were strangers and knowing how the people of Sodom were, and what dangers there were in the city after dark, Lot offered to take them to his home to share an evening meal and spend the night.

    The angels told Lot, No, we will spend the night in the open square of the city. Lot insisted strongly that they come home with him. The angels agreed and went with Lot to his home where he saw that a special meal had been prepared. Before they had settled down for the night, a noisy mob of old and young men gathered at the door.

    The cities of Sodom and Gomorrah were full of homosexual immorality. It was no surprise to Lot that the men were going to demand him to bring them out so that they may assault them sexually. Hoping to calm the mob down, Lot slipped out of the door, making sure that it was shut tight behind him. Please, don’t do such wickedness! Lot told them. "I have two virgin daughters who I will send out, and you may do to them as you wish but don’t do anything to these men who have come under the safety of my

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