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Beltaro, the Book of Izra
Beltaro, the Book of Izra
Beltaro, the Book of Izra
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Beltaro, the Book of Izra

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Release dateFeb 15, 2012
Beltaro, the Book of Izra

Carolyn M. Martin

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    Beltaro, the Book of Izra - Carolyn M. Martin

    Copyright © 2012 by Carolyn M. Martin.

    Library of Congress Control Number:       2011963169

    ISBN:         Hardcover                               978-1-4691-4088-9

                       Softcover                                 978-1-4691-4087-2

                       Ebook                                      978-1-4691-4089-6

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    This book was printed in the United States of America.

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    The Golden Book


    The Legend Discovered

    The Dove’s Nest

    The Secret Room

    The Search Begins

    Confessions and Revelations

    Mysterious Presence

    Hidden Treasure

    The Letter

    Questions, Questions!

    Map Quest

    Into the Dark Forest

    The Morning After

    Evidence of… What?

    The Interim

    Beltaro Communiqué

    The Arrival

    Unexpected Discovery

    Contact From Beltaro

    The Home Coming

    Family Reunion

    The Lady Charlotte

    Awakening Of Love

    Love Declared


    Comings and Goings

    Journey to Beltaro

    First Views of Beltaro

    The Families Meet

    Beltaro Sojourn

    The Story of Castle Petranov

    The Beginning of My Castle Visit

    First Day Events and a Surprise

    Exploring and Discovering

    The Welcoming



    Charlotte’s Surprise Visit

    The Roads Leading Home

    The Winter Holidays

    Holiday Surprises

    The Proposals

    The Sealing and Celebration

    Links to the Past

    In the Time that Followed

    Tying Up Loose Ends (Synopsis and Addendum)


    Maulek had barely escaped with his life. This mission that The Elders had passed on to him was extremely important. He must carry it out successfully at all costs. They had wrapped the future of their world tightly within the package he was clutching against his chest as he ran. He had run as fast as he could to reach the safety of his ship hidden in the underbrush at the far edge of the airfield. He knew the enemy had spotted him and were following him.

    Maulek ran a zigzag path through the city streets making many unnecessary turns to throw off those who were chasing him. He hoped he had given his pursuers the slip as he ducked behind a pile of crates. The crates were near an old abandoned building at the airfield. Quickly surveying the surrounding area, he made a mad dash across the open field that lay between him and the safety of his ship.

    Maulek’s breath was coming in deep ragged gasps as he reached the hidden ship. He had no time to stop and catch his breath. Some of his breathlessness was due to the exertion of running. The rest was due to the fear of being caught. Getting caught would lead to a swift death. He did not want to die that day, nor any day soon. Swiftly jerking open the hatch, he jumped in slamming it tightly behind him. He stowed the package in a small metal box, taking the time to lock it securely. When he finally got into his seat, he glanced out the port window. To his horror he saw several heavily armed men running toward him.

    He had no time for the normal flight check. He quickly buckled himself in and threw the engines on. They whined loudly as they strained to reach the maximum thrust he needed to take off. Suddenly the ship lurched forward. The ship hurtled skyward in an awkward arc. He feared he would crash before clearing the trees at the opposite edge of the field. He did brush the tops as he flew off and then upward.

    Only after he was airborne for a few minutes did Maulek realize he had been holding his breath. He blew out the air in his lungs through pursed lips, exclaiming, I made it! I really made it! That was way too close!

    Once he was in deep space he took the time to view the planet beneath him that was now a blue and green ball. So beautiful he murmured aloud. He continued thinking about how sad it was that his beautiful home was now engaged in a world wide war.

    Maulek contacted the Elders and assured them he was safely on his way to hide The Book of Izra. He informed them that the enemy had followed him and he had narrowly escaped. The Elders assured him they would take care of everything, all he needed to do was complete his mission and return when he could.

    Little did Maulek know then it would be a very long time before he would return home. Little did he know too, where he would finally end his journey.

    His trip was uneventful as the ship moved silently through space on a course that had been set into his ship’s guidance system. What he did not realize until it was too late was that a very minute meteor had hit his ship. The meteor was so small that the sensors within the ship had not detected it.

    Maulek found himself so exhausted from his narrow escape that soon after contacting his home world he fell into a long and sound sleep. He awoke several hours later and began preparing himself a meal when he realized the stars outside the windows looked unfamiliar.

    A cold prickling ran up his spine. The fine hairs on the back of his neck stood up. He had the sinking feeling that something was wrong, very wrong. He quickly abandoned his half-made meal and began running a manual check of the ship’s systems. During this comprehensive check he found a problem with the guidance system and try as he might, he could not find exactly what had caused the problem. This unfortunate turn of events frustrated him. He realized he could do nothing right then. He would have to wait until he could land somewhere… wherever that would be was in question at the moment. It would not be until after he landed that he would find the problem and could fix it.

    Realizing he was lost and had no way of knowing where he was he decided to set to work. Again he stared out the windows gazing intently at the unfamiliar star constellations that were spread out before him. He studied them intently for quite some time. He was writing notes and drawing a star map of the constellations that lay before him.

    One system looked a lot like their own star system, with a bright star at its center and several planets orbiting it. Maulek felt this system held more promise than the others. Finally he recognized that there were several large planets within the system ahead. He manually set his ship to travel to the most promising looking one hoping he could reach it before he ran out of air. Maulek had to take the chance, as time and air was running out for him. He set course for one that was a blue-green orb, looking much like Beltaro did from deep space. He hoped the blue-green color meant it held the elements that could sustain life. His life in particular.

    Maulek finished making his meal, cutting his rations in half. He realized he did not know just how long it would take for him to reach a suitable planet, if ever. He took stock of his food stores and water and had a little over a month’s worth of both. If he cut his rations in half he could survive for a little more than two months. They had provisioned his ship with a month’s worth of rations. He was supposedly only going on a short hop to another planet within their own system. No one had even remotely thought that something could go wrong and he would find himself on an extended trip through space.

    Maulek sighed thinking that he may never find a place to land and if so, he would have failed in his mission. Again, he thought about the fact that he could die on this mission. He did not want to die any time soon. He had family on Beltaro, parents and siblings. Maulek also had a lady who he had been planning to be Sealed with during the following the year. Now, he had to face the fact he might never see them again, let alone his home world of Beltaro.

    Maulek had tried to contact Beltaro when he realized he had a problem, but that was not to be. Maulek had lost the ability to be in communication with Beltaro, too. So, he was flying blind and without contact. He had to do the best he could under the circumstances. He would figure it all out, if possible, when he found a place to land. That is, IF he ever found a place to land.

    Maulek realized he had to get busy so he would not dwell on thoughts of home and family. He began mapping the constellations and taking readings from the few instruments that were still in working condition. He knew he would need this mapping if he were ever to try to find his way back to Beltaro. The thought also occurred to him that if they were to ever want to find where the Book of Izra was hidden, the Beltarians would need these directions and maps. So, he had several very good reasons to record in detail all he could about the course to whatever planet lay far ahead. He worked diligently for over an hour recording everything he thought may be useful in the future.

    Little did he know it would be a very long time before anyone would find his records and retrieve the original Book of Izra from its safe hiding place.

    Sighing he finally laid the map and notes aside. He began nibbling the rest of his earlier forgotten meal. He settled into his seat watching the system ahead of him, ever so slowly, getting closer. Maulek shook his head and sighed again at he plight.

    Presently in time and space he had no idea in which direction Beltaro was from his ship. He could only roughly plot a course in a straight line from the direction he was heading, hoping he had not gotten too far off course. He concluded that perhaps Beltaro lay somewhere far behind him and he was right. What he did not know was that it lay very far behind him, and thousands of light years away, too.

    The Golden Book

    Nine-year-old Lynne made her way slowly through the dim, musty smelling attic. Years of haphazardly piled discarded furniture, boxes, and crates covered almost every inch of the attic floor. Thick dust and cobwebs covered just about everything. She batted at the cobwebs and sneezed from the flying dust she stirred up doing so. She was looking for more treasures to furnish her special room. Lynne decided to fix up her Secret Room with forgotten items entombed in the old attic. She had already rescued several old scatter rugs and one large carpet to place on the floor. Lynne did not want anyone in the bedroom below her special place to hear her footsteps when she was playing.

    For the past several weeks she had slowly moved various items she found into her Secret Room. Today she decided to explore the far north corner of the attic. Lynne had not gone there before because it was so dark and scary. However, today she had brought along her father’s old black cold metal flashlight.

    She turned on the flashlight and its beam of light sliced through the gloominess. Carefully Lynne picked her way to the spot she had chosen to explore that day. She just had a feeling she would discover something wonderful and useful in the long abandoned corner.

    Lynne rummaged through several boxes and found a lovely set of antique china wrapped in yellowed newspaper. She decided to take a cup and saucer, and a small plate, for her hot cocoa and cookies. They would surely help her snack taste very elegantly. The china would make a delightful addition to what she already had in her room. Lynne placed them carefully on a box to save for later and moved on to search some more.

    As Lynne walked deeper into the corner, she tripped slightly over a board that was loose and sticking up above the floor level. She played the beam of light downward and discovered that the board was not only sticking up, but looked very loose. She knelt down trying to keep the light on the spot. Lynne could barely see, but soon discovered that the board next to it was loose, too. She began to feel very excited by her find. She wondered what treasure might be hidden under the board. Trying to pull the fist board up it stuck a bit. Lynne strained at the board and suddenly it popped up sending her backward onto her behind with a muffled thump. She giggled and got up brushing the dust off and retrieved the flashlight she had dropped when she tumbled over backward.

    Lynne wished there was more light. It was so dim and gloomy in this corner. She shivered and then shrugged determined not to let it stop her from this discovery. Shining the beam into the darkness under the board, she could barely make out a shape hidden beneath. She gingerly put her hand into the hole and quickly pulled it back with a little shriek. She had touched something furry! Lynne moved quickly back several paces with her heart pounding. Then realizing it had not jumped out at her, she boldly moved toward the hole.

    Again she knelt next to the hole putting her hand in and feeling the shape. It was big and tied with something. Shining the light into the hole she saw it was some kind of package. However, it was too large to fit through the small opening of one board. Lynne pried the other board with her foot and it came easily away. The two boards were not very long but wide enough to allow her now to retrieve the package.

    Carefully she tried pulling the package out, but it was too heavy to life with one hand. Placing the flashlight on a box next to her so she could see what she was doing, she tried again. It was heavy and awkward because of its size. Slowly the package came out of its hiding place. It was a large rectangle wrapped in some kind of animal skins and tied with sinew. It smelled funny, old and musty.

    It was very old. Lynne just knew it was older than most of the items found in the attic. She decided to take it to her Secret Room to examine it closer. The light in the room was much better than this gloomy corner. Her heart was beating fast at her discovery. She struggled to carry it as it was quite heavy. She could not help but wonder what she would find wrapped up in the furry skins.

    In her special room she carefully placed the package on the table. She marveled at the fact that bugs had not eaten it. She could also see that the mice had not chewed on it. Lynne studied it for a few minutes trying to decide if she should tell her parents about this before she tried opening it. However, something deep inside her told her not to show anyone. She was to keep this to herself.

    She was excited as she turned the package over a few times trying to decide how to unwrap it. Then on the backside she found a knot that easily came loose when she tugged on it. Carefully Lynne unwrapped her treasure with trembling hands. She was so excited at what might be hidden inside. She realized she was holding her breath in anticipation of what lay hiding inside. Drawing in a deep breath, she continued unwrapping her discovery.

    Finally, the skins came away revealing a pile of… metal? She was a bit disappointed until examining it closer. It was a metal book of some kind. She discovered writing engraved into the cover. Lynne now was very excited. She realized she had discovered an ancient book of some kind, but wondered why they wrote it on thin metal pages. Still, who would write a book on metal? Where had it come from? How it had gotten into their attic of their house, The Dove’s Nest Book Shop?

    She laid the book aside after turning a few leaves. Lynne could not read a single word. The authors of this unusual book had written it in a language unknown to her. She studied the book as it lay on the table. She wondered if she should tell her parents, but for some reason felt she should not tell them anything about it right now.

    As Lynne stood staring at the book, she became mesmerized and a strange feeling of warmth washed over her. She could almost hear a voice whisper to her, Keep this safe and protect it until I come for it.

    She shuddered and shook her head. Lynne was coming out of what had been a trance from staring at the book. Then Lynne made the most important decision of her young life. Lynne was impressed to keep this book a secret. She would do as the voice had whispered. Carefully she wrapped the book and tied it closed. Looking about her little room, her gaze fell upon the small steamer chest sitting under the Port Hole window. Lynne got the key from a small flower vase where she had hid it. Unlocking the chest Lynne placed the book inside and locked it again.

    Little did Lynne know that she had held her future in her hands. At a point in the future she would learn what the book really was and how it would influence her life. Lynne did not know then that the chest held The Book of Izra and her future life on Beltaro.



    The Legend Discovered

    This will be an account about the Book of Izra from Beltaro. It is a story, pieced together about Beltaro’s existence and a family involved deeply in this mysterious place and its people. Perhaps I should say it is more of an account about how I became involved with this family. It is about how my involvement with this family led to my finally discovering the reality of the existence of Beltaro. It has taken me more than twenty years of meticulous and tedious research to piece together this record. When I first began researching, I had very little to go on except a few sketchy rumors about the existence of this book.

    I first ran across a story in a very old book from the late 1800’s, about a supposedly fictional place called, Beltaro on a planet by the same name. In this account it mentioned a Book of Laws and religious beliefs titled, The Book of Izra. It gave an account of how this world of Beltaro came under attack from a ruthless warlord that had gained power over the whole of the population. They had sent one copy of this Book of Laws off-world with a trusted man to hide the book for retrieval at some future date. It was rumored the book was hidden somewhere on Earth. I found this account to be very interesting. The fact that someone had thought up such an incredible story of this book coming from another planet during the 1800’s seemed farfetched. I wondered if they had conjured up this account because of a certain author and his story of man going to the moon during the same period. For some very strange reason I was drawn to this story. I received permission, to make a photocopy of this story, which I did.

    A few years later I ran across a small item in an old 1920’s newspaper. The article was about the finding of an unusual book in an attic. The article went on to state the book was written in glyphs that no one could interpret. The creators had written it on some kind of very thin metal pages or leafs all held together like we see three ring binders of today. It also stated that several experts that had examined the book declared it a hoax. Only the first several pages were loose so they could read them. The rest of the book was just a mass of some kind of fused metal. Before anyone could really study this book, it came up missing from the university where they had taken it for study. The article also stated that the only discernable writing on the front of the book was something that looked like the word, Beltaro. At least that is what the writer of the article reported and implied. This began to make me even more curious about this so called mythical place of Beltaro. So, I began my search in earnest.

    When I came across the reference to The Book of Izra being on metal plates, I immediately thought it might be related to the Book of Mormon. I researched the Mormon religion to see if their people and the people of Beltaro might be associated in some way. My thorough research revealed that the story of Beltaro dated from a much earlier time. Perhaps further research might uncover they are related, but at this time I feel there is no connection at all.

    Over the years I had accumulated some fifty notebooks full of countless bits of unrelated information. I also had more than seventy tape recordings from my interviews with those claiming to know of the book’s contents. Many had implied they had knowledge of its whereabouts, but could never quite pinpoint the exact place. I found these reports to be questionable, but filed the information in case I needed it in the future. It was frustrating. I had just about given up in trying to piece this mystery together feeling it may be a waste of my time and efforts. I began to think I was chasing after something that did not really exist. That maybe it was some inane myth that someone concocted many years ago just to draw attention to themselves. The story or legend of the Book of Izra was, after all, more than one hundred years old and strangely enough there was no written proof that it really existed. Maybe I was just chasing after nothing. There were several oral stories of questionable sources handed down from one generation to another. Oh yes, and several supposedly journal or diary entries. Yet, being as curious as I am, I set out to learn the truth about all this, IF there really was any truth to it at all.

    After many years of spending my time and resources, the break in this research of mine finally came in the summer of 1999. It came in the most surprising way. It was announced in the newspapers and on every televised media station all over the planet Earth that there had been contact made with us by the planet of Beltaro. What excitement this caused in the country and throughout the world overall. Imagine the implications of contact from another planet, one obviously far advanced than our own. They sent an Ambassador to Earth to establish diplomatic, trade, and cultural exchanges between the two worlds.

    By the time this happened though, I was already aware of Beltaro being a real place. The following events of this story will reveal to the reader how I had learned the truth about Beltaro existing. It will also reveal the truth about the Book of Izra and how it came to Earth. Finally, not only could I confirm that Beltaro existed but, also the Book of Izra. Now I could prove to my friends I was not the nut case they thought I was.

    Unfortunately, as you will later read within this story, this contact with Beltaro did not last. The nation’s leaders raised such controversies over who should lay claim to Beltaro that Beltaro cut off all contact with Earth. Earth’s leaders could do nothing under the circumstances. Earth was literally powerless to do anything about it at all. The advancement of Beltaro’s capabilities of space travel took care of that problem quickly.

    This first contact was not just exciting news for Earth, but also for a single family in particular. As I continue with this account, you will see something remarkable unfold. It is an amazing story of a family and how their family history connects them to The Book of Izra and the world of Beltaro. They had no knowledge of this fact until 1999.

    So, now before I ramble on much more let me tell the story of, The Book of Izra, and about the world of Beltaro. First, I will relate some basic information about Beltaro before I go into the full story of how the Book of Izra was found on planet Earth.

    Not only is there a whole planet named Beltaro, they call their main land mass upon that world Beltaro, too. This is a world populated with sentient beings obviously much more advanced scientifically than Earth, yet they have retained their old traditions and have peace among their diverse ethnic peoples. I do hope to show and tell much more about this fascinating world of Beltaro and its inhabitants. If not here within this account, then perhaps in another report wrote later.

    The Land of Beltaro is on a beautiful and lush blue-green planet, by the same name, at the far fringes of the known universe. They have not even identified it on any star maps that are in existence at this time. Beltaro has just recently been placed on the list of newly discovered worlds but, in reality, it is a very old world. According to the Elders, Beltaro has always existed. There was never a time it was not as they put it. They have never dated their ancient records as to their time of origin because as they insist, Beltaro has always been, is now, always will be.

    I admire their philosophy of this. They are a confident and secure people in their knowledge of where they believe they came from and where they are headed in the future. They acknowledge and believe all that their ancestors have taught them verbally. The inhabitants also hold what they have written upon the Golden Plates to be the truth. A copy of these records was hidden deep within the labyrinths that honeycomb the lower levels of Castle Izra in the capital City of Izra. They made this discovery before the copy of the original Book of Izra was recovered and returned to Beltaro.

    The history of Beltaro and its people can be found recorded on these plates. As I stated before, this book of metal plates was found hidden deep within the caverns that run beneath Castle Izra. Many hidden caverns can be found beneath several other castles that dot the landscape of Beltaro, too.

    This was a rare and wonderful find for the people of Beltaro. Etched upon these plates are the history, traditions, and daily activities of the ancient inhabitants of Beltaro. It has taken many years of study by the Elders in deciphering the markings and the words contained upon these gold plates. Through consistent research of these records, the people of Beltaro now have a more concise history of their past. They also have more knowledge of their lineage before, what they call The Wars Before.

    Not only do these inhabitants of Beltaro have a written history, they also have some fascinating verbal stories. They have passed these stories along from one generation to another. The one thing I did find of most interest to me is their Story Teller’s. They have official Story Teller’s times for those who would like to sit and listen to the Elders relate the stories of The Ancient Ones. They hold these Story Teller’s times in the elegant Main Great Hall of Castle Izra. The stories are quite interesting and everyone is encouraged to hear them at least once in their lifetime. Although, many return, year after year, to hear the fascinating stories of the Old Prophets and the Ancient Ones.

    I have been informed that anyone wishing to hear any of these stories may request a particular time. They call these times A Sitting. During these Festival Times, as they call their many celebrations, The Ancient Book of Remembrances is on display in the Main Hall of Castle Izra. This is an ancient tome, written out on paper containing the history and many stories of the people who once dwelled on Beltaro.

    Citizens and visitors alike are encouraged to sit and listen to these stories. Off-Worlder’s, as visitors are called, are especially encouraged to attend a Sitting. This is encouraged so that foreign visitors are better able to understand and appreciate the way of life of the Beltarians. It is also a way for visitors to more fully enjoy their stay.

    I found all this quite interesting and fascinating. I traveled to Beltaro often since 1999, always as a guest. That is another whole story, how they undertake travel to Beltaro and it is quite exciting. In this story you will also learn why I now live on Beltaro. I will get to that later, toward the end of this book, in another chapter.

    So now, I will start with the first account that is linked to the Book of Izra. The following was taken from a handwritten journal of Eliza MacDonald dated 11 November 1846. The MacDonald family lived several miles inland from Merrimac Bay. As far as I can figure it out, they lived perhaps five to ten miles outside a small town named Highville at that time in history. This small town laid along the only passable road to the south eastern coast of New Jersey.

    Mrs. MacDonald’s entry is as follows: This day was quite bitter and wet. Snow fell most of the day making it impossible to stay out in the elements for very long. Jacob tended the animals with Lyman’s help. I do hope the animals make it through this terrible cold spell we are having. This year they have a barn for shelter. Jacob and Lyman were thoroughly chilled through by the time their chores were accomplished and they returned to the house. I am thankful the house was finished this past summer. I shudder to think of being out in the cold cabin another winter. I made them hot tea to warm them. They brought in wood to last for two days. I taught the younger children their lessons this morning and then gave them chores inside. Tonight there was a bit of excitement. Jacob called me to come look at the night sky. The snow had finally stopped a bit after dark. There in the sky could be seen a very bright light. I did not think it was a star, as it was falling to earth very quickly. We watched until it disappeared behind the trees on the low hills to the west of our home. Jacob seemed to think it was what he had heard called a falling star. It is quite frightening to think of a star falling, suppose it hit the ground or a house or barn. That would be very unfortunate indeed. Maybe tomorrow we may find out what that was in the sky. Now this day is over and the children are all warm in their beds and it is time I retire.

    The MacDonald’s were not the only ones to see this Falling Star that night. It was mentioned in a several other family histories and journals of the people of that area. Many people saw it throughout a very large area on this particular night.

    There was a small report in a local paper, The Gazette dated 15 November 1846. It reads as follows: Heading of the small article, Mysterious Light Brightens Night Sky. The body of the article reads: On Monday night last, at about half past eight of the clock, there was witnessed by many citizens of this surrounding area, a very bright and mysterious light in the eastern sky. It did move quickly across the horizon and disappeared out past the wooded hills of the west of town. There have been several speculations as to what this light may have been. This reporter believes it to have been what the more learned men call a falling star. These are quite harmless, as I have been told they never reach the ground. This is good to know and this account should put to rest any fears the citizens may have as far as rumors have spread that it crashed in the heavily wooded area to the west of town.

    I have many of these short reports, but felt these two were of most value. The one being written by Eliza MacDonald in her own hand was very valuable proof this incident happened. The other was the newspaper account of what the inhabitants saw and reported about the sighting that particular night. I found it strange though, that although very few issues of that paper exist today, that this one just happened to be one of them. As a note here, the date in the news article is off by a few days. I researched and found that 11 November 1846 fell on a Wednesday, not a Monday. Also, the date written on the top of the article is 14 December 1846. This leads me to believe this is the date they saved the article and not the date of the paper in which it appeared. Nevertheless, this is just a minor detail and not important right now.

    Another interesting discovery I made, was that a family by the name of Andrews, has in their possession an original copy of that news article. I now have a photo copy of that article, too. It was found within the pages of their old Zimm Family Bible along with other family information. No one ever questioned anything about the unusual item kept from the original newspaper. Why was that particular item saved and nothing else from any other issues? It is a wonderful piece to find as someone also dated it on the front in ink and on the back it has a small note.

    It reads on the front: 14 December 1846 and on the back this note: "Grandfather gave me this to keep-DEK." It was a mystery to me at the time what the DEK meant although I did feel then, and now know, it was someone’s initials. I now possess a photo copy of this item, too.

    I now add this following account, taken from a verbal recording of a story passed down from one generation to another within the Andrews’ family. Part of it also comes from a written account from the same family. The Andrews’ are descendants from the Kline-Zimm family.

    The hardest part for me was trying to decide where to start this story. Should I start with the account from a journal written by Lynne Andrews from early 1974 to March of 1975? Or should I start with the recorded interview with her mother, Katherine Andrews, in 1998?

    Her daughter, Lynne Andrews, mysteriously disappeared in May of 1975 when she was twenty-six years old. This interview with Mrs. Andrews was recorded before contact was made between Earth and Beltaro in 1999. I find this an extremely interesting story that she related to me. I finally decided to start with the verbal story by Lynne’s mother. For the sake of clarity I have taken literary license and have written it in a more time-sense order. This is the story they have passed down through their family as told to me by Katherine Anne Andrews. I conducted this interview and recorded it over several days, June 12-18, 1998. She also told me about the disappearance of her daughter Lynne in 1975. Now, the story Mrs. Andrews related to me.

    This is more really a story that was passed down through my husband’s family, but we heard the story so many times over the years, who could forget it. It all started way back… I do believe it was during the 1840’s. The genealogy papers we have say that the first Grandpa Zimm, arrived here in the states in 1846. It says he came from Germany, but does not say where in Germany, just Germany. Apparently no one was ever able to find out where and, no one has ever found any record of his arrival by ship. You see, my husband John is a descendant of the original Kline-Zimm family. The Kline’s were here first before the Zimm part of the family. Jacob Kline came here from Germany and that information is found in the genealogy, too. I have all their genealogy. I can show it to you someday so you can see for yourself.

    The story I was told was by my husband’s grandmother years ago. Of course I have heard it from other family members as well over the years. It was told, that particular winter of 1846 was very cold and snowy. They lived inland just some ways from the east coast of Southern New Jersey. It seems they had some really cold and snowy weather near the beginning of November of that year. One night, right after it stopped snowing, everyone saw a falling star. Now it scared everyone really badly because as you know, in those days, they did not know much about space and such. Not like now, we have even been to the moon and back, but you know about that.

    I think somewhere in our family records is a clipping from a newspaper from back then about it. It does not say much, just that it was seen by folks all around the area. That piece of newspaper was found in the old Zimm Family Bible. That must have been something exciting for them, seeing that falling star, I bet they talked about it for a long time after it happened. The most excitement any of them had probably seen for many a day.

    Anyway, where was I? Oh, yes, okay, I remember now. Jacob Wilhiem Kline had a farm back then, actually it was a very big farm from what I have been told. He and his sons worked the farm. The morning after the snow storm, and the night of the falling star, they went out to the barn to feed the cows. When they entered the barn, they found a man half-frozen laying between two of their cows. Well, you know, back in those days, you helped someone in trouble, not like now, you’d call the cops and have him carted off for trespassing. Anyway, they took him into the house where Jacob’s wife, and his oldest daughter Dorthea, helped nurse him back to health over the next few weeks. He must have been robbed or something as he had no warm winter clothes on and no money when they found him. Worst yet, for weeks he could not remember who he was. To top it off, he could not speak a lick of English. Poor fellow.

    "There is a written account, or journal, I guess you would call it, by Jacob’s daughter Dorthea Kline. She kept a diary as many women did back then. That old diary is still within the possession of our family. My daughter Lynne had it in with her own journals. She loved reading about Dorthea’s life. Anyway, in this one entry it says that this strange man, that’s what Dorthea called him, babbled and mumbled in a tongue they could not understand. She said her father thought it might be German. Still, considering that was where he, Jacob, had come from, Germany that is, he did not understand the tongue in which the man was mumbling. It seems he did this for quite some days. Dorthea wrote that he was gravely ill from exposure to the cold. They had no idea how long he had lain in their barn before they had found him that next morning. Jacob and his sons had probably fed the animals right before dark I am guessing. So, if that man wandered in there it must have been after dark sometime. It is a wonder he survived the night at all."

    Well, several weeks passed and this stranger lingered between life and death. The one and only doctor they had for miles around had come to check him out several days after he was found. The doctor said that the man would most likely die of his exposure to the cold. Dorthea was quite upset about this and wrote about that in her diary. She said that her mother had told the doctor that they would see that he did not die. They would take good care of him, and apparently they did just that.

    "They kept their word. About three weeks after they found this poor soul, they still did not know his name or where he had come from. Dorthea wrote in her journal that they just called him, The Stranger. The two women kept taking care of him and nursing him. One entry states that they tried finding out who he was. They asked everyone passing through if they knew of anyone that was missing from nearby towns, but no one seemed to know who he was. One morning, now I only know this from what I read in Dorthea’s diary, mind you. One morning when she and her mother went to feed him, he suddenly opened his eyes and grabbed the spoon and said very loudly, ME!

    "It startled them and they gave a cry of both fright and delight. They were delighted that this man was awake and could speak something other than gibberish. His grabbing at them and his loud unexpected outburst also frightened them. Jacob and their one son came running at the sound. Their abrupt arrival scared the poor fellow so badly he tumbled right out of bed and onto the floor. Much confusion followed as they tried to make this man understand that he was safe and it was okay. Can you imagine THAT scene?"

    It seems while this fellow was ailing, Jacob would sit with him every evening and talk to him and read to him from the Bible. Jacob spoke and read in German and in broken English to this stranger. He told his wife and Dorthea to talk to him too, as they went about caring for him, even if he were not quite all there. He said it would help this fellow know and understand that he was among friends. Jacob was a smart man to think that keeping talking to the poor man might be helpful, even if he were not quite all there. It must have been helpful because soon the man began to show signs of being aware of them.

    It was not long after regaining his senses that they learned his name was Albert Zimm and he did come from Germany. Albert told Jacob at a much later time that he came from nearer the northern border. That their tongue and accent were different from where Jacob came from in the center of Germany. This seemed to make sense to Jacob and they became fast friends being they were from the same country. It took Albert just a very short time to learn to speak understandable English with his strange accent. Jacob welcomed him into their family as it seemed Albert had no one else, no family or friends anywhere.

    Albert could not remember what happened to him and how he came to be in their barn. He told them that he could not remember much of his life except a few snatches here and there of before he arrived in their barn. You know, back then people would take in strangers and give them a home. Albert was very grateful for their taking care of him when he was sick and hurt. He stayed on with them, working on the farm as his way of thanking them.

    As Albert grew stronger, he started helping more on the farm and eventually worked along with Jacob and his sons running the farm. Of course, they were thankful for the extra help. It was hard work keeping a farm of several hundred acres way back then. I read in one diary entry that Jacob considered Albert to be like the brother he never had, and that Albert was a hard worker and a good true friend. Jacob was the only son in his family. I think he had five sisters and all of them had remained in Germany. So, having Albert around must have been good company for Jacob.

    Now, comes the really interesting part taken from Dorthea’s diary. It seems she took a liking to this young fellow right off. Albert was just a few years older than Dorthea, so it was only natural that she was attracted to him I suppose. With few single men then living in that area, she felt she was lucky to have found this fellow. She wrote once that her Papa encouraged her to be civil with him. Now, I have no idea what civil meant. Although I do recall hearing stories about Dorthea being a very headstrong young woman and was always speaking her mind. Back in those days it was frowned upon for a young woman to be so vocal and headstrong. Several accounts in her diary she states that, Papa was furious with me for… and it would say whatever it was she had said or done against her Papa’s wishes. I think she must have been quite a handful to raise.

    Eventually Dorthea and Albert married, but it was almost two years after he showed up on the farm. He must have had a hard time convincing her to marry him. She must have been a character all right. She wrote that he would ask her to marry him and she would simply reply, Maybe one day soon."

    From a few earlier entries in her journal it seems she had her eye on another young fellow from town, a merchant’s son. Although strangely enough, she never wrote his name in her diary, but only mentioned him as Benjamin’s son. She mentioned seeing him at Church and other places socially around town. She either really did not like him all that much or perhaps he did not show interest in her. Whatever it was, shortly after Albert arrived, she quit mentioning the other fellow totally. Dorthea filled her diary with, Albert this and Albert that. Especially after they learned his name. I do believe she really liked Albert from the very beginning, but would not admit it.

    Albert lived with the Kline family all that time before they married and even afterward for a few years from what I understand. Eventually Albert and Dorthea bought a big house out near the edge of town not far from the bay. That old house still belongs to the family today. It is a grand old place, three stories and an attic. A three-story house back then was really something. Most were one story homes and a few two stories, but a three-story house, now that was something special. The house they bought had a widows-walk on top. You know what that is? It was a place where the women watched for their men who were at sea to come home. Most, if not all the men in that small town then were men of the sea. You know, fishermen and such. That had to be something, standing up on top of your house, just watching and waiting for the ships to come in brining your men home safe.

    "I doubt that Dorthea ever had to do that. Albert continued to work the farm with Jacob and his sons. The Kline family eventually started a dairy farm and prospered very well. I do know it became a very large dairy farm over the years. It was the only dairy farm within miles from what I understand. At the beginning they called it Kline’s Dairy and eventually they named it Zimm’s Dairy. It was in business until sometime during the 1950’s."

    I read one short entry in Dorthea’s diary about how well things were for them, that the dairy farm was something on which they could always count. Dorthea took care of the house and the children as was expected of women in those days. She was quite happy being a wife and especially a mother, from what I have read of her diaries. Oh yes, they had five children, one died, a little girl baby shortly after birth, a few days later I think it was. I would have to look in the records to tell you for sure.

    "Anyway, the house they lived in is still there. It is as grand as ever… I have always loved that house. The house is a book store, The Dove’s Nest. They turned it into a book store in the late 1930’s. One member of the family or another has run that book store ever since. My husband and I ran it for many years. Then, Lynne, our daughter, wanted to live there and run the store. She was just twenty when she took the whole thing over, and made a really good go of it, too. That was in the summer of 1969. She always loved that old place even as a child. She turned it into a place where people liked to gather to browse through a book or just sit and chat. The book store was always full of activity while she ran it. It is a very quaint and charming place, I go there as often as I can get out, which isn’t often enough for me. Our grandson, Stephen runs it now. I do not get out too much anymore, just too hard to get myself going sometimes. I have arthritis and getting around is not always easy for me."

    We lived there in that old house for about twelve years I guess. My children were small when we first moved in and it was a great place to raise children. We had the book store downstairs and the kitchen and dining room was downstairs, too. We lived on the top two floors. Lynne just loved that old house. She had a secret hiding place in the attic. Oh, she thought it was secret, but I had found her spot years before and I just let her have her secret place.

    She had a small cozy spot up there. I guess it is about eight by nine feet or so, really a nice size. It is behind the wall to the stairs leading up to the widow’s walk. If you went into the attic, you cannot see it from the stairs if you were just looking into the attic. You have to go up the rest of the way. You have to walk around all the stuff piled up from years of storing things. Then you have to walk to the stairs up to the widow’s walk. Even then, if you did not go any farther around, you would not have known her spot was there. Someone had built a solid wall behind the stairs. I guess they had built it years before, I always remember it being there. Anyway, it makes a small room behind it, quite private and out of sight.

    Lynne used many old items she found stored up there to make herself a very cozy secret spot. It really was nice and cozy, still is, too. When Lynne was a child, she had it furnished with an old overstuffed chair with a multicolored crocheted Afghan thrown on it. There also was a table next to the chair to hold her books, the lamp, her favorite doll, and a few of her other personal items, including her current journal. She had put down three different old carpets, and I think this was so that no one below could hear her walking up there.

    "The best part of the whole room is the window. It is an old octagon-shaped window. I think they call them Porthole Windows. The window glasses are different colors. Now mind you, it is not a stained glass window, just the glass is so old it has changed colors over the years. It can be opened inward and upward, by a rope to a pulley attached to the ceiling. However, Lynne propped it up and kept it open with a narrow board. I think she was afraid the rope would break and did not want to ask anyone to fix it because then they would have discovered her secret room. The rope is still attached to the window. I guess she used it to open it first, and then prop it up. I am sure she must have looked out that open window a lot. The view from up there is just lovely. You can see over most of the roof tops in town to Merrimac Bay and the open waters beyond. Lynne loved the bay and liked to paint pictures of it when she was a little girl. I will take you there sometime and let you see that room. It is filled with her things. I know it’s silly but, I never had the heart to do anything with it, other than leave it the way she left it. I do a bit of cleaning in there from time to time, but otherwise it is the same."

    "Oh, I know I am going on about Lynne, but she is a part of this story, and after all, she WAS my first born child. Anyway, she had fashioned several book shelves from old boards and bricks, of all things. I will NEVER know how she got those bricks up three flights of stairs with no one seeing or hearing her for that matter. Why, there must be about fifty bricks up there that she used to hold her board book shelves! She must have carried them up there one or two at a time. Mind you, and she was only eight years old when she did all this. Lynne was always a bright and resourceful child. That one kept me on my toes all the time, just trying to keep up with her!"

    "Sorry, where was I? Oh yes, Lynne, when she was small. I always respected her privacy. Oh, mind you, I would go check it out now and then, but I was always careful not to disturb anything. I knew how important it was for her to have this private little place. A far as I know when she was younger she never took anyone else into her sanctuary. I have no idea if her brothers and sisters ever knew about it, I have never asked them. If they did know, I often wonder how she kept them from invading her privacy. Knowing Lynne she probably used some unique method of keeping them out. Even now that they DO know about her Secret Room, none of them have admitted to ever knowing about it as they were all growing up in that house. They all loved their older sister very much. All of them feel as I do that we should not disturb the room. So, the room is as she left it when she disappeared."

    She kept all her journals on those shelves up there. They are all still there. Years and years of them. It is a life history really. Her life history. It was quite awhile after she disappeared, maybe several months, I do not really remember, before I went in and found them. I knew she had journals, but did not know how many there were until then. Like I said before, I have never had the heart to take that room apart… everything is as she left it. You know, apparently Lynne still used it as a place to get away from the everyday hustle and bustle of life, up and until the time she disappeared.

    It took me almost two years before I could ever bring myself to really read any of them. I had glanced through a few, after she disappeared, but really reading them was just too painful. But, I found myself one day just getting up enough courage to go up there and begin reading her journals. I sat in that old thread bare red chair and started reading from the very first ones written in her childish scrawl at the age of six. I had no idea she had been keeping written records of things going on in our family and her life. It was just amazing to read them. You must read some of them, too, one of these days. They may be of some use for your story.

    "You know, my daughter Lynne just kind of… disappeared, in May of 1975. It was such a terrible time for all of us. She seemed to have just vanished off the face of the Earth. Oh, the authorities, said that she was probably… killed… murdered. Still, I have never thought that. I do not know why, but I really FEEL she is still alive somewhere. Mothers have that instinct I think… we just instinctively KNOW things about our children."

    "The police went through that old house inch by inch after she vanished. They could not find any sign of foul play as they put it, can you imagine calling it foul play? Anyway, they did not find anything of value missing. However, after looking around through the house a few days later, her sister Mellie and I did notice that several of her personal things were missing. Now, it seems to me if she were taken away by force, or was killed, like they kept insisting, why on Earth would she take personal items? That just does not make any sense to me. We told the police and do you know what they said? They told us that her abductor probably took some items just to throw everyone off. Imagine! Anyway, the police were not much help. We had to wait twenty-four hours before they would list her as officially missing. That was very frustrating for all of us."

    "My husband, John, had better luck with discovering what may have happened to her than the police did. We have always been a very close family. Our children could always come to us and tell us anything at all or ask us for advice about things. John told me this, and later he told the police, but they just dismissed it. He told me that two weeks before she disappeared, Lynne

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