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Our Perilous Journey
Our Perilous Journey
Our Perilous Journey
Ebook176 pages2 hours

Our Perilous Journey

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This book is about the great danger America is facing and we the people, are totally ignorant as to how or why. America has become a Godless society. Our religious hostility toward God and traditional religion is so prevalent that even Satan must feel embarrassed. We have become a demonic monster to the world as they see our hypocrisy in action. Our leaders speak with a hollow voice. We elect leaders where character, morals, and ethical values mean nothing. As God gives us over to a reprobate mind (Romans 1: 28) we see that we fully qualify in all of the wickedness mentioned in Romans 1: 18-32. We have now as a nation surpassed wickedness in Noahs day and Sodom and Gomorrah. A very small portion of Born Again Christians is the only GLUE that is holding America together. God refused to let me say no, I do not want to write a book of any kind. I am an eighty two year old man who has gone through life with a severe hearing loss totally unprepared in the literary challenge of book writing. All I can say to the reader is, Here it is straight from Gods Holy Spirit, take it or leave it.

PublisherXlibris US
Release dateJan 19, 2012
Our Perilous Journey

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    Our Perilous Journey - Real McCoy


    As you read this book, some may say the writer is preoccupied with sex. This is true, due to the strong message that I have received from God, the Holy Spirit. We truly live in THE NEW SEX AGE. A wave of promiscuity has captivated our society, and we can be assured that our Creator is not pleased. No other event in a nation’s practices will bring down a nation’s prominence as quickly as moral decay. Sadly, once a society accepts the universal approval by its people in allowing the Devil Disciples to set the tone in what God intended to be sacred and holy, there is no reversal of the downward spiral of a nation and its people. The handwriting is on the wall, but few have the vision to see the wrath of God developing.

    1st Peter 5:8 Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith because you know that your brothers through out the world are undergoing the same kind of sufferings.

    The writer of this book is well aware of the diversified opinion among people. While some may say a Christian book should not be so specific on sexual subjects – I defend every word in the book by what is written under the guidance of the Holy Spirit of Almighty God. It is I who will stand before God, and be judged as to whether as it was He, the Holy Spirit, who instructed me in what to write. My prayers to Him were continuous as I sought His Counsel.



    Copyright © 2012 by Real McCoy.

    Library of Congress Control Number:                          2012900674

    ISBN:                    Hardcover                             978-1-4691-5203-5

                                  Softcover                              978-1-4691-5202-8

                                  Ebook                                   978-1-4691-5204-2

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted

    in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system,

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    Chapter1: Our Perilous Journey

    Chapter 2: Human Beings

    Chapter 3: The Reason For This Book

    Chapter 4: Understanding The Seemingly Contradictory Statements Of Jesus

    Chapter 5: The Incomparable Christ

    Chapter 6: More About God=Jesus

    Chapter 7: The Cults

    Chapter 8: Satan And Demons

    Chapter 9: Demons And Mental Illness

    Chapter 10: Thought Patterns

    Chapter 11: Our Emotions

    Chapter 12: Women And The Downfall Of Freedom’s Deception

    Chapter 13: The Human Brain

    And Pornography

    Chapter 14: Pornography

    Chapter 15: Crime, Law, And Order

    Chapter 16: Our Criminal Justice System

    Chapter 17: Common Sense Laws

    Chapter 18: Our Place Of Worship

    Chapter 19: The Jew

    Chapter 20: Prophecy

    Chapter 21: Evolution And The Holy Bible

    Chapter 22: Fallen America

    Chapter 23: A Letter To Muslims


    Our perilous journey through this life is, indeed, a very short one. Each one of us has a onetime journey through life, in a very wicked world, and its duration is extremely short. This is especially true for young children who are being kidnapped, raped, and murdered. Many babies are being butchered by abortion, even before they get a taste of life. One reported method is to puncture their skull and suck their brains out while the baby is still very much alive. The public, of course, is not allowed to see the actual procedure because it is so inhumane and bloody. Our sick society relies on a segment of society, who is anti-God, which is in reality, none other than Jesus Christ Himself.

    The Planned Parenthood Organization has recently been under attack, and their proposed defunding by the Federal Government is pending. It appears that abortions performed on young girls without parents being informed and proper administration of records being carried out warrant Government action. Pornographic web sites are filled with young girls, many probably made pregnant, being used for the entertainment of men, which produces millions of pedophiles. Many of these young children are nothing more than victims of a Supreme Court that makes it possible for America to become the Devil’s playground. Shame on America!

    Our lives are being driven by the steering wheel of our mind, and make no mistake about it, demonic spirits of the devil are what we all, as human beings, wrestle with every day. Our decision-making process is not only constantly affecting our lives and having an impact in guiding our way through life, but is also having an input on other lives as well. Unfortunately, there are many pitfalls, and we all make many mistakes. Each one of us does not know from one day to the next, whether we will be living in the next hour. Life’s killing machine is like a factory turning out corpses, and it is swift and sudden. When death occurs, we hope it will be swift and short. The stress of life leads many to take their own lives, but this is like jumping out of the frying pan into the fire. Our frail human emotions are subject to many traumas, and we constantly must fight many obstacles to keep our sanity.

    Many seek relief from stress and use drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, sex, and paint thinners or any other mind—body destroying medium that the devil puts in our head. The human lie is at the top of the list in human endeavors trying to navigate through this world of habitual liars. One liar is bad enough, but when you have two liars communicating, reasoning and better judgment are shelved as unessential and are put on hold till another, more convenient day. Our hearts become like stones and hopes of recovery are minimal. Our souls become members of a progressive secular society, and we are marked by the angels in heaven as spiritually blind, incurable, and totally unacceptable by God Almighty.

    Then God turns us over to the world of demons that work their way through society like maggots eating away at the very core of decency, morals, integrity, honesty, truthfulness, etc. Our names were never written in the Book of Life described in Revelation, simply because we were hoodooed by the satanic diabolical army of demonic spirits, both mortal and immortal. Satan certainly does not want us to believe that he is an entity, a real live spirit, and he has fooled many. In spite of all the incriminating evidence that we see daily of the horrendous, horrible evil that Satan successfully plants in men’s minds, some still say, Why did that person commit such a horrible crime? Indeed, many minds are blinded to the evil forces that dwell inside the human soul.

    The advice of a Holy God to put on the whole armor of God, Ephesians 6:10-18, in His Word, and to take your stand against the devil’s schemes goes unheeded by most of the zombies of this world who march to the drum beat of the devil. We are like naked soldiers without weapons because we are ignorant and deaf to anything God has said. Our faith lies in shambles and our undernourished souls wait for death. Sad, sad, indeed as we see hordes and hordes of unprepared humanity waiting to hear their eternal destiny proclaimed by a totally righteous God, forever alienated from the God of Heaven, never to see Him again, after their judgment has been pronounced.

    What a horrible thought to know that each one of us is only a heartbeat away from it all happening. God sums it all up with a simple statement: The fool has said in his heart there is no God. Few of us would admit that we do not believe in much, if anything, that God has told us in the Holy Bible. Instead we play religion, but God is not fooled by our halfhearted attempt to straddle the fence in our watered-down faith.

    We do not know what is taking place beyond the scene as God is processing generations of humans who have crossed the great chasm, sometimes referred to as the Great Gulf Fix. We know that Elijah was whisked off to heaven in a whirlwind (2 Kings 2:11-12) without facing death. At the Transfiguration in chapter 17 in the book of Matthew, Moses and Elijah are seen talking to Jesus by Peter, James, and John. The latter three are terrified at seeing these two supposedly deceased men talking with Jesus.

    However, Jesus told the three not to be afraid. We also know that the rich man, who had long left this world and was in hell, was talking to Abraham across a great chasm that separated them and the rich man was pleading for a drop of water for his parched, dry tongue (Luke 16:19.) We have been taught by those of us that were brought up in the church that God is love, love, and love.

    This is very true for those who show respect to God, but the truth is, God has one heck of a temper. The Bible that I read shows me time and time again that God does not fool around with those who thumb their nose at him. In fact, he has turned demons against more than one person. Read in 1 Kings 22:19-23 how God brings Evil into the lives of those who spit in His face and in 2 Kings 19:7 as to how God puts a demonic spirit in him so that he shall hear a rumor and leads him to fall by the sword in his own land. Read in Amos 3:6 how God sends calamities.

    God has simply become so mad, He has taken many lives. God has become so disgusted that he tells us He has caused a person to believe a lie. In fact, Jesus who is God Almighty lost His temper and overturned the money changers’ tables in the Temple (the house of God). Every one of us is on probation, waiting for God to see what really lies in our heads.

    So we say, I am not afraid of God. I will not take the time to examine what lies in my head and discover numbers of demons who rule my spirit. Good luck to you—the swiftness with which we will find ourselves in standing before God, trembling with fear, with sweat pouring from our brow, will be the FINAL analysis of our new home that is forever and forever. As I write this, I still cannot understand why God simply would not let me say, No, I don’t want to write this book. Believe me when I say my interest in life has never been in writing any kind of book.

    The Holy Spirit that lives inside my head has been very demanding. Sometimes I have been awakened in the middle of the night with the Holy Spirit telling me to go to the computer. I have been much afraid that I would write something that the devil was telling me to write, so I have prayed constantly that God would intervene and keep this from happening. Peace has overshadowed my soul, so all I can say is Reader, here it is. Take it or leave it.

    The rich man is not waiting for a prophecy to take place. He is already in hell. This proves that generations before have already been processed and assigned by God to their destiny. Other later generations in which we live, await the Great White Throne Judgment. Generally, we think of the dead being asleep, with Christians waiting for the sound of the trumpet that will raise those who sleep in the grave to be caught up to meet the Lord in the air. Unsaved dead spirits go to Hades awaiting their destiny. The Bible tells us concerning Christians: To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord. Most call this event described in 1st Thessalonians, the Rapture of God’s people from this planet and hope that it takes place before all hell breaks loose during the Tribulation Period described in the Bible. The Rapture is found in the Bible in 1st Thessalonians 4: 13-18. This event in time is when Born Again Christians, both dead and alive, will rise (caught up) to meet the Lord in the air, and be taken home to heaven, until we return with Christ to earth at the second coming. The Second Coming of Jesus Christ to earth is a separate event that takes place after the Rapture of God’s Church of Born Again Christians happens. The second coming is described in Matthew 24: 30-32. This event is also found in other scriptures in the Bible describing God coming in power and great glory when every eye will see him appearing in the clouds of Heaven. This is when Jesus returns with Christians to set up His Kingdom in Jerusalem with his Saints to rule the world for one thousand years." The theology described by me in this chapter is not always accepted, and is controversial among many God fearing people. I can only say, I am of the evangelical faith, and this is what the Holy Spirit tell me is true. Satan loves to confuse our minds and often does so by twisting scripture.

    Undoubtedly, God is not twiddling His thumbs as these latter generations wait for Act Two of the play of life to begin. As we, who are living, mark off one more day of life each day, our brief journey through life will soon be over. Not one of us will escape death, unless we are one of the few who have been washed by the Blood of the Lamb and are caught up at the Rapture of God’s Church. As we look around us and survey the extreme wickedness of our generation, our awareness of this perilous journey that we are in will soon end, and this fact should shake our souls into coherence. Instead we witness literally millions ignoring the Word of Almighty God. I, personally, feel like screaming stop to the countless multitudes of absolutely beautiful women who are selling out their souls to Satan in pornography.

    Surely, the world has always had women of the night, but now it is the girl down the street who turns her body into a piece of meat to entice the male. Men are not guiltless, but they are helpless victims of their biology, and those who are

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